This ritual calls in the Archangels to create a “protective cube of space” around you. Charlie Goodman taught it to Sonia Choquette of “Ask Your Guides”. You can use this ritual daily to surround yourself with Archangels in all 6 directions creating an invincible energetic field of loving protection around you – to keep you safe and on your soul’s path as you move throughout your days.
3 cleansing breaths: Breathe in deeply and slowly. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth to calm your thinking. Exhale fully and intentionally, releasing all energy you are holding onto in your physical, emotional, and mental body – as if you’re emptying the trash. Repeat 3 times.
Take in another deep breath and then exhale with a loud sigh as if the breath is going down a slide that ends at your heart, the seat of your soul.
Chant in Raphael (Ra-pha-el…)
Envision the Archangel of air and the mental plane, vibrating at the color electric green.
Ask him to stand to your right and sweep through your energy field in all 6 directions: right to left, front to back, above and below.
Ask him to clear you of all unwanted energy and leave you entirely lucid as you begin your day.
Chant in Michael (Mi-cha-el…)
Envision the Archangel of fire, vibrating at the color electric blue.
Ask him to stand behind you and sweep through your energy field in all 6 directions: back to front, right to left, above and below.
Ask him to watch your back and remove any threat of ANY disturbance or unwanted intrusion, leaving you safe and secure through this day.
Chant in Gabriel (Ga-bri-el…)
Envision the Archangel of water and the emotional plane, vibrating at the color brilliant white.
Ask him to stand to your left and sweep through your energy in all 6 directions: left to right, above and below, front to back.
Ask him to clear you of all unwanted emotional energy leaving you at peace.
Chant in Uriel (Ur-i-el…)
Envision Archangel of the Earth plane, vibrating to the color ruby red.
Ask him to stand in front of you and sweep through your energy in all 6 directions: front to back, right to left, above and below.
Ask him to clear you of any obstructions bringing you blessings and abundance as you move throughout this day.
Chant in Raguel (Ra-gu-el…)
Envision Archangel of above, of harmony and justice, vibrating to the color turquoise.
Ask him to stand above you and sweep through your energy in all 6 directions: above and below, front to back, right to left.
Ask him to clear the way and assure calm and harmonious flow and order at the highest level throughout this day.
Chant in Chamuel (Cha-mu-el…)
Envision Archangel of below, of forgiveness, vibrating at the color soft pink.
Ask him to stand beneath you and sweep your energy in all 6 directions: below and above, right to left, front to back.
Ask him to fill your heart with love, sweetness, generosity, compassion, and patience as you move through this day.
Chant in Remiel (Re-mi-el…)
Envision Archangel of divine vision, intuition, and hope, vibrating to the color light spring green.
Ask him to stand with you and sweep through your energy in all 6 directions: right to left, above and below, front to back.
Ask him to activate your intuition, elevate your perceptions, and shed light and guidance on your path as you peacefully move through this day.
Chant in Metatron (Me-ta-tron…)
Envision the King of the Archangels, vibrating to the color deep gold.
Ask him to stand above you, higher than Raguel, and sweep through your energy in all 6 directions: above and below, right to left, front to back.
Ask him to clear away any obstacles and help you fulfill your purpose at the highest level this day. Let the intention include any known project or responsibility you face – as well as the unexpected.
End with, “So it is“
You can also ask them to stand in the 4 corners of your home – and in every corner, above and below, anywhere you travel to.