Budhists and Brahmins go to war in India and China

Kabalactes (false Budha) retaliated: As expected, in response to Ennochissa establishing himself as false Brahma in both India and China, Kabalactes inspired his Budhist mortals to fall upon Ennochissa’s Brahmin mortals. Then, Ennochissa officially declared war and told his angels to “obsess every Brahmin” to “war to the death every aggressing Budha” so that “Budha shall learn that I, Brahma, rule these heavens mine own way.”

Mortals of India and China inspired to war: Both false Gods’, through their angel warriors, inspired mortals of India and China in the work of destruction against one another and also against the Faithists; to establish themselves as false Gods and to fill their heavenly kingdoms with the spirits of the mortal casualties of war.

Both false Gods destroyed books and tablets: In addition to mortal casualties, both false Brahma and Budha decreed the destruction of all books and tablets that were not “favorable to their own doctrines”. In India, Kabalactes caused the “schools and colleges of the people” to be “well nigh destroyed, the whole length and breadth of the land”, which included the destruction of over 2 million books and 1 million stone and copper tablets.

In China, Ennochissa perceived the “potency of Ka’yu’s books” (Confucius), declared “Learning” his new enemy, and had his angel warriors inspire the Sun King, T’sin, to destroy books “in order to reduce the empire to ignorance”. As a result, more than 2 million books and 1 million stone and copper tablets, spanning over 20,000 years of history, were destroyed. Many of Ka’yu’s books were destroyed as well, “but not all of them.”

Both false Gods degraded their own kingdoms: In these wars alone, more than 140 million mortal “people, men, women and children” were “slain”. Fortunately, as mentioned earlier, the true God, Eskra, deployed an army of 1,000 million angels to save as many spirits as possible from becoming trapped in the kingdoms of these 2 false Gods. After Kabalactes and Ennochissa had spent so many years building up their heavenly kingdoms, their own war in heaven brought an end to the “schools and colleges in these heavens, and also the beginning of the breaking up of the factories and places of industry.”

Anti-war mortals of China built the Great Wall: In spite of this war’s high mortality rate and the destruction of millions of books and tablets, China was able to maintain a sizable Faithist population. When “the anti-war spirit of the people had cried out to the Creator” for how to avert war and “preserve the revelations of Thy holy ones of old”, Earth happened to be traveling through a region of etherea called Lo’iask, which enabled the etherean angels to penetrate the darkness, help the Faithists turn “away from the shedding of blood”, and instead, “inspired the chosen of China to build a wall to protect themselves from destruction” so they may “endure as a secluded people till the coming of kosmon” (1848).

Oahspe’s “PLATE 35. LO’IASK”

The resulting walls, which Oahspe describes as “the greatest buildings in all the world” that “stand to this day”, not only protected the mortals of China from outside barbarians, but also (1) stand as testimony to what Faithists of China were willing to do, even at the risk of their own self-preservation, to maintain peace instead of war and (2) “shall be monuments to the Faithists of this land, who have perished by the false Gods, Brahma and Budha.”

Jehovih encourages that the events of this dark “Era of Saviors” will all serve a purpose in the age of kosmon (1848) because in that “time of the fulfillment of My revelations”, re-establishing “spirit communion”, as was done in the past, will not be enough. Instead, angels and mortals will need to be shown “that there are kingdoms and principalities in heaven…ruled over by both good and bad Gods”.

The “Great Spirit, the Ever Present, is not an idol in the figure of a man, sitting on a throne”, so when someone worships a spirit, even if it is a God, they are just giving their soul over into bondage.

…whoso worships Budha shall go to Budha and be his slaves; and whoso worships Brahma shall go to Brahma, and be his slaves.

Touted as one of the most effective tools in their arsenal against nomadic tribes in the north6