Table comparing Oahspe and Scriptures

OahpseBiblical scriptures
Oahspe says that the first race of man was created when visiting, naive angels pro-created with the Asu’ans (Adam) resulting in a spiritual race, called the I’hin (Abel). When some of the I’hin pro-created with Asu’ans rather than other I’hin, a new race was created called Druk (Cain).The scriptures say that Adam and Eve committed the first sin, had 2 sons named Cain and Abel, Cain killed Abel, and was cursed and driven away from the Lord’s presence to be forever a restless wanderer. After a third son named Seth was born, “men began to call on the name of the Lord (cainSource)”.
Oahspe says that the great flood was the result of the intentional sinking of the continent of Pan. Survivors included 138 ships of I’hin and many non-I’hin survivors throughout the world. The ships of I’hin were sent out to the 5 main divisions of the world to re-start civilization: Shem (India), Ham (Egypt and Africa region), Jaffeth (China), Guatama (America), and the remnant of Pan, which was named Zha’pan (Japan).The scriptures say that only Noah and his family were saved from the great flood, God made a covenant with Noah and his 3 sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, so Noah’s sons are the forefathers of post-flood mankind. Noah’s oldest son, Shem, inherited the covenant.
Oahspe says that Abraham was born about 18,000 years after the great flood; he was “raised up” to serve the Middle Eastern region at the same time that Brahma served India, Po served Jaffeth (China), and Eawahtah served America.The scriptures say that Abraham was chosen because he was a 10th-generation descendant of Noah’s oldest son, Shem, and the recipient of the same covenant as Noah.
Oahspe says that Isaac and Jacob were the successors of Abraham because they were more spiritually developed than their siblings and that Ishmael, with whom was born with a combative personality, was Abraham’s adopted son rather than biological son.
Judaism & ChristianityScriptures say that although Ishmael was Abraham’s first-born son, Isaac inherited the covenant, which was then inherited by Isaac’s son Jacob (renamed Israel).
IslamScriptures say that Ishmael was Abraham’s first-born, legitimate son, so the covenant was inherited by Ishmael.
Oahspe says that 2,600 years after Abraham served the Middle Eastern region, the loo’is raised up Moses from 6 generations of psychic parents to be the next great prophet for the same region; along-side Capilya of India and Chine of Jaffeth (China).The scriptures say that Moses was chosen to lead the Israelites out of Egypt because he was a 6th-generation descendant of Abraham’s grandson, Jacob/Israel.