The false Gods’ first sweep at subduing their regions was the beginning of what Oahspe calls the “Battles of a Thousand Years”. De’yus sent false Osiris to the region of Persia/Arabia/Heleste (Greece), false Te-in was sent to China, and false Sudga was sent to India. Although their armies totaled 2,000 million warrior angels, subduing these 5 regions was no easy feat. The section,
How false Osiris and false Te-in subdued their 4 countries
It took both false Osiris and false Te-in 3 attempts to make any significant progress in subduing in their 4 countries (Persia/Arabia/Greece and China). Both false Gods adopted similar strategies. The first night, they had their hosts plunge into temples, oracle-houses, and alters to drive away the angels of the true God, but due to the protection provided by the true God’s “army of deliverers”, they both failed miserably. Then on the second night, their hosts tried to make impressions directly on the mortals by entering their homes, threatening their guardian angels, trying to put intrusive thoughts into mortals minds as they slept, but the “army of delivers” and guardian angels kept their hands on mortals, which resulted in a second failure.
Finally for their third attempt, the false Gods used numerators and mathematicians to grade mortals and map out the localities containing the highest number of the “weak and disbelieving”. It was determined that the following types of people were the most vulnerable to impressions of false Gods:
(1) the ignorant and superstitious
(2) the science-minded intellectuals
(3) the “skeptical and much learned philosophers, who are weak in spirit”
(4) those prone to hypocrisy, lust, lying, stealing, murder, or have a desire for leadership
(5) the “kids of the rich”
All of these types of people were considered “less protectable” (angelically). For the false Gods’ third attempt, the Faithists were left alone, with the exception of the “dull flat heads”, and the false Gods’ hosts targeted the homes of the “less protectable” people, “laid hands” on them while they slept, and put intrusive thoughts into their minds. Philosophers were told that the highest heaven was Hored (De’yus’ kingdom) and about the hells of the first heaven, hada. Many mortals were fooled into worshiping De’yus, false Osiris, and Anubis. Oahspe states that the false Gods won over 2 million Arabians, 1.5 million Helestians (Grecians), and 12,000 Persians (specific numbers were not provided for China).
, explains how it took both false Osiris and Te-in 3 different attempts to make any impact.
False Sudga, on the other hand, took a different approach in India, the country “with the most, highest learned people of the earth”. The section,
How false Sudga subdued India on first attempt
India was the only country in which the false God, false Sudga, was able to subdue enough of the country on the first attempt. India was considered the “pride and glory of the earth”, the place with the “most, highest learned people of the earth”. India had “hundreds of thousands” of prophets and seers. There was so much “spiritual light” among the people, that “even those who had learned but one language could understand and speak other languages with people from remote parts; words and sentences they had never heard; even when first meeting strangers”. False Sudga concluded that their ability to understand different languages in this way meant they were “becoming as Gods; knowing and understanding in advance of the words spoken”, so he set out to “confound them suddenly in the meaning of words” (confuse their languages).
The ability of the inhabitants of India to communicate with one another across different languages enabled them to establish a well-organized system for the exchange of goods and services without money, so false Sudga and his hosts “fell upon them and possessed and obsessed all who were easily captured”, which crippled their commerce.
False Sudga also targeted women because the women of India had “risen in knowledge, higher than the most learned women in other parts of the world”, especially in philosophy and science, so as a result, the women were more skeptical than men of “Ormazdian power” (the power of Jehovih, the Creator).
, describes how he had success on the first attempt as a result of (1) immediately targeting those who were “easily captured” and (2) confusing their languages, which crippled their commerce.