We are given an infinite number of angels to help us live a peaceful, prosperous, purposeful, and protected life. The Ministry of Angels are like foot soldiers and are available for specific assistance and support in virtually every area of your life. They make life so much easier since they are the “bringers of goodness”.
They take great joy in bearing gifts, ushering in surprises, delighting your senses, and easing your way.
There are infinite departments in this angel ministry such as: parking, computers, shopping, sewing, traveling, healing, and so on. When there’s a need, there is a ministry of angels to serve, and they will mobilize immediately when called upon as long as your need is benign and not harmful to anyone else. You are encouraged to fully engage in and enjoy their blessings.
Once you know about the Ministries of Angels, you should ask for their help with whatever challenge is at hand. If you don’t, it’s like hitchhiking after being offered a first-class ride.
Calling on the Ministry of Angels: You can just open your heart and say “help” and specify the specific type of help that you need. And/or say a short prayer: “Ministry of Angels, oversee all that I do and make it easy, magical, and filled with gifts, thank you.”
They have a powerful, swift, laser-like vibration. Feel their presence as they swoop in to help. Better yet, give them the freedom to work on your behalf at all times by asking them to stay on permanent assignment. Just remember to thank them when you notice their good works bearing fruit in your life.