Part 3 segued into what it meant for Earth to be a ‘harvester of souls’ planet and introduced the first ‘God of Earth’, Sethantes, with whom set up Earth’s first lower heavens and assigned 5 lords to the 5 divisions (continents) of Earth. This part of the synopsis will cover the early years of the angel/Asu offspring, the new race of man, and then summarize the remaining events of the first 48,000 years up to the great flood.
First 48,000 Years – the I’hin

The offspring of the early angels that pro-created with the Asuans (Adam) were called I’hin. Asu translated to Adam and meant ‘of Earth only’ (see Figure 1). I’hin translated to Abel and meant ‘begotten of both heaven and Earth’. I’hin were capable of being taught spiritual things and they “perceived that wisdom shaped all things and ruled to the ultimate glory of the All One”. The I’hin were also considered the “chosen ones”, not because they were especially chosen by the Creator, but because they chose to revere the Creator, Jehovih.
Responsible pro-creation: The first order of business was to teach the I’hin to wear clothes to hide their nakedness, teach them about incest, and encourage them to pro-create within the I’hin race, rather than with Asu’ans, so that their offspring would have “the light of the Father in them” rather than their “seed go down in darkness”.
Worship and mass: The I’hin were spiritual from the very beginning. They consulted prophets with whom could hear the voice of Lords or the God. The built “houses of the Lord” where they would worship, which meant to “sing and dance for the glory of the Creator”. And “mass” was designated as the “four holy days of rest during each moon, for on these days do my guardian angels change the watch”. The I’hin were guarded day and night and most of the time, they did good work “not even knowing they were fulfilling the commandment of the Lord”. Although the I’hin preferred to live alone, their Lord inspired them to live together in cities “like the manner of my kingdoms in heaven”.
Cain and Abel: It wasn’t long before mankind became conceited and some “strayed out of the garden of paradise and began to dwell with the asu’ans (Adams), and there was born into the world a new race called Druk (Cain)”, which translated to people who put their trust into corporeal things rather than spiritual things. The I’hin tried to teach the druks, but the druks would not obey the Lord’s commandment “thou shalt not kill” and became dangerous to the I’hin. The druks were sent out of the cities and into the wilderness (cast out of paradise). Their Lord put a mark of the “shadow of blood, which, being interpreted, is WAR… By this sign shall the tribes of Druk and their descendants be known unto the end of the world”.
The Old Testament’s Cain and Abel story differed in that Adam and Eve had their first son, Cain (Druk), before they knew about God, so Cain was “born in darkness”. Then after they comprehended God, they had their second son, Abel (I’hin), who was eventually killed by Cain. Adam and Eve’s third son, Seth, was like Abel, born with the light of the Father, born to everlasting life, so the children of Seth became the “chosen ones” and Cain’s children became “the tribes of the world’s children” that eventually became too mighty and had to be destroyed in the flood.
Circumcision: The Lord put a mark on the I’hin as well, when he commanded the males, young and old, to be circumcised so that the I’hin women would not be deceived by druk men. This was in response to the I’hin women asking/praying for how they could bring forth children “born to everlasting life” rather than “sons of death”. Later in Oahspe when circumcision was no longer needed, it became an optional practice.
First language: The angels taught the I’hin the first language of the Earth so that the “labor of the Lord thy God may be remembered on earth.” The first language was called “Panic” from a translation of “Ah-ce-o-ga”, which meant “of earthly things”.

Yaks and eunuchs: For the druks that remained in the wilderness, they pro-created with Asu’ans, which created another “half-breed race born on the Earth, called Yak, signifying ground people; and they borrowed in the ground like beasts of the forest” (see Figure 2). The God and Lord decided that “Because they are the fruit of incest, and not capable of speech, nor of eternal life in heaven, the I’hin shall make servants of them”. Additionally, angels taught the I’hin how to make eunuchs out of both the male and female Yaks so that the Yaks “may not tempt my chosen to bring forth fruit unto destruction”.
First churches: After the creation of the first language, the I’hin tried again to teach the druks about spirit and other aspects of the unseen, but the druks did not understand the I’hins’ rites and ceremonies. The I’hin were inspired by angels to build images of the God, in the likeness of man, out of stone, clay, and wood, and put them in houses of worship. During worship times, angels possessed the idols and spoke from them to give the druks evidence of the unseen. When the druks asked the I’hin how it was possible, the I’hin told them about a God in heaven, unseen but potent, and that those that remember this God shall never die, but will instead ascend to habitations in heaven prepared by the Lord. For the druks that “pondered on these things”, “their thoughts quickened their souls within them, so that they brought forth heirs unto eternal salvation”. These enlightened druks were able to once again cohabitate with the I’hin within their cities. The I’hin “covered the roadways of the earth over with idols… and the angels of heaven descended to the idols…” and these were the first churches for the unlearned.
First language sent all over the world: Once mankind could enunciate words more clearly, one of the Lords told the I’hin to provide him with a stone, he would engrave it, then the angels would teach them the meaning of the engraved characters, and then they would “Go into all cities in all the countries of the world, and provide ye copies like unto the tablet I have given”. These first tablets, called Se’moin, “shall be a testimony unto all nations and peoples, on the earth, of the first written language in all the world” so “that the first language of the earth (Panic) might be preserved to the races of men” (Chinese retains the most Panic today).
First 48,000 years – Drujas and periods of darkness
The I’hin prospered and there were hundreds of thousands of cities in the 5 divisions of Earth; however, there’s a reoccurring theme throughout Oahspe’s 72,000-year history, which is that every time things were going well, something would change and everything would fall apart. There were 3 main challenges that happened over and over again throughout the 16 cycles of the first 48,000 years leading up to the great flood: (1) withdrawal of the support of guardian angels, (2) infestation of wandering spirits (drujas), and (3) Earth traveling through lower-density regions of space/time.
Guardian angels withdraw support: For the first challenge, which was the withdrawal of angelic support, the first time this happened in Oahspe’s history was in the first cycle when the God of Earth realized that although the I’hin were living without evil, it was solely due to them being guarded and inspired by angels day and night. The angels were told to “withdraw a little, that man be tried as to his self-commandment” because unless “they learn of themselves to be good”, they would have no honor and “they will be void of wisdom in heaven”. There were other times, however, when angelic hosts withdrew their support of mortals on Earth because things were so dark on Earth, their labor was in vain: “man on earth hath gone so far from my ways that he will not heed my commandments; he cannot hear my voice… we will tarry no longer on the earth till man hath exhausted the evil that is in him”.
Regardless of the cause of withdrawal of angelic support, it was necessary for mankind to learn to handle the duality within themselves and the world they were living in. Oahspe explained that mankind was made of 2 entities: flesh, which desires Earthly things, and spirit, which desires heavenly things. Earthly desires, such as war, lust, and conceit only bring immediate or eventual ruin; listening to the spirit within is the only way to learn to triumph. Mankind needed to “face evil on his own account; otherwise he could not attain to the Godhead in heaven” and there was plenty of evil to face.
Wandering spirits (drujas): The second major challenge was that the withdrawal of angelic support made way for wandering spirits to take over the influencing of mortals on Earth. This is the first mention of a very, very big problem that has always plagued the Earth. Oahspe calls these spirits “drujas, because they desired not resurrection”. These lower-density spirits did not desire to “labor and to learn according to Jehovih’s plan”. Instead of abiding within the first layer of atmospherea as first resurrection spirits, they remained on (or returned to) Earth, engrafted onto mortals, fed off of their energy, inspired them to do self-serving and/or evil things, and made guardian angels “powerless to accomplish good inspiration”.

Earth’s periods of darkness: The third major challenge was that Earth traveled through regions of lower-density space/time that majorly affected Earth and her inhabitants. This challenge is worthy of a more detailed look because periods of darkness occur many, many times throughout Oahspe to change the course of history.
Every 3,000-year cycle began with several hundred years of intense light (the cleanup/setup period of a new cycle) and there were periods of lesser light that followed; however, in between, there were periods of darkness. Space/time is full of regions that contain dense, slow-vibrating substances in the forms of fields and forests (a’ji) that the Earth must travel through. Etherean administration also had a way of nudging Earth’s trajectory into these low-density regions of darkness to achieve specific goals. Figure 3 shows Earth traveling along its natural roadway (A) and how its actual trajectory (B) slightly deviates from that roadway.
In the passage of the earth in its own roadway, it goeth amongst these etherean and atmospherean worlds regularly; so that the periods of inspiration, and periods of darkness, are not haphazard.
During these periods of darkness, dense atmospherean substances blocked the light of the sun for years, substances (a’ji) fell to the Earth and buried cities, and severe weather changes brought drought, famine, fevers, epidemics, and plagues.
For Earth’s inhabitants, low-density regions of space/time manifested differently depending on the density (vibration) of individuals’ bodies. For example, lowest density people engaged in war, destruction, death, and lust. Moderate-density people engaged in war as well, but also in intellectual and scientific development that took them away from spiritual development. When higher density people were effected, which occurred when the period of darkness was severe and long-lasting, they would worship false gods, saviors, become superstitious, and practice self-serving rites and ceremonies often involving sexualism.
When a’ji falls and condenses on Earth, mortals can’t see it; all they see is their cities and temples seemingly sink. Ethereans explain it like this: at all times, atmospheric substances are either dissipating upward or falling and condensing downward. When substances fall to the Earth (corpor), it adds to or “grows” corpor and it inspires man to corporal interests (Earthly desires). When substances are dissipating upward, it adds or “grows” es, the unseen spirit world, and man is inspired to spiritual things.
… when the earth is in the giving-off period, behold, man ceaseth to desire of the earth; he cried out to his Father in heaven for the light of heaven.
… in the days of a’ji, neither angels or men can enthuse mortals with spiritual things, only they are organically grown in spirit (the I’hin) can withstand.
Because of the long reign of ji’ya, thou wert inoculated with darkness; even as a mortal, on a rainy day, loseth his patience to be wise.
The good news is that all these seemingly negative effects listed above were actually used to benefit mankind: “in their seeming misery lay the foundation for an everlasting good”. When mankind became conceited, darkness would give them the experience they needed to build up wisdom (spirituality). When mankind became physically weak, darkness would give them the experience they needed to build up strength (physicality).
Darkness used for wisdom: Just one of the many examples of how darkness was used to build up wisdom was introduced earlier in this part when guardian angels withdrew support from the I’hin. This made way for drujas to move in and take over for, “days of the darkness of earth are their delight; their harvest is in the rich falling a’ji… they derive their sustenance without labor.” Drujas inspired the druks to steal from the I’hin and inspired the I’hin to fight back rather than practice non-resistance. Drujas normally had little influence over the I’hin, but the period of darkness literally clouded their judgement. War ensued and eventually spread to all continents leaving the I’hin, who were already the smallest and weakest people, scattered and no longer protected by their walled cities. The I’hin learned that war led only to destruction and ruin.
Darkness used for strength – the I’huans: The above scenario also led to the first example of darkness being used to build up strength (physicality). After the I’hin became scattered and more vulnerable than ever to druks and beasts of prey, angels took advantage of how darkness increased lust and inspired the I’hin to mingle (pro-create) with the druks that had “learned a little from the images” (the idols in the first churches). This created “a new tribe on the earth; and they were called I’huans, because they were half-breeds, betwixt the druks and the I’hins” (see Figure 4). This began a symbiotic relationship between the I’hin, the “sacred people”, and the “red like copper” I’huans. The I’huan were taller and stronger than any other people in the world and “partly obeyed the way of the Lord and partly obeyed the way of the flesh”, so their willingness to obey “the way of the flesh” made them ideal defenders and protectors of the I’hin.

I’huans re-created years later: Before concluding the summary of the first 48,000 years leading up to the great flood, it is worth providing 2 more examples of how periods of darkness were used to create a hybrid race to meet the physical needs of humanity. The first example was when the I’huan race was re-created 9 cycles (27,000 years) after the first time. By this time, the I’huan race were “lost from the face of the earth” by their own demise. They had killed so many people for various reasons that they had populated the heaven with “spirits of vengeance”, which returned to them as drujas and inspired them to do even more evil, so they turned on one another leaving their race decimated.
At the same time, the I’hin were endangering their existence, but for different reasons: “the I’hins have become a spiritual people and have prospered in peace and spirit, behold, they have degenerated in the corporeal body”. High spirituality often led to celibacy; however, the I’hin were still having some children, but they were having children at 12 years old, which resulted in “untimely births” and a reduction in life span to 30 years old. The “ground people”, on the hand, were living until 200-400 years old. Earth was intentionally nudged so it would travel through a low-density region of space/time (a’jiyan forest) and the ‘period of darkness’ made the “the brown people burnt with desires, and they laid hold of the I’hin women when they went into the fields, and forced them, and thus brought forth again the I’huan race, the copper colored, strong and bright and quick”.
Now will I bring the earth into a’jiyan fields and forests for a long season; for I shall again reproduce the I’huans; and the time of a generation shall be thirty-three years. For my harvests shall be of fruit that is mature and full of ripeness.
The last example of early periods of darkness being used to create a hybrid race occurred in the division of America (called Guatama). America had an over-abundance of wild animals that were killing the spiritual people, but the I’hin had been commanded not to kill and not to eat meat. Measures were taken to create the I’huan race so they would kill and eat the dangerous wild animals: “The Lord thy God findeth one place filled with beasts of prey and great serpents, which must be destroyed; and he provideth a race of men to accomplish this. And man is suffered (allowed) by God to become carnivorous for a season.”
End of the 48,000 Years – The Great Flood
By the end of the 16th cycle, “The Earth and her heavens are gone down in darkness”. Due to the reasons listed below, Earth’s overall density (vibration) was too low for the region of space that the Earth was about to enter. In other words, the overall density of Earth’s inhabitants had become incompatible with the upcoming region of space: “From this time onward there was found no grade in the roadway… sufficiently dense for the angels of the heavens of the earth”. It was also time for the ethereans to turn over administration of the Earth to earth-born angels, yet the Earth was in no shape for this turn-over.
- the I’hin had been destroyed on all divisions of Earth except for the Pan
- Earth was no longer able to harvest souls for etherea, there were no spirits on Earth or within its atmosphere with a grade high enough for third resurrection (ascension beyond Earth’s atmosphere to etherea)
- infestation of drujas: spirits of the newly dead returned to Earth, attached to mortals, and inspired them to evil (drujas, fetals, vampires, familiars, etc.)
- Every time people would learn “matters of heaven and earth”, their learning would soon be “dissipated by the dread hand of war”, so when one generation would succeed, the next would fall back to cannibalism
- Earth was “too prolific” with people without judgement or sense (physicality was at a high, but spirituality was too low)
Sixteen times have my etherean hosts redeemed the earth and her heavens from darkness into light, and yet ere the end of a cycle she falleth again, and her atmospherea with her
After 50,000 years, it was time for a council of “those that were high raised in the management of worlds” to assemble and decide what to do so that “the earth and her heavens shall take a new start amongst My habitable worlds”. This is what was decided:
- all angels/spirits were gathered together in the atmospheric heaven over the division of Pan (to be pruned)
- the I’hin were told to “build ships in all places, even in the valleys and mountains” (Noah’s ark)
- nets received the spirits of darkness so they could be weaned from evil
- nets received “the spirits of mortals who shall perish in the waters” so they could be carried away to regions where the would be taught by Gods and Goddesses
- etherean ships of fire surrounded the division of Pan on all sides to “break the crust of the earth and sink a continent” (see Figure 5)

Post flood: The God of Earth at this time (about 24,000 years ago), Neph, was told to “bend the currents of the winds of heaven” to divide the ships of I’hin into 5 groups. The first group had only 2 ships and it was sent north to what was left of the sunken continent. This small fleet was named Yista, which in their native tongue was “Zha’pan” and that is how we have Japan today. The Lord over Japan was told, “ye shall be as a key to unlock the labors of heaven; for of all people ye shall be reckoned the oldest in the world. And until I come back and unlock the sea, ye shall remain an exclusive people from all tribes and nations”.
Within 150 days, all the ships of I’hin, which Oahspe referred to post-flood as “Faithists”, had arrived at their designated ports. The other 4 fleets each had 34 ships and were sent to America (then called Guatama), India (then called Shem), Egypt and Africa (then called Ham), and China (then called Jaffeth).
For in all contries shall My chosen begin the laying down of the foundation of My everlasting kingdom, and they shall never more be destroyed by the people of darkness, neither of earth or heaven.
For the Old Testament’s Noah’s ark story, instead of a man named Noah building an ark, Oahspe says that when this event happened, Earth and the solar system were traveling in an area of space called the ‘Arc of Noe’. Instead of Noah building 1 ark, the I’hin built 138 ships over 2 years time. Instead of the entire Earth being flooded with water, most of the continent of Pan was sunk. Instead of Noah’s family and the animals on the ark being the only survivors, there were 12,420 I’hin survivors on the ships as well as many men, women, and children survivors, including barbarians, all over the world.
There were so few Faithists left in the world, to prevent them from getting back on their ships and getting lost at sea, they were inspired to promptly remove all of their things from the ships and then angels sunk the ships in the night. The Faithists didn’t know they had been inspired by angels until after the ships were sunk and it confirmed to them that “he is with us”. The Lord said, “From these, my seed, will I people the earth over in all divisions thereof. And that after generations, for thousands of years, many will know the work of my hand; behold I give them a sign, which is my covenant to them and their heirs forever”. The sign was the crescent in the form of a rainbow. It was prophecied that the sunken land of Pan would be discovered in the age of kosmon.
Go to Part 5, The period after the “great flood”, 24,000 years ago…