Part 5 covered the post-flood cycle where everything on Earth and in the heavens had to be built anew as if nothing had ever existed. Earth-born volunteers rebuilt Earth’s heavens and etherean-born volunteers used familiar spirits to raise up (enlighten) barbarians. The ships of surviving I’hin re-established civilizations on all 5 divisions of Earth, but like all cycles, the previous cycle ended in a long-lasting period of darkness where false gods and lords manipulated both angels/spirits and mortals into worshipping them and working in their lowly heavens. The next 3 cycles were ruled by 3 well-known, infamous Gods: Apollo, Thor, and Osiris and each of these Gods were tasked with very different objectives.
Additional information about the I’hin
But first, before getting into the next cycle, Oahspe provides some additional information about the I’hin race, the “sacred little people”. Oahspe emphasizes that the I’hin are not a “superior race”, nor are they righteous and without evil from their own knowledge, nor do they live separately because they are above others. The I’hin are righteous and without evil due to the constant presence of the Creator’s exalted angels and they live separately to be an “example of righteousness for man to look upon”.
The I’hin were not considered “perfection of manhood and womanhood’. They were not a superior race in which righteousness resulted from their own knowledge. They were righteous and without evil only by the “constant presence of my exalted angels”. In times of darkness on Earth, the I’hin were also susceptible to temptation, war, and idolatry.
The Lord said: Think not that I came to one nation alone, leaving the others in darkness; I came not to one alone, but unto all divisions of the earth.
Oahspe emphasizes that the I’hin race was raised up “separate from the world’s people” to be “an example of righteousness for man to look upon”. They lived separately not because they were above living with others, but out of necessity. It was the only way they could live a life that abided by their commandments. They were not supposed to own land or homes, nor go to war not even to defend themselves, nor be ruled by kings or queens, nor marry outside of their race.
The intention for the 72,000-year Age of Seffas was for barbarians (the non-spiritual world’s people), to learn from all the different events that occurred throughout the 26 cycles so that in the age of kosmon, which is now, non-spiritual people could learn from both (1) the history and (2) the examples of the I’hin way of life (which would actually be exemplified by the Ghan rather than the I’hin because the I’hin disappear from Earth about 4,500 B.C.).
The I’hin were supposed to be an example so that in the age of kosmon, when it’s time for the non-spiritual to hear the voice of God, they would be able to comprehend God’s commandments and practice virtue and knowledge on their own accord without the presence of a God or God’s hosts. Mankind would perceive that righteousness, peace, and love toward one another is the only way to be happy and resurrect (ascension of the soul beyond Earth’s atmosphere).
In addition to the events of history and the life of the I’hin providing testimony, people that dwell in darkness also provide a service unto the Creator. Oahspe explains that by design, a sufficient number of people that dwell in darkness remain on Earth today as testimony that of themselves, without the presence of angels, these people don’t desire evolution, knowledge, peace, industry, love, and good works unto one another.

And there are still others that try to destroy such people and they are testimony that even our “wisest and most learned have no power in resurrection” unless they live by the example set by the I’hin.
The I’hin that were saved from the great flood survived for 21,000 years in America (then called Guatama), China (Jaffeth), and in Egypt/Africa (Ham). I’huans in America called them Oech’lo’pan (people of another world). The I’huans of China called them Tua Git (people of spirit light). The I’hin of Egypt/Africa “broke the law of God more than all other Faithists, being of warm blood, and they mixed greatly with the I’huans”.
For India (Shem), the I’hin survived for only 12,000 years because they became impotent and mixed with the I’huans. The I’huans called them Sri-vede-iyi (people of the true light, woman-like). For the smaller group of I’hin that went north to what was left of the sunken continent of Pan (Japan), they mixed into the I’huan race within a thousand years, yet they still “redeemed the barbarians into wisdom and peace.”
Now back to the 3 infamous Gods of the next 3 cycles. First there was Apollo with whom was the first Earth-born God and during his reign, idols and vanity were used to inspire mankind to choose partners based on beauty to lay the “foundation for the coming race”. The next God was Thor and during his reign, spirituality got out of hand with false gods calling themselves Thor and Apollo, over-dependence on spirit to the point of superstition, and obsession with a second coming. Then there was Osire (Osiris), who would rule during a time of great science, astrology, and invention, which would counter-balance the previous cycle’s spiritual obsessions.
20,000 years ago, God of Earth was Apollo
For Apollo’s reign, it was the first cycle after Earth entered a region of space/time where it was “No longer lawful for any but earth-born to hold the places of sub-Gods and sub-Lords and marshals”, so he was the first Earth-born God. Apollo was a 68,000 year old soul who had ascended beyond Earth’s atmospheric heavens, was trained by gods and goddesses in etherea for 50,000 years, and had already been god of 3 different worlds. About 3,000 years later in the next cycle, spirits started falsely calling themselves Apollo, which is the same sort of thing that happened to Thor, Osiris, Brahma, Buddha, Kriste, and many other true leaders.
Confederacies and identify theft: A couple of things happened during Apollo’s cycle that laid the groundwork for a long reign of false god worship in the time to come. The first thing was that during the initial cleanup period of Apollo’s cycle, for the first time ever, the many false gods and lords were convinced to change their ways and work to raise up spirits they had once enslaved. They formed a confederacy, which changed the course of religious history. The second thing that set the stage for future false gods is that Apollo had many sub-Gods and 10,000 lords and they all went by the name of “Apollo” to keep things simple, so the first time spirits called themselves Apollo, it was planned. By the very next cycle, however, hundreds or thousands of false gods also called themselves “Apollo” for many cycles to come.
New standard of beauty: The name “Apollo” meant harmony, symmetry, and music, so that was what this cycle was about – to inspire mankind to perceive the Creator in all things, aspire for symmetry of the flesh and spirit, the harmony of music, the gracefulness of all things, wise behavior, and above all else, a beautiful form (body). First statues and idols and a new sense of vanity were used to instill a new beauty standard and then this beauty standard was manifested by creating yet another new race of man.

Out of the idolatry of My Son, Apollo, will I beautify the inhabitants of the earth. Jealousies will overspread the earth.
For the beauty standard imposed, artists were inspired to build statues of men with short arms, long legs, nails instead of claws, well-formed mouths, and nice cheeks, but no one looked like that at the time, so angels directly inspired sculptors. These sculptures, the seductive dances of entranced dancers, and other vanity-promoting practices occurred to inspire women to find partners to have children with that would meet the new standard of beauty.
The new race, Ongwee-ghan: For the new race of man, the I’huan, half I’hin/half ‘ground people’, existed at this time and outnumbered the I’hin 3 to 1; however, “God was weary about laboring for the I’huans because they were dark more days than they were light”. It was decided that the I’hin, who were people of learning with shapely arms, legs, feet, hands, and long and straight white or yellow hair, would once again mix with another race, but this time, it was with the I’huan, who had always abided by the laws that respected the sacred I’hin. To get around this, guardian angels were withdrawn from both the I’hin and I’huan for 1 year. When “darkness obsessed them”, the I’hin were inspired to show their thighs and arms to tempt and seduce the I’huan women and the I’huan women broke the law and sought out I’hin men to bring forth heirs of more shapeliness. This new race was called the “Ongwee-ghan” meaning “good shaped men” and they were established “so that the seed of the chosen would not be lost”.
The Ongwee had the symmetry of the I’hin as well as the gift of prophecy and seeing visions and hearing the voices of angels. They also had the strength and potential savagery of the I’huan. The Ongwee lived with the I’hin and the I’hin taught them laws, rites and ceremonies, and song and dance and were circumcised. Once there were enough of them, they were inspired to be too proud to mix with the I’huan, they actually treated the I’huan as their enemy even though they were half I’huan. And they “dared not mix with the sacred people, because of the commandment of the Lord”.
Angels taught them how to make eunuchs of their enemies, which again, were the longer-armed, shorter-legged I’huan. Beasts and serpents were too plentiful on Earth at the time, so the Lord(s) told the I’hin to allow the Ongwee to eat meat because beasts and serpents were too plentiful on the Earth. Angels taught the Ongwee how to make hunting and fishing equipment and fire and they made the first cooked food since the great flood. It wasn’t long before there were thousands and thousands of Ongwee with long black and course hair, brown and copper-colored skin, and their arms were short like the I’hins.
Angels beautify many generations: Further establishing a new beautiful race of man, generation after generation, specialized angels called loo’is, the masters of generations (Cupid!), brought the best looking men and women together to have children. These beautiful children were also shown signs and miracles to quicken their souls (enlighten them) so they would in turn inspire others. Beautiful people would dance in trance to inspire king, queens, and future mothers to aspire to a new standard of beauty. “Double the number of ashars, double the number of loo’is; leave no man alone… give them visions and dreams of Apollo. For I am concerted in heaven and on earth to remold the forms of the earth-born.” In 400 years, the hair on the heads of children grew long and straight and men began to have beards.
Cycle ends in darkness: The ending of Apollo’s cycle was no exception in that it ended in darkness like all other cycles. The kings and queens eventually carried the idolatry too far and started killing “ill-formed children and cripples”, which sent many premature souls to heaven. And young men and women got carried away with choosing their partners based on their “well-molden” forms and no other virtues. The idolatry and vanity, among other things, lowered the vibration (grade) of mortals to below 50%, so by the end of Apollo’s 2,800-year cycle, no souls were eligible for harvest (third resurrection).
Go to Part 7, Cycle of Thor, 17,000 years ago…
- Image of Apollo: The image is not from Oahspe and was likely created later in reverence to one of the many false Gods that assumed the name Apollo: