This part will cover the third well-know God, Osiris, with whom was a commanding and determined god that flipped mankind from extreme dependence on spirit to the opposite – corporeal knowledge. Spiritual teachings did continue for the unlearned I’huan and Ghan, however, for they were finally taught about Jehovih, a name previously kept secret among the I’hin. This part will also cover significant events that occurred in India, Egypt/Africa, and the new nation of Persia.
14,000 Years Ago – God of Earth was Osiris

Mortals depended on spirit for everything: “when to plant, when to reap, when to bring male and female cattle together”. During this cycle, mankind was taught about the sun, moon, and stars so that instead of depending solely on spirit for guidance on all things, mankind could come upon the answers themselves. “In the time of Osiris, thy Lord provided for the light and the knowledge, that had been with the I’hins, to be merged into the new races, the Ghans and the I’huans.”
Just like people took vanity too far in Apollo’s cycle and spirituality too far in Thor’s cycle, people took corporeal knowledge too far in Osiris’ cycle, but again, this was all foretold and part of the plan.
For I am not laying the foundation for spiritual knowledge on earth; that must come after. For as Jehovih first gave to man a corporeal life, and then a spiritual life, so am I laying a foundation for a new race (the Ghans) on the earth. For from their kin shall spring the heirs of kosmon, who shall embrace both corporeal and spiritual knowledge.
It is not unusual for a plan to serve multiple purposes and mankind’s increase in corporeal knowledge is one of those plans. High spirituality would not be encouraged again until “savage beasts and serpents” of Earth were subdued so that mankind didn’t become extinct. The lord of that time/region said, “When spiritual research is chief amongst men, they advance not in science, nor art, nor inventions… when man is bereft of spiritual aspiration, he advanceth in corporeal knowledge, and inventions, and investigations.”
Through the mathematicians of the time, Osiris was able to teach mankind about astronomy and astrology. Observatories were built so lines could be drawn from the sun and through the stars to explain the powers of the seasons on all of the living. Lords were given maps of the stars, the moon, the sun, and the position of the Earth within the sun belt, which depicted:
…where the region of Cows was; the place of Bulls; the place of Bears; the place of Horses; the place of Fishes; the place of Scorpions; the place of Sheep; the place of Lions; the place of Crabs the place of Death, the place of Life the place of Capricornus; and marked the seasons, and made twelve sections (months) to the year, which was the width of the sun-belt.

Oahspe provides much more detail about the concepts that were taught during Osiris’ cycle, which formed the base of prophecy and enabled mankind to foretell the seasons and avert famine. As previously mentioned, however, mankind took corporeal knowledge too far, became conceited, stopped believing in spirit altogether, and went as far as corporeal worship. The extreme experiences of these 3 cycles laid the foundation for the age of kosmon, which is now, where mankind is supposed to find a balance between spiritual and corporeal reverence.
Unlearned I’huans and Ghans taught about Jehovih
Although the primary focus of Osiris’ cycle was to convert people from superstitiously spiritual to overly logical/rational/scientific, some very specific spiritual teachings, which began in Thor’s cycle, needed to continue for a specific group of people in Osiris’ cycle. These people were the unlearned, barbaric (non-spiritual) I’huan and Ghan. They already understood continued life after death, spirits, gods and lords, and about higher ethereal kingdoms, but they had not been taught about Jehovih, the Creator. Jehovih’s name was previously kept secret among the I’hin meaning it was literally only spoken in a whisper “because Jehovih speaks to the soul of man silently” (there may have been other reasons). The non-spiritual Ghan and I’huan needed to learn about Jehovih because (1) it was known that the I’hin would become extinct and Ghans would take over as the spiritual people and (2) there were millions of spirits roaming the Earth, calling themselves Thor or Apollo, and taking advantage of the unlearned I’huan and Ghan.
The non-spiritual I’huan and Ghan were accustomed to worshipping Apollo through idols, but due to the wave of corporeal/scientific knowledge spreading during Osiris’ cycle, their mortal kings also taught them that all spirits and magic came from satan (the evil disposition of men). To correct this, angels of the true God, Osiris, began directly communicating with the barbarians.
Osiris’ angels called themselves Osiris to lessen confusion and the Lord named the stars after legendary gods and lords; however, the barbarians were taught not to worship gods, lords, not even Osiris. Instead, just learn about their “glory and majesty”. For the first time, the barbarians were taught that the only entity worthy of worship was Jehovih, the Creator, the Great Spirit, and that the lords and gods were sons and daughters of Jehovih. Regarding the commandment to keep Jehovih’s name secret, in order to continue to honor that commandment, it was made lawful for the barbarians to use the names “Lord” or “God” as a substitute for “Jehovih” in public, so this is when those terms became worshipful.
In addition to teaching barbarians about Jehovih, Osiris’ angels cast out roaming spirits from the temples and oracles, took over possession, and taught them directly about basic astronomy, how to make leather and cloth, and about the times and the seasons.
Learned I’huan and Ghan forget about Jehovih

While the unlearned, non-spiritual people finally learned about Jehovih, the Creator, the learned people forgot about the Creator. As they advanced in science, art, and inventions, they began workshipping the Creator’s works rather than the Creator. “Great became the wisdom of man in that day, and his power and glory were greater than had ever been in all the world.”
The Gods are fools! All things are Nature, and of growth. Man had become wise in spite of God and his Lords. All things evolve into higher states; it is the natural order. Neither is there any All Person, Jehovih! He is void, like the wind.
Central “Sun Kingdoms” and satellite sub-kingdoms were established throughout China, India, Persia, and Arabia (Egypt/Africa was called Ham, but now called Arabia). Developments in fabrics, mathematics, laws, telescopes, microscopes, chemistry, botany, etc. made man conceited and no longer thankful to gods and lords.
India (Shem) – Earliest Hindu Scriptures
During Osiris’ cycle, the earliest Hindu (Hindoo) scriptures were written in India (then called Shem) and covered the same religious tenets that were later superseded by the Vedas about 6,000 years later (Brahma’s time) and the Old Testament Bible about 10,000 years later (after Moses’ time). Instead of ‘Adam and Eve’ and ‘Cain and Abel’, the current Lord over the region of India, named Hirto, hatched out of an egg and half of the egg shell ascended (Abel) and the other half became the “foundation of the world” (Cain). These early Hindu scriptures also covered the origin of evil, original sin, the great flood, and then the fall of humanity after the flood.
India (Shem) – Tower of Babble and Origin of Vede
The tribes of India lived side by side with the Panic-speaking tribes of Jaffeth (China). The Panic-speaking I’hin had always followed the commandment that when the inhabitants of one city or tribe marry with those of another city or tribe, just the names of the father and mother would be given to the offspring. But later when India became filled with tribes of “men of darkness” (non-spiritual people), they didn’t understand this commandment, so when someone married into a different tribe, he/she brought over the names of all things with them. For example, if one tribe said ut (wheat) and another tribe called it yat and another called it wat, and another hoot, and so on, wheat would end up as “utyatwathoot”. This became known as the Yi-ha language. Oahpse called this a ‘babble’, which is a tower of words that confuses everyone (this “Tower of Babel” shows up again about 10,000 years later in the Old Testament). The writings of the ancient prophets were lost because no-one could understand them.

A note about importance of language and specifically Panic: The Panic language was the first, original language given to mankind from above (sacred) and was preserved by the 5 groups of I’hin that survived the great flood. It was foreseen that one day philosophers would erroneously try to prove (1) that languages were created by man and (2) that languages changed according to the growth and knowledge of men. In order to preserve the work of the Creator, enough of the Panic language was “locked up” in China as testimony to be discovered in later years. China’s retainment of Panic was meant to prove that unlike India and Egypt/Africa, “a mighty nation could retain one language for a thousand years”. The Chinese language of today is a derivation of the Panic language.
Having a common language in multiple regions of the world helps to prove that stories such as the creation of mankind, the origin of evil, original sin, etc. “could not have been communicated by mortals”.
After India’s Yi-ha language became too confusing, in order for Lord Hirto to “preserve the genealogy of my chosen”, he taught a new language through a prophet named Tah (Tae). Hirto claimed that the written word was folly for the unlearned, so the prophet Tae orally taught a new language that was considered ‘vede’ (perfect). Hirto intended for the sacred words of the oral language to be used until the end of the world. Those that learned the language well were called Ritvij and became teachers: “I will give you a new language, and it shall be vede (perfect), against all my enemies; nor shall any man more meddle with the words I give.”
A note about “vede”: About 6,000 years later when the prophet Brahma was born in India, the Creator’s angels named his sons. Brahma could hear the voice of the Creator in trance. He was told to have his son, specifically the son named “Vede”, write down the words that he received during trance because Vede had “learning and memory provided to that end”.
Migration of Faithists was Pre-ordained
When it comes to migration, the desires of the Faithists from India, China, America, and Egypt/Africa (Ham) were pre-ordained; they were somehow imbued with “characteristics to make them love” to either migrate or stay home – so that one day, the history of their migration would provide testimony (proof) of their true history to future generations.
- For Faithists of Egypt/Africa, they were always meant to migrate westward, even across the ocean to North America, because they were designated as the “foundation of migratory tribes on the earth”
- The Faithists of India and China, pre-ordained to stay within their own countries
- For Faithists of America, pre-ordained to migrate eastward, but not reach the “ocean on the east” (the East coast?)
Once the Faithists of Egypt/Africa (Ham) reached America, they were meant to “teach the barbarian world of me (the Lord) and my dominion”. These Faithists tribes of Egypt/Africa were diverse in skin color: “Of all colors (black, white, yellow, copper, red and brown) were the tribes of Ham; nevertheless, they were I’hins (Faithists), having flat nails and short arms, and of such as desired to acquire knowledge.” Even the “hair of the head of man” would provide testimony (proof) because the Faithists of Ham had long, curled red, white, or brown hair while the locals had black short, straight hair.
Then later in the age of Kosmon, the Faithists of all nations of the world are/were supposed to learn, through certain “words and signs”, that even before all this migration, they actually all originated from the I’hin that were saved in the sinking of Pan (the great flood).
Of the I’hins, I provided testimony in all the divisions of the earth, with long hair belonging to the tribes that worshiped Jehovih, that man of the kosmon era might perceive that the land whence they spring is not above the water.
Persia (Parsi’e) – The New Nation of Persia
During Osiris’ cycle, the new nation of Parsi’e (Persia) was established in the area of land between Egypt/Africa, India, and China. This is the same land of the
The Lost Tribes
The tribes were lost during the cycle of Thor, so about 2,000 years before this time (around 14,000 BC). Oahspe explains that the story of the Lost Tribes is just as significant as the great flood of ~26,000 BC, so efforts have been made to record and retain both events for future generations.
The story starts after the great flood of 26,000 BC when the surviving I’hin were sent to Arabia, China, and India (and America and Japan). About 12,000 years later, so around 14,000 BC, the descendants of the surviving I’hin in Arabia, China, and India, were separately told to travel to the other 2 countries to find their brethren for they were all descendants of the I’hin that were saved by the flood: “there are two other countries inhabited by kin of your kin, flesh of your flesh, and they are Ghans also. And they speak and write Panic words…” (the genealogy started with the surviving I’hin of 26,000 BC >> the Ongwee-ghans of 18,000 BC >> Ghan and I’huan of 14,000 BC, the cycle of Thor.
It was foretold that the the I’hin race would come to end on Earth in 11,500 years (around 4,500 B.C.) and that the Ghans would triumph over all the lands and the water, so this event was in preparation for those 2 prophesies.
When the Ghans and I’huan (aka Faithist Ghans) of these 3 countries traveled to one another, on the long journey back, 386 out of 6,000 migrants were lost.
This land was filled with wild goats (called Land of Goats), so the lost tribes learned how to live off of goats milk because they didn’t eat flesh/meat. They took on the name of “Shepherd Kings” and the lord said they “shall have this country. Behold, out of the seed of these people, will I do mighty wonders” (which was alluding to how the first great prophet, Zarathustra, will be born from these descendants 4,000 years after this time and then 3,000 years after that, the prophet Abraham will also be born from them).
of 2,000 years ago in the cycle of Thor. This means that this new nation is made up of the descendants of the lost tribes, which are in turn the descendants of the I’hin that survived the flood.
About a thousand years after the tribes were lost, the tribes of Ghan had mixed with the native I’huan, yet formed their own nation, called Parsi’e (Persia), and lived by themselves apart from both the native I’huan and the spiritual I’hin. Because they were the descendants of the lost tribes of Faithist Ghans, they were favored by the Lord (had angelic support), given separate laws, and were commanded not to further mix with the druks. Whatever they couldn’t figure out on their own, their Lord found a way to inspire them, so they made leather out of skins, leather bags to carry milk, and made the first butter in the world.
About 4,000 years after this time, the first great prophet Zarathustra will be born in Persia and then 3,000 years after that (about 4,000 BC), the prophet Abraham will also be born in Persia.
Conclusion of Osiris’ Cycle
Mankind had prospered in “Osirian philosophy”, especially in China and the new nation of Persia. Great civilizations also existed in India and Arabia (Egypt/Africa region). But like all cycles, in response to the heightened conceit of mankind, God “went away a season”, which led to many years of darkness on Earth. The “star chambers” were filled with spirits of the newly dead and seers told one person one thing and another person another thing. Conflicting information led to disagreement, conflict, and eventually war among kings, which destroyed everything. Even the Shepherd Kings of Persia, who had become “chief of all”, broke their thousand-year commandment of not mixing with the druks, fell from their high estate, and became cannibals.
Note: Osirian philosophy resurfaces about 8,000 years later in both China (with the Han Dynasty) and Egypt (with a false God that assumes the name Osiris).
Go to Part 9, First great prophet, Zarathustra, 11,000 years ago…
- Image of Osiris is not from Oahspe and was likely created much later in reverence to one of the many false Gods that assumed the name Osiris: