Doctrines of Joshu

Who are the chosen?“All men are the children of One Father, who is Jehovih; and whosoever chooseth Him, and keepeth His commandments, is His chosen.” 
How to pray 
(“The Lord’s Prayer”)
Jehovih, who rules in heaven and earth, hallowed be Thy name, and reverent amongst men. Sufficient unto me is my daily bread; and, as much as I forgive those that trespass against me, forgive Thou me, and make me steadfast, to shun temptation, for all honor and glory are Thine, worlds without end. Amen!
The “ten commandments”Joshu taught to keep the “ten commandments of Moses”, but Part 17 covered how Moses initially taught the same commandments given to Abraham, but seemingly at some point, Moses may have been given another set…
Non-resistanceDo “not engage in war, nor abet war”. “…return good for evil, and pit to them that sin”, no eye for an eye. If a man “smite thee on the cheek, turn the other unto him also.” 
Purification of body“… eat no flesh of any animal, or fish, or bird, or fowl, or creeping thing that Jehovih created alive.” 
Family life & marriage“… dwell in families, after the manner of the ancient Israelites, who held all things in common.” 
“The man shall have but one wife, and the woman but one husband.” “To preserve the seed of His chosen, thou shalt not wed but with the chosen.” 
“As the children honor the father, so will the family be blest with peace and plenty.” 
Rites and ceremonies: “Preserve the sacred days of the rab’bahs; and the rites and ceremonies of emethachavah.” 
Kings, queens, governmentsHave no king nor queen. “… take no part in the governments of men, but observe the will of Jehovih, being obedient unto all governments for His sake.” 
IdolatryDo not bow down in worship to any except your Creator. Do not call on the name of angels to worship them nor consult with them on the affairs of Earth. “Call not on the name of any God or Lord in worship; but worship Jehovih only.” 
Good deeds, service to othersLove your neighbor as you would yourself and do unto others as you would have them do unto you. “Remember, that all things are of Jehovih, and ye are His servants, to help one another.” As much as you serve others, you serve Jehovih. The way of redemption is to keep oneself pure and visit and give relief to the sick, distressed, helpless, and blind; and provide for the widow and orphan.
Relationships“Behold only the virtues and wisdom of thy neighbor; his faults thou shalt not discover. His matters are with his Creator.” “And let thy speech be for other’s joy”. Be considerate in your speech and do not speak if your words will give pain. Teach others by gentleness and love to be respectful toward all men.