Oahpse | Biblical scriptures |
Oahspe says that the first race of man was created when visiting, naive angels pro-created with the Asu’ans (Adam) resulting in a spiritual race, called the I’hin (Abel). When some of the I’hin pro-created with Asu’ans rather than other I’hin, a new race was created called Druk (Cain). | The scriptures say that Adam and Eve committed the first sin, had 2 sons named Cain and Abel, Cain killed Abel, and was cursed and driven away from the Lord’s presence to be forever a restless wanderer. After a third son named Seth was born, “men began to call on the name of the Lord (cainSource)”. |
Oahspe says that the great flood was the result of the intentional sinking of the continent of Pan. Survivors included 138 ships of I’hin and many non-I’hin survivors throughout the world. The ships of I’hin were sent out to the 5 main divisions of the world to re-start civilization: Shem (India), Ham (Egypt and Africa region), Jaffeth (China), Guatama (America), and the remnant of Pan, which was named Zha’pan (Japan). | The scriptures say that only Noah and his family were saved from the great flood, God made a covenant with Noah and his 3 sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, so Noah’s sons are the forefathers of post-flood mankind. Noah’s oldest son, Shem, inherited the covenant. |
Oahspe says that Abraham was born about 18,000 years after the great flood; he was “raised up” to serve the Middle Eastern region at the same time that Brahma served India, Po served Jaffeth (China), and Eawahtah served America. | The scriptures say that Abraham was chosen because he was a 10th-generation descendant of Noah’s oldest son, Shem, and the recipient of the same covenant as Noah. |
Oahspe says that Isaac and Jacob were the successors of Abraham because they were more spiritually developed than their siblings and that Ishmael, with whom was born with a combative personality, was Abraham’s adopted son rather than biological son. |
Judaism & Christianity | Scriptures say that although Ishmael was Abraham’s first-born son, Isaac inherited the covenant, which was then inherited by Isaac’s son Jacob (renamed Israel). |
Islam | Scriptures say that Ishmael was Abraham’s first-born, legitimate son, so the covenant was inherited by Ishmael. |
Oahspe says that 2,600 years after Abraham served the Middle Eastern region, the loo’is raised up Moses from 6 generations of psychic parents to be the next great prophet for the same region; along-side Capilya of India and Chine of Jaffeth (China). | The scriptures say that Moses was chosen to lead the Israelites out of Egypt because he was a 6th-generation descendant of Abraham’s grandson, Jacob/Israel. |