Events of the 1700s, Holy Eleven cast out the 4 false Gods

Eskra planned to cut false Gods off from supplies so their spirits will cast them into hell: Eskra prepared a plan to enable the spirits in the 4 false Gods’ heavenly kingdoms to cast the 4 false Gods into hell. Eskra would soon “cut them off and their supplies off from the earth.” When the the 300 million spirits across their 4 heavens, who were put to untimely deaths to establish the false Gods, run out of supplies, they will “congregate for vengeance sake” and “will cast their Gods in hell.” In preparation for this plan, Eskra sent the 4 etherean earthly divisions to establish a guard between the 4 false Gods’ heavenly kingdoms and the surface of the Earth.

Eskra made plans to collect the 20,000 million drujas of the false Gods’ kingdoms: god had been preparing 11 kingdoms for more than 2,000 years that was then opened up and established with roadways to the kingdoms of the 4 false gods. the time was near at hand when god would cast them out and remove them and their kingdoms away from earth forever. the 7 would try to prevent a revolt by providing places and vessels for the removal of their more than 20,000 million drujas. god appointed 12 of the etherean gods and goddesses as a Severing Host. allotted to them 6,000 million angels. when the time came, they would take their hosts and cut off all the earth supplies on which the 4 false gods and their kings subsist on. and they will fall in anarchy and ruin, their drujas will be liberated, and the drujas will fall upon their god’s kingdoms and despoil them and cast false gods into hell (anarchy). only the holy council and the gods and goddesses knew. lines of light were maintained between these officers and the throne in paradise to concert of action would manifest all around the earth.