The Age of Seffas vs Kosmon

In the past, during the Age of Seffas…Now, as of 1848, in the Age of Kosmon
No more commanding Gods, Saviors, Lords, or archangels with certain commandments, prayers, and rules for how to be saved from sin. Jehovih will come to man’s understanding; man shall interpret Jehovih’s words as He speaks to his own soul.
No more dependence on the dictation of priests, preachers, sacred books.“All these things of heaven and earth shall be made plain to man in kosmon” so that man may comprehend “with his own judgment, and not according to what any other man saith My revelations are.”
No more revelations from prophets or Gods about “Thou shalt do this”, “thou shalt not believe that”, etc.“With his own eyes he shall behold the justice of his Creator.” Mankind will have free will to determine what to believe, what not believe, what to do, and what not do.
No more required adherence to the ancient doctrines nor rites and ceremonies of established Gods and Saviors.Mankind shall apply with judgment the ways in which Jehovih “ministered unto the races of man” in ancient times. If one strives for Jehovih in doing good unto others, they are Jehovih’s chosen even if they “accept not My name.”
No more confessions of sins nor prayers to Saviors, priests, or rab’bahs for oneself or one’s neighbor to be helped or saved.“Every man shall pray for himself, in his own way, and confess his sins unto Me for forgiveness” requiring “no leader, nor any one to think for another; nor to abandon one’s own judgement contrary to wisdom and truth.”
Rather than ask priest to pray for neighbor, “go in person, and help him with his own hands.”
No more “inquisitors” watching what others do, or say, or intimate with judgment. See the good and positive in others and speak to others with respect. No 2 men see the same thing alike, allow all men to have full liberty to think on all subjects in their own way.
No more loo’is raising up certain mortals to reveal His commandments unto others.Jehovih’s “light shall fall upon the thousands and thousands” with all their “many varieties of talents.”
Loo’is will be appointed “unto millions of mortals” and their offspring will be “the best of men, and wise and charitable and most considerate of the opinions of others”; born knowing “a new era is at hand” and “born skeptical to the ancient doctrines, Gods, Lords, and Saviors.”
No longer will a man involuntarily serve another nor be afraid when the priest speaks.Man will hold his head up fearlessly before men and practice living lovingly.
The “preacher and priest shall be of little avail” because the standard will be about “good works, and not of words.”
Jehovih will no longer “be unto individuals only” or “send unto nations separately.” Jehovih shall send unto the whole world.
Whichever nations embrace Jehovih, He will embrace. Nations with ports and lands open to all will be protected, prosper, become numerous, and have learning, inventions, and discoveries.
Earth’s heavens shall be opened and the angels will descend to the earth to make themselves known to mortals.
No longer will Jehovih’s non-resistant nations be seen as “weak”; they have neither kings, nor armies, nor rigid laws!”Jehovih’s prophets will say to the kings with mighty armies that they are the weakest “and those that have no armies are the strongest. And their prophecies shall not fail.”
As above, so below: whatever applies in Earth’s heavens also applies down on Earth and vice versa. These rules apply to both individual and nations as a whole:
— Whomever kings, queens, rich men, and leaders sought to lead down on Earth, they will be bound to in heaven until they undo their tyranny; they will not attain resurrection “until the lowest of their subjects have risen before them.”
— Whosoever opens his soul in love and harmony to others on Earth shall find love and harmony in heaven.