Baal’s 3,000-year earthly dominion ended: Constantine and his soldiers “went forth with renewed courage” and “so great was their zeal, that everything fell before them.” Oahspe adds that as a result of Constantine’s victories on Earth and Thoth’s victories in heaven, Looeamong’s angels gained an “anchorage on earth” that made them “equals of angels of the pagan Gods.” In not many years, “Looeamong, through Gabriel (Thoth), captured Baal and all the false Gods in all the regions far and near” as well as 7.6 million warring angels. They were cast into a hell-like location in Earth’s lower heavens, called Makavishtu, where there were already 10 million other spirits “in chaos and madness”, so Thoth “had the place walled around with fire and noxious gases, so that none could escape.”
Oahspe begins referring to Thoth as “Gabriel”: Once Looeamong and Thoth started working with the mortal emperor Constantine, Oahspe refers to Thoth as “Thoth (Gabriel)”, “Thoth, otherwise Gabriel”, and even “Gabriel, otherwise Thoth”. This is likely because when Looeamong first started working with Thoth, 600 years earlier, Thoth managed his army out of Egypt where mortals were already familiar with the name “Thoth”, as explained in the overlay,
Thoth in Egypt
As a reminder, the first time Oahspe mentions Thoth, it was around 3100 BCE, right after the false Gods, Osiris, Te-in, and Sudga, re-wrote the creation stories to co-opt Earth’s natural ascension process. They each chose a psychic mortal (aka prophet) down on Earth to put their new doctrines in writing (part 14). False Osiris selected a mortal named Thoth for the region of Arabia. Later, around 2800 BCE, false Osiris wanted to build up the new country of Egupt, so he he began working with a king named Hojax, told him he was the re-incarnate of his first mortal servant, Thoth, and changed his name to “Thoth” and “God-Thoth” (part 15). They did many things together such as building the Great Pyramid and the Column of Stars.
By this time, however, Looeamong must have concluded that Constantine, his troops, and other mortals in the regions of Cyprus, Thebes, Damascus, Crete, Rome, Italy, etc., would recognize and respect Gabriel rather than Thoth. Biblical scriptures confirm that the angel Gabriel was an important figure; he told the prophet Daniel about the future coming of the “Anointed One” (the Messiah or Christ)34; he told John the Baptist’s mother about his birth; and he told both Mary and Joseph about their upcoming virgin birth of the “Son of God”35.

Looeamong brought an end to the pagan Gods: After the end of the 3,000-year-long “earthly dominion of Baal”, “who had ruled over mortals for evil”, Oahspe described Looeamong’s achievement as “a good service”. After thousands of years of “earthly Gods” capturing “spirits of the recent dead” and making “slaves of them for the glory of their hadan kingdoms”, Looeamong brought on the “final termination of the earthly Gods that ruled over mortals through oracles and pagan practices.” Now, the Earth and lower heavens had “nothing to suffer from any Gods, except the Triunes” (false Budha, false Brahma, and false Kriste).