Events of the 1700s, Revolutionary War

Looeamong inspired the war of the American Revolution: Looeamong, the false Kriste, perceived Eskra’s plan and sent down to America 2,000 angel warriors to overthrow Paine’s doctrines and precipitate the colonies into war against the home government of Western Europe and there was war down on earth and in the heavens of America.

The 7,000 volunteers helped the confederate army to victory: With that, Lord Yotahiza put to use the 7,000-member “army of acquisition” that was looking for work to be the protecting hosts to the seven leaders of the Guatama revolt.” (as generals and captains of the hosts). there were also 2,784 non-commissioned angel officers who had also been martyred as to earth-life, by scourging, etc. distributing among the mortal armies of soldiers. all the angel officers had angel armies and companies, quarter in the camps of the mortals with soldiers. the entire time, anywhere from 6-12 million inspiring hosts stayed with soldiers of the republic. inspiring them to fortitude, manipulating them to give them health and strength and endurance. they were also sowed the seed of higher spiritual light among them. about there being but one great spirit, Jehovih.

for 7 years the war lasted, the earthly commander Washington was guarded by 1,000 angels hosts day and night. he was shot at. and attempted to kill in many ways and angels saved him. even catching in their hands bullets that were fired at him. other mortal leaders and privates were saved in the same way. Looeamong’s angels tried to pull away the guardian angels, but they were lower in grade and less potent, and, withal, not so enthusiastic, for they had not suffered martyrdom.” after the republic was established,
war started in April 177512. declared victory fall of 1781.

7,000 volunteers’ second resurrection: 18,340,000 met in a heaven above the Hague mountains where there was an alter to j prepared. higher grade angels from other plateaux assembled in sacred circle, 70m angles, to promote the Voice. a chain of light was made to the upper heavens. when the angels of the inquisition assembled, god caused the light be be lowered so they could rejoice without suffering from the brilliant light. a single star of light formed over Eskra’s head. J:

Peace, My beloved, This way is open: liberty to the conscience of mortals is founded on earth. Ye have lifted them above the bondage of Gods.

Because they had united with one another for good work instead of working single handed, they were admitted into the second resurrection. they were “absolved from the bondage of earth and first resurrection.” they took an avalanza for their ascension to residences prepared for them. deliver them, grade them, give them suitable instructors and companions, that in due time they may become Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih, and ascend to the emancipated kingdoms in the etherean worlds.” they would go far off from the earth. they freed this land unto itself. they will be called back again before another hundred years to free the people from the doctrine and creeds of the ancients. “No God nor Lord nor Savior shall be enforced in this land!”