Ennochissa of China became false Brahma

After Ennochissa’s 70-year angel war against his rebel sub-Gods, he turned his attention to his “brother Triune God, Kabalactes” over India who had falsely assumed the name Budha, the “all Highest God” that lived in the “All Highest Heaven of Heavens.” In response, Ennochissa (1) formed 2 new angel armies to fortify his 2 heavenly kingdoms and (2) formed a third new army to “return again to the earth, to mortals, and establish me as BRAHMA, which shall be my name on earth and in heaven from this time forth forever.”

(1) Ennochissa fortified his heavenly kingdoms: Ennochissa used 2,000 millions angel warriors to form 2 new armies: one for his heavenly kingdom over China, Eta-shong, and the other for his heavenly kingdom over Guatama (North America), Damaya. To the commanders of these 2 armies, he said “I assign the care and protection of my kingdoms with your armies… wall your places around, and fortify me on every side with angel warriors.” He also told them not to bother “the angels of Budha, nor of Looeamong” UNLESS they do something offensive or disrespectful first; in that case, “ye shall arrest them, and provide places of torment for them, and cast them in.”

Oahspe notes that a full description of the “great pomp and glory” of even one of Ennochissa’s armies would fill “a large book” with “their vessels of war; their implements of fire and water”; and the music, banners, and flags for their “manual and procession”. Also notable was the enthusiasm of the angel warriors: “many of them had been warriors in earth-life, and knew no other trade, and now exulted in the prospect of mortal blood and death.”

(2) Ennochissa became false Brahma in China AND India: He formed a third large army of 2,000 million “angel warriors” commanded by his highest officer, Ya’deth, and sent them down to Earth to establish him as BRAHMA; and not just in China, but in India as well. He commanded that “by all possible means”, including the possession of the oracles, his army would establish that BRAHMA “shall be my name on earth and in heaven from this time forth forever” so that “all who profess Brahma hereafter, shall be my subjects on their entrance into heaven.” Lastly, in regard to the “mortal warriors” of Kabalactes (now false Budha), “if it come to pass that Budha’s mortal warriors fall upon the mortal Brahmins”, which of course they did almost immediately, he ordered his army to consider Budha his enemy and destroy them.

Mainstream history: In regard to the worship of Brahma in China, mainstream history does indeed corroborate that Hinduism (Brahma is a Hindu God) did have a significant presence in “medieval China” and even to this day is a little-practiced religion there, specifically in southeast China. Evidence suggests that from 1st and 2nd century CE onwards, Hindu and Buddhist terms, concepts, and ideas were merged together and eventually made it into the beliefs, practices, and traditions of “Chinese Buddhism”. For example, 21 out of the “Twenty-four Devas” (protective deities) are borrowed from Hinduism including, but not limited to, Shiva, Indra, Brahma, Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Yama4.

Shiva in a Chinese Buddhist temple in Zhejiang5