Part 18, The Cycle of 650 BCE (PART 1)

Part 1 of the cycle of 650 BCE covers how the new God of Earth, Eskra, restructures the Earth’s lower heavens, takes inventory of mortals, wandering spirits, Faithists, etc. and even prepares for the end of the I’hin race on Earth. Moses is brought back to Earth’s heavens to lift a curse he inadvertently put on the former Egyptian pharaoh, Nu-ghan, and helps him begin his redemption work, which will raise up the same Israelites that he once persecuted. 

This part also covers how during a 400-year period of darkness, unemployed Lords formed the “Confederacy of the Holy Ghost” (aka Trinity), which will eventually “play so great a part in the history of heaven and earth” by bringing to the world the Christianity and Islam. Next, Part 2 will cover the life and work of this cycle’s prophets, Sakaya (Buddha), Ka’yu (Confucius), and Joshu (Jesus). 

Restructuring and re-org of Earth’s heavens

As usual with the beginning of a cycle, the new God of Earth, Eskra, restructured the “lower heavens” within the Earth’s atmosphere to be more like the higher heavens of etherea. Image 1 below illustrates how the Earth’s heavens were re-structured. Over the regions of Europe, the Middle East, India, and China, there were 10 different heavenly plateau spanning 5 different levels. The heavens over America (Guatama) retained the single, subjective heavenly plateau called Yaton’te.

Image 1: Earth’s atmospheric heavens around 650 BCE

Eskra crowned 4000 Lords and assigned each Lord 100 messengers and 50 heralds. He put together a “Holy Eleven” and groups of supervisors, surveyors, and captains of roads. By the 390th year of the cycle, over a million miles of roadway were completed to connect the 10 heavenly plateaux.

Preparations for 400 years of darkness

The new God of Earth, Eskra, foresaw that Earth would soon travel through the “a’ji’an forests of Aghanodis”. A forest of a’ji is a region of space made up of denser atmospheric substances that fall to the surface of the Earth. Traveling through a’ji manifests as a period of darkness on the surface of the Earth and in this case, Earth was about to experience a 400-year period of darkness.

Eskra’s Holy Council prayed “to Jehovih for the space of one day, for wisdom and strength”. In response, an Orian Chief, named Lika, sent a messenger to inform Eskra that the darkness was determined necessary by the “Holy Etherean Dispensers of roads in Vragapathon” and recommended that Eskra (1) withdraw his emissaries from the kingdoms of the remaining false Gods, (2) prepare for the end of the I’hin race on Earth, (3) notify the regions of Earth that would receive the highest levels of a’ji, (4) send additional hosts to the Faithists on Earth, and (5) survey the mortals of Earth to prepare the “records of mortals” for the “libraries of heaven”

(1) Emissaries withdrawn from False Gods, Goddesses, Lords, and Lordesses: The etherean Orian chief had Eskra withdraw his “emissaries from the kingdoms of Baal and Ashtaroth” and the kingdoms of any other false Gods the mortals were paying allegiance to. The chief false God that remained on Earth was Baal and he had 4,000 million “angel slaves”. The other remaining false Gods included the false Goddess, Ashtaroth, with her 3,000 million angels slaves, 4 other lesser false Gods, and around 600 false Lords and Lordesses.

Images 2-4 are remnants of “mound builders”1

(2) Prepared for the end of the I’hin race on Earth: The etherean Orian chief informed Eskra that the upcoming period of darkness would be too much for the remaining I’hin, so “The time is also now at hand when the I’hins, the sacred people, the mound-builders, will cease to dwell on the earth.” Although the I’hin “once covered over the whole earth” when there was more than 1,000 million of them, by this point, there were only 2.3 million; 700,000 in Egypt and Western Arabia, 200,000 in China, and for the most part, the rest were in North Guatama (America) and toward Hon’ya-pan (Hawaii?). Oahspe does not say how the I’hin’s habitation of Earth ended, but it does say that their heavenly plateaux were eventually removed to the outer rim of the earth’s vortex and their heavens were dissolved.

(3) Notified regions that would receive the most a’ji: Eskra selected 4 overseeing ethereans and 10 “great mathematicians” to calculate which of Earth’s 10 regions would receive the highest/deepest levels of a’ji (a dense, atmospheric substance that falls to the Earth). Then, mortal prophets in those identified regions, “who are in su’is” (clairaudient), were identified and provided with the information that needed to be “prophesied unto the inhabitants of earth”.

(4) Sent additional hosts to the Faithists on Earth: To help Faithists through the years of darkness, the true God of Earth, Eskra, sent captains and “protecting host” angels to the Faithists of the main regions of Earth. To Arabia, he sent a captain named Ebeneezer and 5 million angels; to China he sent Luiwatha and 10 million angels; to India, he sent Li Chong and 8 million angels; and to Guatama (America), he sent Manito and 10 million angels.

(5) Prepared the “record of mortals for the libraries of heaven”: The overlay, team structure, provides a glimpse of the type of team required to compile the “records of the standing of mortals in all the tribes and nations”. Such a record includes the total number of mortals in each region, their grades and generations, total number of Faithists and idolators, and any other important “matters pertaining to mortals”. Upon completion, a copy of the record of mortals was “sent to the etherean regions in the roadway of the earth and her heavens”.

China (Jaffeth) There were 13.7 million Faithists in China; they maintained rites and ceremonies, but did not live within their own communities, separate from non-Faithists. They were, however, the leaders of education, which enabled them to maintain their doctrines and have an advantage over the lesser learned idolators of the false Gods Joss, Te’in, and Po.
There were 3.3 million Faithists in India. Although they lived in families, within small colonies, and practiced rites and ceremonies, their advancement still suffered due to the large number of languages throughout India. They were also dealing with a “warring sect” of “Brahmins”; with whom followed a false Brahma, which was unrelated to the true prophet Brahma that lived in India about 3,500 years earlier around 4000 BCE.
Western Arabia (Kanna’yan)The 6.2 million Faithists of western Arabia for the most part referred to themselves as Israelites; however, in the 400 years leading up to this time, the Israelites became divided into (1) Oralites and (2) Leviticans/Levites, previously covered in Part 17. Oahspe says the “Leviticans’ examples were evil”, referring to false Gods and allegedly the Orion Group, they became “worshipers of the Lord and God, believing the Great Spirit was only a large man in heaven, after the manner of Baal, or Dagon, or Ashtaroth, or any other God” and were “becoming consulters of the oracles (spirits), the same as the heathens”. By the 400th year after the exodus from Egypt, around 1000 BCE, they drastically outnumbered the Oralites, at some point became known as Jews, and anointed their first-ever king.

Although the Oralites became a “small minority, and scattered in many lands”, a few remained in the region focused on “books of learning” within “colleges of prophecy”; they remained “steadfast in their secret oral rights” and “true to the secret name and Person, Jehovih (E-Oh-Ih).”
(North Guatama)
For “North Guatama”, which is equivalent to today’s regions of North America and Canada, there were 8.1 million Faithists. In fact, the whole of the population was either Faithist or I’hin and although they were “little learned”, they remained peaceful, industrious, and without kings or governors. The inhabitants of Guatama also formed their first organized government. Faithist communities were called “towns”, each town had a rab’bah, and groupings of towns, which were eventually called “states”, had a chief rab’bah. By this time, 650 BCE, the states were united into a “great government” called “The Algonquin” as a way for the tribes to better manage famines and fevers.
Fetals, vampires, & lusters Lastly, there were 48 times more spirits in Earth’s “bound heavens” (the lower heavens within Earth’s atmosphere) than there were mortals on Earth.

(1) 230 million fetals
(2) 46 million vampire spirits
(3) 31 million lusters
Table 1: State of Faithists on Earth around 650 BCE

Former Egyptian Pharoah, Nu-ghan, returned to establish the Essenes

Around the beginning of the 400-year period of darkness, “one of the chief marshals of God”, Hamonastas, came before Eskra’s throne needing help. He reported that Eskra’s high-raised captains, along with nurses and physicians, were trying to deliver Nu-ghan, the former Egyptian pharaoh that “took up arms against the Faithists of Egupt”, from one of the hells over Egypt. After laboring for 70 days, trying “all remedies they can invent”, they could not “break the spell upon him”. Nu-ghan continuously cried out, “O God, Son of Jehovih! Deliver me! O Moses! Moses! Moses!” Upon hearing this, Eskra concluded that “Perhaps Moses put a curse upon him! If so, only Moses can deliver him”.

Nu-ghan becomes the biblical Prophet Elijah: As a result of this event between Moses and the former Egyptian Pharaoh, Nu-ghan, Nu-ghan becomes involved with mortals of Earth once again, but this time he is known as the prophet Elijah per the “Book of Kings” in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament (some translations refer to Elias or Illaes). In mainstream biblical history, Elijah is credited with saving the “religion of Yahweh” from being corrupted by the “nature worship of Baal” (aka the “Canaanite religion of Baal”2); therefore, the “religion of Yahweh” seemingly refers to what Oahspe calls “Faithism”.

Moses returns to deliver the former Egyptian pharaoh, Nu-ghan...

Eskra sent a messenger, via arrow-ship, to a region called Gussawanitcha, “the abiding place of Moses”, to consult with a Nirvanian chief named Lika. Lika concluded that “…if be that Moses put a judgment on Nu-ghan, then must Moses return to the lower heavens, and deliver him. The justice of Jehovih reacheth to all time and place”. Lika directed the messenger’s arrow-ship to travel even further through “seven worlds, and upward of three hundred Nirvanian kingdoms” to the “plains of Sapeas”, the location of the “colleges and schools of the Embassies” where they found Moses.

The overlay, What hell was like for Nu-ghan, describes what it was like for Nu-ghan when he spent 79 years in “one of the hells of Hassa, over Egupt”, bound to his former subjects.

Moses realized he cursed Nu-ghan and the Egyptians: As soon as Moses heard the situation “he prophesied the cause”. Although it was hundreds of years ago, when the messenger came before Moses, he remembered telling the Pharaoh the following statement:

Thou shalt yet call upon me to deliver thee out of torments… of the blood of the sacrifice of the lamb: This shall be the testimony of innocent blood against thyself and thy people for what the Hebrews have suffered.

Moses concluded he should have forgiven the Pharoah, he had sinned before Jehovih, and inadvertently put a curse on the Pharoah and the Egyptians. He would return to the lower heavens and “take in charge the man and people I adjudged!” and “deliver those that have suffered from me and my words”. Moses and 30,000 volunteers returned to the lower heavens of Earth, the “red star”, in a fire-boat.

Moses lifts the curse and begins redemption of Nu-ghan: When Moses and Nu-ghan met again, it was hard for Nu-ghan to “look upon him (Moses), whom I persecuted and abused”, but Moses reassured him, “These things had to be. Thou wert the last of the pyramidal age of man, and I the first founder of the migration of the righteous. All things are done by Jehovih, in His own way and time.”

Moses told Nu-ghan that after he delivers Nu-ghan and his people, he would help them begin their redemption, which was to go back down to Earth, to the people of Israel, and “labor and lift” them up. Many of the Israelites’ communities had fallen, they had “taken to kings”, they forgot the commandment of peace and love, and “have taken to war and to earthly aggrandizement.”

Nu-ghan helped to form a new group of non-resistant Israelites called the Essenes: Per Moses’ instructions and guidance, Nu-ghan and 10,000 “angels of exalted grades” went down “to the habitations of the Israelites” on Earth, selected the Israelites that were “within reach of inspiration” from the Faithists of the middle eastern region, separated them from the heathen and idolatrous tribes, and helped them re-establish them “peace and non-resistance, after the manner of the doctrines of the es’sean worlds”. The angels inspired 700 Israelites “to go and live by direction of the angels of Jehovih.”

Moses foretold the birth of Jesus: Moses informed Nu-ghan that “when thou hast perfected the generations of Es’seans”, loo’is will be sent to you and will “labor with thee until an Israelite is born into the mortal world capable of the Father’s voice.” Moses was foretelling the birth of the third prophet of this cycle, Joshu (Jesus), which would be born about 250 years after the other 2 prophets of this cycle, Sakaya of India (Buddha) and Ka’yu of China (Confucius), which are covered below.

About 300 years after Nu-ghan began working with the Israelites he once enslaved (~350 BCE), they formed the Asenean Association (aka Essenes, Es’seans, or Esseneans), which focused on “cultivating prophecy and purity of spirit”.

Note: About 350 years after this time, as Moses foretold, the loo’is came to Earth to inspire unions within the Essenes to raise up the prophet Joshu (Jesus) so that he could do the same kind of work as Sakaya (Buddha) and Ka’yu (Confucius), but in the middle eastern region of Western Arabia, which is covered in Part 2.

Moses foretells the birth of Jesus, the Essene3

The prophet, Elijah (aka Elias, Illaes)4

Nu-ghan is renamed Illaes: Lastly, Nu-ghan expressed his fears to Moses that his old kingdom would once again come upon him in vengeance, so Moses gave Nu-ghan a new name and “clothe(d) him in garments of mine own making, so they will rather flee from thee, than come to thee.” Moses named him Illaes, signifying “Servant of Light”, provided him with 10,000 co-laborers and 100 messengers, and for his clothing, Moses made Nu-ghan a new garment out of “yellow, cloud-like mantle”.

Moses delivered and healed the Egyptian spirits that remained in “hell”: Moses then delivered the spirits/souls of the Egyptian mortals that remained in the hell of Hassa. When Moses cursed the Egyptian mortals instead of forgiving them, it bound Moses to them. He worked with an inspector to identify an appropriate heavenly plateau in which he could relocate the 11.4 million spirits. After relocation, he remained with them for 112 days and helped to establish nurseries, hospitals, factories, and places of worship. He also appointed officers and ministered to them person by person and by the tens of thousands. Lastly, he appointed a captain and promised that “When the a’ji’a forest is past and gone, and it be Jehovih’s will, I shall return again to look after my hosts.”

Reoccurring themes exemplified by Moses and Nu-ghan (aka Elijah)

No mortal is above “sin”Although Moses was born a prophet, he “sinned before Jehovih” when he “put a judgement on Nu-ghan” instead of forgiving him; “justice of Jehovih reacheth to all time and place”.
“Sin” is equivalent to the modern term, karmaKarma is incomplete or imbalanced energy that binds souls to one another. For example, if someone intervenes in someone else’s life, they may become bound to that someone until actions are taken to balance the energy.
No soul is irredeemableThe same Egyptian pharaoh and individuals that at one time persecuted and enslaved the Israelites now worked to raise Israelites up so they could establish the Essenes in which the prophet Joshu (Jesus) was eventually born from.
Negative situations are often appropriated to “an ultimate good”When Moses and Nu-ghan reunited, Nu-ghan felt shame until Moses reassured him “These things had to be done”; “All things are done by Jehovih, in His own way and time”; Nu-ghan facilitated the “last of the pyramidal age of man” and Moses was the “first founder of the migration of the righteous”.
Spirits/souls are not limited by the illusion of linear timeMoses told Nu-ghan to “labor with thee (the Essenes) until an Israelite is born into the mortal world capable of the Father’s Voice”, which foretold that in about 650 years, Joshu (Jesus) would be born, the next prophet of the middle eastern region.

Four hundred years of darkness

Oahspe describes the darkness on Earth as “pressure was upon all sides of the earth’s vortex”; “the heavenly kingdoms were stirred up”; “the nations of the earth were in trial”; and as the “a’ji drove the weak angels of heaven to seek a lower field”, it “drove polluted nations to war and to avarice and to death.”

War broke out on Earth and in the heavens: As soon as the Earth entered the 400-year period of darkness, wars broke out between nations down on Earth as well as between Lords in Earth’s lower heavens. Down on Earth, even Faithists began appointing kings and establishing standing armies so that captains and generals could help them achieve mortal dominion. In Earth’s lower heavens, the wars left “many of the Lords without kingdoms”. The unemployed Lords started grouping together and became “involuntary wandering spirits, scattered about in all the heavens of the earth, or upon the earth.”

Lords lost their kingdoms: The true God of Earth, Eskra, tried to encourage the unemployed, wandering Lords to find righteous work “regardless of favor”. He suggested they could either teach the spirits in the remaining kingdoms not to lose faith in Jehovih or deliver the hells that had been standing for years. Eskra reminded the Lords, “If ye fail in one way, try another…” The former Lords considered the types of work Eskra suggested as beneath them; they were “Lords of the hosts of heavens” and did not want to take on work of the “common laborer”.

Unemployed Lords formed the “Confederacy of the Holy Ghost”

The unemployed Lords began meeting regularly to “sympathize with one another”, complain about Eskra and the Holy Council, and “philosophize on the ways of heaven and earth.” They eventually formed 3 new heavenly cities and united them into one confederacy, the “Confederacy of the Holy Ghost”, appointed 3 former high-raised Lords to be “distinct heads” of the cities, and called them the “Three Sons of the Holy Ghost”.

‼️Oahspe adds that this confederacy “was to play so great a part in the history of heaven and earth“, specifically in the future formation of Christianity and Islam.

Triune HeadRegion of EarthHeavenly kingdom

Non-resistance set aside in favor of war for righteousness sake: In announcing their confederacy to the true God of Earth and the Holy Council, the Triune heads emphasized that they were not uniting to do evil things. First, they admitted that they united in order to “find some more respectable way of serving Jehovih” rather than “by going amongst the ignorant and depraved”. In doing so, they concluded that after witnessing the followers of Jehovih, in ages past, proclaim peace only to end up the “the sufferers and victims of tyrants of earth and of false Gods in heaven”, they concluded that the “non-resistant policy is good enough in times of and places of peace. But now is war. And war can only be overcome by war.”

Image of a Trinity in the Old Testament, so pre-Jesus5

The Triune Confederacy was for Jehovih rather than against: After witnessing “evil Gods and evil spirits, assailing virtuous people on earth and in heaven”, they “propose to war them to destruction, for righteousness sake”, which includes taking up arms against thy enemies because assailants deserve punishment. Unlike previous confederacies, the Triune required their members to pledge an “oath of allegiance to Jehovih”, vowed to war “only with warriors”, and never against the true God of Earth, his angels, nor Jehovih-worshipping mortals.

Emphasized knowledge: The Triune heads also emphasized the importance of knowledge: “We shall say to the man of earth: Thou shalt become learned: To the es’yan in heaven: Thou shalt not return to mortals, but remain in thy place, and become learned and virtuous.”

We dip our hands in blood, for sake of peace and virtue, for sake of liberty and knowledge.

Replaced “Great Spirit” and “Jehovih” with “law”: When true God, Eskra, asked the Triune heads “by what authority” will they tell mortals and angels to take arms, they responded with, “By authority of the Holy Ghost, and the Father (the Confederacy), and by the Son, that is, each and every Lord of the Confederacy”. They added, because their new doctrines are about war for righteousness sake, knowledge, and liberty, they were going to “teach mortals and angels that all things are by law; and the word, law, shall take place of the term Great Spirit, or Jehovih”.

Replaced “All Person” with “Holy Ghost”: When Eskra asked the Triune heads, “Who then sayest thou, men and angels shall worship?”, they responded with, “we command them not”, but “give them liberty to worship whomsoever they will.” Speaking from experience, Eskra advised them that they will “be forced to provide a worshipful head for mortals and angels”, and “the rule” is that those that “deny an All Highest Person in the Creator, become establishers of idolatry unto themselves.” In other words, it was only a matter of time before each of them would be forced to announce himself as such, an idol.

In response, the Triune heads again leaned into use of the “Holy Ghost”. They argued that in the same way that Eskra says, “Behold the All Person” they “denied His Person as such”; instead, they “Behold the all expanse; it is but a shadow, a ghost”, so “for convenience sake, we name it, Holy Ghost”. To justify their decision, they rested on their doctrine of “liberty to both sides”: “Is it not our privilege? Who can deny us? Hath one man rightful dominion over another? Or one captain? Or one God?”

Eskra challenged the Confederacies’ emphasis on “liberty”: While on the subject of liberty, Eskra asserted that since the Triune heads will “leave mortals and angels to worship whom they will”, then the worship of the false Gods, Baal, Ashtaroth, and Dagon must also be acceptable? The Triune heads responded with “Nay, they are evil gods” because they make slaves of their subjects, which prompted Eskra to ask, “Who is master, and who is slave?” Eskra clarified that unless the Triune heads also desire to rule over others, they should abolish their confederacy; otherwise, they profess liberty, but do not practice it.

Eskra continued on the subject of liberty: “Because ye proclaim liberty as your chief object”, you will entice the unlearned, idle, and lazy for they will use “liberty” to justify their weaknesses. Instead of your kingdoms’ inhabitants being “learned and virtuous”, “your kingdoms will be made up of the lowest grades” that will eventually “pull you all down from your present high resolves; and ye will become tyrants and evil Gods yourselves, and meet the fate of all your predecessors.”

Eskra’s final advice to the Triune Confederacy: It was as if Eskra could see into the future when his final warnings and advice for the Triune heads seemingly foretold all the events that ended up happening, which is why Oahspe states up front that this “Confederacy of the Holy Ghost” ends up playing “so great a part in the history of the heaven and earth.”

“The Enthroned Trinity” c. 17306

Eskra told the triune Heads that “Ye shall triumph for a long season on earth and in heaven; but not in the way ye suppose.” He continued that “having denied the All Person, then will ye yourselves become the Person in the understanding of the multitude”. The Triune heads will become known as “the Triune Gods, or Trinity”, which will morph into an idol, an “imaginary figure of three parts, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost” who will be “accredited with love, anger, jealousy and favoritism, war and destruction.”

Eskra warned that eventually, “a quarrel will ensue” between their 3 heavenly kingdoms. Because “punishment to the wicked, opens the door of all evil”, they will “become as three false Gods” and turn on one another.

Lastly, Eskra said that he has “neither commission nor desire to accomplish dominion by violence”; they withdrew from his kingdoms, so they are acting on their own. Although they are wise in their own conceit now, sooner or later they will “come to grief” and fail, yet it will “be proven in the distant future that Jehovih will appropriate your labors to an ultimate good.”

Remaining lower heavenly kingdoms joined the Triune Confederacy

Oahspe explains that Eskra immediately sent 30,400 “prince of messengers” down to his remaining kingdoms to help them “manage their affairs with wisdom and thought” as they deal with the “so-called Triune”; nevertheless, it was not long before dozens of kingdoms and hundreds of sub-kingdoms “migrated from their provinces to the Triune regions.” When “God saw the great secession of his heavenly kingdoms, and their allegiance to the Triunes, his soul was filled with sorrow”.

Eskra sent “agents” to observe the Triune: The Voice of Jehovih came to the true God of Earth and reminded him not to take on sorrow or grieve, for “in this day and hour the Gods and Lords of the Triune are rejoicing with great joy, because of their accessions… they perceive not, what a load they are taking on their shoulders.” Jehovih advised Eskra to send “agents” rather than “messengers” to the capitals and chief kingdoms of the Triunes. While the agents acted like they were travelers and sojourners, they observed the way the chiefs, leaders, Lords, and Gods of the Triunes taught and governed and brought the information back to the Holy Council and the Holy Eleven.

The “Triune Confederacy” declared war on the false Gods

Baal worship in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament7

Right away the 3 heavenly kingdoms of the “Confederacy of the Holy Ghost”, although they were independent, they allied offensively and defensively to declare war “against the evil Gods, Baal, Dagon, Shulleth, Ashtaroth, and others, whose angel subjects were kept in slavery, and for evil purposes” so that “peace might be secured in these heavens.” Oahspe adds that “in those days, the kings and rich men in all those countries consulted spirits, in reference to all important undertakings”, so it was not difficult for the false Gods nor the heads of the Triune to obsess millions of mortals to war.

Triune head, Looeamong, over Egypt/Western Arabia

Looeamong faced the false Gods, Baal and Ashtaroth: Of all 3 Triune leaders, Looeamong over Egypt/Arabia region seemingly faced the greatest challenges in regard to false Gods. The 2 remaining major false Gods, Baal and Ashtaroth, had been partners for the last 2,000 years; however, the sections below cover how Baal partners with another false God and makes a big move on the Israelites unbeknownst to Ashtaroth. She becomes jealous and angry, turns on Baal, and declares war on him. All the while, the Triune head, Looeamong, watches and helps Baal and Ashtaroth destroy one another so that he can eventually take them both out.

720 BCE: Current state of Israelites (as a result of false Gods Baal & Ashtaroth)...

For the 400 years leading up to this time, when Baal and Ashtaroth were still working together, they had already contributed significantly to the downfall of the Israelites.

Table 2 illustrates how by this time, Baal and Ashtaroth (1) inspired the Israelites to have kings and standing armies and then eventually disagree about kings, which divided them into 2 completely separate northern and southern kingdoms and (2) inspired the Assyrians to conquer and dissolve the northern kingdom of Israel, which made the southern kingdom of Judah the only remaining region of intact Israelite communities.

Table 2: Prior historical events inspired by false Gods

False Gods, Baal and Ashtaroth, are in the biblical scriptures: The false Gods, Baal and Ashtaroth, are mentioned many times in the Hebrew/Old Testament bibles. For example, the “Book of Judges” says that after the Israelites left Egypt, the succeeding generations “did not know the Lord or the work he had done for Israel”, so “they abandoned the Lord, the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of Egypt”, and instead, served “the Baals and the Ashtaroth8“.

Later, Judges says that as a result of the Israelites’ continued worship of “the Baals and the Ashteroth, the gods of Sidon, the gods of Moab, the gods of Ammonites, and the gods of the Philistines9“, they “kindled the anger of the Lord”, so He “gave them over to plunderers, who plundered them. And he sold them into the hand of their surrounding enemies10“.

Regarding Baal’s and Ashtaroth’s inspiration of the Assyrians to conquer the Israelites’ northern kingdom, the overlay, Samaritans & the Lost Tribes, describes how today, many regard the Samaritans and the “Lost Tribes” as the only remnants of the northern kingdom of Israel.

587 BCE: Baal makes a move on Israelites behind Ashtaroth's back...

The war between the false Gods begins to escalate when Baal makes a move on the Israelites independent of Ashtaroth, which ends their 2,000-year partnership. Baal allies with another false God in the region, named Dagon, to take advantage of Dagon’s heavenly kingdom and “six earthly oracle-houses”.

Together, Baal and Dagon inspired the Babylonians to conquer and occupy the last remaining Israelite kingdom, the southern kingdom of Judah, highlighted below in Table 3. This enabled Baal, who was known as the “God of the Idolators”, to take advantage of the Israelites’ increased idolatry, assume the position of their “Lord and God”, inspire them to war, and turn the casualties into his “spiritual slaves” in his heavenly kingdom.

Table 3: Baal’s independent move on Israelites

Eskra, Ebeneezer, & Jerub save mortals: When the war between the false Gods began to escalate, the true God, Eskra, put a plan into place to take advantage of the time in which “Baal and Ashtaroth are in conflict and neglectful of their temples and oracles”. Eskra employed the aforementioned “angel captain”, Ebeneezer, the “protecting host” of the mortal Israelites, for his plan. Eskra also sent a high-raised angel named Jerub, who had 20,000 “assistant angel strategists”, to help Ebeneezer. Their angel strategists possessed the very temples and oracles that the false Gods neglected, which saved many mortals from the false Gods. They also guarded the colleges of prophecy, run by the few remaining Oralites, “against the emissaries of these false Gods” so that even in a time of darkness, many prophets were born.

Mainstream history:
This occupation of the southern kingdom of Judah is called the “Babylonian Captivity”, which lasted between 48 and 70 years and included the destruction of the first temple, Solomon’s Temple, in Jerusalem. Several deportations of Israelites occurred, some Israelites remained, and some eventually returned.

Interestingly, while Oahspe states that the attacks on the northern and southern Israelite kingdoms were inspired by the false Gods, Baal and Ashtaroth, biblical history simply states: “God sent the Assyrians to the House of Israel and the Babylonians to the House of Judah14“.

Interestingly, the biblical scriptures also mention a “Jerub-baal” and an “Ebenezer” and both stories are about discouraging the increasing level of idolatry within the Israelites. The overlay, Jerub-baal in the Bible, describes how a man named Gideon was renamed “Jerub-Baal” after he was visited by an angel that instructed him to tear down alters to both Baal and Ashteroth16. The overlay, Ebenezer in the Bible, describes how Samuel set a simple stone upright, named it “Ebenezer”, and it was to remind the Israelites about their Lord and to let go of idols and immoral ways18.

539-490 BCE: Triune head, Looeamong, gets involved and uses Persians & Greeks to destroy false Gods...

Looeamong capitalizes on Ashtaroth’s war on Baal: After Baal’s independent move on the Israelites made Ashtaroth “jealous and filled with vengeful wrath”, the Triune head, Looeamong, joined the fight for he knew their strike would benefit his efforts to eliminate them both.

In Ashtaroth’s declaration of war on Baal, she planned to put her Persians against Baal’s Greeks. She said, “Whether I despoil heaven and earth”, “If I cannot possess them (the Greeks), I will destroy them, so that no God shall possess them.” Yet, at the same time, Looeamong set out to “spoil them both”; he set out to inspire the mortals of the countries and cities of the Middle East “shall bow down no more to Baal and Ashtaroth, forever.”

First, Looeamong supports Ashtaroth’s Persians to weaken Baal: Looeamong sends his “angel army of warriors” down to the “middle kingdoms” (Persia) to Cyrus (Cyrus the Great). He (1) inspires and helps Cyrus expand his Persian empire, which included taking the Greek city-states (backed by Baal) and (2) supports Cyrus in the undoing/ending of Baal’s Babylonian occupation of the Israelites’ southern kingdom of Judah (highlighted in Table 4).

Next, Looeamong switches sides and supports Baal to weaken Ashtaroth: Looeamong switches to Baal’s side and supports an “alliance with the Argos’yans” (Grecians/Greeks) and a “march against Parsi’e”, which likely corresponds to the historical event of 499 BCE when the Greek city-states rebelled against Persian rule (Ionian Revolts).

About 10 years later, the Ashtaroth’s Persians tried to re-subjugate Baal’s rebellious Greek city-states, but due to Looeamong’s support of the Greeks, Ashtaroth’s Persians were unsuccessful. This likely corresponds to the historical event of 490 BCE when Darius the Great led the “First Persian invasion of Greece20“.

Table 4: Looeamong helps Baal & Ashtaroth destroy each other
Artistic portrait of Cyrus the Great19

In mainstream history, when Looeamong-backed Cyrus the Great led the Persian empire in defeating the Babylonians, it ended the “Babylonian Captivity” of the southern kingdom of Judah. Cyrus became a notable figure in Jewish scripture as a savior because he supported and encouraged Israelites to return to their homes, along with their “images of gods and their sacred vessels”, and build the Second Temple in Jerusalem 21.

490s BCE: Ashtaroth fights back and uses Persian, Xerxes the Great, to take out Baal's Greeks...

After Ashtaroth’s Persians failed to re-subjugate the rebellious Greeks, which were supported by Baal and Looeamong, Ashtaroth did not give up. Instead, she began working through the Persian ruler, Xerces the Great, to subjugate the Greeks and retaliate for the first “Greco-Persian war”.

Ashtaroth convinced the Persians they were going to war against “their enemies” “for their own prosperity and glory” and obsessed them to “desperate madness against the Argos’yans (Grecians) and the middle and west nations”. At the same time, Baal sent his angels “down to earth, to the Argos’yans, and obsess them, man, woman and child, and inspire them to terrible deeds of blood and havoc and death against Parsi’e’ans who are coming against them.”

Ashtaroth helped the Persian, Xerxes the Great, build “the largest army on earth, or ever shall be”, which is covered in the overlay, Ashtaroth's & Xerxes' largest army on Earth, but even so, because the Greeks were supported by both the false God Baal and the Triune head Looeamong, the Persians once again failed to re-subjugate the Greeks, which secured Greek independence from the Persian empire25.

Table 5: Persians second unsuccessful attempt to subjugate the Greeks
Asherah22 (Ashtaroth)

In mainstream history, Xerxes’ Ashtaroth-backed “second Persian invasion of Greece” in the 480s BCE is considered a direct, but delayed response to Persia’s defeat in the “first Persian invasion of Greece”23. Historical accounts add that (1) the Greek resistance was led by the Athenians and the Spartans, (2) the Persian king, Xerxes, spent several years “mustering an enormous army and navy”, and (3) the war lasted 30 years before the Greeks won and eventually expelled the Persians from Europe24.

Ashtaroth was over-powered by Baal (and Looeamong): By this time, Ashtaroth somehow knew about Looeamong’s involvement, so she planned to defeat Baal first and then after she was “well anchored on the earth”, she would “turn (her) legions against this new upstart God, the Triune, Looeamong” and “cast him into a hell, from which he shall not escape forever.”

Ashtaroth, however, was the one that ended up in “hell”. Baal’s hosts, with the extra support of Looeamong, “were too powerful for Ashtaroth”. After “many years of war and destruction” and attacks on her “angel armies in every quarter of these heavens”, “Baal not only overcame her angel warriors on earth, but in her heavenly capital also.” His “legions rushed upon her, and captured her” and then “her own angels turned against her, perceiving now that she was an imposter, and not the Creator.” She was carried to “a place of torment” that was built for her, “a heavenly place of foul smells, in Gotha”; along with her thousands of officers, spirits of kings, queens, generals, and captains – her devotees that were slain in battle – a total of “two thousand million angels.”

After Ashtaroth’s defeat, Looeamong, the Triune God, said, “next shall fall Baal“.

Looeamong began to act like a false God: The last thing to be said about Looeamong, for now, is that although each of the 3 sons of the Holy Ghost “sworn within himself to do no evil thing”, to war only against other warriors in order to free “sufferers and victims of evil tyrants of earth and false Gods in heaven”, in the sake of righteousness, peace, virtue, liberty, and knowledge, Looeamong’s strategy for taking out Baal rung true to what the true God, Eskra, had warned: “punishment to the wicked, opens the door of all evil.”

In preparation to take out Baal, Looeamong sent his “warrior angels” down to possess the temples of his middle eastern region and drive out “all other angels and Gods” “so that whoso cometh to consult the Gods shall receive mine own answers.” Lastly, he said, “I will drive mortals to war in mine own way, and to whatever place I determine to subdue or destroy.”

Triune head, Kabalactes, over India

Kabalactes built his heavenly kingdom first: Kabalactes considered himself a “servant of the Triune, the Father and the Holy Ghost” and touted that his “holy doctrine” was “labor for others first, and for one’s self afterward”. First, he took his time to establish a “sure foundation”, a “most glorious city of the Holy Confederacy of the Triune”; that way, when his wars against the false Gods end up killing innocent inhabitants of India, he will “have provided places for the poor, the sick and the unlearned, the helpless and the imbecile, even before I provided a place for myself.” This was just the first of many contradictions of Kabalactes, which is a common theme among false Gods.

Kabalactes subjugated or eliminated the false Gods of India: Next, Kabalactes established a team for his wars against the false Gods and Lords in heaven. He selected a Lord in Chief and “raised an army of two thousand millions angels to fight his heavenly battles”. He sent his “legion of angel warriors” to go “forth to battle in these heavens” to “despoil all the false Lords and false Gods worshipped in Vind’yu (India)” and give them 2 choices: either “bow down in obedience to me and to the Triune and to the Holy Ghost, or to be cast into hell.”

Ancient warrior of India33

Kabalactes replaced India’s false Gods with his own: Kabalactes assembled another team to go down to India and “possess the land of Vind’yu (India)”. Because “mortals have many favorites names to worship”, he sent his team down to “possess the temples of spirit communion, the oracle houses and whatever places mortals come to worship in”. They took the names of “whatever Lord or God” mortals were most inclined to bow down to. As a result, per Kabalactes’ instructions, they possessed the land of India “not with new names, but with the old, but all unto one end, which is the establishing of the Triune Godhead.” He sent 26 chiefs and 6 captains down to India; at least 9 of the chiefs took the names of well-known false Gods: false Mithra, Christna, Vishnu, Ari, Durga, Agni, Rana, Siva, and Trimurthi.

Kabalactes created tournaments and pageantry: After he perfected his 2 teams, his “heavenly attractions of war”, he set out to establish himself to “not only be powerful in might, but powerful in attractions, above all other Gods”. He “instituted times and places for tournaments, processions and the display of great pageantry”, which included “6 groups of musicians with 500,000 musicians in each group. “six groups of musicians of half a million to each group.”

Kabalactes’ wars against false Gods destroyed India: Oahspe does not go into great detail about Kabalactes’ war on the false Gods of India as it did with Looeamong. Instead, Oahspe says that Kabalactes’ wars were “terrible conflicts in the heavens of Kabalactes, which were also manifested on the mortals of Vind’yu”, similar to the “wars of Looeamong, even so, but in a different place”. Within a few hundred years, the “country was but a land of ruins”. In “every direction, were hundreds of millions of angels in chaos, being the spirits of those slain in the wars.” Although Kabalactes’ wars “banished six thousand two hundred false Lords”, they also destroyed “nine million men, women and children”, 4,000 “heathen temples”, and over 300 cities.

One of the many symbols of the often-pondered Triune26

Kabalactes rebuilt India his way: After a few hundred years of war, Kabalactes set out to “clear away the ruins, and build my everlasting edifice on the earth”; he did this in 3 different ways.
(1) rebuilt 3 signs so that whomever “paradeth my signs, shall know that they are my covenant which I have made unto mortals”. First, he repurposed the triangle so that it represented “the three lights, the Son, the Father, and the Holy Ghost.” Next, he re-established the “tau (bull), as the sign of (his) power” and changed its color to white “because my heavens are The All Pure”. Lastly, he repurposed the wheel (jaugernot) so that it would represent his “road-mark”.
(2) suppressed over 200 languages and commanded all languages from that point forward to be “made out of Vedic, Yi’ha and Zend, from which Sanskrit descended, as it is to this day.”
(3) Re-wrote the “sacred books of mortals” (detailed below).

New sacred books for the mortals of India: For Kabalactes’ third and final objective in building his “everlasting edifice on earth”, the re-writing of the “sacred books of mortals”, although he was a member of the Triune Confederacy, which was not sanctioned nor supported by the true God of Earth, Eskra, the contents of these books reflected the true tenets of Faithism.

Oahspe explains that Jehovih provides mortals with 2 different “kinds of inspiration”. For the individual man, He provides individual spirits, but for those that “laboreth for the resurrection”, Jehovih provides “a line of angels extending to the kingdoms of heaven.” Furthermore, Oahspe adds that if “that line have a good work on hand, I (Jehovih) break it not; but if it be for self, it will break of its own accord.”

Mortals guarded by the angels of “Ahura’Mazda: To write the books, “five mortals had been previously chosen from before their birth, by the guardian angels appointed for the purpose.” Kabalactes then sent 12,488 angels down to the mortals “in infancy, to guard them for the time of their birth upward.”

Sacred book name:Writer’s name:

The angels were divided into watches to “be with their mortal wards day and night”, “keep away all other angels”, and “converse with them in their dreams, to give them visions and good habits and virtue and truth and wisdom.” After the mortals grew up and it became time to write, the mortals knew and comprehended the “voice of their master”, Kabalactes, through these same angels; however, they were inspired to use the name, “Ahura’Mazda”, “because this name was pleasing to mortals.”

Note: The name that Kabalactes had mortals call him, Ahura’Mazda, is a variation of the name, I’hua Mazda, which is the name of a God, so a high-raised angel, that was assigned to the first great prophet, Zarathustra, of 7000 BCE (covered in Part 9).

In the next cycle, some time around 5800 BCE, a Lord named Ctusk became the first major false God when he falsely took the name, Ahura’Mazda, and formed the first Confederacy of false Gods (covered in Part 10).

Kabalactes falsely used the name, Ahura Mazda27

The overlay, the channeling of 5 sacred books, provides an overview of Oahspe’s detailed description of how each mortal writer was assigned a group of “angels in rapport” with whom established lines of light between the writers and Kabalactes and his Holy Council and how the writers “framed in earth-words that which was spoken in heaven.” Over the next 87 years, Kabalactes oversaw the creation of 5 new “sacred books of mortals”, which were then carried “in different directions over Vind’yu” and “the mutilated remains of which survive to this day.”

Triune God, Ennochissa, over China

The third and final Triune head, Ennochissa, resided over the region of China. Oahspe adds that while the other 2 Triune heads, Kabalactes and Looeamong, were “more bent on the affairs of earth than of heaven”, Ennochissa focused on his heavenly city, Eta-shong, “even to the neglect of his earthly dominions.” He spent the first 200 years of the 400-year period of darkness, overseeing “more than two thousand million slaves” in “building and beautifying his heavenly city”.

Ennochissa spent 200 years building his kingdom: Oahspe describes Ennochissa’s heavenly place, with its 1 million columns of fire, as covering the full length of China and half the width. There were 400,000 arches and pillars, 70 sets of stairs, a huge arena ornamented with 100,000 “fountains of fire and water”, “hanging gardens of flowers”, and “drapery of gold and silver”. Regarding the workmanship, his kingdom “was so fine that no language can convey an idea thereof to mortal understanding”. Everything on Earth and in the heavens was represented in his kingdom.

Ennochissa’s people were of the highest grades as well. Oahspe says that beneath his Holy Council, his Lords, and his marshals and recorders, all of his “generals, captains, inspectors, surveyors, receivers and builders” “were all above the grade ninety”. He also had half a millions es’enaurs (vocalists and musicians) and trumpeters, 4 million “fire and water servants”, 3 million “bearers of burdens”, and 6 millions “caterers and servants”.

Ennochissa’s neglect was advantageous for Eskra : As mentioned, however, while Ennochissa spent 200 years perfecting his kingdom in the Earth’s lower heavens above China, it was to “the neglect of his earthly dominions”, which enabled the true God of Earth, Eskra, to save many mortal inhabitants of China from making the mistake of entering Ennochissa’s kingdom. Eskra “sowed the seed of faith in Chine’ya in favor of the Creator” so that when mortals died, nearly all of their spirits went to the the true God’s heavenly kingdom rather than the Triune God’s kingdom. Furthermore, Eskra’s “angel missionaries went into this Triune’s heavenly kingdom, and won many converts to Jehovih.”

Ennochissa, the first Triune that went to war against Jehovih: When Ennochissa finally realized “his heavenly kingdom was losing ground” to the true God of Earth, Eskra, although he had previously agreed to war only against tyrants of Earth and false Gods in heaven and never against the true God, his angels, nor Jehovih-worshipping mortals, he started a way to (1) “destroy all mortals in Chine’ya that worshipped the Great Spirit” and (2) drive out all angels who believed in Jehovih and all of the true God’s missionaries.

Ennochissa’s response made him the first of the 3 Triune Gods “to declare war against Jehovih”, which is exactly the opposite of what the Confederacy of the Holy Ghost said they would do when they first formed. While the other 2 Triunes, Looeamong over the Middle East and Kabalactes over India, “fought more for Jehovih than against him”, when Ennochissa declared war on Jehovih, the Faithists in heaven officially declared him a “false God”.

For what followed, “both mortals and angels in Chine’ya, knew no peace.” For any 2 or more cities or states, inhabited by “Jehovians”, so not at war with one another, Ennochissa sent his “hundreds of millions of angel warriors” down to them and “obsessed such mortals, and plunged them into war, to make them destroy one another.”

Next, Part 19: Cycle of 650 BCE (PART 2) Sakaya (Buddha) and Ka’yu (Confucius)

