The Formation of the Scriptures

Around 3600 BCEFalse Gods re-wrote creation stories: Leading up to 3800 BCE, high-raised spirits from etherea (ethereans) turned the management of Earth’s heavens over to Earth-born spirits (atmosphereans). In order for the atmosphereans to learn from experience, they were given a “loose reign”. False Gods emerged and as a result, the years of 3800 BCE to 1400 BCE are considered the “reign of false Gods” with the top ones being De’yus, false Osiris, Te-in, and Sudga (after the prophet Abraham, but before Moses). These false Gods mistakenly thought they should co-opt Earth’s normal ascension process to keep mature spirits down in Earth’s lower heavens for their kingdoms rather than allow them to ascend to the higher heavens (etherea).
False Gods re-wrote creation doctrines: To achieve this, false Osiris, Te-in, and Sudga tried to eliminate the Faithists because they knew about the Great Spirit (Jehovih) and ascension to the higher heavens. In order to teach a new doctrine that God is in the “shape and figure of a man” and his kingdom is the highest heavenly kingdom, they re-wrote doctrines, specifically the creation of the heaven and earth, origin of sin, and the creation of man (with the first man being named A’su).
False Gods’ use mortals to make their doctrines “bible of that day” They inspired 3 mortals in Arabia, India, and China to put their doctrines in writing resulting in the “book of generations of men on earth” (aka Osirian bible, Fonecean bible). Their new doctrines “set the kings and queens to war upon the Faithists” and ended up “in the libraries of the records of the kings and queens on earth”.
Around 2800 BCEEgyptian King Rowtsag makes false Gods’ creation stories official (Osirian/Fonecean bible): Several hundred years after false Osiris inspired the establishment of Egypt and it developed into a great nation, he inspired the Egyptian King Rowtsag to codify their doctrines as the “Osirian Bible of Egupt” and put it in the libraries of Egypt in Persian rather than Vedic (this is how A’su became Adam).
Around 1400 BCEEgyptians write Exodus instead of the Israelites (Faithists of Egypt): After the Israelites escaped Egypt, the Egyptian pharaoh, Nu-ghan, banished false Osiris from Egypt. He set out to establish himself as “Savior of the World, and Vice Gerant of The Holy Ghost” by putting his desired doctrines in the “king’s House of Records”. Creation doctrines came from Osirian Bible and an Egyptian wrote the “Exodus of the Hebrews”.
Around 490 BCEFalse Lord God (Looeamong) inspires Ezra of Jerusalem to create 72-book collection (aka Ezra’s bible): When the Triune God, Looeamong, wanted to establish himself as the same Lord God that led the Israelites out of Egypt, he sent Thoth and 700k angels down to inspire Ezra of Jerusalem to provide “proof”. Ezra and his scribes combed through 6,000 books of Egyptian records, “hardly making head nor tail of them” to create a 72-book collection called “The Holy Library”. This collection of books were compiled “according to the commandments of Looeamong” and were “put on file in the king’s library of Jerusalem”. For Exodus, Ezra erroneously attributed them to be the doctrines Faithists (Israelites) that left Egypt.
By this time, the Israelites had split into Israelites that continued to follow only their oral law (Oralites) and Israelites that switched over to following written law, which Oahspe starts out calling Leviticans, but soon calls them “Jews” and sometimes apostate Jews. At this time, all Israelites/Jews, with the exception of the Oralites, likely followed the written law and rites and ceremonies provided by “Ezra’s Holy Library” (aka Ezra’s Bible). Today, Judaism’s canon is quite different including Masoretic texts, etc.
Around 325 CELooeamong inspires Constantine and Council of Nice to create The Book of Books: In the Triune Looeamong’s efforts to keep up with the Triune Kabalactes (false Budha) and the Triune Ennochissa (false Brahma), he convinced mortals he was the same Lord God of the Israelites, he inspired the mortal emperor Constantine to lead his mortal warriors, then inspired Constantine and the Council of Nice to take the “best” doctrines from 2,231 books and legendary tales of Gods, Saviors, and great men and compile them into “The Book of Books” with “Kriste” as the name of God and “Iesu” as the name of God’s mortal representative.