John Ballou Newbrough channeled Oahspe in 1881 by the process of automatic writing.
Newbrough was born in Ohio in 1828 and was clairvoyant and clairaudient from childhood. He attended Cincinnati Medical College and practiced both medicine and dentistry. He started out as a dentist, moved to California in 1849 to mine gold, and then eventually moved to New York and resumed dentistry.
He associated with the New York Spiritualist Association, but eventually desired to “utilize the spirits’ time for more metaphysical information” rather than information about earthly things from the spirits of friends and relatives. He spent 10 years abstaining from meat and other things to raise his vibration to enhance his capability for contact.
Around 1879, Newbrough began to receive the contact he had been hoping for and was instructed to purchase a typewriter. It took him over 2 years at the typewriter before the writing became fully automatic and then for the next 50 weeks, Newbrough had an automatic writing session every morning for about half of an hour, in which he was told not to read. At the end of the 50 weeks when the sessions ceased, he was told to read and publish the book Oahspe. The drawings in Oahpse were also channeled via automatic writing, but with a pencil.
Oahpse was published in 1881 and by 1883 a group formed around the content of Oahspe called “Faithists of the Seed of Abraham”. Newbrough was a part of this group (he may have been the founder). The group moved to Las Cruces, New Mexico, established a community called Sholam, and by 1891, they completed a residential home and housed about 50 orphan children. The results were mixed and it was said that the community implemented the lifestyle tenets of Oahspe too literally. The following year, an outbreak of influenza devastated the area and Newbrough himself contracted it and died and the community disintegrated not long after.
There’s at least one other group that started out as the “Essenes of Kosmon” and eventually became the “Universal Faithists”. They are still active today and keeps Oahspe in print.
