Your Guardian Angel is like your personal bodyguard. They walk with you, guard you, and run interference to keep you on your path toward your soul’s purpose. When you’re open and connected to your Guardian Angel, he/she can surround you with positive energy and give you confidence, calm you, reassure you, and comfort you.
Your Guardian Angel is with you your entire life, protecting you until you are ready to return to the spirit world. In fact, he/she personally walks you back to heaven and guides you to Archangel Remiel, the escort to heaven.

Guardian Angels can appear in human form, when the need arises, even though they’ve never been human. You probably won’t realize you’ve interacted with your Guardian Angel in human form until after the fact.
Angels are like super-geniuses: Angels have the power to think (because they are conscious) and the power to choose (because they have free will), and they are not limited to linear thinking, so they comprehend everything instantaneously. Because love follows knowledge, they are constantly contemplating humans, other angels, and the Creator. They find us humans to be very amusing and the want only good for us, which is the precise definition of love.
Angels do not have linear time either; they are outside of space/time, so they never have to wait and never get bored. Humans are the subject of their attention and humans don’t end, we just keep going. Since angels are “outside of space” and don’t have physical bodies, they contain the space in which they operate, so that’s how they “surround us at all times”; they operate on Earth without leaving their dimension (aka the spirit world, heaven, the unseen dimension of Earth’s atmosphere).