The degrees of Anubi included how to acquire the information necessary to “build a palace or a temple, or an aqueduct or a canal, or a ship or any great affair”. This meant that anytime a king or the kings’ people wanted to build something of this nature, they “were obliged to employ Faithists of the fifth degree to superintend the work”, so this is how/why the kings’ people were willing to learn the degrees, which in turn converted them to Faithism.

Teaching non-Faithists rites of Anubi was a success: Anubi sent out “tens of thousands of angels into all regions of the earth” so that by inspiration or otherwise, he could establish the rites of Anubi with the kings’ people. The endeavor was a success, even kings were converted to Faithism. Oahspe adds that even the Maichung of China and the Effins of India converted. For a time, “there were no suffering poor in all the world. The Faithists had gathered them all up and made brethren out of them; and the contributions to the Faithists by the kings’ people rendered all the people comfortable.”
- First degree (open to anyone who desired to learn heavenly things)
- taught in dark chambers by the voices of angels clothed in sar’gis
- mysteries of spirit communion
- how to sit in circles and crescents
- the 4 dark corners and 4 bright sides
- how to ascertain a spirit’s grade
- how to keep away evil spirits and attract righteous spirits
- how to develop su’is an sar’gis (clairvoyance and clairaudience)
- secrets of falling water
- application of lotions to the skin to make poundings and rappings
- second degree (this degree and higher are open only to Faithists)
- taught by “people of the Great Spirit and His secret names”
- about His holy high heavens, where all is rest and happiness forever
- one must live 1 year with the poorest of the poor, soliciting alms, reserving only the poorest of things for himself
- third degree
- dominions of the Gods and the Lords, where they are located, and their irrespective labors in heaven
- names of the Gods or Gods, Lord or Lords, and the Divan laws
- words of salutation
- anthems
- prayers
- the praise
- positions of utterance
- orders of marching
- to write sacred names
- secret of begetting pure offspring
- the key to the 2 preceding degrees
- fourth degree
- arrangement of the heavens
- places of the sun and stars and moon
- places and grades of the unseen worlds
- localities of the lower and higher heavens
- places and dominions of false Lords and false Gods
- places in hada, and of hells and knots
- nature of familiar spirits, fetals, and both harmless and destructive vampires that live in swine and cattle
- the key to the place of the north star
- position of the Earth’s vortex
- vortices that move the corporeal worlds and hold them in place
- rules for building temples and pyramids, with their spirit chambers
- fifth degree (the “degree of prophecy”, requires proficiency in preceding degrees and rab’bah/priest recommendation from the initiating college of prophecy)
- angels came in sar’gis and taught these things orally to the initiated mortals
- secret of life in the flesh
- power of will and how to use it far and near
- how to rule over others without their knowing it
- cast spells
- enter the prophetic state
- estimate numbers without counting
- find the weight of things without weighing
- find the power of a capstan before it is made
- the lever and screw
- find the friction of things before they were moved to know the power required