Looeamong of the Middle East becomes false Lord God

Looeamong had the most experience with war: For the third and final Triune God, Looeamong, as mentioned, compared to the other 2 Triune Gods, he had been at war the longest, from the very beginning, in the tumultuous region of the Middle East. Although all 3 Triune heads initially “sworn within himself to do no evil thing” and vowed to war only against warriors for righteousness sake, in the process of Looeamong’s pursuance of “Ashtaroth in conjunction with Baal” (back in Part 18), he had already driven many “worshippers of Jehovih to death”. Oahspe adds Looeamong “became as a lion, savage at the taste of blood”; he vowed that “till I have Baal also cast into hell, I will not cease the carnage of mortal blood.”

Baal was a formidable opponent: While Looeamong called up “angel warriors, tens of millions, hundreds of millions” to take on the last major false God, Baal, Baal also doubled down and sent his “mighty legions in heaven” down to Earth to “inspire mortals to bloody deeds.”

Baal’s doctrine was “an easy doctrine to understand”: “All mortals that worship not Baal shall be put to death”. He considered his enemies the “worshipers of the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost” as well as the “Faithists, the worshipers of Jehovih”. For anyone that did not agree that “Baal is the All Highest God of heaven and earth”, if they were mortal, they were “tortured and sawed in halves”; and for angels, they were “bound in knots in hell, and suffocated forever!”

Mainstream history corroborates that Baal was a “highly adaptable” God who was worshiped by different people in different ways throughout Canaan and Phoenicia. He was worshiped as a fertility God, a Supreme God, a sun-god, and so on; there were even distinct “denominations” of Baalism. Biblical scripture describe how the practice of the worship of Baal infiltrated Jewish life, specifically in Judges 3, Kings 16, and Chronicles 287.

Etching of Baal as a sun-god8

Baal’s and Looeamong’s widespread, but disorganized war: Looeamong was as equally determined as Baal to dominate the region: “By the Holy Ghost”, he swore, “not to bring peace, but war!”; “For righteousness sake” he said he would “purify the earth with human blood”; “set nation against nation, people against people, man against man” to “destroy my enemies, east and west and north and south”. He added that the inhabitants of his regions “shall know no peace till I have destroyed the worship of all Gods but the Triunes” and his regions included “the kingdoms of Egupt, and of Media, of Armenia, and Phrygia, and Argos, and Scythia and Noamedia, and of all the regions of Arabin’ya and the west”.

Oahspe adds that indeed, “there was no peace in any of those lands”; however, “Neither was there system to the warfare” that would achieve any “important result”.

Jehovih encouraged the true God, Eskra, that the disorganized war between Looeamong and Baal, whereby mortals were “instruments in the hands of angels, who ruled over them” carrying out wars “without purpose on the part of any king”, would “stand as testimony unto the coming generations” of “what cometh upon peoples, who deny My Person.” These wars will enable mortals to compare what life was like when they “put Me away, and tried to make themselves strong in kings and standing armies” vs. “the peace and rejoicing of My people” when “they had no king, but kept My commandments.”

Baal made new alliances: Looeamong and Baal were equally matched, that is until Baal made new alliances and established 3 new heavenly kingdoms: (1) established a new kingdom over Jerusalem, (2) allied with Kabalactes’ 5 former sub-Gods and established a new kingdom over Rome, and (3) allied with Ennochissa’s 4 former sub-Gods and established a new kingdom over Athens.

Looeamong asked the other 2 Triunes for help dealing with the false God Baal: Baal’s 3 new kingdoms put Looeamong at a disadvantage, so he reached out to Kabalactes, who he referred to as “the Triune, the Holy Budha, Son of the Holy Ghost”, for help. Looeamong reminded Kabalactes that they were part of a confederacy of 3 Gods, “powerful above all other Gods”, in which they swore to one another to establish the Holy Ghost in heaven and on earth.

Looeamong forced to give Egypt to Kabalactes in exchange for help : Looeamong continued with how “Baal, the most fiendish of all Gods” waged war on their holy doctrines, so he needed reinforcement, specifically an army of a “thousand million angel warriors.” Kabalactes responded that “great trials are the making of angels and mortals”, so he needed his hosts for his own purposes; however, “if thou wilt cede Egupt to me, thou shalt have the army thou asketh for, for the space of one hundred years.”

As insulting as Looeamong found this proposal to be, he was obliged to either accede to such an alliance and give up Egupt, or have his kingdom destroyed by Baal. Looeamong moved his heavenly city of Hapsendi westward over a region called Naomedia and Kabalactes (false Budha) established his new heavenly kingdom in Egupt and named it Celonia.

Mainstream history: A 2018 archaeological finding of a Buddha statue in the ancient port city of Berenike, Egypt likely corroborates that Buddhism did exist in Egypt in the 1st century CE9. At first, scientists thought that the statue was likely brought in from South Asia; however, after separate Sanskrit inscriptions and other finds surfaced, rather than just traders passing through, there was likely a settled Indian, or at least Buddha-worshipping, merchant community10.

Buddha statue found in Berenike, Egypt11

Looeamong was able to take the regions of Jerusalem and Athens away from Baal: Looeamong and his new army were able to route Baal out of his heavenly kingdoms over Jerusalem and Athens and Looeamong took those kingdoms for himself. Looeamong was not, however, able to capture nor subdue Baal, so Baal remained over Rome. Baal established himself “in the city of Roma and Hieadas” (Byzantium) where, for the time being, he used most of his army of 3,000 million angel warriors “as rambling marauders” (raiders).

Looeamong competed with the other 2 Triunes by becoming the false “Lord God”: Now that Looeamong was less threatened by Baal, Looeamong turned his attention to the other 2 Triunes and realized that after Kabalactes falsely assumed the name Budha and Ennochissa falsely assumed the name Brahma, both had gained in power. Looeamong’s general officer, Thoth, confirmed that Looeamong “must give mortals a name to fight for” and “The term, Holy Ghost, is not potent.” To remedy, Looeamong then “resolved to adopt for himself the names, Lord and God”.

‼️Looeamong falsely claimed to be the God of Israel: Looeamong instructed Thoth to tell mortals that Looeamong is the “God, the Lord of heaven and earth”, “the same, who wrought wonders for the Israelites” (led Moses and the Israelites out of enslavement in Egypt) so that the Israelites would fight for him.