
Numerology includes 9-year cycles and for each year within that cycle, there will be different lessons to be learned, options to be weighed, and moments to be seized. Your Personal year reveals the theme of the life cycle you’re in, the rhythms of your life, unlocks important mysteries about your life path, and is like having your own crystal ball.

Your Personal Year is calculated by combining your Attitude Number with the Universal Year.

2023Sonya’s Personal Year is 8, the year of Achievement, Authority, & Money
The Personal Year 8 is all about the revolving door of money. Anything is possible this year – you could win the lottery or declare bankruptcy. Authority figures, good or bad, are in the front row of your life right now. This is a great year to get promoted or start your own business.
Many rewards are realized in Year 8. These are a direct reflection of the efforts you put in during years 1 through 8. Material gains, success, financial security, and status are all on the table. A word of caution – 8 is the number of complete and total reversals, so it’s easy to find yourself going from high to low, attainment balanced to your previous efforts.
If you’ve thought about it, take action now. In Year 9 it will be too late to start new endeavors. This is your last chance to go for it before your 1 Year.
Be cautious of making things more complicated than they need to be. Balance and authenticity are where your magic will be found.
2024Sonya’s Personal Year will be 9, the year of Completion and Release
2024 will be the year to complete things and let go of what no longer serves you. You’ve reached the end of your 9-year cycle and are primed to receive the rewards from all your growth and hard work.
If you try to start things during a 9 year, like relationships or a new job, they likely won’t stick.
Your courage and strength will be tested. Toxic relationships will fall away, and lingering problems can find resolution. This is the time to get closure and heal.
Forgiveness is important now. Release the past to make room for your future. You don’t want resentment living rent-free when you have an exciting new tenant in the prospects of your next Year 1. Clear some space to dream big and make plans.