By the time the previous cycle of Apollo ended, there were more than 30,000 false gods and 160,000 false lords on Earth and in the atmospheric heavens. These false gods and lords found ways to inspire mortals to worship them and believe that their lowly heavenly kingdoms were the only heavenly kingdoms; they would not admit there were heavens higher than their own.
Behold, in every great city on earth is there a false God or a false Lord, and he hath a small heavenly kingdom of his own, even on the earth. And the spirits of the dead of that place are his slaves, for his own exaltation.
The spirits of the newly dead are captured and kept in ignorance of Jehovih and His vast creations; but made to bow in adoration and worship to the false Lord or false God.
After Apollo of the last cycle was tasked to beautify the human race, Thor in this cycle was tasked to first deliver the Earth and its heavens from hundreds of thousands of false gods and lords, next to have the first harvest (third resurrection) in a very long time, and third to teach all races of mankind, not just the sacred people, about the Creator and His creations. As mentioned, the events of Thor’s cycle will set the stage for the third well-known God, Osiris.
17,000 years ago, God of Earth was Thor

Thor and his hosts spent the first 4 years and 238 days delivering and resurrecting Earth and her heavens. For the first 3 years, Thor and his hosts traveled the Earth surveying the conditions of angels and mortals. The 72 true gods and lords then met in the highest heavenly kingdom of Gau where they deliberated on how to deliver (clean up) Earth. Based on their decisions, these were the events that took place:
- constables arrested false lords and gods
- captors took back possessed thrones and temples and gathered ‘angel slaves’
- dispersers overthrew hells (battlefields in heaven where chaotic spirits remained)
- physicians detached ‘fetals’ from mortals
- founders set up new hospitals, nurseries, etc.
- false lods and gods were captured, over-powered into submission, redeemed by discipline and education, and then put to work in 2,000 new educational colonies
- places of manufacturing and building were created to teach the “angels of heaven how to provide habitations for those born of earth into spirit life”
After Earth and its heavens had been delivered (cleaned up) for the first 3 years of Thor’s cycle, in the 4th year, it was time for a ‘harvest’ (third resurrection), which had not happened in a very long time.
Harvest (third resurrection)
The main difference between a second and third resurrection is that the third resurrection involves spirits/angels being transported via ship/craft out of Earth’s atmosphere. Every aspect of a harvest is planned out with the intention to not only transport/resurrect spirits to etherea, but also to inspire and educate both mortals and angels. It’s the closest an angel or mortal can come to proof of the Creator and the “emancipated kingdoms of etherea” while still within Earth’s atmosphere. The arrival and departure of the ship alone inspires through awe, fear, or both.
Proof is nice, but should not be required and often times is not even possible. For example, at the beginning of Thor’s cycle, there were 900 million first and second resurrection spirits in atmospherea that were “Faithists in Jehovih”, meaning “One who has not faith in anything but Jehovih”, even though less than a million of them had ever seen an etherean or traveled anywhere near Earth’s border with etherea.
For the third resurrection harvest, there were 4,000 million spirits ready to ascend to etherea and assume the titles of Brides and Bridegrooms. Earth was traveling through the “fields of Don’ga” during this harvest, so messengers were sent to the local “Goddess of Terow” to send an “airiata of great size and splendor, for its presence shall enchant my people”. Smaller fire-boats were sent to other parts of the Earth’s atmosphere to bring spirits to Gau to witness the ship’s descent and ascent so that “thousands of millions come to witness the ceremonies”. Oahspe describes in detail this very, very large ship that looked like an “oval globe of light” ornamented with illuminated banners, 1 million trumpeters and harp players, and 2 million singers. When the ship arrived within Earth’s atmosphere, both mortals and angels witnessed it. After initiation ceremonies and recreation, the ship, with 4,000 million souls, departed upward to the etherean heavens.
First Sacred Books

After Thor’s deliverance and resurrection, Earth prospered for about 700 years. Thor wanted all races of mankind, not just the sacred people, to learn from one generation to the next about God through written words on signs (engravings). “God commanded man to make stone and wooden images, and engravings also, of everything upon the earth…” Every living creature was documented with an image and an engraved name. Angels helped man by inspiring the workmanship of the images and engravings. These were the first mainstream writings since the flood (other than the secret writings of the I’hin). These writings were written in Panic, the language spoken by thousands of tribes in every region of the Earth, and the same language given to mankind over 25,000 years earlier. Angels taught people, “by the soul and the voice”, how to make books out of skins, bark, and cloth so that all of mankind could begin keeping written records.
The Lost Tribes
The next event that Oahspe describes in the cycle of Thor is about “lost tribes” and these lost tribes are significant in religious history. Just like it was very important to retain the story of the great flood (which happened about 8,000 years before this time), it was just as important for the story of the “lost tribes” to be recorded and retained for future generations.

At this time, China, India, and Egypt/Africa were inhabited by millions of ‘Ghans’ and I’huan. As a reminder, Ghans were the I’hin/I’huan hybrid race created about 3,000 years before this during Apollo’s cycle and were originally referred to as ‘Ongwee-ghan’. The “Faithist Ghans” of each of the 3 different countries were separately told that they were descendants of the sacred little people (I’hin) saved from the great flood and that “there are two other countries inhabited by kin of your kin, flesh of your flesh, and they are Ghans also. And they speak and write Panic words…” It was foretold that the the I’hin race would come to end on Earth in 12,400 years (around 4,500 B.C.) and that the Ghans would triumph over all the lands and the water, so this event was in preparation for those 2 prophesies.
The Ghans of each of these 3 countries were told to gather a thousand men and women and, “I will lead you to your brethren, whose forefathers were also saved from the flood”, so each of the 3 countries assembled 2 groups of people with 1,000 people in each group and this is where they traveled:
- 2 groups from Egypt/Africa traveled to China and India
- 2 groups from China traveled to Egypt/Africa and India
- 2 groups from India traveled to Egypt/Africa and China
The land between the 3 countries was wilderness inhabited by I’huan. The I’huan were originally I’hin/druk hybrids, but generations of I’huan disobeyed the commandment to “preserve they their seed through the circumcision”, so they “mixed with the druks (ground people) and went down in darkness (barbarism)”. They were fierce, savage, and some of them were cannibals; however, the I’huan had always revered the spiritual I’hin. Each of the groups of Ghan were instructed to take 40 I’hin with them because (1) the I’huan would never harm the I’hin and (2) through the I’hin, the Lord could speak all languages including the language of the barbaric I’huan.
It took 4 years for the 6 groups to reach their destinations and once they arrived, they shared the same written and spoken language and called themselves the “three children of the arc of Noe”. In all 3 countries, the re-united Ghans were instructed to make records of “the work of God” so that their “journeys shall be remembered to the end of the world”. Images and engravings were recorded on stone and copper to document the children of Noe, the flood, and the sacred tribes of Shem, Ham, and Jaffeth (India, Egypt/Africa, and China).
After 2 years, the visiting migrants were told to “return to your own country, and there relate all the glories that your God hath shown you.” The Lord spoke to the traveling Ghans every day through the I’hin priests, but the 4-year journey back to their home countries was so long that some lost faith, began ignoring the priests’ “words of God”, and strayed off among the barbarian I’huan and were lost. Oahspe states that out of 6,000 migrants, 10 tribes were lost in one place or another totaling 386 people.
The reason the lost tribes would become an important part of religious history is that the lost tribes would eventually become the Persians (Parsa’yans) and in about 4,000 years time, the first great prophet, Zarathustra (Zoroaster), would be born from these Persians. The Ghans were told, “this also shall become a matter of record to the end of the world… a time shall come when the Lord your God shall reveal the mystery of this day.”
After the Faithists Ghans returned to their respective countries, they were told to sing/teach/share songs about the lost tribes: “Sing ye songs of lamentations to my chosen who are lost, the Faithists in Jehovih.” They were also told that now that the Lord had “marked out the road. Keep the road open; keep the travel open between the great countries I have shown you”; they were told to make the same journey every 11 years and if they ever find the “chosen”, the lost tribes, to bring them home.
Legends of the Lost Tribes: Oahspe explains that the the legend of the “chosen of God” going on a long journey to find their brethren and the “10 lost tribes” still exists today in China, India, Egypt, and Persia.
However, the legend of the “Lost Tribes” is completely different in the bibles of the The 7 Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha’i, Yezidi, Druze, Samaritan, and Rastafari. , which includes Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The bibles’ version says the tribes were lost after Moses’ death, so about 14,000 years after Oahspe’s “Lost Tribes”. The scriptures say that out of the 12 tribes of Israelites that Moses led out of Egypt around 1,400 BCE. In 930 BCE, 10 of those tribes formed the “Independent Kingdom of Israel” in the North2. In 721 BCE, an Assyrian conquest resulted in these 10 tribes gradually assimilating into other peoples and disappearing from history, yet the belief persisted that one day the “Ten Lost Tribes” would be found. Various groups have claimed to be descendants of the Lost Tribes over the years including Assyrian Christians, Mormons, Afghans, the Beta Israel of Ethiopia, and others.3
Thor’s Cycle Ends in Darkness
The resurgence and main-streaming of spirituality in Thor’s cycle eventually led to an over-dependence on spirit to the point of obsession and superstition. To add to it, Earth entered another region of darkness where for 600 years, dense atmospheric substances (a’ji) fell to the Earth’s surface and cut people off from the light of Jehovih. See
Earth’s periods of darkness
Oahspe explains that just like the Earth orbits the sun every year, our entire solar system also orbits a central point, which takes 4.7 million years. Oahspe calls this central point the “North Star”. As Earth travels along the path around the North Star, it travels through regions of light and regions of darkness. Darker regions of space consist of slower-vibrating substances that are more contracted, leaving less room for light. When Earth travels through a darker, denser region of space, dense atmospherean substances fall to the Earth, block the light of the sun, can bury cities, and can cause severe weather changes resulting in drought, famine, fevers, epidemics, and plagues.
As Earth travels through lower-density regions of space, it affects people differently depending on their personal density (the density/vibration of their physical body). For example, lowest-density people typically engage in war, destruction, death, and lust. Moderate density people may also engage in war, but also intellectual and scientific development that takes them away from spiritual development. For the higher density people that are effected, they typically worship false Gods, Saviors, become superstitious, and/or practice self-serving rites and ceremonies often involving sexualism.
Periods of darkness are used for both (1) growth in wisdom/independence and (2) physical growth in the form of strengthening the race of man. For (1), periods of darkness lower the vibration of all mortals, bring drujas (wandering spirits) down to Earth, and result in less angelic support, so this means that mortals must face an increase in trials and tribulations on their own, which results in growth in wisdom. For (2), darkness increases Earthly desires, so celibacy is reduced, different races co-mingle, mankind is more prolific (has more children), and life spans increase, which are all things that strengthen the physicality of mankind.
for an overview of how/why Earth travels through denser, darker regions of space. Millions returned to savagery and “angels of darkness” came to Earth, even second resurrection angels, and took on corporeal forms, and “engaged in practices whereof it is unlawful to write or speak”. There were many suicides, no harvests for a long time, and not enough angels/spirits knew about etherea themselves, much less were able to teach others about it.
False gods and lords took advantage of the chaos, set up kingdoms again in the lower heavens (hada), called themselves Thor or Apollo, and inspired mortals to become obsessed with a second coming. As foretold, this required the next God, Osiris, to flip mankind to the opposite, which was the worship of corporeal knowledge. All of this flip-flopping was foretold, prophesied, and part of the plan to show mankind the extremes.
Go to Part 8, Cycle of Osiris, 14,000 years ago…
- Image of Thor: The image is not from Oahspe and was likely created later in reverence to one of the many false Gods that assumed the name Thor:
- Biblical scriptures’ version of the Ten Lost Tribes:
- Biblical scriptures’ version of the Ten Lost Tribes: