Oahspe’s “Book of Saphah” is unlike the other books and there does not appear to be a widely-known explanation about the source(s) for the information of this book. The contents of this book most definitely were not channeled through Dr. John Newbrough. It is highly likely that Newbrough found or was given access to a variety of documents, illustrations, etc. that supported subject matter in the other parts of Oahspe, so he put the content in this book. There was rumor that Newbrough was involved with the Masons at some point in his life, so maybe Masonry was a source.

An introduction was eventually added to the book that indicates that “Saphah” means to perish; that this book contains “perishable history of the earth”; a collection of physical proof, remnants and relics, from all over the world of the science, philosophy, and religions of the past.
The “Book of Saphah” includes the following types of information:
- Variety of illustrations such as plates, tablets, maps, etc.
- Origin of languages including the “tracing of languages down from Panic, through Yi’ha, Chinese, Vedic, Sanskrit, Hebrew, and so on down to English”
- Transcripts from different initiation ceremonies and rites and ceremonies
- Fonece: the Seventh Degree in the Order of Israel
- Rites of Emethachavah, a more modern version, from the “Brotherhood of Faithists” with modern Gods substituted for ancient Gods
- Degree of Golden Chamber
- Chamber of Adepts, Haunted Chamber of Anubis (Old Egyptian), and Chamber of Prophecy
- Baugh-ghan-ghad and the Temple (Golgotha) of 9,000 BCE
- The Basis of the Ezra Bible (Hebrew Bible/Old Testament)
- Heads (Lords) of the spiritual societies in the lower heavens
- Early history of the Faithists of the East (Zarathustra)