Sakaya’s teachings

Sakaya reminded the people of India that before the “cruel wars and the destruction of harmony and of learning”, Capilya “cover(ed) the earth over with families of communities, and the earth became as a garden… Pauperism was taken away from this land.”

Primary cause of sin is poverty: Sakaya re-taught the people of India the Zarathustrians of the past have concluded that the main cause of societal woes such as crime, misery, and starvation is poverty. To eliminate poverty, rather than handing out charity to the poor, “find a remedy in society itself, whereby there shall be no rich and no poor.”

Emphasized “good works” within communities: Sakaya re-taught that the “highest and best plan” is for “families of tens and twenties and hundreds and thousands” to live together within communities that are led by rab’bahs (priests). Within these communities, there is no “buying nor selling, nor ownership, nor divisions, nor castes, nor privileges of one above another, nor rich, nor poor”. Instead, there is “brotherhood between men”, strengthened by the practice of common rites and ceremonies, and “doing good for others”.

Zarathustrian Laws: Sakaya re-taught that in striving for “the redemption of the world from darkness, war and evil”, the Zarathustrian laws (Table 1) provide guidance in (1) purifying one’s own body and spirit and (2) doing good unto others by helping others as well as helping others help themselves. When the city or state has been saved from sin, the community may “apply the same unto the inhabitants of the earth” by providing to the world an “example that love, peace, plenty, and happiness are possible on the earth”.

Truth about charity
Avoiding ownership & favoritism
How to select rab'bahs (priests)
Adoption of rites & ceremonies
Final decisions made through Rab'bah
Laws change with the times
Community inclusion
Choosing a partner for marriage
Focusing on the young
Associating with the outside world
Live for spiritual man, not corporeal

(1) Law of Purification
of body and spirit
Pure body and spirit enables man to see and hear the Creator.

First, purify the corporeal body by consuming a vegetarian diet and daily bathing.

Second, purify the spirit by beginning and ending the day committing to pure thoughts. Avoid being “foul in spirit” by avoiding speaking cruelly or unjustly about others nor speaking of someone’s short-comings and deceptions.
(2) Law of doing good unto othersConstantly strive to do good unto others. Inspire others to purify first and then attain individuality; this way, you help others as well as teach them how to help themselves.
(3) Law of abnegation of self in favor of peace and good of allRather than living within one’s own freedom and/or dictating the affairs of others, practice being willing, from one’s heart, to “sacrifice one’s own desires, possessions and opinions for sake of peace and the good of the family.”
(4) Law of love“To love all men, women and children, as brothers and sisters.”
(5) Law of returning good for evil (non-resistance)“To return good for evil; to give pleasure to those, that give pain.”
Table 1: Five Laws of Zarathustrianism (Ormazdian Law)