This part of the synopsis covers the remaining 2,400 years of the cycle of Cpenta-armij, which is highlighted in Image 1. Oahspe explains that all worlds go through similar stages of development and it became time for ethereans, which are high-raised beings from other worlds (Sethantes, Apollo, Thor, Osiris, Fragapatti, and Cpenta-armij), to hand over the management of Earth to atmosphereans, which are high-raised beings born on Earth.
Transfer of management involved an emergence of false Gods: Another common occurrence on all worlds is that during the transition from etherean to atmospherean management, there is almost always an emergence of false Gods. At this point in time, about 3,800 BCE, the Earth and the heavens were the most well-ordered “since the foundation of the world” and as a result, the inexperienced atmospherean Gods and Lords of the lower heavens had become “conceited in their power and wisdom to rule in heavenly places”.
During this 2,400-year period between Abraham (4,000 BCE) and Moses (1,400 BCE), the high-raised atmosphereans were “left to run with a loose rein” because each one of them “must have experience of his own to realize his own shortness”. They set themselves up as “numerous false Gods of great power” and used mortals in their own way to glorify themselves, which brought “great darkness and misery upon their kingdoms and themselves”.
Just like the true God of Earth uses angels to inspire mortals to virtue, false Gods began using mortals as “machines and playthings in the hands of angels and Gods.”
.. mortals could be turned to good or evil, to war or to peace, to virtue or to lust, according to the inspiration of angels watching over them…

Many of the actions of these false Gods changed the course of history as we know it – and because this period ended only 3,400 years ago (1,400 BCE), evidence of their actions still exists today. The following list includes some of the contributions of the false Gods that will be covered:
- Anubi, Master of Scales, and the Rites of Anubi
- the compilation of the creation stories and origin of sin that eventually became scripture (i.e. Genesis)
- mortal “preachers” emerge (there were only prophets, rab’bah, & oracles before)
- establishment of Egypt
- wars of ancient mythology (e.g. Trojan War) (Part 2)
- construction of the Great Pyramid, Column of Stars, adeptism, & key to prophecy (Part 2)
- Idols such as Isis, Osiris, and use of the Edict of the Bull (Part 2)

State of things before the false Gods
The Earth and the heavens were well-ordered: As mentioned, before the 2,400-year “reign of false Gods”, the Earth and its heavens were the most well-ordered “since the foundation of the world”. Oahspe explains that because the unseen has dominion over the seen, angels inspire mankind to create the same things that exist in heaven down on Earth. When the “inspiration of the angels set man to imitating the affairs of heaven”, Earth’s atmospheric heavens were in sync with the corporeal divisions below and they both had schools, colleges, nurseries, and hospitals; there were factories for silk, linen, cotton, paper, leather and glass making; and there were factories for smelting iron, copper, silver, and gold.
As you will see below, mortals and angels fell into different categories of spiritual inclination and therefore required different levels of support:
Faithists | The Faithists were guided by the God of Earth and the Div (organic congress): The God of Earth, who resided in Craoshivi, worked with the O-yra, the High Heaven (O) going to (y) earth (ra) The “O-yra”, which means High Heaven (O) going to (y) earth (ra), was established on Earth earlier in this cycle after the 4 prophets (Abraham/Po/Brahma/Eawahtah) and their etherean assistants left the Earth. Four high-raised atmopsherean angels were sent to Earth to take over leadership. More specifically, they would “sojourn on the earth with the Faithists as aspiring spirits and protectors”. Each of the 4 high-raised angels represented the Great Spirit and went by the names of Te-in in Jaffeth (China), Jehovih in Arabia, Ormazd in Vind’yu (India), and Egoquim in Guatama (America). They each oversaw 10,000 angels, which were called “attendants”, all above the grade of 80 (percentage of service to others) and from the colleges of Craoshivi, Earth’s highest heavenly kingdom. The O-yra inspired mortals in rites and ceremonies, prayers, psalms, sacred dances, spoke to their spirits when they slept, and led them to happy marriages that created offspring capable of the Voice. Senior attendants resided with chief rab’bah, “first in rank” attendants resided with ordinary rab’bah, and the rest of the attendants resided with the multitudes of Faithist mortals. , which consisted of 4 angels, each with 10,000 attendants, that would “bestow the Voice of Jehovih on mortals” or in other words, “sojourn on the earth with the Faithists as inspiring spirits and protectors”. The Div fairly decreed Divan Laws “relating to the affairs of each of the heavenly places, to make them harmonious, one with another.” The 10 Lords of the Earth’s divisions and the sub-God of the Lord-dom made up the Council of Div, the Holy Eleven. |
Non-practicing Faithists Non-practicing Faithists were people who believed in the All Person, followed Divan law, but did not belong to a Faithist community nor practiced Faithist rites and ceremonies. They were considered “them that believe”, that “profess faith in the Great Person, Jehovih”, but are “without practice” and “have lived isolate”. and the Apostate Faithists Oahspe defines apostates as Faithists who have forgotten the Creator (Jehovih) and instead worship “mammon and the ways of the world”. Unlike their forefathers who worked to bring “forth out of the earth food and clothing”, apostates “keep the rites and ceremonies, but drink to drunkenness, and eat to gluttony, feasting on flesh…” Although they maintain the rites and ceremonies, they have “forsaken the spirit and truth of my commandments”. | A new heaven was created for intermediately-spiritual people: For the non-practicing Faithists and the apostate Faithists, upon death of their physical bodies, their spirits were sent to a new heaven called
Me-de, the heaven for non-practicing Faithists Upon death, the spirits of non-practicing Faithists, as well as Faithists that had forgotten about the Creator and “so apostate themselves”, were not yet “fifth grade in the es’ean world” (not eligible for second resurrection heaven), yet they had “delivered themselves away from the druks” on Earth and therefore did not deserve to false into “the kingdoms of mixed company in hada” (first resurrection heaven). Now these spirits would have a new heavenly plateau, “in the first remove from the earth”, ruled by Me-de-ci Law, “till they are purged from their sins.” . First mention of Anubi (aka Anubis): This new heaven was ruled by an “angel of a thousand years” named A-chung-le, with whom was give the title of “Anubi, signifying mediator, and judge of grades” (Anubis ended up being one of the most frequently depicted and mentioned gods in the Egyptian pantheon even though there were “no relevant myths” involving him). Anubi converted thousands to Faithism: Anubi, with his “badge, and a pair of scales”, was also tasked with teaching the “degrees of Anubi”, which at the time, comprised the “greatest knowledge of the earth” and was previously known only by the I’hin. Anubi successfully converted “tens of thousands” of the kings’ people to Faithism due to their desire and willingness to learn the degrees. (Later, false Gods co-opted the Anubian ceremonies; they changed the wording to reference false Gods; and they encouraged use of the rites for war rather than virtue, love, truth, and the peaceful acquisition of knowledge.)
Extend to read more about the Degrees of Anubi...
The degrees of Anubi included how to acquire the information necessary to “build a palace or a temple, or an aqueduct or a canal, or a ship or any great affair”. This meant that anytime a king or the kings’ people wanted to build something of this nature, they “were obliged to employ Faithists of the fifth degree to superintend the work”, so this is how/why the kings’ people were willing to learn the degrees, which in turn converted them to Faithism. ![]() Teaching non-Faithists rites of Anubi was a success: Anubi sent out “tens of thousands of angels into all regions of the earth” so that by inspiration or otherwise, he could establish the rites of Anubi with the kings’ people. The endeavor was a success, even kings were converted to Faithism. Oahspe adds that even the Maichung of China and the Effins of India converted. For a time, “there were no suffering poor in all the world. The Faithists had gathered them all up and made brethren out of them; and the contributions to the Faithists by the kings’ people rendered all the people comfortable.”
non-spiritual mortals & angels | 10 Lords worked with the non-spiritual: It was up to the 10 Lords of the lower heavens to work with the “unbelievers”, the non-spiritual people, the “heathen”, the “undelivered sons and daughters of the earth and her heavens”, which included the kings’ people. “The believers go to God, but the unbelievers go to his Lords” |
wandering spirits (drujas) | Wandering spirits (drujas) were managed by the Lord-dom (Maitrais): As a reminder, the Lord-dom of Maitrais was established 7,000 years prior (covered in Part 10) and was the equivalent to a heavenly military base that kept drujas up and away from the surface of the Earth. The head of the Lord-dom had the title of “Lord God” and was the second-highest ranking position; second only to the God of Earth. The Lord God of the Lord-dom was considered Earth’s bodyguard, nicknamed “The Savior of Men”, and tasked to prevent spirits from establishing their own heavenly kingdoms as false Gods. |
The reign of the false Gods began
Former sub-God, Anuhasaj, returned after 7,000 years: The first false God of this 2,400-year “reign of false Gods” was named Anuhasaj and he was a byproduct of the first major false God of 7,000 years prior. As a reminder, 7,000 years earlier a Lord named Ctusk became the Earth’s first major false God when he falsely claimed to be Ahura’Mazda, which was the name of the true God that worked with the first great prophet, Zarathustra (covered in Part 10). Anuhasaj was a sub-God of false Ahura; however, while false Ahura had since been cast into hell, delivered, and was doing virtuous work in the lower heavens to redeem himself, Anuhasaj spent the last 7,000 years as a “wandering spirit”. Now Anuhasaj returned to deceive and manipulate his way back into action. He somehow manipulated the former false God Ahura into catapulting him into the second-highest ranking position in the lower heavens: the Lord God of Maitrais, head of the Lord-dom.
Anuhasaj revolted and took the Div and Anubis with him: Once Anuhasaj had this position, he convinced all of the members of the Div’s Holy Eleven, which included the 10 Lords and Anubis, to revolt with him against the true God of Earth to become the “consolidated kingdom of false Gods”. He manipulated them into appointing him as the “All Highest Lord God, Creator of all Things” and into allowing him to repurpose the Lord-dom so that instead of keeping drujas away from the surface of the Earth, it became a false God’s heavenly kingdom, the new “central kingdom of all of the heavens belonging to the earth”, which was exactly the type of thing the Lord God of the Lord-dom was supposed to prevent from happening.

Anuhasaj became De’yus (Diety) and created false Osiris, Te-in, and Sudga: Instead of establishing a new Div, Anuhasaj just changed his name to De’yus (Deity). He then promoted the 10 Lords simply by changing their titles from Lord/Lordesses to God/Goddesses. For 3 of the new Gods, he changed their names completely to take on names of former famous, well-loved Gods, Osiris, Te-in, and Sudga.
De’yus promoted Anubis to Savior of Men, Son of De’yus: De’yus coined himself as “God of justice and truth” and gave Anubis the title of “Masters of the Scales of Heaven, the Savior of Men, the Son of De’yus”. De’yus desired to have a “gate at the hill of Hored” whereby his guardians were “cherubims and seraphims, with flaming swords”, so he gave Anubis his own capital and called it the “Gate of Heaven”.
False Gods started making changes
Earth intentionally nudged into a region of darkness: These new false Gods all agreed there had been a “great decline, during the last hundred years, in these heavens, in the faith of the angels in the All Person.” The true God of Craoshivi “layeth the blame on a’ji”, which was indeed the truth of the matter: in the several hundreds of years leading up to this time, the Earth and solar system traveled through a region of light. As a result, the Gods and Lords had become “conceited in their own power and wisdom to rule in heavenly places.” To remedy, it was decided that “I will try them for a season, by sending them in a’ji’an darkness; for my Gods and Lords must learn to master the elements I have created in the firmament.” Earth was intentionally nudged into a region of darkness.
False Gods blamed (1) the Div (organic congress) and (2) the normal ascension process: The false Gods, on the other hand, came up with their own explanations for the degradation of things. First, they used a resurgence in the lost arts and sciences, which is a common occurrence during periods of darkness, to justify their elimination of the Div and Divan Law.
When spirituality declines, science excels
As a result of the Earth entering a region of darkness and spirituality beginning to decline, there was a resurgence in the arts and sciences that were originally taught during Osiris’ cycle 8,000 years prior, but had since been lost on Earth. Oahspe explains that “spirits of thousands of years previous were brought back to the earth, to reveal to mortals the lost arts and sciences” and “by virtue of their presence spake unto the souls of men, and made them understand”. They were taught how to “spin and weave finely” and about the seasons, the times of the earth, the moon, and sun, and stars.
Faithists were mostly poor and “inhabited far-apart regions”; they derived most of their knowledge about “perfecting the soul” from “angels of the Lords” rather than from books. The non-Faithists, on the other hand, also known as the kings’ people, were often rich and for the most part lived in large cities; they learned most of their knowledge about “earth matters, and … the gratification of self” from “books and instruments for measuring the stars, and moon, and the sun” (Oahspe infers that the non-Faithists were attributing everything to science and began to disregard the unseen).
False Gods claimed that Divan Law was obsolete: The re-acquisition of knowledge justified the false Gods’ argument that only the ancients needed the Div and Divan Law because they were ignorant. Now, with newfound knowledge, Divan laws were obsolete and the Div’s rites and ceremonies and parades, salutations, and anthems, all for a “figure-head that is void of shape and person”, were antiquated.
False Gods co-opted Earth’s normal ascension process: Second, the false Gods misunderstood and/or de-valued Earth’s normal process of ascension and set out to co-opt the process for their own benefit. To justify disruption of the
Process of Ascension
As a reminder, the normal process of ascension supports Earth’s primary purpose, which is to be a harvester of souls: “to provide a place for the souls of man to germinate.” In other words, souls have a mortal/corporeal experience on Earth during their incarnation and then upon death of the physical body, their soul/spirit enters the Earth’s atmospheric heavens where they continue to grow through learning and experience.
When spirits initially enter Earth’s heavens, they enter at the lowest level closest to the surface of the Earth, known as the “first resurrection heaven”. More specifically, because the true God of Earth appoints Lords to each of the divisions of Earth, the spirit enters the Lord’s heavenly kingdom that is located directly above the spirit’s division of Earth (continent). After spirits mature to become “bright and useful”, they ascend a level higher to the the second resurrection heaven, which at this time was the true God of Earth’s kingdom of Craoshivi. Eventually, spirits ascend beyond Earth’s atmospheric heavens to etherea, the higher heavens, in a third resurrection harvest.
, which is centered around the eventual ascension of the soul beyond Earth’s atmospheric heavens to etherea, the false Gods all agreed that sending their matured angels, that had finally become “bright and useful” (higher grade), to “fly off to remote worlds” only stripped Earth’s heavens from its “most valuable fruitage and ornaments” and therefore should no longer occur.
False Gods set out to make their kingdoms appear to be the all highest: The false Gods claimed, “Some have come from far-off regions, saying there are more delightful heavens, much higher!” But “these heavens are good enough, if improved…” Instead of their highest grade spirits being “hoodwinked by the tales of the etherean gods”, and lured in by their “parade and pageant of the marriage ceremony” and the “fire-ships, and pomp and splendor of the marshals, the trumpeters, and music, and the high-raised Gods” (all part of a third resurrection harvest), they asked, “Cannot our Gods and our Lords make these heavens the greatest of all regions in the universe?”
De’yus’ kingdom of Hored designated as All Highest Place: Although the 10 Lords, now Gods/Goddesses, retained their own kingdoms, they all agreed for their kingdoms to be tributaries to De’yus’ kingdom of Hored. They sent a percentage of their higher-grade, more mature spirits to De’yus in Hored rather than to the true God of Earth in Croashivi. They concluded that the all-deserving De’yus “should have such a heavenly place of splendor that all Brides and Bridegrooms (third resurrection souls) would fly to him instead of the far-off heavens.” From that point forward, their objective was “for all people in heaven and earth (to) be taught that thy (De’yus’) kingdom was the All Highest Place, De’yus was the All Highest God, even the Creator of all things; and all the angels and mortals shall be thy servants”.
To achieve the false Gods’ new objectives, the false Gods mainly used (1) mortal war and (2) severe persecution of the Faithists. They used oracles to make kings and queens out of the most war-like mortals and then called them “adopted sons and daughters of the Lord God”.
(1) Mortal War

Stubborn mortals were easily inspired to start religious feuds where both sides fought to the death. During these wars, De’yus had his false Gods During these wars, De’yus had his false Gods remain in their kingdoms while their generals and high captains “mingle in the bloody work”, but right when the mortal kings and queens were about to win or lose a battle, the false Gods would valiantly go down to Earth to “show how their presence turned the tide of battle” leaving mortals thinking that their battles were won or lost according to their praise and allegiance to their (false) Lord God. into thinking that their battles were won or lost according to their praise and allegiance to the false God.
For the mortals that died in battle, their spirits were gathered in groups, brought to the false Gods’ kingdoms where physicians and nurses restored them to their senses. They were then initiated by “solemn rites and ceremonies into sworn servitude” to the Lord God (De’yus). If they refused, they were sent to Anubis in the “Gate of Heaven” and if he could not convince them, they were sent to “down to hell” (disorganized, unpleasant regions of Earth’s atmospheric heavens).
In the first sweep, the false Gods vastly destroyed the regions of Persia/Arabia/Heleste (Greece), India, and China. In regard to mortals, the success of the false Gods was mostly limited to the “weak and disbelieving” and “easily captured”, which included the superstitious, the overly science-minded intellectuals, the conceited philosophers, those that lived non-virtuous lives, and even the “kids of the rich”. Three factors that saved many mortals from the false Gods included the true God of Earth’s deployment of an
Army of Deliverers
The “Army of Deliverers” was deployed by the true God at the same time that De’yus false Gods set out to subdue and destroy their 5 regions. The true God’s Holy Council of Craoshivi deployed a total of 1,700 million spirits, from grades 50-90, that were wise, strong, and without fear. One branch went down to Earth to offset some of the impact of the false Gods on mortals. The other branch went to the kingdoms of the false Gods as “angel preachers”. They acted as “conciliatory diplomats”, “sowing seeds of aspiration with the wise and ignorant and especially the enslaved” spirits to intentionally incite “the slaves to ascend to higher and holier heavens”. Willing spirits were taken to nurseries and hospitals in a new kingdom called At-ce-wan.
, the ongoing support of a legion of angels called the
O-yra, the High Heaven (O) going to (y) earth (ra)
The “O-yra”, which means High Heaven (O) going to (y) earth (ra), was established on Earth earlier in this cycle after the 4 prophets (Abraham/Po/Brahma/Eawahtah) and their etherean assistants left the Earth. Four high-raised atmopsherean angels were sent to Earth to take over leadership. More specifically, they would “sojourn on the earth with the Faithists as aspiring spirits and protectors”. Each of the 4 high-raised angels represented the Great Spirit and went by the names of Te-in in Jaffeth (China), Jehovih in Arabia, Ormazd in Vind’yu (India), and Egoquim in Guatama (America). They each oversaw 10,000 angels, which were called “attendants”, all above the grade of 80 (percentage of service to others) and from the colleges of Craoshivi, Earth’s highest heavenly kingdom. Since these angels were from the colleges, participation in the O-yra was probably part of their occupational training.
The O-yra inspired mortals in rites and ceremonies, prayers, psalms, sacred dances, spoke to their spirits when they slept, and led them to happy marriages that created offspring capable of the Voice. Senior attendants resided with chief rab’bah, “first in rank” attendants resided with ordinary rab’bah, and the rest of the attendants resided with the multitudes of Faithist mortals.
, and lastly, the inhabitants’ overall
Corporeal Greatness
The first explanation for Earth’s heightened corporeal greatness is that angels had inspired mankind to build the same things down on Earth that existed up in the heavens. As mentioned, after the beginning of this cycle, the Earth and its heavens were the most well-ordered since “the foundation of the world”. Because the unseen world had/has dominion over the seen world, when the atmospheric heavens above are in sync with the corporeal divisions below, the “inspiration of the angels set man to imitating the affairs of heaven”. In both heaven and on Earth at this time, there were schools, colleges, nurseries, and hospitals; there were factories for silk, linen, cotton, paper, leather and glass making; and there were factories for smelting iron, copper, silver, and gold.
The second explanation is that the inhabitants of these 5 countries, Arabia/Persia/Greece, China, and India, were both physically and spiritually “the mightiest of people”. The I’hin race, the sacred little people, still existed in these countries, which contributed to high spiritual development. Outside of the I’hin race, these countries were inhabited by full-blooded I’huan and half I’huan/half burrower (druk), so they were like red giants with copper-colored skin and long, black hair.
The inhabitants of China “had one degree more of the brown people’s blood in them”, so China was the “land of giants”. The physically strong and highly spiritual inhabitants of these countries had established high-functioning systems for the production and exchange of goods that required little or no money. These countries were also full of institutions that fostered both Earthly and heavenly knowledge such as mills, factories, colleges, schools, libraries, observatories, temples, alters, oracle houses, houses of philosophy, and houses of astronomy.
. The false Gods ended up greatly exaggerating their successes to De’yus.
After De’yus’ false Gods subdued their 5 regions, De’yus swore to “havoc the whole earth in order to establish the name De’yus, and Lord God” and that’s exactly what he did.

The false Gods’ first sweep at subduing their regions was the beginning of what Oahspe calls the “Battles of a Thousand Years”. De’yus sent false Osiris to the region of Persia/Arabia/Heleste (Greece), false Te-in was sent to China, and false Sudga was sent to India. Although their armies totaled 2,000 million warrior angels, subduing these 5 regions was no easy feat. The section,
How false Osiris and false Te-in subdued their 4 countries
It took both false Osiris and false Te-in 3 attempts to make any significant progress in subduing in their 4 countries (Persia/Arabia/Greece and China). Both false Gods adopted similar strategies. The first night, they had their hosts plunge into temples, oracle-houses, and alters to drive away the angels of the true God, but due to the protection provided by the true God’s “army of deliverers”, they both failed miserably. Then on the second night, their hosts tried to make impressions directly on the mortals by entering their homes, threatening their guardian angels, trying to put intrusive thoughts into mortals minds as they slept, but the “army of delivers” and guardian angels kept their hands on mortals, which resulted in a second failure.
Finally for their third attempt, the false Gods used numerators and mathematicians to grade mortals and map out the localities containing the highest number of the “weak and disbelieving”. It was determined that the following types of people were the most vulnerable to impressions of false Gods:
(1) the ignorant and superstitious
(2) the science-minded intellectuals
(3) the “skeptical and much learned philosophers, who are weak in spirit”
(4) those prone to hypocrisy, lust, lying, stealing, murder, or have a desire for leadership
(5) the “kids of the rich”
All of these types of people were considered “less protectable” (angelically). For the false Gods’ third attempt, the Faithists were left alone, with the exception of the “dull flat heads”, and the false Gods’ hosts targeted the homes of the “less protectable” people, “laid hands” on them while they slept, and put intrusive thoughts into their minds. Philosophers were told that the highest heaven was Hored (De’yus’ kingdom) and about the hells of the first heaven, hada. Many mortals were fooled into worshiping De’yus, false Osiris, and Anubis. Oahspe states that the false Gods won over 2 million Arabians, 1.5 million Helestians (Grecians), and 12,000 Persians (specific numbers were not provided for China).
, explains how it took both false Osiris and Te-in 3 different attempts to make any impact.
False Sudga, on the other hand, took a different approach in India, the country “with the most, highest learned people of the earth”. The section,
How false Sudga subdued India on first attempt
India was the only country in which the false God, false Sudga, was able to subdue enough of the country on the first attempt. India was considered the “pride and glory of the earth”, the place with the “most, highest learned people of the earth”. India had “hundreds of thousands” of prophets and seers. There was so much “spiritual light” among the people, that “even those who had learned but one language could understand and speak other languages with people from remote parts; words and sentences they had never heard; even when first meeting strangers”. False Sudga concluded that their ability to understand different languages in this way meant they were “becoming as Gods; knowing and understanding in advance of the words spoken”, so he set out to “confound them suddenly in the meaning of words” (confuse their languages).
The ability of the inhabitants of India to communicate with one another across different languages enabled them to establish a well-organized system for the exchange of goods and services without money, so false Sudga and his hosts “fell upon them and possessed and obsessed all who were easily captured”, which crippled their commerce.
False Sudga also targeted women because the women of India had “risen in knowledge, higher than the most learned women in other parts of the world”, especially in philosophy and science, so as a result, the women were more skeptical than men of “Ormazdian power” (the power of Jehovih, the Creator).
, describes how he had success on the first attempt as a result of (1) immediately targeting those who were “easily captured” and (2) confusing their languages, which crippled their commerce.

New country of Egypt: As mentioned, the false Gods had a tough time subduing their 5 regions due to corporeal greatness, but southern Arabia was an exception; it was inhabited by mostly “brown burrowers, the hoodas” with “long noses and projecting mouths”. The overlay,
New country of Egypt
King Luthag was a benevolent, wise king over the Persian capital city of Sowruts, which had 12 tributary cities, each with their own kings. During a long drought, King Luthag sent inspectors out to find a country with water and good soil, but they did not find what they were looking for. King Luthag then consulted oracles. False Osiris’ angel named Egupt intercepted the communication and convinced the oracle and King Luthag that he was a God. Angel Egupt led the king’s high seer into a region of Southern Arabin’ya and called it “the land of Egupt”.
The new land of Egypt was fertile and well watered, so King Luthag commanded his Persian people to migrate to Egypt; 50,000 migrated within the first year; 100,000 in the second year; and within 200 years, the new land of Egypt became populated with millions of people that escaped drought and famine in surrounding lands.
, provides details about how in the 700th year of the reign of De’yus (around 3,100 BCE), a king in Persia, named Luthag, looked for new land to escape drought; false Osiris sent his angel, Egupt, to lead King Luthag and his people into southern Arabia and name it Egupt (Egypt). Hundreds of thousands of Persians moved there to escape drought and by the 900th year of De’yus, Egypt was populated with millions of people.
Fortunately for Europe and the Americas, Oahspe explains that in these regions, “mortals were too scattered and few to be profitable for false Gods”. Self-Gods did establish weak heavenly kingdoms and incited mortals to war, but their heavenly kingdoms were failures for the most part, their thrones were “poor and dilapidated almost from the start”, so they did not cause too great of destruction, and Oahspe says “little need be said”. In America, the mortals had not forgotten the lessons they hard learned from the first main false God, I’tura, of about 3,000 years prior, that had ruined their forefathers, so they remained wary and for the most part, maintained their allegiance to the Great Spirit.
(2) Severe persecution of the Faithists
This is the part of the manipulation by the false Gods that resulted in the most long-term impact on mankind. First, De’yus decreed laws that persecuted the Faithists and distributed them as the “Laws of the Lord God” in a “sacred book”. Faithists were non-resistant, so the false Gods inspired their mortal followers to steal Faithists’ possessions and use them to “build great cities, after the manner of the ancients”.
Second, the false Gods adulterated the true doctrines, specifically about the creation of man and the origin of sin, which “set the kings and queens to war upon the Faithists” and “hundreds and thousands” of Faithists were put to death. For those that escaped death, years of “great havoc and persecution… upon the Zarathustrians and Israelites” (Israelite was the Egyptian word for Faithist) eventually resulted in a division between pure Faithists and what Oahspe calls “apostate” Faithists, that arguably still exists today. Apostate Faithists began living like warriors and some of them aspired to become kings or rulers. They still called themselves “by names signifying Faithists”, but changed their belief from the Great Spirit (Jehovih) to a God in the “shape and figure of a man with attributes like a mortal”.
Regarding the adulteration of the true doctrines, which is further explained below, the false Gods manipulated the true doctrines that had been established by the 5 great prophets that preceded them, which resulted in a “book of generations of men on earth” that was “put on file in the libraries of the records of the kings and queens of earth” and “became the Bible of that day” (Oahspe calls these doctrines the “Osirian Bible of Egypt, India, and China”).
‼️Some of these manipulated doctrines later made it into the Hebrews Scriptures, which in turn made it into some of the bibles of today’s The 7 Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha’i, Yezidi, Druze, Samaritan, and Rastafari. when 3,000 years later, a Jerusalem man named Ezra used these Egyptian records and erroneously attributed them to be doctrines of the true Faithists of Egypt (which Egyptians called Iz’Zerlites). See formation of the scriptures for more details.
In addition to replacing every mention of the Great Spirit (aka Jehovih, the Creator) with names of false Gods, which is detailed in the overlay,
In the existing doctrines, every mention of the Great Spirit, Jehovih, Eolin, Eloih, Ormazd, etc. was replaced with names of the false Gods including the following:
* Lord God, De’yus, Dyaus, Deity
* Anubis, his holy Son and Savior and Judge of the world
* Orisis, God’s commanding Lord of the Earth
In India and eastern Persia, De’yus was known as “Dyaus”; in China he was known as Te-in. In the rest of Persia and in Arabia, he was known as “Lord God”, but due to the different languages spoken in these regions, it translated to Deity, Joss, Ho-Joss, and even Zeus.
, the most impactful doctrine change was when the false Gods completely re-wrote the creation stories; their version later made it into bibles used by some of today’s religions, specifically many of the Abrahamic religions.
After the false Gods pushed a new Lord God, De’yus, onto mortals as their All Highest Ruler and convinced them that the “high heavens of the ancients” were non-existent, which also happened to require a drastic increase in angel manifestations, mortals began asking existential questions such as how creation was created, the origin of man, the destination of the soul of man (what happens after death), and the cause of good and evil.
Justifying a good God that permitted evil was not an easy matter, but since mortals had already used De’yus, the Lord God, the “foundation of all things”, as their battle-cry to overthrow Jehovih by way of war and destruction, the false Gods had to find a way to account all things, both good and evil, to their Lord God the Creator. An additional caveat for the false Gods was that De’yus shirked the responsibility for creating sin and evil onto them by saying that he rules the light of the world in heaven while they “rule the darkness of the world, which is the earth, my footstool”.

After much deliberation, De’yus’ false Gods, false Osiris, Te-in, and Sudga, finally concluded that they would throw “the cause of sin upon man”: “To make our Lord God the Creator, we must account unto him all things, both good and evil. Wherefore we shall give two masters to man, the one being the serpent, the earth, the lowest inspirer; and the other the voice of our Lord God.” This new narrative for the origin of sin later made it into some of the scriptures of today’s religions supporting the idea that the Lord God made a “commandment over man, forbidding him hearkening to the serpent, lest he be led away from the Lord God”. This narrative “cleared the Lord God unscathed” from being the originator of sin and evil in the world, but more importantly, it fueled the great division between “God’s chosen” and the “tribes of the world’s people”, which still exists to this very day.
The new doctrines included a narrative about Adam and Eve (instead of the Asu’ans pro-creating with visiting angels) and Cain and Abel (instead of the I’hin and the druks). The section,
Creation narrative of the false Gods
Creation of Man
The new creation narrative added by the false Gods, specifically false Osiris, began with the Lord God causing the first man, A’su (Adam), to “come forth into the Land of Eden” and that in his labor of caring for the garden, he would be “perfected unto everlasting life”. Next, God planted the tree of knowledge and told Adam that it pertained to life and death, which is of both good and evil, and that he should not partake, else “thou shalt surely die”. Oahpse’s version, on the other hand, defines A’su (Adam) as the race of humans that existed on Earth about 75,000 years ago, which included both males and females, rather than a first single man (A’su is Vedic and Adam is Persian). Both versions have a “tree of knowledge” in which partaking of the fruit of the tree of life meant sexual intercourse, which led to pro-creation. If one ate from this tree, the false Gods said that mankind shall surely die while Oashpe said that the visiting angels would become “as if dead to the heavens whence they came” meaning they became bound to their offspring and could not go back to where they came from (beyond Earth’s atmosphere) until they raised up their offspring.
Origin of Sin
The false Gods’ new narrative, which put “the cause of sin upon man”, went on to say that after God made the woman named Eve, she was told of the commandment, but “because of the serpent (the earth) of the woman”, the serpent told her that the day that she eats from that tree, her eyes will be opened, she will be “as a Goddess, creating offspring”. She then convinced Adam to eat, their eyes were opened and they realized they were naked. As a result, the Lord God cursed the serpent to never rise up from the Earth, the woman would have great sorrow in bringing forth children, and her husband would rule over her. They were cast out of Eden, Adam was given “cherubim to hold him on every side”, and he would now have to fulfill both the spirit and the flesh. Lastly, there would forever be hostility between the serpent (the earth, the lowest inspirer) and Adam and Eve’s offspring: “the flesh will call one way, which is unto the earth, but the soul of man shall call unto me, the Lord God”.
“Behold, I created man without sin, and I gave him warning, that he might remain holy on the face of the earth. But woman hearkened not to my counsel, but to the serpent, and sin came into the world. Therefore shall women bring forth in pain all the generations of the earth.”
The false Gods said that the woman committed the first sin because she wanted to be like a Goddess, but Oahspe says that the first mistake was due to inexperience and naivety on both sides and instead of condemnation, the mistake helped Earth become populated with people capable of immortality. Furthermore, the false Gods said that God divvied out curses with one of the curses being an eternal duality within mankind between the desires of his flesh and his soul. Oahspe agrees that mankind has both corporeal and spiritual persuasions, but it is not considered a “curse”.
God’s Chosen
The false Gods’ adulterated narrative about the Great Flood, went on to say that because the “tribes of the world’s people” became too mighty and numerous, they overcame God’s chosen and all life had to be wiped from the Earth except for Noah and his family and the animals he put on his boat. Although this narrative is a bit different than Oahspe’s recount of the Great Flood, the most damaging aspect of the false Gods’ narrative is that God made a covenant with Noah and his descendants and because Noah was the descendant of Adam’s second “good” son, Seth, rather than Adam’s “bad” son, Cain, this bloodline inheritance of a covenant from God laid the groundwork for future divisive doctrines. This bloodline covenant is part of some of the major religions today, specifically some of the Abrahamic religions. For example, some adherents believe there is/was a bloodline covenant that looks like this: Adam > Seth > Noah > Abraham > Isaac (and Ishmael for Islam) > Jacob (Israel) (stops here for Judaism) > Jesus (stops here for Christians) > Muhammed (for Islam). While Oahspe has no covenant at all – the chosen are those that choose Jehovih the Creator, not those who the Creator chose.
, further explains how the sons of Adam and Eve supposedly fathered “God’s chosen” (from Abel and Seth) and the “tribes of the world’s people” (from Cain), how the tribes of the world’s people became too numerous and mighty and eventually overpowered God’s “chosen”, so God destroyed everyone except for Adam’s descendant, Noah, and Noah’s immediate family. Then God established a special relationship with his “chosen” via Noah and the covenant.
Oahspe’s version of the great flood, detailed in Part 4, and the “chosen” greatly differ from the false Gods’ version. Oahspe considers the flood, or the sinking of the continent of Pan, as an adjustment rather than a punishment. Instead of 1 ship with just Noah and his family being saved, there were 138 ships of I’hin saved and then sent back out to the 5 divisions of Earth to restart civilization. The I’hin were not saved because they were a superior race or God’s “chosen” – or bloodline descendants of Adam > Seth > Noah > Abraham > Isaac (and Ishmael for Islam) > Jacob (Israel) (stops here for Judaism) > Jesus (stops here for Christians) > Muhammed (for Islam). Instead, they were saved because they were more connected to the “constant presence of exalted angels” and therefore provided an example of “righteousness for man to look upon” (further explained in Additional Info about the I’hin).
Note: The manipulation of Abraham’s part in all of this was covered Part 11’s section, the supposed near sacrifice, covenant, & inheritance.
And for the “chosen”, Oahspe considers the chosen as those who choose the Creator rather than the other way around – and more specifically, those “whoso practiceth peace and love, and liberty unto others, are My chosen”.
The Lord said: Think not that I came to one nation alone, leaving the others in darkness; I came not to one alone, but unto all divines of the earth.
Once the doctrine adulterations were finalized, 3 false Gods each found mortals in their regions that were “highest in su’is” and had them write the words. In the region of Arabia, false Osiris used the su’is named Thoth; in China, false Te-in used Hong; in India, false Sudga used Anj-rajan. The doctrines were put into a “book of generations of men on earth”, copies were “put on file in the libraries of the records of the kings and queens of earth”, and “these became the Bible of that day” (aka the “Osirian Bible of Egypt, India, and China” and/or the “Fonecean Bible”).
‼️This is how a Jerusalem man named Ezra, about 3,000 years later, used these creation stories from the Egyptian libraries for his “Holy Library”, which were in turn used for the scriptures of biblical texts of some of the Abrahamic religions (see formation of the scriptures for more details). Some members of the Abrahamic religions have
The covenant(s) and God’s chosen
Great lengths have been taken by founders of some of the Abrahamic religions to push the idea of one and/or more covenants between God and God’s chosen (aka People of God). All Abrahamic religions agree that the covenant started out with Adam and Eve’s descendant, Noah, and was then inherited by Noah’s descendant, Abraham. Abraham was supposed to pass it to his son, Ishmael, but it ended up going to Isaac. Islam believes that Ishmael also received a covenant. Isaac was supposed to pass it to Esau, but it ended up going to Jacob, who was renamed Israel after he wrestled an angel.
All Abrahamic religions recognize Moses as a prophet that led the Israelites out of Egypt to the “promised land”. Both Christians and Islam believe that a new covenant was made. For Christians, in the 1st century CE, the apostles of the prophet Jesus developed Christianity, a splinter movement out of Judaism. Then in the 7th century CE, followers of Islam viewed the Jews and Christians as being “unfaithful to the Abrahamic legacy” and believe that “their infidelity brought about the final revelation, the Quran” through Ishmael’s descendant, Muhammed.
ever since.

De’yus creates mortal preachers: After the false Gods’ doctrines were finalized in De’yus favor, De’yus introduced mortal “preachers” to Earth. Mortals were taught “the secret of spiritually going out of their own corporeal bodies; and returning safely” (something like astral projection) so that certain mortals could be subjectively taken to the “kingdom of the Lord God” (De’yus’ Hored) where they saw De’yus “as a man, sitting on a throne” and they saw his kingdom of Hored, millions of worshippers, all glorifying De’yus, the false Lord God. These people then became preachers on Earth “enthusiastically stirring men up on every hand to draw the sword and spear and sling to go forth in battle, to overthrow the doctrine of the Great Spirit and establish the De’yus”.
Lord God De’yus and his false Gods become burdened by their kingdoms: After 900 years of the false Gods with their Osirian Bible, mortal preachers, and kings and queens “marshaling their armies in all direction to establish the Lord God”, and with the Faithists being non-resistant and therefore powerless, the Faithists of Earth were reduced to small fraction of people, mostly hid away.
Oahspe explains that the wisdom of the Creator teaches that the only remedy for false Gods is to wait for them to have “contention for mortal souls” and eventually “fall out and ultimately destroy their own heavenly kingdoms”, which would then frees spirits and mortals from their bondage.
At the 950th year mark, mortal worshippers of the Lord God, De’yus, started to fight among themselves and kings and queens began overthrowing one another. Warfare made schools, colleges, houses of philosophy, etc. fall apart. The false Gods’ kingdoms in the lower heavens had accumulated 28,000 million spirits, all servants to De’yus and the other false Gods, but most of them were below the grade of 10 and some were below the grade of 5 (a grade of 50 is required for ascension). Each of the false Gods blamed one another for letting the grades of their spirits fall, but it was because they had all been focusing on war and let learning and industry fall by the wayside.
This concludes Part 1 of Oahspe’s coverage of the 2,400-year “reign of false Gods”. In the second half, the false Gods revolt from De’yus; false Te-in and false Sudga continue to wreak havoc over their divisions of Earth; all the while, false Osiris makes Egypt into the greatest civilization the Earth had ever seen…
Go to Part 15, which the second half of the Reign of False Gods, 3800 – 1400 BCE.