Baal became a God of the Roman Empire: Nevertheless, after 600 years of Looeamong managing 6,000 million angel warriors in wars over Persia, Arabia, Heleste (Greece), and Europe, the last major false God, Baal, “still maintained himself in Roma, and as God of the Roman empire, but under many names”.
Looeamong resented the other 2 Triunes: By this point, Looeamong felt despair and bitterness. While false Brahma and false Budha were enjoying their peaceful divisions, their places of great profits, in their kingdoms of grandeur, Looemaong had to use his “thousands of millions of angels” as warriors “fighting battles with satan all these hundreds and hundreds of years”. He bewailed, “How have I time to embellish my throne, and my heavenly city? No wonder, you two point the finger of mockery at me, for the poverty of my heavenly kingdom.”
Looeamong broke away from the Triune and became an independent God of war: Looeamong proclaimed that from this point forward, since everyone was for himself, he would put himself first as well. He would no longer go down “to send peace on earth; I go not to send peace, but a sword.” He would set man against “his brother and father, and woman against her sister and mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.” He wanted every knee to bow down to him, every tongue to confess him, and anyone that would not take up a sword to proclaim him as “Lord of all” was not worthy of him. He claimed the “sword, a skull and cross-bones, and a bull” as his signs and for his edicts, they “shall be bulls; by these shall mine enemies be destroyed.” Lastly, he said that he would give mortals “a book and a guide, whereby they shall know me; in blood will I seal them to the end of the world.”
Thoth informed Looeamong that he needed a mortal ruler: Just in time for Looeamong’s renewed vigor, Thoth informed him that throughout 17 different regions, which included Cyprus, Thebes, Damascus, and Crete, at the hands of mortal emperors and kings, ruled by at least 3 different false Gods (Baal, Jupiter and Ira), more than 15,000 Kriste’yan warriors had been slaughtered, burned alive, roasted alive, cut to pieces, etc. Their “sacred bull” had been roasted alive and their bloody cross, their “sign of the battle-cry”, had been broken and burnt. Thoth concluded that while mortals drew the sword to establish Looeamong, to fight for him and serve him, they were being slaughtered because they had “no king or queen on earth to protect them.”