Part 15: Reign of the false Gods between 3,800 BC – 1,400 BC – (PART 2)

This is the second part of Oahspe’s coverage of the 2,400-year reign of false Gods, which is highlighted in Image 1. Part 1’s most important events centered around the actions of the false Gods that laid the groundwork for most of the religions we still have today. Part 2 explains how false Osiris used the Egyptian King Hojax (renamed Thothma) to make Egypt the greatest civilization the world had ever seen with the construction of the Great Pyramid, the Column of Stars, and the power of mathematical prophecy. This part ends with the foretold self-demise of the false Gods, which frees mortals and spirits from their physical and spiritual bondage – just in time for the raising up of the next 3 great prophets: Moses, Chine (China), and Capiyla (India).

False Osiris breaks away from De’yus

By the 1,000th year of De’yus reign, his confederacy began to dismantle. False Osiris revolted from De’yus and convinced false Te-in and Sudga to revolt with him. They took higher-grade spirits from De’yus’ kingdom of Hored and sent millions of their drujas to Hored. The onslaught of drujas and the ji’ay (dense regions of space the Earth was traveling through) caused Hored to sink to the surface of the Earth and then all order died, drujas took over, and De’yus, Anubis, and a million other officers ended up in hells (spirit knots) for the remaining 400 years of darkness.

The revolting false Gods then set out to take De’yus’ regions for themselves and false Osiris was able to manage their endeavors in ways that benefited himself. He convinced the false Gods Baal and Ashtaroth to come under his wing as “earth managers” so they would be united against a potential uprising from false Te-in and/or Sudga. While false Osiris preserved everything that was good in Egypt, he convinced the other false Gods to subdue their regions by destructive means, which minimized their potential to rise up against him down the road.

The false Gods, Baal and Ashtaroth, destructively took over Persia & Greece, by going city by city for 160 years and inspiring mortals to go to war with one another – including the infamous Trojan War. False Te-in and Sudga destructively took over China & India by teaching mortals how to make guns and explosives in China and by wiping out so many cities in India, that the Vedic language was almost completely lost.

False Osiris builds up Egypt

As the false Gods subdued their regions destructively, false Osiris managed the take-over of Egypt and was careful not to destroy the people, doctrines, or structures. As a reminder, Egypt was established in the 700th year of the false God De’yus’ reign (about 3,100 BCE) and by the 900th year, Egypt was populated with millions of people. For 70 years in between De’yus’ reign and false Osiris’ take-over, Egypt was able to break away from Persia and become an independent kingdom, vast numbers of Faithists migrated into Egypt including shepherd kings and the followers of Abraham, so by the time that false Osiris was ready to take Egypt for himself, there were great cities and temples, places of learning, and games and tournaments.

False Osiris

False Osiris persecuted Egyptian Faithists: While false Osiris was careful in taking over Egypt, there was one exception: the non-resistant, yet also non-compliant, Faithists who he perceived to be dependent upon their neighbors. Faithist translated to Iz’zerlite (Israelite) in the Egyptian language, so false Osiris sanctioned the killing of Iz’zerlites and destroyed and outlawed their doctrines. The overall sovereignty of these Faithists must have been so threatening and inconvenient to the mortal rulers inspired by the false Gods because false Osiris’ official stance was that he would “not suffer one Faithist to dwell alive on the earth”.

The non-Faithists, on the other hand, were more compliant, so false Osiris set out to make them his “subjects”, but allowed them to worship as they may. Instead of destroying their doctrines and rites and ceremonies, he revised them to “allot unto God all things”, yet remained vague about which God so that Osirians could continue to worship Osiris, Apollonians worshiped Apollo, Isisians worshiped Isis, and so on, as long as it was not Jehovih.

False Osiris gives mortals male and female idols, Osiris and Isis: False Osiris had Baal, Ashtaroth, and his angel servant Egupt, inspire mortals to build idols of him: “I assert myself creator of all the living, I must show unto men that I am male and female”. False Osiris’ introduced his version of the bull and the lamb of the ancients with “to go forth is Osiris” representing the bull and “to rest in meekness is Isis” representing the lamb (the sign of the bull reappears 3,000 years later when the false God Kriste provides the sign of the bull to the Roman Emperor, Constantine, and his army of Kriste’yan warriors).

False Osiris re-established places of learning: False Osiris and his “earth managers”, Baal and Ashtaroth, inspired mortal kings and queens to teach Osirian law (the same science taught during the time of the true God Osiris 10,000 years prior) and rebuilt houses of philosophy. Mortal kings and queens were inspired to have “tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands” of their subjects, over 7 years, build the following types of structures:

  • 470 oracle temples where the spirits of the false Gods could tell mortals things that benefited their dominions
  • 4,000 alters for sacred dances
  • 31 sar’gis temples where Lords took on corporeal forms and taught mortals about the stars and moon, the 4 motions of the Earth, the plan of the hissagow, the cycles of the Earth, sun, the sun’s sun, the North Star belt, and the vortices

The inhabitants of Egypt, as well as the surrounding areas of Arabia, Persia, and Heleste (Greece), began to “prosper and become mighty”.

False Gods’ version of creation & origin of sin became official: False Osiris used oracles to inspire an Egyptian King, Rowstag, to put the false Gods’ version of creation, explained in the previous part, into the libraries of Egypt using the Persian language rather than Vedic (that’s how A’su turned into Adam). This is why, 3,000 years later, when Ezra of Jerusalem was compiling the scriptures for his “Holy Library”, which later made it into the Old Testament Bible, he used the false Gods’ creation stories in the Egyptian records thinking they were the records of the Israelites. Ezra did not know that because the Israelites would not adopt the Saviors and Gods of the state, their records were outlawed and therefore not permitted in the state records.

False Osiris and the Egyptian King Hojax (Thothma)

This next section covers how false Osiris used the Egyptian King named Hojax to achieve all of his Earthly objectives including the building of the Temple of Osiris (the Great Pyramid) and so much more. Although false Osiris had no relation to the true God Osiris of 10,000 years prior (12,000 BCE), he became the Egyptian Lord of the underworld. False Osiris chose Hojax because he was born a su’is (clairaudient) and was the son of the rulers of Egypt. False Osiris sent destroying angels to kill Hojax’s parents so that Hojax could take the throne at the age of 19. False Osiris then convinced King Hojax that he was the reincarnation of false Osiris’ first mortal servant, Thothma, and that he had promised to go down to Earth to “prove everlasting life in the flesh”. King Hojax re-named himself Thothma, which meant God-Thoth, the new “God of Earth”.

False Osiris assigned his angel servant, Egupt, to work with Hojax/Thothma from his youth up helping him learn astronomy and mineralogy, how to build structures, the histories of a thousand Gods, and how to “attain the dormant state” where he could see and hear without mortal eyes and ears.

False Osiris uses Thothma to severely persecute the Faithists: False Osiris instructed Thothma to build an army of 200,000 warriors to drive out, kill, or enslave all Faithists, especially the shepherd kings because they would never agree to be slaves. Out of the Faithists and shepherd kings, over 300,000 were killed, 3 million left Egypt, and of the 2 million that remained in Egypt, they were so severely restricted that their lives were reduced to servitude. They were also forced to share their secret art of “measuring and working numbers”, else “thy blood be upon thee”.

False Osiris has King Hojax (Thothma) build the Temple of Astronomy (Great Pyramid)

False Orisis’ lifetime of manipulation of Thothma centered around Thothma building a “Temple of Astronomy” (aka Temple of Osiris), which today we know as the Great Pyramid. False Osiris convinced Thothma that a temple dedicated to Osiris, “Savior of men and angels, God of heaven and earth”, would testify “unto the nations of the earth that thou (Thothma) are the highest of all mortals, and first founder of everlasting life in the flesh”. The temple would be used to attain mastery of death, meaning false Osiris’ angels would “come and dwell for a season on earth” while his “earth-born shall go and dwell for a season in heaven”. The section, Specifications for the Great Pyramid, explains false Osiris’ technical specifications for the temple and the section, How the Great Pyramid was built, explains how 200,000 men and women, half of them Faithists, spent 24 years using floating stones and inclined wooden plans to build the pyramid layer by layer, section by section.

Great Pyramid of Giza2

Oahspe states that the official position of ethereal management in regard to false Osiris and Thothma’s construction of the Great Pyramid is that such structures would “stand for thousands of years as testimonies of the audacity of Gods and Saviors” and “teach mortals of the vanity of the lower heaven.” According to Oahspe, the pyramid was built around 2,800 BCE, which Oahspe considered (1) the midway between the time between “the ends of the earth” and (2) the time of the most extreme corporeal growth. Therefore the pyramid would be a “monument of the greatest corporeal aspiration of man” because after this time, man would seek to build himself everlastingly in heaven rather than on Earth.

Jehovih said: I gave unto the earth a time of full earthhood; and, that the generations of men might know the period thereof, behold, I caused man to build a pyramid in the middle of the world. … From this time henceforth, man should turn from stone temples, and the hope of everlasting flesh-life, and rejoice in spiritual abodes in my etherean heavens.

Expand for what the "Law of One" says about the Great Pyramid...

The “Law of One” is another channeled work and its mention of Oahspe is what informed my decision to further explore Oahspe. While Oahspe was channeled in 1881, the “Law of One” was channeled from 1981-1984, but both channeled works discuss the Great Pyramid of Egypt. The civilization responsible for the channeling of the “Law of One” call themselves “Ra”.


The first time the civilization known as Ra visited Earth was about 18,000 years ago when they observed that there were people on Earth that worshipped the “hawk-headed sun god which you know as … Horus” (also known by other names). Because there were so many humans worshipping the “sun disc”, the Ra civilization thought that humanity had reached a level of seeking whereby they could help mankind without breaking the cosmic law of non-interference (infringement). Ra allowed the people of Earth to see their “crystal-powered bell-shaped craft” because so “many deities had powerful control over supernatural events” that “many wondrous things” were a normal part of their world at the time. Ra soon realized, however, that humanity was so “self-contradictory in its so-called religious beliefs” that it was not an appropriate time after all, so they left.

When Ra returned for the second time, they visited the the area of Earth we know as Atlantis, some time in between 18,000 and 8,500 years ago. The civilization of Atlantis had learned about the healing potentials of pyramids. Ra determined “that there was a sufficient calling to attempt to walk among your peoples as brothers”. They were able to get their “Council of Saturn” to approve their plan to serve humanity on Earth by “landing directly upon the inner planes” of Earth without incarnating in human bodies. Because of humanities’ “ever-stronger interest in the sun body”, which was aligned with Ra’s beliefs, Ra beings were able to materialize in bodies that represented “as closely as possible our natures” (bird-like Gods). However, their physical presence “confused those entities we had come to serve”; they “discovered that for each word (Ra) could utter, there were thirty impressions we gave by our very being”, so they removed themselves, but “spent much time attempting to understand how best to serve those to whom we had offered ourselves in love/light”.

Akhenaten and Moses

The third time they came to Earth was about 8,500 years ago when they saw that Egyptians had also learned about the healing potentials of pyramids. Ra proposed to the Council of Saturn the plan for them to be an “aid to the healing and the longevity of those in the area you know as Egypt” and “facilitate the learning process as well as offering philosophy articulating the Law of One”. About 2,000 years later, so about 6,000 years ago, Ra built the first pyramid, but it was built out of “thought-form material” rather than “local or earthly material”. This prepared them to spend the next 1,500 years aiding in the building of “pyramidical structures” using “local or earthly material rather than thought-form material”.

The “Law of One” adds that at the same time, they transmitted “the information concerning initiation and healing by crystal” to a man named Akhenaten (mainstream history dates Akhenaten as 1,350 BCE). For awhile, Akhenaten guided the priesthood to use the pyramids for initiation and true compassionate healing, but when Akhenaten died, subsequent leaders perverted the teachings and the structures once again returned to being used only by so-called “royal” or those obsessed with power.

Thothma uses the Chamber of Life & Death to visit Osiris’ kingdom: The temple/pyramid had a “Holy Chamber” in which false Osiris taught Thothma how to use it to show mortals false Osiris’ heavenly kingdom so that upon their physical deaths, they would return to fill his kingdom. Only adepts, those who could attain the dormant state (taught in the colleges), could know the “mysteries of the chambers”, which were touted as the “key to everlasting life”: “…as I have given unto thee to know my kingdom, thou shalt give unto others”. The section, Chamber of Life & Death, describes how Baal gave Thothma a tour of false Osiris’ kingdom that supported the false narrative about the Godhead being on a throne while idolators and Jehovians were in hells. Over time, more than 4,300 men and women graduated to the rank of adept and out of those, over 700 used the “holy chambers” to visit false Osiris’ heavenly kingdom with the hopes of “attaining life everlasting in the corporeal body” (gain spiritual knowledge without having to wait for physical death).

False Osiris has Thothma build the Column of Stars

Next, false Osiris set Thothma out to build a “Column of Stars” for seers and mathematicians to use. The section, Column of Stars, explains how Thothma oversaw the building of strategically placed columns, windows, and stairwells that provided mathematicians, seers, and adepts (esoteric students) all the instruments necessary to measure the sun and the moon and the stars.

False Osiris assigns Thothma to obtain the key of prophecy

The next endeavor that false Osiris assigned to King Thothma was to send mathematicians throughout the world to correlate wind, droughts, yields, famines, pestilences, and other types of occurrences with the location of the sun, stars, and moon. The section, Key of Prophecy, explains how mathematicians were sent out every 16 years to gather data, which provided “the key of prophecy” for the next 3,300 years. This information was put in the “books of great learning”, which included a specific book called, “The philosophies of God and His Son Thothma, King of the Earth!”, all stored within the Great Pyramid.

Oahspe describes all of the ways that Thothma “applied himself to impart wisdom unto all men” because he was “one of the wisest and greatest men that ever dwelt on the face of the earth”. During his reign in Egypt, he built 77 colleges of Great Learning, 12 colleges of prophecy, 200 houses of philosophy, 7 adepteries, 3,000 free schools, 4,000 “houses of sacrifice unto Osiris, Savior of men”, 340 obelisks to God, 30 triumphal arches to De’yus, and 4,000 pedestals of polished stone on street corners (Oahspe calls them oans-nus to the Creator).

False Osiris’ last manipulation of Thothma

Thothma believed the false Gods when they told him that he would never physically die and that all men were reincarnated over and over again until “perfected in adeptism” whereby he attains “immortal flesh” and can remain on earth or ascend to heaven, whichever he desires. As a result, adeptism was considered the greatest of all knowledge and more than 4,300 men and women became capable of the death trance and therefore graduated to the rank of adept.

Thothma built many palaces in which he thought that he would live in forever while he helped “all of earth redeemed to immortal flesh”. On the day he turned 100 years old, he fell on a stone and died. The section, King Thothma's death, explains how the priests followed the “Laws of Miracles” to have Thothma’s soul return to an “incorruptible” body, but when it never happened, a 24-year old adept named Xaian was crowned King of Egypt instead.

Egyptians remained the most learned people for hundreds of years after Thothma, but toward the end of the 2,400-year reign of the false Gods, Egypt was eventually inundated with “hundreds of millions of drujas”. Egyptians had become obsessed with the false idea of reincarnating until the flesh became immortal, so they started taking over the bodies of newborns, casting out their natural spirits, or engrafting (attaching) themselves onto newborns. These types of attachments occurred generation after generation and resulted in disease-afflicted mortals, idlers and vagrants, lands no longer tilled, and places of learning deserted. Eventually the Great Pyramid and the land around it became flooded with evil spirits and foreign kings robbed and plundered all of Egypt.

The end of the 2,400-year reign of false Gods

Oahspe provides many details about how the 5 false Gods warred with one another, but for the sake of brevity, all that matters is that in the end, the false Gods had weakened themselves to the point where their former subjects/slaves outnumbered, overpowered, and took vengeance on them. Thousands of millions of angels that had been enslaved by false Osiris, took vengeance on him, rushed his kingdom of Agho’aden, and put Osiris, his vice-Gods, and his high marshals all into foul-smelling hells. This same thing then happened to false Sudga, false Te-in, and many of the lesser Gods as well. Only Baal and Ashtaroth escaped for they “fled to save themselves for a more opportune season to carry out their wicked schemes.” Earth was inundated with millions of drujas “pestering people on earth” and the heavens were divided in a thousand ways as if they were “one continuous succession of knots and hells”.

By this time, darkness (ji’ay) had overspread the land in many regions and in some regions, the sun didn’t shine, except as a red ball of fire, for 700 years. Nebula, even denser than ji’ay, fell in many places at a depth of over 30 feet, “so that even the places of the great cities of the earth, which had been destroyed, were covered up, and it was like a new country”.

Years of darkness, specifically the pressure of ji’ay, caused Earth’s highest atmospheric heaven, the second resurrection heaven of Craoshivi, to descend down to near the surface of the Earth, but this didn’t stop the true God of Earth from “exerting himself to the full” to offset some of the damage done by the false Gods. The section, True God of Earth gathers victims, explains how he and his “hosts of upraised angels” gathered “in from every quarter of the earth and her heavens the fallen victims of the self-Gods to “restore them to reason and happier and holier scenes; and to teach them righteousness and good works”.

Finally, the Earth “crossed the boundaries of the ji’ay’an forests, and rolled slowly toward the homes and dominions of other etherean Gods”. In other words, the Earth finally left the cycle of Cpenta-armij and entered the next 3,000-year arc/cycle of space/time.

Next, Part 16: the first 2 prophets, Capilya and Chine, of 1,400 BCE

  1. Great Pyramid of Giza: