
The section, Life Path Number, provides more information about this number, which is the most important number in your Core Profile and reveals the most about your true nature and the path you meant to follow during this incarnation.
The Birthday and Life Path numbers give you the most accurate information about your character, so a look at whether these 2 numbers are in harmony (synergistic) or contain conflicting traits, which can make you indecisive, sometimes have contradictory purposes, and sometimes second-guess yourself. Use these 2 numbers to better understand your strengths and weaknesses, which will help you identify and overcome challenges.

Natalie’s Life Path Number is the Master Number 22/4, the “Master Builder”

Your true nature: The 22 is uniquely gifted with the ability to turn vision into reality. Creating an empire and leaving a legacy are of great importance to them. Because the 22 is a double dose of 2 energy, they live with a nervous tension they must learn to channel into their visionary plans. A 22/4 will face tests of ethical conduct and responsibility. Their family of origin tends to be complex.

Relationships: The 22 will look for a high-achieving partner who makes them feel secure. They are attracted to partners who are practical and goal-oriented. Learning to believe in others rather than trying to control or manipulate them, is a lesson for 22s. Share your vision and let people contribute. You need them more than you think.

Career: The 22 is capable of extremes and has potential to use their powers for either good or evil. Your greatest rewards will come from humanitarian and well-intended endeavors. This number loves to put their name on things and I’m not just talking about a monogram.

Health: The unique vibration of the 22 means you are prone to both the allergies and stress issues of 4 and 2. The sensitivity of the 2s extend to allergies of all kinds, including food, skin and hair products, dust, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and many others. For 4s, stress-related heath issues are common including joint pain, migraines, intestinal distress, back problems, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and hypochondria.

Additional information1: In spite of the potential of this Life Path Master Number 22 to be a bit irrational, this number is also very practical. Practicality is required to take advantage of this numbers’ potential. The 22 has so much potential, there exists a tendency to affect people in a negative way if not used properly. If someone with this number feels a lot of pressure at an early age, it can bring the down, make them less ambitious, and waste true potential.
It is good for people with Life Path number 22 to laugh because it acts as a conduit to expel their negative energies (which build up rapidly in them) and could keep them from working in peak condition.