
The section, Soul and Personality Numbers, provides more information about how the Soul Number reflects your private self that only those closest to you get to see while the Personality Number reflects your public self, how others perceive you.

Soul Number is 9, The Bighearted One
The Soul Number reveals your private self that only those closest to you get to see and this number wants Universal Love and is genuinely concerned for the well-being of humankind. As old souls, Soul Number 9s are wise and gifted with exceptional intuition. This number is thoughtful and will always anticipate the needs of their partner, often treating them like a king or queen. In a relationship with a 9 you will often find a significant age difference. You secretly dream of having a big impact on the world and maybe even fame, although you possess a charming humility. Perceptive and generous, you are often torn between your own needs and the needs of others. Emotional and sensitive, you can also be critical and moody. You’ll be frustrated when people can’t meet your high expectations or help themselves in the face of opportunity.

Personality Number is 4, Reliable and Consistent
The Personality Number reveals the external image you choose to project to the world and the 4 has a practical appearance and appears respectable, conservative, reliable, trustworthy, responsible, reserved, but can also appear inflexible and egotistical.