
The section, Birthday Number, provides more information about this number, which reveals both a special talent and a lesson.

Your Birthday Number is 4
Who you are: You are practical, reliable, hardworking, honest, and fair.
Your special gifts and talents: Your are organized and prompt. You like to have a plan and always want to know what to expect.
Your lesson: Your lesson is to learn to release control. The 13/4 Karmic Debt will encourage you to contend with procrastination.

Your Birthday Number is also a Karmic Debt number, 13/4. The lessons contained in this number carry forward from laziness in a past lifetime. You now need to learn the lessons of hard work, discipline, and overcoming procrastination. Once you prove to the Universe that you are capable of completing something you start, the Universe will stop testing you, and life will become easier. Your hard work and follow-through will be greatly rewarded.

Virtually everyone’s chart has karma in it whether it be in the Birthday Number or one of the other numbers. Karma is in the form of either Karmic Debt or Karmic Lessons. Karmic Debt is based on decisions made in a previous life.