Jehovih, the Creator
Before the 72,000-year historical account begins in Oahspe, there’s a chapter called “Book of Jehovih”, which covers how the Creator (Jehovih) creates new worlds and how life begins on a planet. This particular chapter is written from the point of view of ‘Jehovih’, the Creator, as if he wrote it himself, but it’s made very clear that Jehovih is not a person, not even a God, he is ALL that was, ALL that is, and ALL that ever shall be. The Creator is referred to as a “He and Him” for convenience/simplification, but it is made very clear that the Creator is both “male and female” because there is nothing in the universe that is not part of Him. Two more of the many ways that Oahspe refers to the Creator is the “Highest Cause beyond all research” and the “QUICKENER, the MOVER, the CREATOR, the DESTROYER. I am the FIRST and LAST”.
For the specific name, “Jehovih”, mankind named the Creator after the sounds the wind makes, E – O – Ih!, which was pronounced Jehovih – because the wind is also Ever Present yet unseen.
The Creation of a New World
Everything in the universe belongs to the two entities, the seen or unseen, and Jehovih is the “Unity of the whole”. The seen is called ‘Corpor’ and it is everything that has length, breadth, and thickness and can be seen, heard, or felt.
The “Book of Jehovih” describes the creation of a new world at a high level. All the ingredients that make worlds are stored in space (etherea), “the substance of the iron in one place, the substance of the stones in another, the substance of the vegetable kingdom in another, and even so of the substance of the animal kingdom…” When a new corporeal world is created, the different substances within space/etherea are “carried forth, not by random, but purposely, in the regions suited to it.” A vortex (whirlwind) propels the substances together, condensing them, causing friction and heat, eventually becoming molten like a globe of fire. The density is greatest at the center and eventually creates light (the globe of fire) and becomes a comet that travels along the currents of the surrounding vortex. Eventually the comet becomes dense enough to attain an orbit of its own and then it’s called a planet. “Then it taketh its place as a new born world, and I set it in the orbit prepared for it.”
For Earth, commingled atmospheric and corporeal substances, called se’mu, rained down to the surface, layer on top of layer. Newer and newer layers of ‘se’mu’, which is also called falling nebulae, covered one another. Buried forests and beds of this material provided coal and manure for later times. Earth passed through regions of space where sand and oil were rained upon and covered up, which sealed in gases “for the coming generations of men”.
Creation of Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms
When se’mu falls to the Earth, Earth is “ripe for the bringing forth of living creatures”. Figure 1 below illustrates how Earth travels through the 4 seasons every 576,000 years and each season is 144,000 years in duration. When se’mu falls to the Earth, it is considered the “Age of Se’mu”, which is also the Spring season. Earth completed its most recent Spring season 72,000 years ago, but dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago and there are many plants and animals still on Earth today that existed since the dinosaur age, so those life forms continue to exist through the many cataclysms and ice ages that come with the passing of the seasons. The most important point about how the Earth goes through a 144,000-year Spring season (Age of Se’mu) once every 576,000 years is that when Oahspe describes the creation of the vegetable/plant and animal kingdoms, it is not referring to the most recent Age of Se’mu. Some new plants and animals may have come into existence in the most recent Spring, but most came about long before then.

Oahspe states that by Jehovih’s presence, He quickens the se’mu substance into life according “to the locality and the surroundings”. When a new species is created, each is created anew, not one animal created out of another. In other words, animals do not change and become other animals. And because Jehovih is both male and female and has “the power to quicken into life”, He makes all of the living in the same way. New species of animals are created “according to their respective places”, in the colors that are adapted to their dwellings, and not just in pairs, but in “hundreds of pairs and thousands, and in millions.”
The eyes are/were the very first “organs of sense” created in any animal. Once there is enough light on Earth, se’mu focalizes toward the light and the focus becomes eyes. Eyes are the beginning of self-creation because they enable an animal to acquire knowledge.
Creation of Man
For the creation of man, the race of humans that existed on Earth at the very end of the Age of Se’mu were called the Asu (Adam). “Out of se’mu I made man, and man was but a tree, but dwelling in ha’k (darkness), and I called him Asu (Adam)”. Although the Asu (Adamic people) are the first race of man on Earth in Oahspe, it does not mean that the Asu’ans were the first upright-walking, intelligent beings on Earth as the ‘Adam and Eve’ story of the Old Testament Bible would have us believe. Another channeled work, “Law of One”, states that there have been visitors to Earth at various times over the last 4 million years, but those visitors did not affect the “cycling of the planetary sphere”1. In other words, those earlier intelligent beings were not involved with the most recent 215,000-year age/season that Oahspe covers.
Although Oahspe states above that “man was but a tree”, it also differentiates a man from a tree: “To the tree I gave life; to man I gave life and spirit also. And the spirit I made was separate from the corporeal life.” This is the first mention of a spirit of man and the next quote is the first mention of the spirit being everlasting: “The corporeal man made I belonging to the seen; but the spiritual man made I as one with the unseen, and everlasting.”
This mention of mankind having an ‘everlasting spirit that is one with the unseen’, is just the beginning of how Oahspe describes the fundamental differences between mankind and other life forms on Earth. “Chief over all that live on the earth I made Man”. Mankind was given the (1) ability to comprehend the Creator and the (2) ability to speak words to share knowledge with others. In regard to comprehending the Creator, Oahspe states that animals receive direct inspiration from the Creator and mankind receives both direct and indirect inspiration. Animals are said to have ‘instincts’, but Oahspe calls this ‘direct inspiration from the Creator’. This direct inspiration tells animals what to eat, where to live (like a bird’s nest or a spider web), and how to pro-create.
Regarding mankind’s ability to additionally receive indirect inspiration, mankind is “capacitated to receive inspiration from all things”, from all of Jehovih’s creations. This means that mankind receives inspiration from his surroundings, more specifically, the “conflict of his surroundings”, which is how/whey mankind manifests both good and evil unlike other animals that are focused solely on survival. “After the creation of man, the Creator, Jehovih, said unto him: That thou shalt know thou art the work of My hand, I have given thee capacity for knowledge, power, and dominion.”
Mankind has the most potential of all other animals on Earth, yet is born the dumbest. The Creator “commanded the living to bring forth, by cohabitation, every species after its own kind. And man was more dumb and helpless than any other living creature.” Regarding man having the most potential, man was designed by the Creator to “work his way up to the Godhead, understanding all below him.” What it means to become a “Godhead” will be covered later, but for now, this means that man uniquely has the ability to progress forever (because mankind has a spirit that is everlasting).
“One great light have I bestowed unto all men, that they may progress forever. Though the waters of the ocean rise up and make clouds; and the clouds fall down as rain and run to the rivers, and thence back into the ocean, a thousand times… yet the water hath not progressed. Neither have I given progress to a stone, nor a tree, nor to an animal but to man only have I given progress.”
In regard to man being the dumbest and most helpless, Oahspe once again refers to the tree. The Creator “made the tree to get its food and clothes without labor… Some things in the world labor not”. But mankind has “neither feathers, nor hair nor wool” to cover his body and instead, is provided with ‘talents’. “I created man naked, and with shame, as the foundation for industry” so that man will use his talents for industry, which is “constant action to a profitable result”, which leads to a more virtuous life. Oahspe states that working (utilizing talents) to clothe and feed oneself and others are by-design “enforced industry upon all people”.
If we combine the fact that mankind has the most potential and progresses forever + the fact that mankind is born the dumbest and most helpless + the fact that mankind is provided with talents, exactly how does the dumb, helpless man (or woman) use his/her talents to progress forever to eventually become a Godhead? This is where the unseen worlds come into play because the unseen rules over the seen.
The Unseen Worlds

Although man is “Chief over all that live on the earth”, earth is only ONE part of all that exists. The Creator created 3 kinds of worlds. Earth is the first world, called corpor, and is the ‘seen’. The other 2 worlds are ‘unseen’ and are called “Es”. The 2 unseen worlds are called ‘atmospherea’ and ‘etherea’. Atmospherea is within the Earth’s atmosphere, travels with the Earth, and exists in 3 layers. Etherea is above and beyond Earth’s atmosphere. Figure 2 illustrates etherea and the 3 lower levels of atmospherea.
Inhabitants of the seen world, corpor, are called corporeans and inhabitants of the unseen worlds, Es, are generally called es’eans, spirits, or angels. Angels in Oahspe are not a separate order of creation, they are any human spirit that does not inhabit a corporeal body. In fact, Oahspe states that humans are simply undelivered angels, still in embryonic state, preparing for birth (which we call death).
It is these angels, then, that are one of the primary ways that mankind, which is born relatively dumb and helpless compared to animals in the wild, receives indirect inspiration in the optimal use of his/her talents for industry and learning. This indirect, unseen guidance is the mechanism whereby mankind aspires to reach his/her highest potential and eternally progress the soul. This brings us to the beginning of Oahspe’s 72,000-year historical account when the first angels of the most recent Age of Seffas visited Earth.
Angels Come to Earth
The first example that Oahspe provides of the unseen ruling over the seen starts about 6,000 years prior to the Age of Seffas, so about 78,000 years ago. Angels were sent to Earth to teach early man with whom didn’t walk, were naked, and could not talk: “…man was helpless, crawling on his belly, and he understood not the voice of the Almighty. And Jehovih called angels, who were older than the earth, and he said unto them: Go ye, raise man upright, and teach him to understand.”
“I have created a new world… come ye and enjoy it, and raise man upright and give him words of speech. For these will also be angels in time to come.”
I mentioned earlier that at the beginning of every new 3,000-year cycle, there’s a period of time, that spans several hundred years, where there’s a higher level of interaction between the ‘angelic overseers’ and mankind to carry out any necessary cleanup and setup for the new cycle. The Creator sent “myriads of angels from the roadway in heaven, where the earth traveleth” to “go and deliver Asu (Adam) from darkness for he shall also rise in spirit…” The difference between the angels of this cycle compared to later cycles is that this cycle was the 2nd to the last cycle of the Age of Se’mu, so se’mu was still raining down on Earth. These angels were able to use the se’mu to create flesh and bones (corporeal bodies) and walk along-side the Asuans: “…by his side took they on forms like unto man, having all the organs and attributes of mortals, for it was the time of the earth for such things to be.” So although these first angels were from the unseen world, they themselves were not unseen, which is how the next event occurred…
Angels Pro-created with Asuans
The angels in their new Earth bodies were told to partake of all that is on the Earth, but do not partake of the tree of life because it would make them procreators and “as if dead to the heavens whence ye came”. The angels did not comprehend Jehovih’s words, hung out with the Asuans, were tempted, and then had sexual intercourse with them. Oahspe states that the “tree of life” is the knowledge of Earth and heaven, but from Oahspe’s other references to the “tree of life”, I’ve deduced that to partake of the fruit of the tree of life means sexual intercourse.
Although the Christian doctrine of “original sin” says that because of the sin of Adam and Eve, original innocence was lost and all subsequent human beings are born into a state of sinfulness, neither the angels nor the Asuans sinned according to Oahpse. The angels were “heirs of other planets”, many of them had never fulfilled a corporeal life having died in infancy. For the ones that did grow up, they became wise women and men, but had not ever “tasted the fruit of the tree of life”, so they did not comprehend procreation. Jehovih’s words were “in innocence they mingled with the people A’su… they were tempted for Wisdom’s sake…” and “I condemn ye not because ye have become joint procreators with the asuans…”
In regard to the Asuans, they were born in darkness, they were “of the earth”, they had not yet been ‘alighted’ (raised up/enlightened) by the angels, so they didn’t know any better. Oahspe described this temptation as, “corpor spoke to them (the angels) and they believed corpor”, which is another way of saying that the Asuans, who were “of the earth”, convinced the angels to have sex and neither the Asuans nor the angels knew any better.
Furthermore, Jehovih went on to say that the angels had done 2 services for Him: (1) they taught themselves corporeal things so that they would understand and sympathize with mortals and (2) they caused the Earth to become populated with people that were capable of immortality.
Angels become bound to Earth
As promised, when the angels pro-created with the Asuans, they became “as if dead to the heavens whence they came” and lost their “inheritance in etherea”. This meant that these angels could no longer go right back to where they came from in etherea – their line of light back to home had been severed. Furthermore, these angels were now responsible for the development of their offspring. “Because ye brought forth life, which is in flesh and blood, ye shall minster unto man for six generations on the face of the earth.” They would not rise again to inherit Jehovih’s “emancipated heavens”, meaning they would not be able to go back to the heavens beyond the bounds of Earth, until the lowest of their offspring had been brought up to their equal.
Behold, ye now have sons and daughters on the earth; by your love to them are ye become bound spirits in the lower heaven. Until ye redeem them in wisdom and power even to the sixth generation ye shall not again rise and inherit My emancipated heavens.”
These angels would receive assistance in his/her own resurrection only inasmuch as he/she assisted those beneath him/her. “Inasmuch as ye raise up them that are beneath you, so will I send them who are above down to you, to raise you up also.” This top-down, multi-level system of assistance was made possible by a new ‘system and order’, which will be covered in Part 3.
This new system and order coincided with the beginning of the next age, the ‘Age of Seffas’, which was the age for establishing and enforcing laws of the land and religion. Oahspe’s 72,000-year history covers the events of the entire Age of Seffas all the way up to the beginning of the next age, which is the age we are in now, the Age of Kosmon.
This synopsis will follow Oahpse in summarizing most of the first 48,000 years, which ended with the sinking of the continent Pan (the great flood, Noah’s ark). Then the last 24,000 years will be covered in more detail and will cover the following subjects:
- the great Gods Apollo, Thor, and Osiris
- first organized religion Zoroastrianism (Zarathustrian)
- first false God, Ahura’Mazda
- the prophets Abraham, Po , Brahma, and Eawatah
- false Gods Osiris and Anubi, building of the pyramids
- the prophets Moses, Chine, and Capiyla
- the prophets Sakaya (Buddha), Ka’yu (Confucius), and Joshu (Jesus)
- false Gods Buddha, Brahma, Kriste, and Thoth/Gabriel
Oahspe’s 72,000-year historical account of the Age of Seffas ends with how Columbus was inspired to discover America, which was the nation designated to lead the way in letting go of religions entirely in the age of kosmon, and how Lincoln was inspired to free the slaves in 1863, which was just 15 years into the age of kosmon.
Go to Part 3, New system and order established for Earth, the “harvester of souls planet”…
- Image of the 3 worlds (Figure 2):