Zarathustra prophesied about the following event in the same city of Oas when he was an infant (I’hua’Mazda spoke through him).

Interestingly, the first part of Zarathustra’s execution sounds a lot like a debated part of Jesus’ crucifixion from the New Testament bible. It was always part of the plan (prophecy) for Zarathustra to be executed with 2 non-spiritual people and in this case, they were thieves. On execution day, they “weeped and moaned” and Zarathustra consoled them: “I weep not, nor moan. They who put us to death know not what they do… Ye shall this day escape from the tyranny of Oas” and then Zarathustra continued to preach to the 2 thieves, and all the people who had gathered, for half of a day.
At execution time, when Zarathustra and the 2 thieves were being hung, just as prophesied, bolts of light destroyed the temple of the stars and the King’s palace. The King’s guards left him in fear, so “the multitude slew the king”. Before Zarathustra was hung, he set up another sign and miracle. He told the learned men attending the execution that after all 3 of their dead bodies were dropped in the lions den, that angels would protect his body and the lions would not eat his flesh. Only after all the other bodies are eaten would the angels withdraw from Zarathustra’s body so that the lions would eat his flesh last. These events occurred just as Zarathustra said they would and it proved to all that even the most savage of beasts have spiritual light, meaning they are governed by the unseen, even more so than man.
That night, the Zarathustrians and Asha gathered together at a neighbors to pray and mourn Zarathustra’s execution. The soul of Zarathustra appeared before them in body and even wearing the same clothes that he described as “substance held together by the power of my spirit”, which he said was possible for all spirits of the living to learn to do. The spirits of the 2 thieves and the King were brought back too, but they were confused, angry, and hardly comprehended they were dead. “The spirits of the thieves fell upon him (the King) with evil intent”.
Zarathustra taught the people the practice of praying and singing for the dead 3 times per day for 3 days to “raise them out of the torments of hell”, which resembles today’s Christian practice of “Paschal Triduum” or “Easter Triduum”, which occurs the 3 days around the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Zarathustra brought the spirits of the thieves and the King back to prove the value of virtue and truth, to show that what goes around, comes around (my terms, not Oahspe’s), and that the same such rules apply in heaven as they did on Earth because the spirit in the lower heavens continues whatever was practiced in the flesh on Earth.
Once again, Oahspe states that these events were “subterfuges” that should be set aside in the kosmon era, meaning that all these signs and miracles were carried out intentionally, with the help of Lords, angels, and the God I’hua’Mazda, to prove to the especially disbelieving population of the times. The disbelievers included conceited science-minded people of the Osirian age, stubborn kings and queens, and barbarians of mixed tribes.