When the 2,400-year reign of false Gods ended and Earth finally left the swamps and “forests of ji’ay”, Earth entered the region of space under the dominion of a God named Lika. As mentioned in the previous part, Oahspe explains that when the Great Pyramid was built, Earth had reached midway between “the ends of the earth”. Earth had “passed her limit of her greatest corporeality”, so the previous cycle was the time of the most extreme corporeal growth and the Great Pyramid was a “monument of the greatest corporeal aspiration of man” and would stand for “thousands of years as testimonies of the Gods and Saviors” and “teach mortals of the vanity of the lower heavens.”

From this point forward, man would seek to build himself everlastingly in heaven rather than on Earth. It was time for “her people, the sons and daughters of the red star” to “realize the difference betwixt a short corporeal life and endless paradise”.
False Gods delivered from hells: This cycle was a time of recovery from the previous cycle, which included the 2,400-year reign of false Gods. During the 5-year “dan of dawn”, when things are cleaned up at the beginning of a new cycle, the four false Gods, De’yus, Osiris, Te-in, and Sudga as well as Anubi were all delivered from hells/knots, restored to their senses, and began to work to raise up those they once enslaved.
Wandering spirits removed from Earth: The “thousands of millions” of drujas (wandering spirits) on Earth and in the atmospheric heavens, 91,000 million to be precise, were released from hells/knots, gathered up and sent to new heavenly plateaus for healing and instruction/education. Mortals kings and queens were inspired to issue edicts (laws) against magicians, seers, oracles, and priests – anyone communing and consulting with spirits. It was a time when “man on earth shall turn to his own soul, which is My light within him, and he shall cultivate it and learn to think for himself.”

Loo’is, master of generations angels, worked to raise up the next 3 prophets, not to teach new doctrines like previous prophets, but instead, they would “rescue My people from bondage, and restore equal rites unto the inhabitants of earth”. Due to the manipulation of the false Gods, Faithists were scattered all over, they no longer lived within their rab’bah-led communities, and laws suppressed every aspect of their lives reducing them to servitude. The next 3 prophets were angelically inspired to find ways to work around the existing laws that severely restricted the Faithists, gather them together, re-establish their colonies, and then undo the laws that were put in place under the reign of the false Gods.
Capilya and Moses adopted by kings: You will see that both Capilya of Vind’yu (India) and Moses of Egypt were born within families of Faithists and then adopted into rich, powerful families, specifically the son of kings. The primary reason they were born into families of Faithists is so that they were born with the psychic capabilities of su’is and sar’gis to be able to hear the Voice of the true Gods. And the true Gods found a way to work around the law against “worshippers of the Great Spirit, Ormazd” (Faithists) to receive education – if these 2 prophets were raised by Kings, it would “render unto the child learning and power also.”
The plan for gathering scattered Faithists: There was about 3,300 years before the age of kosmon (1848), so the 3 prophets of this cycle were meant to re-establish scattered Faithists of India, Egypt, and China, along with other regions, so they could eventually find one another. Four Gods that had formerly ruled the Earth, during the reign of the false, were brought back to Earth to work along-side the next set of prophets. A God named Inane worked with Capilyla of India, Inlay worked with Chine of Jaffeth (China), and Inoal worked with Moses. The 4th God, Injek, went down to Persia and Heleste (Greece), liberated the people, and inspired them to migrate to Moses in time for the exodus out of Egypt.
For the regions of Earth outside of India, China, and Egypt, including the “islands of the oceans of the earth”, Lika appointed 6 high-raised ethereal leaders from the Orian worlds, each with 10 million hosts, to go down among mortals and “by inspiration or otherwise collect together in groups the scattered Faithists”.
Capilya of Vind’yu (India)
The loo’is chose a family in the mountains of Dharma for the birth of the next prophet of Vind’yu (India), named Capilya. Oahspe explains that an Archangel named Hirattax and his hosts stood over Capilya’s pregnant mother night and day. Capilya was a natural-born iesu, su’is, and sar’gis (without gender, clairaudient, and clairvoyant). After birth, Archangel Hirratax appointed 144 guardian angels for to watch over Capilya in 4 different shifts, 6 hours each shift. These angels “taught Capilya from the time of his birth and he became wise above all children.”

Before Capilya’s birth, his parents were foretold that their child would be carried away, given to the King, his mother would be his nurse, and he would be a “deliverer of his people”. Capilya was born with a light in the form of a crescent above his head and his attending God, Inane, spoke through the light. Inane’s first message, through Capilya, was “This is my son. By him I will overthrow the governments of the tyrants who have persecuted My people.”
Loo’is orchestrate Capilya’s birth: As you will see, 2 out of the 3 prophets of this cycle, Capilya and Moses, were taken from their homes and sent into the homes of kings. For Capilya, this is how the loo’is achieved this objective: they made the highest king of India, Yokovrana, marry a barren woman so that he would have no heirs of his own and could therefore be “a tool in their hands for the deliverance of the Faithists, who are persecuted and outlawed”. In desperation to produce a male heir, the King consulted an oracle, which happened to be possessed by the angels of Jehovih. This oracle told the king to put his “wife away in a dark chamber for nine months, and she will deliver into thy hand a male child, who shall save the crown from thy brother’s child.” This plan worked and King Yokovrana did not know Capilya was not his son by blood until his death bed.
Human sacrifice ended in India: Capilya’s attending God, Inane, also used the birth of Capilya to end the first “evil edicts of the evil Gods of Vind’yu”, which was the sacrifice of 12 young men and 12 virgin women for every day of the twelth new moon. Inane told the king, through an oracle, that instead of 24 humans, make sacred the blood of the “Lamb of thy God”, bring his new son to the alter, sprinkle the blood of the lamb on his son’s head as a blood offering to God, and call his son, “Capilya, the Lamb of Heaven”.

Capilya educated as a prince: Because Capilya was brought into the home of a king, he was taught all things that princes were taught and made acquainted with the sub-kings of the other 40 provinces and the governors of 400 tributary cities, which made up the king’s Royal Council.
Capilya learns that he is a Faithist: When Capilya was mature, he convinced the king that he should travel around India “before he hath cares of a mighty kingdom”, so he traveled all over India for 9 years. He was accompanied by his nurse (his Mother) who told him, “thousands of tales about the persecution of the Faithists, and their sufferings” and Capilya saw proof of such with his own eyes. Capilya began to hear the Voice of Jehovih (the God Inane) who told him that he was of the race of the Faithists, that he had been prepared for this labor since before his birth, and to ask his nurse if he was an adopted “Vrix”. Capilya asked his nurse, his mother, and she confirmed it all.
Capilya re-establishes Faithist communities: Capilya then traveled throughout India for 3 years “establishing the Faithists wherever he found them; and he donated to them whatsoever lands laid waste and not tilled.”
This land, around about, I bequeath unto Faithists; and they shall settle here and till the soil, and reap the harvests, and shall not be driven away.
He taught them how to build alters of stone and wood so they could re-establish the “rites of bestowal upon the Great Spirit”. He also provided teachers so the Faithists could: “Know ye, the doctrines of the ancients, even from the time of Zarathustra and Brahma.”
Capilya’s re-establishment of the Faithist colonies was so successful that “it came to pass, the servants of the provinces fled from their masters” and news of Capilya’s work “sowed disobedience in the remainder.” The sub-kings and governors complained to Capilya’s “foster-father”, the king Yokovrana.
Capilya was very clever and convinced his Father that he had not technically broken any laws; all he did was encourage the poor to live in the “forests and plains where no man dwelt” and showed them “how to dwell together wisely”. In regard to servants fleeing and becoming disobedient, Capilya won his father’s support by pointing out that the only servants of the rich that ran away from their masters were the ones experiencing “hardships which are greater than the hardships of the Gods”.

Angels inspire the Royal Council: The sub-kings and governors of the Royal Council fought this for 100 days, but Capilya’s presence in the royal chamber brought in the power of Jehovih’s angels and they were able to “rule over the Royal Council for the good of all men”. As a result, Capilya convinced them that all government should be for the people, not just for a small group, and “when the poor and ignorant are supplied with what to eat and what to wear, with a place to live, there is little crime, but great virtue, and such are a great strength in that kingdom”.
Capilya convinces the Royal Council to change laws: Capilya’s greatest success with the Royal Council was when he convinced them that if they follow the laws of the ancients, like “the law against educating Faithists” for example, they are “only a servant to carry out the laws of the dead”. Furthermore, “with the death of the king all laws died, and whoso became king afterward must need make new laws of his own.” As a result, Capilya was acquitted and the king decided to make new laws with none of those laws interrupting “orders of the state as they are now”. Lastly, the Royal Council, still under the inspiration of Jehovih’s angels, decided that although the blood of their forefathers was spilled to establish Dyaus (the false God), there was no commandment that Dyaus shall be maintained by blood.

Capilya’s scarlet hats and Daughters of the Zarathustrian Law: After Capilya’s release, he put together a team of 13 chief rab’bahs and 39 rab’bah to be messengers; they wore red hats without brims after the custom of Zarathustra, covered in Part 9. Chine also put together a team of 20 unmarried women and 20 mothers; they were blue hats with ear flaps after the manner of the “Daughters of the Zarathustrian Law”. Capilya and these 2 teams then traveled throughout India for over 4 years to teach the Faithists rites and ceremonies.
Capilya finds a way to protect the Faithists: In the 5th year, Capilya was guided back to his foster-father, the king, who was nearing his death. Capilya convinced his foster-father to establish the “law of protection” before his death, which guaranteed “Brahmins, the Zarathustrians (Faithists), the lands they have possessed and tilled and are now dwelling on, to be theirs forever.” This allowed Capilya to inherit the throne after his foster-father’s death, ratify the new law, then abdicate the throne to a man named Heleopesus. This was how Capilya protected the Faithists’ land without breaking the Faithist commandment not to possess land. Heloepesus was obligated to Capilya and no laws regarding the Faithists could be enacted without Capilya’s consent, which enabled Capilya to stand as a protector for the Faithists.
Capilya was then free to travel throughout India, continued to collect scattered remnants of Faithists, helped them establish colonies, schools, the lost arts of tilling soil, and making fabrics out of hemp and wool and silk. Lastly, Capilya restored the “twelve virtues”, the “Book of Maxims”, the Zarathustrian commandments, and the songs of Vivanho.
Nor since two thousand years were the children of Jehovih so well standing before the world. Peace and plenty came upon the land of Vind’yu (India), even greater than in the days of Brahma.
Chine of Jaffeth (China)
For the prophet of Jaffeth (China today), Oahspe provides the names of 6 generations of Chine’s grandparents that were all “gifted in su’is and sar’gis”, could “hear the Voice”, and kept “the commandments of Jehovih as revealed in the Zarathustrian laws”. Chine’s father, Ah Sho’e, was a basket maker. Like the parents of Capilya and Moses, Ah Sho’e was told “by an angel of Jehovih (Ormazd)” about how his 4th child would “restore the chosen people of Jehovih” and should be named “Chine, signifying no sex; as it is written among the ancients, i-e-su, having no earthly desires”. Ah Sho’e had 7 physicians witness Chine’s birth so they could make an “oath, and a record thereof, touching the strangeness of such a birth, and of the prophecy of its coming into the world” in the “Ha Ta’e King (library) of record belonging to the Sun King”.

Chine was a late bloomer: Chine’s father, Ah Sho’e, also kept records during Chine’s childhood that described young Chine as the laziest of all children, dull past belief, “spoke so little no man knew whether he was wise or stupid”. He ate so little that “he was nothing but skin and bone, with a large head”. His siblings mocked him about the prophecy that he would grow up to be become a great man, yet evidence of the prophecy existed early on. For example, “when he walked about, the stools and tables moved out of his way; and yet no hand touched them” and “the angels of Jehovih oft carried him about the hut, and would lift him up to pick fruit from the trees”. Fortunately, when Chine was 16 years old, he “began to grow suddenly large and strong, and of deep color”, “he could learn a whole book in a day”, and “never forgot anything he learnt”.
Angels spoke through Chine: When Chine was 22, angels began to speak though him and for 4 years, from sunrise until late at night, one angel after another spoke through him. His fame spread all over Jaffeth (China) and men of great learning and philosophers came before him and challenged his knowledge, but there wasn’t a question that Chine couldn’t answer correctly. He could “read a tablet or reveal the size and build of a temple he never saw; or the sickness of a man who was far away”. At the age of 27, Chine’s “abundant speech” suddenly stopped and he was almost silent for 7 years and 80 days answering only yes or no to all things.
Chine teaches throughout China: Finally at the age of 35, angels “from the second heaven” returned to Chine and he once again, didn’t speak as a man, but as the “All Light”. This time, he traveled around Jaffeth (China) for 3 years and “because of his wonderful wisdom, men of great learning and even kings sent for him.” The “All Light” told people, through Chine, “I come every three thousand years”, which referred to how since the first prophet Zarathustra was born 5,500 years prior, prophets had been incarnated on Earth every 3,000 years (every new cycle) as a messenger for Jehovih.

Chine re-establishes Faithist communities: Chine then rested for 140 days, then came back “as a new man in the world, and not as a God”, and then he traveled the country again for another 3 years. This time, he took advantage of the kings’ soldiers being worn out from years of war that had led thousands of cities in ruins. He knew it was the right time to call thou My people out of the house of My enemies”, so he “gathered up converts, descendants of the Faithists, the pure Brahmins, the line of Zarathustra, the people of the Great All One, who accepted not Gods and Lords”, he told this “outlawed race” that “there is no Joss, no Ho-Joss, no Te-in, no Po, no Po-Te-in, to make you afraid”. Chine led the Faithists to “inhabit the land that is spoilt, and cause it to bloom and bring forth abundantly”. He established them in families (communities) of no more than 200, and re-invented plows and pickaxes, which had been destroyed and lost for hundreds of years.
Prophetic miracles foretold and recorded: After beginning the re-establishment of Faithists communities in Jaffeth (China), Chine was told by the Voice that “Now will I stir up the nations”. Like previous prophets, the upcoming miracles that Chine would carry out to show/prove to the Faithists the “glory and dominion” of Jehovih’s kingdoms were announced ahead of time, “recorded in the libraries of the kings and queens”, so that they could later be “testified to by men”. Chine was foretold about how the multitudes would witness his death, his coming back to life, and his ascension.
Kings become threatened by Chine: Chine had spent 3 years traveling and teaching in which the kings of Jaffeth “took no part against him”; however, after 3 years of Chine traveling to re-establish Faithist communities, the kings finally became concerned that “Chine had preached a dangerous doctrine” that could set their slaves against them. Six different kings, independently in their own provinces, went to their “spirit communicators”, which included priests, seers, oracles, and magicians, still ruled by Dyaus and other false Gods, to inquire about some of the teachings of Chine. Oahspe provides details about one king, named Te-zee, who was a great philosopher himself. He questioned many spirit communicators, one after another, over and over, to try to get to the truth about: (1) is there really a Great Spirit/Creator/Jehovih and (2) what is the truth about the “origin and destiny of man”.

Kings outlaw spirit communicators of the false Gods: Regarding the Great Spirit, the spirit communicators told king Te-zee that they had explored the “stars and the sun, and looked far and near” and saw no Creator. They said they saw only “Te-in, who was a one-time mortal, but hath risen to all power in heaven and earth”. For the “origin and destiny of man”, each one told Te-zee their version of origin and destiny of man, but he could tell that “No man hath answered me aright, as to the origin and destiny of man”. Since none of them could “manifest wisdom in words like Chine”, Te-zee issued a decree for his province that commanded magicians, priests, oracles, and seers to quit the province under penalty of death. The other 5 kings happened to do the same thing in their provinces and made it a law that the “magicians and seers and priests were obliged to abandon their callings or go beyond these provinces, where dwelt barbarians”.
King Te-zee and Chine meet to collaborate: Soon after this, the Voice told Chine to go before king Te-zee who remembered how profound Chine was years before. Chine told the king that when he came before, the Great Spirit spoke through him, but now he himself was “well learned” and would “speak of my own knowledge”. He told the king that he “was sent into the world to mark out this land and name it Chine-ya (Chine-land), and to establish anew those that accept the Great Spirit. For Chine’ya and her people shall remain a different country and different people from all the world”.
Note: While the Faithists of China, India, and Japan were intended to remain within their regions, the Faithists of Egypt/Africa (Middle East region) were intended to migrate westward even eventually to the West coast of Guatama (America) by the age of kosmon, which was about 3,200 years away at this point.
First vs. second resurrection angels: Chine explained to the king that his magicians, seers, priests, and oracles were under the influence of “angels of the first resurrection, and even angels below them” that “teach on their own individual understanding” and their miracles are “merely individual miracles”. An example of a miracle of the second resurrection, however, was how the 5 kings independently outlawed false God spirit communicators in their provinces. The section,
First vs. Second Resurrection Inspiration
Chine explained that angels of the second resurrection “are organized, and work in mighty armies”, so mortals inspired by second resurrection angels are as “a tool in the hands of Jehovih (Ormazd)”, who “worketh miracles, not in a small corner but in the affairs of kingdoms and nations; not through magicians only, but through kings and queens, and even through common people.”
Chine went on to teach the king that in order to distinguish the difference between first and second resurrection angels, “Spirits that dispose individual things, or earthly things; or propose riches or personal gain, or marriage…” and “spirits giving great names, professing to be this or that great person long since dead…” are all “deceivers and have not advanced beyond the first resurrection… They labor thee to make profit to their own magician…” Second resurrection angels are not an individual spirit that comes to an individual, they come as an army to a kingdom, a nation, or a community. Because these angels belong to organized communities in heaven, they in turn work with virtuous communities and organizations of mortals down on Earth. Chine added that this is not a new doctrine, it was “also proclaimed to the ancients.”
, further explains how second-resurrection spirits “worketh miracles, not in a small corner but in the affairs of kingdoms and nations; not through magicians only, but through kings and queens, and even through common people.”
Chine teaches Te-zee about the Creator: For king Te-zee’s specific inquiries, Chine first taught him that Those “who hath attained to understand that all things are but one harmonious whole” also know what is meant by Jehovih is the “All Person, for He is All; and consequently, Ever Present, filling all, extending everywhere”, “Jehovih’s chosen people”, which are those who choose Him, see the “Heavenly Father” in everything:
He seeth Him in the flowers; in the clouds, and in the sunshine; in the fruits and herbs; and in the beasts of the field, and in every creeping thing; and in the stars and moon and earth and sun. In sickness, in health, in sorrow and in rejoicing; verily he findeth Jehovih in all things…
Chine teaches Te-zee about the origin of man: For Te-zee’s second inquiry, the “origin and destiny of man”, Chine explained that the Creator creates a dual being meaning that the body is from the earth and the spirit is “from the Spirit Jehovih”, but that each and every mortal is “a new creation”. This prompted king Te-zee to ask, “If Jehovih is all the time creating, will not the firmament become too full of angels?” Chine said although the “corporeal man is not divisible, and so, filleth a place”, “Exalted souls in the upper heavens are without bulk and substance”.
The Ever Present quickeneth him into life in his mother’s womb; and he is then and there a new creation, his spirit from Spirit Jehovih, and his body from the earth; a dual being the Father createth him.
Faith cannot be commanded: Lastly, before Chine left to visit the other 5 provinces, Chine taught the king not to issue a decree commanding everyone to accept Chine’s doctrines. Instead, Faith in the Great Spirit does not come with a sword or speak or idol-Gods; “He cometh with education, the chief book is the example of good works, and of peace and liberty to all.” The kings of the 5 provinces did however issue decrees for the “extinction of Te-in and other idol-Gods”, prohibited the priests from doing sacrifices to Joss (god) or Ho-Joss (Lord God), or Te-in, Po, or any other ruler in heaven, except the Great Spirit”.
By the time that Chine returned back to king Te-zee, there were thousands of families (communities) of Faithists and “there came from every quarter of the world men and women to meet him and learn wisdom”, so it was time for Chine to “exhibit to thee the testimony of immortal life.
Chine displays “miracles”: It became time for the angels of Jehovih, through Chine, to stir up the nations, which meant exhibit “miracles” that display to the Faithists the “glory and dominion of Jehovih’s kingdoms”. Chine would communicate that the “miracles” were not miracles at all; in fact, they were “possibilities granted by Jehovih unto the upright who serve Him in act and truth.” This display was similar to how the first great prophet, Zarathustra, of 5,500 years prior, carried out miracles to prove the power of Jehovih to the especially disbelieving population of that day. Chine’s newly re-established Faithists were not as disbelieving, so the miracles were not as extreme, but he did carry out healings, exorcisms, and even brought the dead back to life.
Chine’s death and resurrection: Chine’s final, foretold “miracle” occurred where he died, his body was left for 5 days, his body was burned, and his ashes were scattered in a field (Oahspe does not say how he died). As prophesied, on the 7th day, which was considered a holy day for them, multitudes witnessed a whirlwind gather up his ashes in the field and re-create Chine’s body. His soul returned and he was able to teach among them for another 7 days.

Chine’s final instructions were for them to call their land Chine’ya (China) because he was sent into the world to “wall this great people around with Jehovih’s hand” and make them “the most numerous nation in all the world” and an “exclusive people for three thousand years to come”. His last teachings were to watch out for Gods (Josses) and Saviors, to not worship him, nor build an image of him, not even a monument. He also told them not to marry barbarians (non-spiritual people), but do not war with them either. Instead, build walls to keep them away. Lastly, he told them not listen to idolators, but do not persecute them either nor be conceited over them because their “forefathers were like unto them”. Chine added that although the Faithists of old were neglectful of the commandments and “Idolators came upon them and destroyed them, and laid waste their rich field”, they were now delivered and “ye shall make Chine’ya bloom again as My (Jehovih’s) celestial kingdom”.
Like India was to be an example of a might people with a multiplicity of Gods and languages still being able to preserve the Creator’s revelations, China was to be an example of a “multitude that can dwell in one kingdom, manifesting love, patience, and virtue” and by their “neglect of war and war inventions”.
Chine’s ascension: Lastly, as prophesied, to manifest the “power and glory of Jehovih”, “Jehovih’s ship of fire descends from His highest heaven!” A brilliant, blinding light, like a great cloud, descended over all the field, Chine walked toward the midst and “was lost in the exceeding great light”, which then “turned around like a whirlwind, and rose up, higher and higher, and then was seen no more.”
Afterward, all 5 kings “made special laws protecting all persons who rejected Gods, Lords and Saviors, but worshipped the All Light (Jehovih)” and that ends Oahspe’s depiction of how the “Faithists were safely delivered into freedom throughout Chine’ya.”
Next, Part 17: Moses, the 3rd prophet of 1400 BCE
- Image of cupid: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cupid
- Kapila of India image: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kapila
- Kapila in padmāsana: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kapila#Imagery_in_the_Agamas
- Persian Zoroastrians in red, brimless hats: http://zoroastrianheritage.blogspot.com/2015/04/herodotus-on-persian-attire-perseus.html
- Image of Chinese Joss House: https://www.freepik.com/premium-photo/many-chinese-god-angel-statue-chinese-joss-house-chinese-shrine-lady-princess-soi-dok-mak-local-goddess-people-praying-wat-phanan-choeng-temple-ayutthaya-thailand_25389977.htm
- Chinese rulers receive prophecy image: https://www.theworldofchinese.com/2022/06/how-prophecies-were-key-to-maintaining-power-in-ancient-china/
- Great Wall of China image: https://www.worldhistory.org/Qin_Dynasty/