
The section, Karmic Lessons, explains the difference between Karmic Lessons and Karmic Debt and how missing energy in your name reflects abilities you were not born with, so you must work to develop those skills on your own.

Lesson 6, missing F, O, X
You face major commitment issues and have difficulty showing emotion. You dodge responsibility and must work to establish sincere, vulnerable relationships. There may be family scars that require resolution or forgiveness.

Lesson 7, missing G, P, Y
You must learn the lesson of authenticity and seek spiritual enlightenment. You may struggle with learning and school. Stick with it in order to specialize and perfect your talents.

Lesson 8, missing H, Q, Z
Your lesson is in managing money – both through abundance and lack of wealth. You will learn how to handle your resources, better tolerate authority figures, and accept the advice of others.