In terms of astronomy, the Earth and the solar system traveled “along the road of Vorkum” and was 400 years away from the next 3,000-year cycle located in the regions of space/time known as “Huamat” and “Balis”. The Orian Chief of these regions, Es, called on the leaders of 7 different kingdoms to make the necessary arrangements to send 10 million etherean volunteers ‘back’ to Earth to help with the transition to the Age of Kosmon.

Litabakathrava volunteered to transport the volunteers: An Orian Chief by the name of Litabakathrava happened to be piloting a 10,000-year cruise to “different worlds” for 50 million “traveling visitors” on a ship that could “carry a thousand millions”, so he volunteered to transport the 10 million etherean volunteers to Earth along the way.
A Chief named Che Sin sent an arrow-ship of 10,000 messengers “back along the roadway the Earth had already traveled for thousands of years” to proclaim that another corporeal world was “near the time of kosmon.”
Two Goddesses known as Atavia and Hi’ata were the first ethereans to volunteer. They were on Earth 24,000 years earlier when the “side of the earth was crushed” as it traveled through the “Arc of Noe” (referring to the sinking of Pan and the Great Flood). They said, “O, it is a glorious world. I will be one, a volunteer, to go thither, for the four hundreds years.” After they volunteered, “the names enrolled like sparks of fire flashing in the firmament.”
Come, O ye Gods and Goddesses; come with me down to the red star; the earth is near the arc of kosmon, era of kosmon. Come and think for mortals; inspire them with holier thoughts; make them comprehend the light of Jehovih.
Ethereans reflected on the state of Earth’s mortals and angels: As 10 million volunteers assembled, they reflected on the state of the “rising red star, the little traveling earth.” Although they considered it a “glorious world”, some wondered how the “earth, in all the time of her being, had only sent a few hundred thousand million angels into the etherean heavens” (which means that only a few hundred thousand million human souls had graduated Earth and were harvested/ascended beyond Earth’s atmospheric heavens). When they “surmised the lowness of her grades”, some concluded that Earth’s mortals were still groping in darkness because they could not “read the unseen heavens” and had therefore never been nor heard of the “fruitful gardens of etherea.” Nevertheless, the plan was that in 400 years, “the Father’s kingdom is to be founded on the red star”; “Mortals on earth are to be illumined and, like Gods, made to comprehend the glorious plans of the heavens of the Almighty.”
Ethereans measured the grade and standing of Earth’s inhabitants: After the ethereans aboard Litabakathrava’s ship departed and traveled for 5 days and 5 nights, the ship stopped at Chinvat, “the bridge of the boundary of the earth’s vortex”, to “survey the earth and her unruly heavens, where the four false Gods proclaimed themselves monarchs of the universe!” In one day, they “measured the grade and standing of the earth’s mortals and angels” and then descended to Eskra’s heavenly kingdom known as Paradise. After “due ceremonies”, Eskra declared 3 days of recreation to celebrate (1) the arrival of the ethereans, (2) the end of hundreds of years of a’ji (darkness), and (3) the success of Columbus.
Litabakathrava warned about the 4 dark corners: Litabakathrava encourages Eskra that in the coming Age of Kosmon, “Jehovih shall triumph on earth… Men and angels shall be free, and none shall make them afraid”; however, “O God, be not puffed up with the hope of sudden success.” Litabakathrava had seen many corporeal worlds arrive at the kosmon era and it is “like a new birth, brought forth in pain, and with much labor.”
Litabakathrava added that with several generations of mortals still to be born before kosmon begins, in that time, the “four dark corners of the lodge will bound upon thee, to destroy the work of thy hand and of Jehovih’s.”
They will incite mortals and angels to all manner of evil for sake of thwarting Jehovih’s Person and proceedings… they will even yet assume that they themselves are Jehovih, the veritable Creator…
The Four dark corners: The “Fete”, which is one of the 288 signs, emblems, and symbols given to mankind, also represents the 4 dark corners. There is light in the center representing “man seeing clearly, but the four dark corners of the world (ignorance, lust, selfishness, and anger) beset him on all sides.”

Jehovih spoke through Litabakathrava: After Litabakathrava stopped speaking and sat down, a “great shining light gathered above his head and the Voice spoke out of the light to reiterate that although in the early days, “man remained on certain continents and places”, now man shall go abroad into all countries; the Earth is supposed to provide sustenance and support for all of mankind, one part of Earth is not supposed to be for just for one man, one nation, or one people.

The Voice continued that eventually, one nation will no longer judge another and consider its people heathens or pagans; instead, all the various tribes, races, colors, and sizes of people across all nations will treat one another as brothers and sisters. All will profit by one another’s wisdom and “bring forth a new race with all the glories selected from the whole.”
Lastly, the Voice said that although in the early days man was bound by the doctrines and ancient books from this God, that God, this Savior, or that Savior, now, (1) mankind will receive inspiration directly from the unseen Gods and heavens “for his own good, and for his own wisdom.” (2) “Gods shall minister unto all nations and peoples” to “bring them together in peace and harmony”, “persuade them to put away war and the glory of destruction, to make nations and peoples acceptable to one another.” After the “Voice of the Light” ceased, it was time for Litabakathrava’s ship to depart.