
The section, , provides more information about this number, which reveals both a special talent and a lesson. Birthday Number is 7 Who you are, your gifts and talents: You overanalyze everything. You try to find meaning in all you do. You are always learning and reading. You are very inquisitive, but also fiercely private. […]

Table comparing Oahspe and Scriptures

Oahpse Biblical scriptures Oahspe says that the first race of man was created when visiting, naive angels pro-created with the Asu’ans (Adam) resulting in a spiritual race, called the I’hin (Abel). When some of the I’hin pro-created with Asu’ans rather than other I’hin, a new race was created called Druk (Cain). The scriptures say that […]

Archangels, Cube of Space Ritual

This ritual calls in the Archangels to create a “protective cube of space” around you. Charlie Goodman taught it to Sonia Choquette of “Ask Your Guides”. You can use this ritual daily to surround yourself with Archangels in all 6 directions creating an invincible energetic field of loving protection around you – to keep you […]

Archangels’ domains

Each Archangel oversees a particular domain. Name Element Direction/Position Vibrates to the color… Domain Michael Archangel of fire South, stands behind you Electric blue Specific: Call on Michael to move you to take action when your life lacks vitality, excitement, or passion. When you’re ready to face your fears and try something new and/or intimidating, […]

SOS Angels

When you run into BIG trouble and you need super-powerful angels to help quickly, call in the SOS angels. They are emergency workers of the angelic force. They are always on call and always ready to help. They will never let you down. The key to working with the SOS angels is to have absolute […]

Ministry of Angels

We are given an infinite number of angels to help us live a peaceful, prosperous, purposeful, and protected life. The Ministry of Angels are like foot soldiers and are available for specific assistance and support in virtually every area of your life. They make life so much easier since they are the “bringers of goodness”. […]

Invoking an Archangel

Prayer is always the best way to engage with any divine entity, but a specific method to get the attention of an Archangel is to breathe and chant an Archangel’s name repeatedly until you sense their presence. Sing or chant their name, syllable by syllable, in a song-like manner, until you feel their vibration swish […]

Table of Angel Categories

Type of Angel Area of Focus Guardian Angel Protects meKeeps me safeReassures meCalms me downWalks with meComforts meTravels with meGives me confidenceKeeps me on my pathSurrounds me with positive energy Archangels Clears my mindClears limiting beliefsCuts cords to the pastRemoves negative intrusionsWatches my backSurrounds me with loveClears my emotionsReleases stuck patternsLets go of what isn’t […]

Description of Guardian Angel

Your Guardian Angel is like your personal bodyguard. They walk with you, guard you, and run interference to keep you on your path toward your soul’s purpose. When you’re open and connected to your Guardian Angel, he/she can surround you with positive energy and give you confidence, calm you, reassure you, and comfort you. Your […]


Most Archangels’ names end in “el”, which means “shining being” in Hebrew. They are powerful messengers and motivators in the celestial hierarchy. Like your Guardian Angel, Archangels support the fulfillment of your soul’s purpose. What: by overseeing your creativity because your creativity IS the expression of your soul’s purpose. Without a creative outlet, your soul’s […]