This is my synopsis of Oahspe, which is a channeled work that was automatically written by the channel, Dr. John Newbrough, in 1881. This 800+ page book is hard to describe; it covers the creation of the universe, Earth, and mankind; the inner workings of the unseen world (spirit world); 72,000 years of religious history covering the many attempts, through many messengers, to inspire the spiritual evolution of humanity; and an inconceivable array of other esoteric topics.

Part 1 provides a high-level overview of what you are about to get yourself into… My intention for this synopsis is to make this enormous body of work more accessible and digestible. Although this channeled work has been mis-used and misunderstood, it would be a crime against humanity to dismiss it. This synopsis allows you to either take advantage of me reading this 800+ book so you don't have to; OR you can use this synopsis like a prep course[...]
Part 2 explains Jehovih the Creator, how new worlds are created, the creation of man, and how the unseen rules over the seen with the first example being angels (spirits) sent to Earth 78,000 years ago to “raise man upright, and teach him to understand”. These early angels happened to visit Earth during a geological time that allowed them to inhabit physical bodies and walk along-side early man, which resulted in a ‘snafu’ that changed everything and kicked off a new ‘system and order’ […]
After the angels pro-created with the Asu (Adamic people) and became bound to Earth to raise up their offspring within a new ‘system and order’, Part 3 explains how the ‘system and order’ is/was the underlying mechanism for Earth being a ‘harvester of souls’ planet. Much of part 3 is a segue into what it means to be a ‘harvester of souls’ planet because it provides context for events to come […]
This part summarizes the first 48,000 years of Oahspe’s religious history, which begins with the angel/Asu hybrid race of I’hin, the origins of mass, circumcision, the Cain and Abel story, and the first language and writings. Later, periods of darkness and wandering spirits changed everything and led to the great flood (Noah’s ark), which was really the sinking of a continent […]
This post is about the time after the great flood about 24,000 years ago. The ships of surviving I’hin were sent to the 5 divisions of Earth. Volunteer spirits rebuilt the Earth’s heavens and raised up enlightened barbarians. Special measures were taken to ensure that people all over the world would know about the great flood as testimony that a higher race existed before the flood. The 7 deadly sins were introduced and it was the beginning of false gods and lords […]
This post begins the coverage of 3 cycles ruled by 3 well-known Gods, Apollo, Thor, and Osiris, with whom were each tasked to achieve very different objectives. This post also includes additional information about the I’hin – how they were not a perfect race. Instead, they had constant presence of angels and lived separately only to be an example for the world’s people, not because they were superior to others. Then Apollo’s reign is covered where he was tasked to “beautify the inhabitants of earth” […]
This post continues the coverage of the 3 well-known Gods, Apollo, Thor, and Osiris, that were each tasked with 3 very different objectives. Thor’s reign is covered including his deliverance of Earth, the first harvest in a long time, the first sacred texts to bring spirituality to the masses, and the historically significant lost tribes […]
This post covers the third well-known God, Osiris, with whom was tasked to flip mankind from extreme dependence on spirit to the opposite, which was corporeal knowledge of the sun, moon, and the stars. While the non-spiritual, unlearned people were finally taught about Jehovih the Creator, the learned people got so carried away with science, they forgot about the Creator. Also covered are significant events of India and the new nation of Persia […]
This post is about how the first great prophet, Zarathustra, brought spiritual knowledge back to Earth and established the first organized religion in Persia, China, India, and Arabia. His birth, life, death, and resurrection were riddled with signs and miracles to provide ‘proof’ of the power of the unseen to the especially disbelieving population of the times […]
This post covers additional topics of significance from the remainder of Fragapatti’s cycle after Zarathustra established the first organized religion. It covers how the land and heavens of America have always been treated differently in preparation for the Age of Kosmon. The first major false God is also covered […]
This post covers the beginning of the cycle that spanned 4000-1000 BCE when humanity reached a level of maturity where 4 prophets would provide living examples of the Creator that no man could misunderstand. These 4 prophets would continue the same teachings that Zarathustra introduced to the world in the previous cycle. Abraham will be covered first, then Po, Brahma and Eawahtah […]
This post continues the coverage of the 3,000-year cycle, from about 4000-1000 BCE, where 4 prophets continued the teachings of Zarathustra in Arabia, China, India, and America. This post covers the second and third prophets of this cycle, Po of China and Brahma of India, which lived at the same time as Abraham of the last post and Eawahtah of the next post […]
This post completes the coverage of Cpenta-armij’s cycle (4000 to 1000 BCE) with Oahspe’s account of the 4th prophet of this cycle, Eawahtah of America, the birth of the Native Americans (Indians), and Eawahtah’s 40 nations, which was the model for the United States we know today […]
This is Part 1 of the “reign of false Gods”, which was a 2,400-year period between Abraham (4000 BCE) and Moses (1400 BCE). The Gods and Lords of Earth’s atmospheric heavens had become “conceited in their power” and therefore “left to run with a loose reign” so they could learn from experience. This resulted in many false Gods with whom used mortals to glorify themselves and many of their actions, including the re-writing of the creation stories, laid the groundwork for most of the “religions” that still exist today [...]
Part 2 of the “reign of false Gods” covers how a false God used an Egyptian King to make Egypt the greatest civilization the world had ever seen. Egyptians excelled with the construction of the Great Pyramid, the development of mathematical prophecy, and advanced adeptism. Finally, the reign of false Gods ends with their foretold self-demise, which frees mortals and spirits from their physical and spiritual bondage – just in time for the raising up of the next 3 great prophets: Moses, Chine (China), and Capiyla (India) [...]
After the 2,400-year reign of false Gods, the primary objective of the next cycle was not to teach new doctrines like the prophets of the past, but to "rescue My people from bondage, and restore equal rights unto the inhabitants of earth”. Due to the manipulation of the false Gods, Faithists were scattered all over, they no longer lived within their rab’bah-led communities, and laws of persecution suppressed every aspect of their lives reducing them to lives of servitude. The plan for the next 3 prophets was to find ways to first work around existing laws that severely restricted the Faithists, gather them together again in colonies, and then find a way to undo the laws for good. This part covers Capilya of India and Chine of China [...]
This part covers the third prophet of the cycle of 1400 BCE, Moses, who was raised up in Egypt to free the Faithists of the Middle East. He was born to spiritually gifted parents so that he could hear the true angels of Jehovih, but like Capilya, Moses was adopted into a royal family, so that he also had access to learning and power. Egyptians at the time were "victims of evil spirits" and the Faithists of Egypt, which were called Israelites, were becoming afflicted in the same ways, so the only way forward was for Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt: "Change not thy laws, O king; let Egupt have her way; and let the Israelites have their way also" [...]
This part covers the beginning of the cycle that started around 650 BCE. The new God of Earth, Eskra, prepares for Earth to enter a 400-year region of darkness. He restructures the Earth's lower heavens, takes inventory of mortals, wandering spirits, Faithists, etc., and even prepares for the end of the I'hin race on Earth. Moses is brought back to Earth's heavens to deliver the former Egyptian pharaoh, Nu-ghan, so he can work to raise up the same Israelites that he once persecuted, which establishes the Essenes, the forefathers of the future prophet Joshu (Jesus). Part 1 also covers the formation of the "Confederacy of the Holy Ghost" (aka Trinity), which will eventually bring the religions of Christianity and Islam to the world [...]
Part 2 of the cycle of 650 BCE covers 2 out of the 3 prophets of this cycle: Sakaya of India (aka Buddha) and Ka'yu of China (aka Confucius). The prophet, Sakaya, was born in India to re-establish the doctrines of Capilya, India's previous prophet of 1,000 years prior. He was born a prince, inspired to practice Brahminism and asceticism so that he could eventually denounce, and then traveled and taught inhabitants of India the middle way, which he was able to exemplify by sharing his personal trial and error. Ka'yu of China never even knew he was divinely guided. Like Sakaya, it was not intended for Ka’yu to teach new doctrines. Instead, he and a team of 72 disciples combed through 18,000 “books of the ancients”, extracted “all that is good in the whole of them”, and created 10 new “Books of Great Learning”, which became “The Standard” for the empire of China, along with 10 books of “The Lesser Scholarship” and other works [...]
Part 3 of the cycle of 650 BCE: After the prophets Sakaya of India and Ka’yu of China, the 3 Triunes of the Trinity of the Holy Ghost rose up 39 mortal Saviors of their own; then Kabalactes of India became false Budha, Ennochissa of China became false Brahma, and of course Looeamong of the Middle East followed suit and became false Lord, the God of Israel. Finally, this cycle's prophet of the Middle East was born, Joshu (aka Jesus), and he re-established Faithist doctrines, rites, and ceremonies; then he died at the hands of "apostate Jews" and the Romans; and then ascended to the higher heavens with Moses. Looeamong then had his way with the Middle East; he falsely established himself as Kriste (not yet related to Jesus Christ); began working through the mortal emperor Constantine; and his chief warrior angel, Thoth, finally defeated Baal. Lastly, Looeamong worked through Constantine and the Council of Nice to take the "best" from all the religious doctrines of the world to create a single doctrine for a single religion, HIS religion of course. Then, for the name of God in their doctrine, they chose Kriste, and for the name of God's mortal representative down on Earth, they chose Iesu (which eventually evolved into Jesus) [...]
Part 4 of the cycle of 650 BCE: After Looeamong's chief warrior angel, Gabriel (formerly Thoth), firmly established Christianity for him, Looeamong (false Kriste) betrayed Gabriel by refusing to give him his own heavenly kingdom as promised. Gabriel left Looeamong, built his own heavenly kingdom, selected a mortal prophet, Mohammed, and established himself as the 4th false God, "Gabriel, God of the Heaven and Earth", the God of the Mohammedans. Gabriel, through Mohammed, established what is Islam today and also taught his followers about his former boss, the false God/Kriste, with his perverse Constantine bible, and inspired his followers to do whatever it took to circumvent Kriste'yan idolatry from coming into Arabia and the surrounding regions that were given to them through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and Moses. The 4 false Gods then divided up the heavens and earthly regions of India, China, Europe, and the Middle East [...]
This last part covers the last 400 years of the Age of Seffas, between 1450-1850, and the first 5 decades of the Age of Kosmon (up until 1896). In the 1400s, Columbus and fellow travelers were raised up and inspired to discover the Americas for the people of the East. In the 1500-1600s, there was the Protestant Reformation and Age of Enlightenment in Europe and the inquisitions, Pilgrims, and Quakers in America. In the 1700s, the founding fathers were raised up, Thomas Paine inspired America's early democracy, and the true God, Eskra, helped colonists win independence for America while the former officers of the false Kriste, Looeamong, established different sects of Christianity. Finally, in the first few decades of the Age of Kosmon, the Civil War occurred to abolish slavery and mankind experienced both a scientific and spiritual revolution simultaneously [...]