After Ashtaroth’s Persians failed to re-subjugate the rebellious Greeks, which were supported by Baal and Looeamong, Ashtaroth did not give up. Instead, she began working through the Persian ruler, Xerces the Great, to subjugate the Greeks and retaliate for the first “Greco-Persian war”.
Ashtaroth convinced the Persians they were going to war against “their enemies” “for their own prosperity and glory” and obsessed them to “desperate madness against the Argos’yans (Grecians) and the middle and west nations”. At the same time, Baal sent his angels “down to earth, to the Argos’yans, and obsess them, man, woman and child, and inspire them to terrible deeds of blood and havoc and death against Parsi’e’ans who are coming against them.”
Ashtaroth helped the Persian, Xerxes the Great, build “the largest army on earth, or ever shall be”, which is covered in the overlay,
Ashtaroth and Xerxes’ Persian army
Ashtaroth used the Persian king, Xerces, to try to conquer Baal’s and other Gods’ regions so that he could then issue a decree to abolish all other Gods but her.
When Ashtaroth inspired the Persian king, Xerxes, in forming an army to go against Baal’s Argos’yans (Greeks), with whom called him Zeus, Xerxes ended up building the “largest army on earth, or ever shall be.”
Ashtaroth had her marshals summon 2,000 million angel warriors and then had her chief orator, a former Lord to false Osiris 900 years prior, deliver a speech whereby she claimed to be the creator of all the living and said that the “evil God, Baal” previously lived on far-off stars before he was cast out and they came to earth to despoil her. She added that although she “could destroy him with (her) little finger”, he is unworthy of her, so she is giving the glory to them to cast him into hell and torture him forever.
She tasked them with obsessing and inspiring Persian mortals to “march forth and destroy all other people on the earth” beginning with Baal’s Argos where they know him as Zeus. Ashtaroth promised she would reward and promote her angel warriors in return.
Her angel warriors then went down to Earth to inspire captains and generals around Persia to war against Argos. They worked to inspire them by day as well as night when they talked “to them in dreams and visions.” Ashtaroth’s angels’ inspiration and obsession were so effective that they inspired an additional 2.5 million Persians to join Xerxes’s existing army totaling 5 million, the largest army on Earth.
, but even so, because the Greeks were supported by both the false God Baal and the Triune head Looeamong, the Persians once again failed to re-subjugate the Greeks, which secured Greek independence from the Persian empire25.

In mainstream history, Xerxes’ Ashtaroth-backed “second Persian invasion of Greece” in the 480s BCE is considered a direct, but delayed response to Persia’s defeat in the “first Persian invasion of Greece”23. Historical accounts add that (1) the Greek resistance was led by the Athenians and the Spartans, (2) the Persian king, Xerxes, spent several years “mustering an enormous army and navy”, and (3) the war lasted 30 years before the Greeks won and eventually expelled the Persians from Europe24.