This part covers additional topics of significance from the remainder of Fragapatti’s cycle after Zarathustra established the first organized religion, so this covers from about 7,000 BC up to 4,000 BC. The most important topic is the first one where America has always been treated differently than the other countries/divisions of Earth.
Next to be covered is the establishment of a “Div”, an “organic congress” that decreed “Divine Law” and how just as things were going well, Earth was intentionally nudged into a region of darkness. Then in the 1,200th year of the cycle, the first major false God, the false Ahura’Mazda, arises and establishes the first “confederacy”. He inadvertently creates a 4th race, necessitates Lord Vishnu to establish a Lord-dom, the spirit equivalent to a military base, and then he himself goes to hell, is delivered from hell, and then redeemed and put to good work. Lastly, in the last couple hundred years of the cycle, the loo’is get to work raising up the next set of prophets: Abraham, Po, Brahma, and Eawatah within Arabia, China, India, and America.
America is reserved for the Age of Kosmon
America is for the meeting of the nations: The land and heavens of America were called “Guatama”, which signified “the meeting of nations in the age of kosmon”. Fragapatti’s mathematicians calculated that kosmon was 8,900 years away and although “innumerable millions on the earth will go down in darkness ere (before) that day”, it was still time to “begin the founding of My kingdoms amongst mortals” in the lands and heavens of North America.
What it means for America to be the location of the founding of Jehovih’s kingdom on Earth is that from the very beginning, “this heaven and this land shall not be like any other place”. The divisions of the East such as Arabia, China, India, etc., worshipped Gods, Lords, and were ruled by kings and queens, but such constructs were never supposed to exist in America. The intention was NOT to teach about any “Lord, nor God, nor any person born of a women for their resurrection”.
Mortals will ask and true history will be revealed: It was foretold that in the age of kosmon, which started in 1848, mortals of North America would lack spiritual aspiration, but would eventually ask if they are “ruled by the angels of heaven”, which would be the time when “the revelations of heaven and earth shall be made to man”. Jehovih aforesaid that in America, He would work through His Chiefs, the mortals and spirits of the I’huan, to “reveal the histories of My kingdoms.”
Americans would be the first to “come out bold against all dominion save (except) Mine… all Gods and Lords and Saviors shall be cast out” so that America is the location of “a great awakening to the souls of men” and “the ground on which the circumscribing of the earth by the different nations shall take place.”
The prophecy of America’s founding fathers: From the very beginning of Oahspe, this was the prophecy for America. About 5,000 years after this, Columbus is divinely inspired to discover America (although he didn’t know it) and Thomas Paine, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and other founding fathers and historical figures are inspired to establish North America differently than all other nations at that time, with a democratic government, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and separation of church and state. These events will be covered in more detail in the cycle of Es, which is about 5,000 years after this cycle (400 years before kosmon, so about 1450 AD).
The end of saviors and mortal kingdoms: In the age of kosmon when war and mortal kingdoms are overthrown in the world, it will be proven that the Creator alone rules over all, not Gods, Lords, Saviors, or Kings and Queens, and this knowledge “will radiate outward, around about from this heaven, until My kingdoms encircle the whole earth, and until the earth’s heavens are Mine also”.
For all of this to happen, the land and heavens of America needed to be treated differently from the very beginning, and they were. Mortals and angels of America were NOT told to join/follow Lords or Gods to the heavens above America; instead, they had to be inspired to go to heaven, and stay in heaven, in other ways.
America’s heavens were/are subjective heavens
This was achieved by making America’s lowest heaven, called Yaton’te, a mirage containing everything that existed on Earth. Machinery such as mirrors and lenses were used to create subjective versions of forests, lakes, rivers, and animals. The only objective things were the inhabitants and their food. An example of a subjective creation is a rainbow in which Oahspe describes as “a subjective illustration to mortals of a bow without the substance of a bow”.
America’s heaven of Yaton’te was also known as “Hochedowa”, meaning “happy hunting ground” and “the land of delusion”. Optical illusions and delusions provided games and tournaments and “boating and fishing and hunting, and all other entertainments representative of what these angels had been engaged at in mortal life, and yet these things were but subjective, and not real.” This all took “a great expenditure of labor on the part of ethereans for teaching by subjective illustrations”, but the intention was for the enjoyable activities to open the spirits up to the “glory of Jehovih’s kingdoms”. And for the drujas (wandering spirits) that were round up and enticed to these heavens, it helped them understand they had entered another world, restored some of their memories of earth-life where they could see and hear, and opened them up to the possibilities of seeing and understanding new things.
Another difference of America’s lower heavens was that although Earth was/is a “harvester of souls planet”, where souls learn through experience, grow in strength and wisdom, and eventually ascend beyond Earth’s atmosphere to take on jobs of greater responsibility in etherea, harvesting souls was not the main priority of America’s heaven. America’s Lords were told that instead of providing “a multitude of conversions and resurrections”, they should focus on creating “a righteous foundation for My kingdom”.
Ipseogee, the first lower heaven to last an entire cycle
Lastly, while America’s lowest heaven, the subjective Yaton’te (happy hunting ground), covered most of North America, there was a second, higher heaven called Ipseogee, that covered both North and South America. It was distinguished as the first and only lower heaven on Earth to remain intact and functional for an entire 3,100 year cycle. It was the first and only lower heaven to have souls eligible for a third resurrection harvest at the end of a cycle.
Balancing growth in wisdom with growth in strength
This next section covers how Fragapatti established the “Div”, a “brotherhood of Gods and Lords”, to support the new Zarathustrian religion, but just as things were going well, Earth was intentionally nudged into a region of darkness.
Organic Congress (the Div) established to support Zarathustrianism
The Div, the “organic congress”, was a democratic-like governing body, where the God of Earth was the “Div”, sub-Gods and Lords made up the “Diva”, and their judgments and decisions were called “Divine Law” and communicated to mortals through the priests/rab’bah. The different races of mankind were represented in a parliament. Even though the Div would not exist beyond Fragapatti’s cycle, this Div is how/why mortals came to understand the word “divine” as being something from a “concerted power in heaven greater than man’s power”. The Div started out meeting 3 times per year, many laws were passed that enhanced the power of the Zarathustrian religion. War ceased on Earth and people had fewer Earthly desires.
Earth intentionally brought into region of darkness
About midway through Fragapatti’s cycle, however, it became obvious that mankind’s “whole mind and heart were set upon heavenly things”, “the earth was becoming like a neglected farm grown up with weeds and briars” and beasts of prey became too numerous. When spiritual development is high, people live peacefully in smaller communities, there’s an increase in celibacy and for those that do pro-create, the have fewer children and generations become increasingly smaller, weaker, and have shorter life spans.
B = Earth and the solar system’s actual path
C = regions of denser/darker space/time
Earth was purposely nudged away from its default course into a region of denser space/time, which Oahspe calls a “region of darkness”. See
Earth’s periods of darkness
Oahspe explains that just like the Earth orbits the sun every year, our entire solar system also orbits a central point, which takes 4.7 million years. Oahspe calls this central point the “North Star”. As Earth travels along the path around the North Star, it travels through regions of light and regions of darkness. Darker regions of space consist of slower-vibrating substances that are more contracted, leaving less room for light. When Earth travels through a darker, denser region of space, dense atmospherean substances fall to the Earth, block the light of the sun, can bury cities, and can cause severe weather changes resulting in drought, famine, fevers, epidemics, and plagues.
As Earth travels through lower-density regions of space, it affects people differently depending on their personal density (the density/vibration of their physical body). For example, lowest-density people typically engage in war, destruction, death, and lust. Moderate density people may also engage in war, but also intellectual and scientific development that takes them away from spiritual development. For the higher density people that are effected, they typically worship false Gods, Saviors, become superstitious, and/or practice self-serving rites and ceremonies often involving sexualism.
Periods of darkness are used for both (1) growth in wisdom/independence and (2) physical growth in the form of strengthening the race of man. For (1), periods of darkness lower the vibration of all mortals, bring drujas (wandering spirits) down to Earth, and result in less angelic support, so this means that mortals must face an increase in trials and tribulations on their own, which results in growth in wisdom. For (2), darkness increases Earthly desires, so celibacy is reduced, different races co-mingle, mankind is more prolific (has more children), and life spans increase, which are all things that strengthen the physicality of mankind.
for an overview of how/why Earth travels through denser, darker regions of space. This time, the Earth traveled through a 400-year region where dense, low-vibration atmospheric substances, called ji’ay, rained down on Earth, the sun did not shine and instead, was a “red ball of fire”. This nudge also pushed Earth closer to a “belt of meteoris”, so burning hot stones fell in many places on Earth and created suffocating smells.
Darkness not a punishment: The message from ethereal administration was that the “darkness around about earth on every side” was not a punishment for mortals, it was not done out of anger, and not “for the benefit of one to the injury of others”. Instead, it would benefit both mortals and angels: “don’t allow My people to be discouraged by My works… Because I have sent darkness upon the earth to benefit mortals in mortality, so have I given my heavenly hosts lessons in My es worlds” (es words are the lower heavens).
Mortals grew in strength and subdued the Earth: Denser energy toughened people up and increased Earthly desires. To survive in the more hostile environment, people “applied the wisdom of their forefathers to the matters of earth”, so “the affairs of mortals changed; they built new cities, and became great hunters”. People had “desires of the earth” including the “pleasures of flesh-life”, so “man and women become more prolific, and they (their children) grew large, and full of resolution and power”.
Darkness made angels/spirits descend to Earth: The denser, heavier ji’ay weighed the plateaux of the lower heavens down and they descended closer to Earth enabling lower-grade spirits to move in. Eventually, the plateaux sank so low that they touched the surface of the Earth and broke up the “heavenly places of delight” so that “angels were cast upon the earth… seeking joy in the affairs of earth.” Eventually even the third-resurrection heaven became uninhabitable and was moved into the Earth.
Angels became familiar spirits to mortals: Two hundred years into this 400-year region of darkness, angels started losing the belief in Jehovih and the existence of higher heavens. When there is light, the God and Lords hear the Voice of Jehovih, but when there is darkness, they no longer hear the Voice; even though it seems like dark times is when they need to hear it the most. Furthermore, when darkness lowers the grades of angels, third resurrections (harvests) happen less often, which are one of the main ways that angels and mortals are reminded of the unseen. God and Lords eventually lose power, mortals go to war with one another, and angels descend back down to Earth to attach to mortals as “familiar spirits” (spirits of the newly dead that return to their kin). In this cycle, familiar spirits started falsely taking on the names and identities of ancient Gods and Lords and convinced kings and queens to build temples in honor of them.
The first major false God and his “Confederacy” of heavenly kingdoms
In the 1,200th year of Fragapatti’s cycle, “Because of the long reign of ji’ay” inoculating the Earth and its heavens with darkness, a Lord named Ctusk decided to break away from the true God and Lords of the Diva. He falsely took on the name of Ahura’Mazda and tried to convince everyone that he was the same God, I’hua’Mazda, that supported Zarathustra in establishing the first organized religion.
Over the course of the next thousand years, he tried to do what all false gods try to do. He tried to lay “the foundation for his grand scheme of reducing heaven and earth into his own kingdoms”, which meant he professed that there was no Creator, that he was the All Highest, that there’s no higher heavens, and that his heavenly kingdoms were the highest heaven to aspire to. He also tried to discredit the true prophets by saying they warp mortals’ minds with “hope for impossible things” and sent his spirits to Earth to possess the temples of the priests/rab’bah so he could teach people his limited/biased doctrines.
The false Ahura started out by taking 3,000 millions souls with him to establish the first ever “confederate” of heavenly kingdoms over China, India, and Arabia and after 500 years, he had the mortals of India divided into 2 different “classes of worshippers”. It wasn’t long before he expanded over Greece and inspired tens of thousands of Persian and Arabian I’huan to migrate to Greece, kill most of the native druks (non-spiritual, barbaric people), and build their cities and kingdoms. His long-term plan was to expand to Europe next and then take country after country until he was the false god of the entire Earth.
The misdeeds of false Ahura will be good for all in the end: No matter how ruthless this false god, or any other false god, tries to be, they are no match for ethereans. The true God of Earth and the Diva were reassured by ethereans that Jehovih “can use bad men in the far future” because ethereans know how to appropriate wrong-doings into experiences that are good for all in the end. Specifically, it was foretold that the actions of the false Ahura would lead to his own demise 200 years before the end of Fragapatti’s cycle.
False Ahura outlaws circumcision and creates a 4th race: In Ahura’s attempt to leave nothing undone, he outlawed circumcision because it was the commandment that the most devout worshippers of Jehovih still obeyed to keep their offspring capable of receiving Jehovih’s light (inspiration). Circumcision helped prohibit a druk man from deceiving an I’hin or I’huan woman into marrying and/or pro-creating. When the restriction on mortals’ marriages was removed, the Persian and Arabian I’huan migrants within Greece started marrying what was left of the druks, which created a 4th race that Oahspe calls the “mongrels”. This event provides an example of how ethereans appropriated wrong-doings into something good for all: “it shall come to pass that by their sins even druks shall be raised up to learn of Me and My kingdoms”.
This prophesy was soon realized when the mongrels grew in number rapidly, triumphed in the lands, built great cities and kingdoms, and continued to inter-marry with druks (rather than only other mongrels). Although their children were 1/4 I’huan and 3/4 druk, Oahspe states that they were “capable of receiving light, even in mortality”.
Creation of the “flat heads”: Up until this time, prophets and seers with su’is and sar’gis (clairaudience and clairvoyance) came only from the I’hin. Because the I’hin were described as “small and white and yellow”, the I’huan were “tall and majestic and copper-colored”, the druks were “tall and stout and black and brown”, and the new race of mongrel were “short and dark and less noble” the unique physical characteristics of the I’hin race were determined to be the “marks of su’is”: “Jehovih put these marks upon His peoples that the races might be read in thousands of years”. The false Ahura “sought to disprove Jehovih in this” and find a way to “have born into the world a great prophet or seer”.
False Ahura oversaw thousands of experiments over a 50-year period and it was eventually discovered that pressing down on the front of an infant’s forehead, which they considered to be the corporeal judgement part of the brain, would drive the “judgement of the brain” up “into the light-perceiving regions at the top of the head” and result in su’is (clairaudience). Infants were strapped to boards with a smaller board strapped to their heads and tightened regularly. This is how the flattening of the head was found to raise up prophets and seers that would willingly prophesy for the false Ahura. He sent “tens of thousands of angels” out to all divisions of Earth to teach this technique to mortals.
Although this technique would eventually be abolished, and rightfully so, ethereans were still able to appropriate it for the good of the druks. The Div was advised to let this go because the druks would benefit from prophets and seers that were one of their own: “The druks will heed more what one of their own people saith as a seer, than if the same thing were said a hundred times over by an I’hin.”
The first Lord-dom, ruled by Vishnu
The ethereans foresaw that false Ahura’s confederacy would dissolve within the last 200 years of the cycle. If his 5000+ million souls, mostly drujas, returned to Earth, there would be darkness on Earth worse than before the great flood. A Lord named Vishnu was brought to Earth to establish the first “Lord-dom”, named Maitraias, which is the spirit equivalent to a military base. From this base, 800 million hosts would be trained and ready to go down to India, China, and Arabia to protect and shield the mortals from the spirits that eventually escape Ahura’s kingdoms. Vishnu also ended up helping 60 sub-Gods that disaffected from Ahura redeem themselves by raising up the 700 million hosts they once enslaved. Vishnu would also end up being the Lord to help the prophet Abraham about 200 years after this.
The important events of the last 180 years of Fragapatti’s cycle
Loo’is begin raising up the next set of prophets: In the last 180 years of Fragapatti’s cycle, etherean messengers and 6,000 loo’is (angels that are masters of generations) were sent to Earth. The messengers reported that “the nations of Earth would go down in great darkness”, but that a “little seed shall endure amongst mortals”. Oahspe describes how 6,000 loo’is were equally divided among India, China, and Arabia to “raise up heirs and followers” that would be mature by the beginning of the next cycle. These “heirs” referred to the great prophets of Abraham, Po, and Brahma in Arabia, China, and India. Although America was not mentioned in regard to the division of the loo’is, the prophet Eawatah was raised up in America at this same time.
A comet contributes to the final dissolve of false Ahura’s confederacy: While the loo’is were busy raising up the next 4 prophets in time for the next cycle, the 180 years of darkness (falling ji’ay) were used to break up the false Ahura’s confederacy that had been ruling over India, China, Arabia, Greece, and Japan for the last 1,600 years. Oahspe provides details on the many ways false Ahura tried to retain his dominion, but over time, he lost most of his sub-Gods, then lost his exalted angels, and eventually, his actions led to the overthrow and demise of all his kingdoms. In the last month of darkness, a comet came to Earth and caused 12 days of darkness and somehow made 80 hells form in Ahura’s kingdoms and he and his remaining sub-Gods were caught within them, walled in by 3,000 million drujas, and attacked by souls of kings, queens, and other victims that wanted vengeance.
False Ahura delivered, redeemed, and put to good work: To provide the most effective lesson of all, the souls that were sent to deliver the false Ahura from hell were spirits of people he had destroyed for his own glory. They spent 4 years delivering Ahura from hell and they did it in the name of Ormazd (the Zarathustrians’ name for the Creator), which immediately made Ahura want to repent. He was then guided and mentored in how to labor for and raise up his former “subjects”, which were now his “hosts”.
Darkness used to break up caste system and enlighten druks: The caste system that was established about 1,800 years earlier among Zarathustrians was no longer needed and was being used to abuse people. Darkness helped to break this caste system up when mankind’s increase in Earthly desires resulted in “the Zarathustrians, even the Faithists with the mark of circumcision, went and married the mongrels, and they with the druks, so that the foundations of caste were broken up”. This bout of inter-marriage also made many more druks “capable of everlasting life”. In fact, “all the races of men on earth were now capable of everlasting life”. Even the I’hin were affected by the darkness this time; they broke their vows, secretly lived with the “world’s people”, and had many children.
Why only Greeks and Japanese called the Creator “Mazda”: The inhabitants of Greece and Japan were the only people on Earth that were approved to call the Creator “Mazda” instead of Jehovih, Ormazd, or the Great Spirit. They had been mislead by the false Ahura to believe that the God I’hua’Mazda that helped Zarathustra was also the All Highest Creator. In false Ahura’s last ditch effort to retain his dominion, he never made it to Greece and Japan, so a true God named Os went to these 2 countries and taught them the truth about the Creator and the higher heavens, but let them to continue to use the name “Mazda” (aka Master). This regional misnomer would “…in thousands of years.. be testimony to mortals of the war in heaven of this day, which reached not to the heavens of these two lands. And it was so, and will continue forever!”
Go to Part 11, First prophet of 4,000 BC, Abraham…
- George Washington image:
- Ahura Mazda image: