After the prophet Zarathustra established the first organized religion in the previous cycle, Earth entered the “Arc of Spe-ta”, which meant that humanity had reached a point of maturity where instead of being taught about the Creator through interpreters (e.g. kings and queens), humanity could think for themselves and would learn from 4 prophets, which would be living examples of the Creator that no man could misunderstand. This part covers just a few details about how Goddess Cpenta-armij prepared Earth for the new cycle followed by the Oahspe’s account of the life of Abraham of Arabia, the first out of the four prophets of this cycle.

Goddess of Earth was Cpenta-armij, 6,000 years ago (4,000 BC)
The Goddess Cpenta-armij, an accomplished Nirvanian with 364,000 years of etherean experience, was selected to be the Goddess that would get Earth off to a good start in the new cycle. The Earth’s nickname was “little red star” and was known as the “generator of the souls of men”, but after 60,000 years, the Earth’s atmosphere was full of “thousands of millions of angels” because instead of angels/spirits/souls “turning and looking upward for a holier place”, they bound themselves to Earth after death because “For such is the nature of darkness, both on earth and in the lower heavens: the low delight to dwell in a city, or near a place of filth, if companionable, rather than go to a place of isolation where improvement is possible”.
Earth and humanity attained Spe-ta: At this point in time, about 6,000 years ago, so around 4,000 BC, as Earth continued to travel the 4.7-million-year orbit around the “North Star”, Earth had entered a region of space called the “Arc of Spe-ta”, which was more than just the name of a region of space. The location of Earth in space, in addition to several other factors that remain unclear to me, meant that humanity on Earth had reached a level of maturity where they could think for themselves and “perceive the Creator’s light directly, without an interpreter” (i.e. mortal king or queen). An actual arc, a metaphysical “line of light”, came from etherea, passed through Earth’s highest atmospheric heaven, and touched down at several different locations on Earth. I speculate that the lines of light extending down to the surface of the Earth made it vibrationally possible for 4 higher-density Gods to walk along-side the 4 prophets of this cycle as they provided living examples of the Creator to mankind.
Many false Gods and darkness to come: Humanity’s new level of maturity was equivalent to a “young man” rather than a “mature man”, so it was foreseen that just like “a young man, coming to maturity, goeth away on his own account, in great hope and self-conceit of his own powers”, that even after Earth travels through the arc of Spe-ta, humanity would still “meet many misfortunes and great darkness”. It was foreseen that the lords of Earth’s heavens would think they know all things, but “must have experience of his own to realize his own shortness”, so they will “be left to run with a loose rein” and “there shall rise numerous false Gods of great power” that will “bring great darkness and misery upon their kingdoms and themselves”.

Ethereal management exemplified by Cpenta-armij: Cpenta-armij achieved MANY objectives over the course of 4 years and 32 days to prepare Earth for the new cycle, but for the sake of brevity, this synopsis will only mention that she dissolved the Diva, the “organic congress” established in the previous cycle, with honor and glory. She retained the Lord-dom, the spirit world’s equivalent to a military base, to prevent the “hundred of millions of angels” with “no aspiration but destruction” from “returning to earth to obsess and pollute mortals… to burn cities, and to murder, and to all manner of wickedness”.
She ensured that every one of the 10 divisions (countries) of Earth had a first-resurrection heaven directly above it because “it is the nature of man on earth to go after earthly things instead of heavenly; and it is the nature of the es’yan (new spirit) to strive for earth instead of my higher heavens” (see Image 1).
She also used geologists, mineralogists, etc. to submit detailed reports to a “Hyperiis Council of the United Chiefs and Chieftainesses” that made determinations about “what is good for the earth”, if Earth’s course needed to be changed, whether the Earth needed a’ji (darkness) or dan (light), etc.
Although Oahspe mentions this “Hyperiis Council” only once during Goddess Cpenta-armij’s cycle (4,000 BC), this council was probably consulted often, especially every time it was determined that Earth needed to travel through a region of denser/darker space.
She used 3,000 angel scribes and recorders, 3,000 artists, 3,000 geologists and mineralogists “to make reports of the land and the water and air of the earth; and all of the living thereon and therein, with pictures thereof”. The data was sent to the “Hyperiis Council of the United Chiefs and Chieftainesses” so they could determine “what is good for the earth; as to whether she shall be changed in her course, or broken up and divided; or whether she needeth a’ji (darkness) or dan (light)…”
This analysis was also used for the development of guardian angels. During this period, there would be a 1:1 guardian angel to mortal ratio so that each guardian angel could “have a hundred changes of labor with a hundred different mortals, in order to learn all the varieties of men and women I have created.”
A thousand recorders inspected both the Lords’ kingdoms within Earth’s atmosphere and the kingdoms of Earth to calculate the following totals:
- totals calculated for the Lords’ kingdoms (in the Earth’s atmospheric heavens)
- of “factories, colleges, nurseries, hospitals, the hells, if any, and knots, if any”
- of spirits in each heavenly place, including their grades
- totals calculated for the mortal kingdoms on Earth
- of kings and queens, their subjects, and their subjects’ occupations, grades, and “rates of corporeal life age”
- percentage of familiar spirits, fetals, and drujas dwelling with mortals
- ratios of guardian angels to mortals
- the number of spirit guides to receive souls of the newly dead in the first resurrection heavens
- temples and oracles in use by mortals
- alters and places of worship in use
- how many I’hin still inhabit the Earth
- how many pure I’huan exist that worship the Great Spirit
- total number of druks
Four high-raised sons
When it was time for the “raising of a voice in four divisions of the earth”, Oahspe tells the stories of the “four high-raised sons”, Abram, Po, Brahma, and Eawahtah. They were all “I’huan of the I’hin side”, 3 of them were grade 95 and Brahma was grade 99 (a person’s grade seemingly has to do with their purity, their vibration, and the percentage that they are service-to-others).
Abram (Abraham) of Arabia
The first great prophet of Goddess Cpenta-armij’s cycle was Abraham, who was actually born “Abram”, and was destined to “deliver My chosen away from the kings’ peoples, teaching them to have no king but Me, their Creator” and to “reveal My name, Jehovih, and establish it in secret, with due rites and ceremonies”.
Abram’s early life
Although Abram was destined to be the “chief rab’bah over the Faithists of Arabin’ya”, he was actually born in Persia, handpicked by the loo’is, the product of 33 generations of Persians, all descendants of the
The Lost Tribes
The tribes, first introduced in Part 7, were lost during the cycle of Thor, so about 9,500 years before this time (around 14,000 BC). Oahspe explains that the story of the Lost Tribes is just as significant as the great flood of ~22,000 BC, so efforts have been made to record and retain both events for future generations.
The story starts after the great flood of 22,000 BC when the surviving I’hin were sent to Arabia, China, and India (and America and Japan). About 8,000 years later, so around 14,000 BC, the Faithist descendants of the surviving I’hin in Arabia, China, and India, were separately told to travel to the other 2 countries to find their brethren for they were all descendants of the I’hin that were saved by the flood: “there are two other countries inhabited by kin of your kin, flesh of your flesh, and they are Ghans also. And they speak and write Panic words…” (the Faithist that traveled were Ghan and I’huan).
It was foretold that the the I’hin race would come to end on Earth at this time, the time of Abraham, and that the Ghans would triumph over all the lands and the water, so this event was in preparation for those 2 prophesies.
When the Ghans and I’huan (aka Faithist Ghans) of these 3 countries traveled to one another, on the long journey back, 386 out of 6,000 migrants were lost.
This land was filled with wild goats (called Land of Goats), so the lost tribes learned how to live off of goats milk because they didn’t eat flesh/meat. They took on the name of “Shepherd Kings” and the lord said they “shall have this country. Behold, out of the seed of these people, will I do mighty wonders” (which was alluding to Zarathustra’s birth 3,000 years prior and Abraham’s birth now.
of 10,000 years prior, which were in turn descendants of the I’hin that survived the Great Flood of 24,000 years ago. Abram “was of pure blood, an I’huan; and the light of su-is had been with his forefathers and foremothers since the flood”.

God said: Because they have not raised up one out of the sons of Ham, thy name shall be, henceforth, Abra-Ham, and it shall be testimony in thousands of years of my records in the libraries of heaven.
Abraham lives with Listians: Because there were many “great kings and men of great learning” in these regions at the time, Abram was intentionally made “a servant in a king’s family where learned men and women congregated”. Abram learned at a young age that “the light and power of God were with him”, he was believed by everyone except for his brother and nephew, both named Lot, and it wasn’t long before Abram “ran away in his youth, and lived amongst the Listians“. These Listians were also descendants of the Lost Tribes who provided safe harbor for Zarathustra 3,000 years prior and would now fulfill their destiny as the Zarathustrians of Abram’s time.
Abram becomes Abra-ham: While Abram lived with the Listians, his attending God, Vishnu, taught him the secrets of heaven and earth and worked miracles through him. Vishnu told Abram that whomever God leads to him, those are the people that will be part of his family and he would be as a father to them. When the Listians went into the cities to sell their wares, they told the “slaves of the kings about the wonders of Abram”, the slaves “fled from bondage and went into the wilderness in search of Abram”, and these slaves were soon confirmed to have “descended from before the time of Zarathustra”, meaning they too were considered descendants of the Lost Tribes. Vishnu told Abram to take the 4,500 former-slaves from the cities and move to a neighboring country, which was known as “Ham” at the time (this region was renamed Egypt (Egupt) about 3,300 years later around 680 BCE). As soon as the former-slaves left the cities, famine came upon the land and prohibited their enemies from pursuing them. This miracle is when Abram was given the name, Abra-ham.
And it came to pass that forgers and deceivers… falsely gave the interpretation of the meaning of the words of Abra and Ham, not knowing (in thousands of years) that… He would display the truth and glory of His revealed word..
‼️ In the above quote from Oahspe, Oahspe is foreshadowing that about 3,500 years later when Hebrew Scriptures about Abraham were codified for biblical texts of the The 7 Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha’i, Yezidi, Druze, Samaritan, and Rastafari. , the scriptures’ and Oahspe’s interpretation of why “Ham” was added to “Abram” differ slightly, yet have made a great impact on world history. Oahspe says that Abram was renamed Abraham after the slaves of Persian kings sought Abram out, the kings’ cities fell into famine, and then Abram helped former slaves migrate from Persia into the Egypt/Africa region, which was called Ham at the time (Abram + Ham). The Hebrew Scriptures, on the other hand, say that God renamed Abram (high father) to Abraham (father of the multitude7) after God promised to bless him by making him into a great nation and that all people on Earth will be blessed through him.
Was Ishmael Abraham’s son?
It seems that the codifiers of the Hebrew Scriptures were not the first to misunderstand what Abraham’s prophecy of becoming “a father to many peoples” meant. Both Oahspe and the Hebrew Scriptures explain that in the beginning of Abraham’s marriage, Abraham’s attending God, Vishnu, told him in a dream that he would “be a father to many peoples”. When Abraham told his wife, Sarai seemingly interpreted the dream to mean that Abraham would literally father many children and it made her “vain in her desires for offspring”.
Hagar the maid had a son named Ishmael: At some point, Sarai determined that she was barren, so when her maid, Hagar, happened to get pregnant and have a son Sarai became jealous and abusive towards Hagar. Hagar was shunned by the community for having “a child in maidenhood” and Abraham was accused of being the illegitimate father. Although Abraham was not Ishmael’s father, Abraham did not deny Hagar nor did he justify himself before the king’s people. Instead, he remained “as a father” to both Hagar and her son because it was the right thing to do before God and for the sake of Hagar and her son. Abraham’s atypical stance was confusing, however, and even Sarai questioned whether or not Abraham was Ishmael’s father.
In Oahspe, Ishmael was NOT Abraham’s son: Vishnu told Abraham that due to the hatred between Sarai and Hagar, Hagar’s son, Ishmael, “will be as a wild man; his hand shall be against every man, and every man shall be against him”, so Abraham found a way to remind Sarai that “the Creator is the Father to all the living”, which pacified Sarai, she apologized, and reconciled with Hagar. Oahspe concludes that Abraham is not the biological father of Ishmael by stating that “by right of the beginning of Abraham’s nations, Ishmael was Abraham’s son before God, but not in the flesh”, which indicated that Abraham viewed Ishmael as his adopted son.
Sarai has Isaac: About 12 years after Hagar the maid had Ishmael, Sarai finally had a son and “he was called Isaac, because he was born of Sarai after she had passed the time of child-bearing”. Oahspe explains that after Sarai had Isaac, Hagar became jealous for Ishmael’s sake. Hagar was eventually overwhelmed with grief and jealousy, so she made the choice for her and her son to depart to another region called Par-an.
On the contrary to Oahspe, the Hebrew Scriptures state that Ishmael was indeed Abraham’s biological, first-born son. Many members of the Abrahamic religions, with the exception of Islam, seemingly say that Sarai, knowing she was barren, offered her maid, Hagar, to Abraham to conceive a heir, making Hagar essentially a “concubine”2. The Quran of Islam, on the other hand, seemingly says that both Sarai and Hagar were wives of Abraham, which made Ishmael Abraham’s biological and legitimate first-born son. The Quran adds that Hagar was the daughter of a King of Egypt, which made her a princess rather than a concubine3.
Regarding the prophecy about the future of Hagar’s son, Ishmael, Oahspe and the bibles of the Abrahamic religions seemingly agree that Hagar’s son, Ishmael, was a wild one, “against every man, and every man shall be against him”. The bibles say that in return for Hagar returning to the home of Abraham and sustaining the challenges of living with Sarai, she would be blessed with many descendants through her son, Ishmael. The Quran of Islam, however, adds that the angel told Hagar that Ishmael would be made into a great nation4, which Islam interprets as the foretelling of Ishmael’s descendant, the prophet Muhammed. The Quran also adds that “his brethren would rule over all the lands”, but “he will move from place to place and camp near his brothers5“.
Lastly, regarding Hagar’s eventual decision for her and her son to leave Abraham and Sarai and go to Par-an, the Abrahamic religions, with the exception of Islam, seemingly say that Sarai cast Hagar and Ishmael out into the desert. The Quran of Islam says that God told Abraham to take Hagar and Ishmael, which to Islam was his second wife and legitimate, first-born son, to an uncultivated region of Mecca. The Quran adds that God provided them with the miracle of water and that Abraham later returned to build the Kaaba (cube of the Sacred House), which are all events that sanctified Mecca as a holy area and are regularly re-enacted in an Islamic pilgrimage6.
Sodom and Gomorrah
Oahspe states that the “Sodom and Gomorrah” event occurred for 2 different reasons. First, the cities needed to be destroyed because they were “hells for evil spirits”, which refers to a detail that only Oahspe covers. Only Oahspe says that in these 2 cities, the misconduct occurred because of angels (spirits) that somehow walked among the people. People knew they were angels and because the angels were able to “dwell in lust, and to partake with mortals; to eat with them, to lie down with them, and to partake in all ungodly pleasures”, people didn’t care for them and the King had to establish laws for the behavior between angels and men. The second reason for this event was that it helped Abraham prove to his people that “it is an easy matter to commune with spirits, but to judge righteously of them is not so easy”.
The Abrahamic religions, on the hand, seemingly view the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as providing lessons about “human wickedness and divine retribution7“. Their bibles seemingly agree that Abraham’s nephew, Lot, lived there, but the Quran further specifies that Lot was sent there to preach monotheism and warn against homosexuality and other things8.
Oahspe and the scriptures agree that fire and brimstone rained down and destroyed both cities and that Lot escaped, but only Oahspe ties these events to the supposed near-sacrifice of Abraham’s son, which is a highly-contested event between some of the Abrahamic religions, specifically between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
The supposed near-sacrifice, the covenant, and the inheritance

Only Oahspe says that after the 2 cities were burned to the ground, Vishnu purposely withdrew to allow “evil spirits” from the burned cities to follow Abraham and his people back to their camp. One of the spirits clothed himself with great light and a crown and claimed to be their “God, ruler of heaven and earth” and tried to convince Abraham to “restore the rites of burnt offerings” and “offer thine only son, Isaac, as a burnt offering” as “testimony before thy people that thou wilt obey God even to the sacrifice of thine own flesh and kin”. Abraham abided by the requests made of the angel claiming to be God, but at the last minute, “Abraham said: Show me that thou art God, that I may not err, for I have been commanded not to kill.” This made the spirit depart “away from Abraham, perceiving that he knew the higher law”. Abraham used this event to teach his people that “even the chosen of God can be deceived by evil angels; for they can take any name and form” and are found in “the evilest of cities, even as as the purest”. He taught them that evil spirits are able to display signs and miracles, show their bodies, and “converse learnedly”. So if a man or angel says to “visit the sick, administer to the distressed, follow his advice, for it is of the Father”, but if they say to do something “and thou shalt have profit, or glory, or applause, obey him not”.
Although Oahspe explains the near-sacrifice of Abraham’s son as just a lesson in deception, it seemingly means more to the Abrahamic religions. Oahspe says that an angel posed as God, but the Hebrew Scriptures say it was God testing Abraham by telling him to sacrifice his first-born (legitimate) son, and that Abraham was willing, but was stopped at the last minute. The Abrahamic religions seem to agree that as a reward for passing the test, God promised Abraham many descendants through his son and that his “promised offspring” would “take possession of the cities of their enemies”, which referred to the land of Canaan (see Image 3). Agreement stops, however, when it comes to (1) whether Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac or Ishmael and (2) who comprises Abraham’s “promised offspring”.
Most or all of the Hebrew Scriptures of the Abrahamic religions, with the exception of Islam’s Quran, seemingly specify Isaac as Abraham’s son. Islam’s Quran does not specify the name of the son. Early Islam honored the account given in the same scriptures of Christianity and Judaism, which pre-dates the Quran, because they also believe(d) that both Isaac and and Ishmael were promised great nations, that Jesus inherited the blessing from Isaac, and that Muhammed inherited the blessing from Ishmael. But later, after the Quran came about and as tensions between Christianity and Islam grew, many Moslems argued that it was Ishmael that was almost sacrificed10.
Regarding the “promised offspring”, most or all Abrahamic religions, with the exception of Islam, seemingly believe that although Ishmael was Abraham’s firstborn son, Sarai tricked Abraham into passing the “blessing” to Isaac rather than Ishmael and that Isaac then passed the inheritance on to his son, Jacob, who was later renamed Israel, and became the father of the 12 tribes of Israel (Oahspe also includes Jacob). Judaism seems to stop right there, but Christianity seems to veer away from Judaism when they add Jesus, their messiah, to the line-up by saying that Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his only (legitimate) son foreshadowed how God would soon sacrifice his only son who would wash away the sins and give everlasting life to those who believe in him11. Islam, on the other hand, seems to be divided about the “promised offspring”. Some within Islam seemingly believe that the descendants of Ishmael have always been the “promised offspring” because Ishmael, not Isaac, was the son that was almost sacrificed by Abraham. Yet others within Islam seem to believe that Isaac started out as the “promised offspring”, which would have given the inheritance to the Jews and Christians, but the Jews and Christians “were unfaithful to the Abrahamic legacy and their infidelity brought about the final revelation, the “Quran” transferring the inheritance to Ishmael’s descendant, the prophet Muhammed12
To Oahspe, Abraham is just another prophet and Isaac was his successor
To Oahspe, Abraham is/was no different than the other great prophets including Zarathustra of the previous cycle, Po, Brahma, and Eawahtah of this cycle, and Moses, Joshu (Jesus), Sakaya (Buddha), and Ka’yu (Confucius) of future cycles. Abraham was simply supposed to “gather together the Faithists of Arabin’ya and the adjacent countries, even as he (God) had appointed Po in Jaffeth” (China).
Regarding who inherited the “blessing”, Oahspe states that Isaac was chosen to be Abraham’s successor. Ishmael was a “wild man” that was against all other men, so Abraham’s attending God, Vishnu, told Sarai, who could hear his voice in her old age, that Isaac could hear the voice too and that he would “take a wife that shall inherit my voice” and “raise up heirs to my voice through his wife, to whom he is not known in this day”. The loo’is had been working in the place of Abraham’s youth (referred to as Es-seth of Syria) since “before the time of thy husband’s father’s father” to build generations that preserved the seed of His people (meaning they could see and hear the unseen). Isaac’s wife ended up being Rebecca, “Isaac’s niece by Abraham’s father’s second wife, but of no blood kin”. Abraham was told to change his will to make “Isaac and his heirs by his wife Rebecca to be thy successor, that My voice remain with My chosen.”
Lot, the father of the Moabites and Ammonites
In regard to Abraham’s brother and nephew, both named Lot, both were in Sodom and Gomorrah when the cities burned down, but Abraham was told ahead of time that “Lot shall escape for thy sake”. After the cities were destroyed, the only thing that Oahspe says about the older Lot is that he escaped to a cave. For the younger Lot, however, Oahspe says that he was a “worshipper of the doctrines of Zarathustra”, so after escaping the burning cities, he went to a place he called Zoar.
When he left Zoar, 2 tribes went with him and their offspring became the “house of Lot“. In “after years”, the descendants of the house of Lot became the nations “known as Moabites and Ammonites, who were of the Foneceans, as their names show”.
Foneceans referred to anyone who spoke Fonece, which was a language that emerged about 1,800 years prior when Persians and Arabians moved into Heleste. The overlay,
The origin of Fonece and the Foneceans
Oahspe explains that angels taught mankind their first language about 72,000 years ago and it was called Panic (Ah-ce-o-ga) “because it was made of earthly images”. About 58,000 years later around 12000 BCE, a Lord in India taught the people of India Vede (aka Vedic), which meant perfect. For how Fonece came about, around 6400 BCE, right before the birth of Zarathustra, the first major false God, Ahura, inspired mortals of Parsi’e’a (Persia) and Arabin’ya (Arabia) to migrate to the new country of Heleste (Greece) so he could use them to take over that land. The immigrants use the same sounds as the existing Panic and Vedic speaking people already in Heleste, but different written characters. The early inhabitants of Greece decided that “We will use the same sounds, but take to our judgment to use whatsoever written characters we choose”, which resulted in a confused language that was called Fonece and whomever spoke it were called Foneceans from that point forward. It is considered the first and oldest mortal-made language and after its emergence, ethereal management decided that angels would no longer dictate the written signs, characters, and words of mankind.
, provides more details.
Although Oahspe says nothing more about Abraham’s brother or nephew, both named Lot, the scriptures of the Abrahamic religions say that Lot eventually relocated to Sodom and that he protected the 2 angels that were sent to destroy the cities. The scriptures continue with Lot and his families’ brief stint in a neighboring village they named Zoar, how his wife was turned into a pillar of salt, how Lot and his 2 daughters ended up hiding out in a cave, and how the daughters got their father drunk so they could get impregnated by him to “continue their father’s seed in the earth13“. Their sons by incest, Moab and Ben-Ammi, founded the Moabites and Ammonites, which are 2 groups that are also mentioned in Oahspe, but not in great detail. Scriptures of Islam seemingly regard Lot as a prophet and says that Abraham sent him to Sodom and Gomorrah to preach for monotheism and against homosexuality and lustful and violent acts14. The scriptures of the other Abrahamic religions seemingly use the mis-judgements of Lot and his daughters to (1) warn men against the dangers of succumbing to the temptations of women and (2) as one of the 3 examples of “sperm stealing” where a woman seduces a male relative under false pretenses to become pregnant15.
False accusations about Abraham recorded as history
The false accusations about Abraham, his wife, and his sons, that eventually made it into the Hebrew Scriptures of the Abrahamic religions, started during Abraham’s life. In fact, as soon as Abraham made it to Arabia to do the work he was destined to do, news spread fast that a man had arrived who “professed to hear the voice of God, for he had not a flat head, and moreover, had good judgment of his own, quite unlike the AEjins in the temples” (the AEjin were those “whose head had been flattened in infancy” using the
Flattening of the head
About 2,000 years prior to this time (6,000 BC), the first major false God, Ahura’Mazda, found a way to “have born into the world a great prophet or seer” meaning someone with su’is and sar’gis (clairaudience and clairvoyance). Up until this time, only the I’hin had these abilities, so all prophets and seers were descendants of I’hin. He oversaw thousands of experiments over a 50-year period and it was eventually discovered that pressing down on the front of an infant’s forehead, which they considered to be the corporeal judgement part of the brain, would drive the “judgement of the brain” up “into the light-perceiving regions at the top of the head” and result in su’is (clairaudience). Infants were strapped to boards with a smaller board strapped to their heads and tightened regularly. This is how the flattening of the head was found to raise up prophets and seers that would willingly prophesy for the false Ahura. He sent “tens of thousands of angels” out to all divisions of Earth to teach this technique to mortals.
Although this technique would eventually be abolished, and rightfully so, ethereans were still able to appropriate it for the good of the druks. The Div was advised to let this go because the druks would benefit from prophets and seers that were one of their own: “The druks will heed more what one of their own people saith as a seer, than if the same thing were said a hundred times over by an I’hin.”
procedure that the false Ahura’Mazda introduced 2,000 years prior to this time).
As soon as people heard about Abraham’s involvement in the burning down of Sodom and Gomorrah and how he “gave no counsel as to war or to earthly gain”, he was not favored by any of the kings and additional accusations and gossip spread rapidly, especially about Abraham being the biological father of Ishmael, Abraham and Sarai supposedly casting Hagar and Ishmael out to the desert, and Abraham being willing to sacrifice his son in the heathen practice of a burnt offering.
News gatherers and scribes recorded it all, true or not, in the libraries of the kings of Arabia, especially in Egypt. The ironic part, however, is that for the scriptures, rather than the false accusations being used against Abraham, they were further embellished and used to build Abraham up as the Hebrew Patriarch of the Abrahamic religions.
About 3,500 years after Abraham’s time, around 490 BCE, a Jerusalem man named Ezra used these Egyptian records to create a 72-book collection called “The Holy Library.” Then, about 800 years after that, in 325 CE, the Roman emperor, Constantine, and the Council of Nice will use some of the same scriptures to create the “Book of Books” (for more details, see formation of the scriptures).
God said: Behold, there is a time to clear up all things, present and past: Were Abraham father to Hagar’s son, Ishmael, and had he been true to the law of sacrifice amongst the heathen, then, Ishmael, being first-born, would have been chosen for the burnt offering.
In which matter the Ezra Bible is shown to be false before Jehovih, in regard to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac, and the burnt offering also.
Which words were not my words, nor the words of my angels, but the words of the Eguptian record.
Vishnu consoled Abraham by saying that even with all of the false accusations, Abraham’s “people shall be honored by even that which shall come from their enemies”, which was a foretelling of how in 2,500 years, when the next prophet of the same region, Moses, leads the Israelites out of Egypt, Ezra will later use Egyptian records to tell the story in the scriptures rather than the records of the Israelites.
Vishnu added that, “The God in heaven and earth will come forward and render the records of thy life”, so “how much greater will be their glory when God of heaven speaketh for thee and them!”
Abraham delivers his people from the Kings’ people
Abraham was destined to deliver his people from the kings’ people rather than from the dominion of the kings, which meant that Abraham’s people “shall be a people unto themselves, having nothing in common with the kings’ peoples”. Abraham was told that it would be better for his people to “dwell in tents and under trees… than to dwell as the kings’ people, in magnificent cities, and in lust and death.”
His people would be led to lands that are seen as “neglected and waste in the eyes of the kings’ people… This is thy inheritance.” And after they improved a place, if a king comes to take it by purchase or battle, they will give up the land without resistance. “Their places shall be inherited by idolators and worshippers of strange gods, who will build mighty temples”, but Abraham’s people will “go from place to place”, they will be led to the next “waste lands” where they will make it “bloom like gardens”.
Finally, it was prophesied that when Abraham’s Faithists “have been taken across all the earth, and they are scattered as dust before the wind” and there is not even a “nation of the children of Abraham”, God will “raise up my voice for them” and “will come and gather them together”. The “idolators and worshippers of strange gods” will be on their wane by then, and the Faithists will be revealed as the “sons and daughters of Abraham”, “who laid the foundations of the temple of “One God, even Jehovih!”
Abraham completes his assignment: The last part of Abraham’s destiny was that after he delivered the chosen from the kings’ people, he was supposed to “reveal My name, Jehovih, and establish it in secret, with due rites and ceremonies”, so Abraham divided the families into tens, hundreds, and thousands, assigned each family a rab’bah and assigned a chief rab’bah. He then made all of the rab’bah “officers in the rites of Emethachavah” and taught them the first three degrees, the secrets of the rab’bah: the sacred name of the Creator, E-O-Ih, the plans of the upper and lower heavens, and the dominion of God and the dominion of satan (not a person, refers to the self, selfish desires, etc.).
The Rites of Emethachavah are comprised of the secret/sacred rites and ceremonies of the I’hin race. These “secrets of the womb” were not taught outside of the I’hin race until around 7,000 BCE when the information was formalized as the “Rites of Emethachavah” and taught to the students/Faithists of the first great prophet, Zarathustra (aka Zoroaster).
When prophets gathered together scattered Faithists, helped them re-establish rab’bah-led families/communities, and taught them the rites and ceremonies, it included at a minimum the first three degrees:
- First degree (open to anyone who desired to learn heavenly things)
- taught in dark chambers by the voices of angels clothed in sar’gis
- mysteries of spirit communion
- how to sit in circles and crescents
- the 4 dark corners and 4 bright sides
- how to ascertain a spirit’s grade
- how to keep away evil spirits and attract righteous spirits
- how to develop su’is an sar’gis (clairvoyance and clairaudience)
- secrets of falling water
- application of lotions to the skin to make poundings and rappings
- second degree (this degree and higher are open only to Faithists)
- taught by “people of the Great Spirit and His secret names”
- about His holy high heavens, where all is rest and happiness forever
- one must live 1 year with the poorest of the poor, soliciting alms, reserving only the poorest of things for himself
- third degree
- dominions of the Gods and the Lords, where they are located, and their irrespective labors in heaven
- names of the Gods or Gods, Lord or Lords, and the Divan laws
- words of salutation
- anthems
- prayers
- the praise
- positions of utterance
- orders of marching
- to write sacred names
- secret of begetting pure offspring
- the key to the 2 preceding degrees
For all 5 degrees, see: Five Degrees of the Rites of Emethachavah.
Around 4,000 BCE, these rites and ceremonies were taught to Faithists again by the 4 prophets, Abraham of Arabia/Egypt, Po of China, Brahma of India, and Eawahtah of America.
In between the 4 prophets mentioned above and the 2,400-year reign of false Gods, this information was packaged as the “Rites of Anubis” and used as a way to convert “tens of thousands” of the kings’ people to Faithism due to their desire and willingness to learn the degrees, the “greatest knowledge of the Earth”, especially the information about how to “build a palace or a temple, or an aqueduct or a canal, or a ship or any great affair’, which was part of the fifth degree.
Go to Part 12, Third and fourth great prophets of 4,000 BC: Po and Brahma…
- Abram is renamed Abraham, according to scriptures: