“Oahspe” is a channeled work that was automatically written by Dr. John Newbrough in 1881. The first time I heard about Oahspe was from “Law of One”, which is a channeled work about the “metaphysical blueprint of spiritual evolution”1. Law of One confirmed Oahspe to be a reliable source and explained that both sources cover many of the same existential and historical subjects, but in different ways. Law of One uses PhD-dissertation-level Q&A sessions while Oahspe uses the last 72,000 years of our “known physical history of the so-called religions”.
Both sources provide answers to existential questions such as the creation of the universe, the Earth, and humanity, the purpose of life, and what happens when we die. Both describe the many attempts made, through many messengers, to raise the awareness of humanity2 – and all in preparation for the ‘Age of Kosmon’ (synonymous with Age of Aquarius, 5D, or the New Earth).
Covers cosmogony and religious history
Oahspe begins and ends with detailed information about the origin and workings of the universe (cosmogony). In between, Oahspe provides a 72,000-year historical account where the first 48,000 years covers the creation of mankind, the establishment of a new ‘system and order’, and the sinking of a continent (the great flood).
For the remaining 24,000 years of history, Oahspe tells the detailed stories of the rise and fall of civilization after civilization as our ancestors paved the way for us. The generations before us were led to worship one thing one day and another thing the next until they had worshipped just about everything on Earth and in the ‘heavens’. Our ancestors bounced back and forth between extreme belief and extreme disbelief so that today, we could look back and find the mean in between.
On all corporeal worlds, Jehovih (Creator) hath provided these two seasons for every race He created; a season for the development of the corporeal senses, and a season for the development of the spiritual senses. To find the mean between these is to find kosmon, which lieth far in the future.
Oahspe’s history covers pre-Kosmon worship of Gods, prophets, science, and everything in between

After the great flood 24,000 years ago, Earth was ruled by great ‘gods’ including Apollo, Thor, and Osiris that each served a particular purpose (Oahspe calls these gods ‘high-raised etherean hosts’).
The reign of Apollo (18000 BCE) focused on instilling a new beauty standard, using statues and idols, that inspired mortals’ partner selection and layed the “foundation for the coming race” in regard to physical form. Next, Thor’s reign (15000 BCE) focused on heightened spirituality; specifically, teaching all races of mankind, not just the sacred people, about the Creator and His Creations. This set the stage for the reign of Osiris (12000 BCE) in which mortals were no longer encouraged to focus on dependence on spirit; instead, focus turned toward corporeal knowledge (science) of the sun, the moon, and the stars.
To bring mankind back around to spirit, the first great prophet, Zarathustra of Persia, was born about 9,000 years ago and then, every 3,000-year period after that, up until 2,000 years ago, a new set of prophets were born to continue the same teachings that Zarathustra had taught.
Over the years, efforts were made to ‘meet the student where they are’. There was a time when mankind learned through stone and wooden idols and a time when they used songs, signs, and ceremonies. And a time when mankind consulted spirits of the newly dead. And a time when they worshiped the stars, sun, and moon. And much learning occurred through prophets, Saviors, rabbah, priests, oracles, seers, and even false gods, but Oahspe reiterates over and over again that now is the time to set all that aside and for mankind to pray for himself and in his own way. “Man shall have the testimony of all speculation and philosophies before him, together with the fruits thereof. And he shall judge that which is good by the evidence of past practices.” There’s a time for all things and Oahspe’s religious history describes how things were, but not how they will be.
In the Age of Kosmon, testimony of the past will be found today
For how things will be, it was always planned that in the beginning of kosmon, which is now, there would be many discoveries that would prove that there’s a “government of heaven upon the earth”. It was foretold that we would discover ruined cities that had been buried by falling nebulae, we would decipher their histories, and artifacts and ancient texts would “be as a key to unlock the doctrines and languages of times and seasons long past.” Distant, diverse groups of people from all corners of the world, with a multitude of languages, would discover they had been taught the same things:
- The story of the flood would prove that advanced civilization existed long before and that surviving spiritual people re-established civilization on Earth in the 5 different divisions
- The lost tribes: lost 7,000 years after the flood, went on to join the Israelites that Moses led out of Egypt, later became the ‘Shepherd Kings of Persia’, and eventually the ‘Essenes’ that raised up Joshu (Jesus)
- The seven tetracts (seven deadly sins), which use the same “everlasting names” in all languages
- 280 signs, emblems, and symbols were made to be the “sacred language of mortals in all the divisions of the earth” including the crescent, triangle, mass (4 sacred days of the changing of the moon), circumcision (although optional now), and the 3 great lights, 3 lesser lights, and 3 symbols of light (not related to the Trinity and Holy Ghost of the New Testament)
Every continent played a role
Throughout the last 24,000 years, there was a specific objective for each division (continent), specifically the ‘Faithists’ of each division, in preparation for the age of kosmon. Oahspe defines a ‘Faithist’ as a virtuous, righteous-living person that is non-idolatrous, worshiping none other than the Creator (aka Jehovih, E-oh-ih!, Great Spirit). As you’ll see below, the Faithists of Egypt/Africa (Israelites) were appointed to go westward while their brothers and sisters “held China and India to the All One”.
- Egypt/Africa area (was called Ham): Faithists (called Israelites in this region) were inspired to migrate westward all the way to the west coast of America by the age of kosmon. Faithists all over the world would be able to trace their origins back to this region.
- India: A mighty people with a multiplicity of Gods and languages that were still able to preserve the Creator’s revelations so that today, we can know what was revealed to the ancients (Brahma and his son Vede transmitted the Vedas)
- China: Inhabitants were inspired to keep to themselves and become the most numerous people united as one peacefully. They were also able to retain much of the “first language given to earth” (called Panic)
- Japan: Japan was established on what was left of the sunken continent (the great flood 24,000 years ago) and it retains the name given to it at that time (Zha’Pan translates to ‘Relict of the Continent Pan’)
- America: From the very beginning, established differently than the continents of the East with a separation of church and state. Dedicated for the “overthrowing of all idols of god, and lord, and savior, and of everything that is worshipped” (besides the Creator).
These objectives would fulfill the prophecy that in the age of kosmon, “it shall come to pass that the Faithists of the children of Moses shall find the Faithists of the children of Chine and the Faithists of the children of Capilya. And all these people shall cry out in that day: No God, no Lord, no Savior!”
A note about “Israelites”: Although Oahspe simply states that “Israelites” was the “name given to the Faithists of Egypt”, the Old Testament Bible says that Jacob of Canaan wrestled an angel and was then renamed Israel, which means “a man seeing God”. After a severe drought came to Canaan, the descendants of Israel, so Israelites, migrated to Egypt to eventually become the “Twelve Tribes of Israel”4.
Earth has been managed for the last 14 million years

Oahspe states that Earth has been under “formal etherean oversight” by “angelic overseers” for the last 14 million years and Oahspe’s history covers only the last 72,000 years. The Earth and solar system orbits a central point, which Oahspe calls the ‘North Star’, every 4.7 million years. We’ve had an “ethereal administration” for almost 3 full orbits. Figure 1 shows that Oahspe’s history covers the previous age, the ‘Age of Seffas’, which was a time where the laws of the land and religions were established and enforced. Now the Earth is in the next age, ‘Age of Kosmon’, which is the age “To give man the system of universal peace, love, harmony and kosmon, adapted to all nations and peoples in all the world.”
As Earth travels along its pathway, each 72,000-year section (age) is divided up into 24 cycles that each span about 3,000 years. At the beginning of each new 3,000-year cycle, a new overseer from that particular area of space/time is selected by a ‘Holy Council of Orian Chiefs’ to manage Earth with the title of “God of Earth”.
For the first few hundred years of each new cycle, there’s a higher level of interaction between the angelic overseers and mankind to carry out any necessary cleanup and setup for the new cycle. This means that about every 3,000 years, ‘ethereal administration’ literally goes through a re-org.

The first cycle of the new age of kosmon began in 1848, so we’re only about 170 years, or halfway through, the initial cleanup period. This may explain why life on Earth is so chaotic right now between worldwide protests for human rights, the exposition of political and institutional corruption, extreme weather and climate change, and a ‘mass awakening’ for humanity.
Go to Part 2, Creation of the world, man, and a truer version of the “Adam and Eve” story…