This part completes Oahspe’s coverage of Cpenta-armij’s cycle, which was from 4,000 BC to 1,000 BC. After Zarathustra established the first organized religion in the previous cycle, 4 great prophets were raised up during this cycle to be living examples of the Creator that no man could misunderstand. This part will cover the 4th prophet, Eawahtah of Guatama (America).
Oahspe’s coverage of the prophet Eawahtah begins with a look back at the early days of man in America. Oahspe refers to America as the “Middle Kingdom (Panama), by the sea of So-ci-a-pan” (Sociapan) and uses the name, Gitchee, to refer to the Creator and God: “Gitchee, the World-Maker, Manito!”

Birth of the I’hin and the Native Americans (Indians): Oahspe describes how the ong-wee (talking animals) became the “first talkers; men with mouths for words; ears for words”, so they were named the I’hin. After the Earth entered a period of darkness, “the little people, white and yellow” broke their commandments and pro-created with the “druks, which speak not; have no words; being dumb like the black mud of the earth where they burrowed”. This union brought about the “second born speaking animal (ong’wee, or Indian)”, tall and red and strong, swift, and handsome. This new red-born race, with faces like new copper, were called I’huan. They became the protectors of Gitchee’s chosen, the I’hin, and drove “away the baugh and mieu and great serpents, and all man-slaying beasts; for I will make mighty nations out of the seed of the I’huans”.

When there were only 5 tribes of I’huan, they were already “mixed so together that one tribe had no preference over another”, so they were called the “tribe of Oedukakaooh, of the middle kingdom, Waneopanganosah (Central America)”. Additional tribes came about until there were “eighteen tribes of Gitchee’s chosen amongst the I’huans” who became the “everlasting heirs to the Voice”.
Counting time started with the First Honga in Arkansas: The first mention of a North American state is Arkansas. An I’huan man named Monag, who could hear the Voice, established a civilization in the plains of Arkansas that “became mighty in cities and agriculture”. The “Voice of the All Father” remained with the heirs of Monag for 4,000 years, “but their names and cities’ names became so long that no man could speak them or write them”.
When Gitchee raised up someone who could hear the Voice in the mountains of Ghiee (Rocky or Eagle mountains), he named him Honga; and to lessen the “burden of names”, Gitchee told Honga to name his firstborn son Honga, have his son do the same, and so on (if no sons, the first daughter was named Honga). From the time that America had the first Honga, the second Honga, the third Honga, and so on, this was the beginning of the counting of time in America. No-one knew how many generations came before the time of Honga the first. Eventually in this region, whomever could hear the Voice was called “Hoanga” and was made the “chief high prophet for the tribe” while “the people themselves were called ong’wee, the same that hath endured to this day, and is called Indian“.
“Honga the first” being the beginning of counting time in America is similar to how we have B.C., “Before Christ”, and A.D., which is Latin for “Anno Domini”, which translates to “In the year of our Lord”.
There were 7 great kings in America during this time and in between their capitals were thousands of canals that went every which way “so the seas of the north were connected with the seas of the south”. At least 9 of the canals were considered “great canals”, which extended mostly east and west, and were named after the kings who built them.
The most powerful of the 7 kings, the “king of kings”, was located in the plains of Texas, near the “sea of Sociapan”, and his temple had a roof made of copper and silver. These plains were fed by a canal that began at Lake Superior. Ten thousand boats (canoes) traveled this canal carrying copper and silver from the north regions down through the cities all the way down to “home of Honga the first, the mightiest of red men”, which is in Arkansas today.
Oahspe provides additional information about the 6 other kings and their kingdoms, including the “school and college of great learning” in Tennessee, the “land of giants“, the kingdom that held games and tournaments every fall, and “the place of the king of bears” (the grizzly).
Oahspe describes the other 6 kings’ kingdoms (this synopsis leaves out the incomprehensibly long names of the kingdoms and regions):

- the 2nd highest king lived in the plains of Central America, fed by 12 tributary cities extending along a river all the way to the mountains
- the 3rd highest king lived in a location fed by 27 tributary cities and he was the son of the king that built the “great east canal” in the land “where dwelt the large men and women“.
- the 4th king in power had 17 tributary cities that extended from sea to sea in the Middle Kingdom (Panama) and lived in a temple with “a thousand columns of polished mahogany, and with a dome of copper and sliver” that was inhabited by a true oracle of the Creator for 2,000 years.
- the 5th king in power was located in Tennessee with 30 tributary cities. This was the location of “the school and college of great learning, the Ahazahohoputan, where were taught tens of thousands of students” with the most famous student being Penambatta who “traveled far, devoting his life to imparting knowledge” and he amassed 6,000 attendants and 640 officers.
- the 6th king in power had 33 tributary cities in the plains of South-eastern Ohio
- the 7th king in power lived in plains that were fed by 47 tributary cities. These plains were described as extending east to the mountains, and then included the valleys of the river, all the way to the sea (Lake Erie).
Oahspe mentions several other significant regions of America:
- about a 50-day journey west of the kings’ capitals was an uninhabited region, “a place of sand and salt, and hot, boiling waters”, 20 days wide from east to west and 50 days long from north to south.
- In the “High North” was the “kingdom of Olegalla, the land of giants, the place of yellow rocks and high spouting waters”. The king ended up giving his city , with its 24 tributary cities, “to his queen, Minneganewashaka, with the yellow hair, long, hanging down” and she built 270 temples near the spouting waters where her people sang to the Creator every day at sunrise.
- South of Olegalla was the kingdom of Onewagga, a valley that was considered the “consecrated place of the Voice” because there had been 20 generations of kings. East of this kingdom’s lake was the grounds for games and tournaments that occurred every fall. The winners of the strength and track and field competitions were awarded “handsome damsels, with straight limbs and shapely necks, proud, who loved to be awarded handsome, mighty husbands”.
- Even more south was a kingdom that was “rich in legends of the people who lived here before the flood”. It had 6 great canals coursing through it and was “the place of the king of bears”, the grizzly.
Angels taught man: Since the Gods taught mankind that work strengthens the soul, the building of canals by the kings and the learned men was considered the “great glory and honor of man at that time”. To support this, Gitchee (God) sent His angels to teach man the “mystery of canal-making” and other practices:
- to compound clay with lime and sand
- to hold water by finding the gau (level) and the force of water
- to make pots and kettles by burning clay into suitable shapes
- to find copper ore, silver ore, and gold and lead for the floors of the oracle chambers
- to soften copper like dough
- to harden copper like flint rock for axes and mattocks to build canals
- to work the ore in the fire and melt it to make lead into sheets like cloth
- to till the soil and grow wheat and corn and how to grind it to make bread
- to slay the lion and the tiger and the mastodon (the Hogowatha, the rooting animal of wisdom)
Peace reigned until a false god arrived around 5,800 BC: Since the beginning of human civilization in America, America was “full of cities… and the people dwelt in peace, tribe with tribe, the world over”. Some time after 5,800 BC, however, the first major false god, I’tura (Ahura), set his sights on taking over America. This false god, which was first introduced in Part 10’s “false Ahura” section, started out as Lord Ctusk and in the 1,200th year of the previous cycle, he broke away from the true Gods and Lords of the Diva and falsely assumed the name and identity of the God, Ahura’Mazda, which was the God that helped Zarathustra establish the first organized religion in Persia, Arabia, China, and India.
Once this false god set his sights on America, he sent “ten times tens of thousands” of his “hosts of evil” (low-grade angels/spirits) to obsess the oracles of the temples so that when kings and learned men consulted the possessed oracles, they were told “lies and all manner of unprofitable speculation”, which turned them upside down, made them curse Gitchee, and ask for I’tura.

False I’tura also had his hosts insert intrusive thoughts into the minds of mortals as they slept inciting “them to war and to all manner of deeds of death”. Lastly, I’tura promised his hosts that in return for gathering the spirits of the dead for his kingdoms, to “fill my mighty kingdoms with Gitchee’s harvest”, he would eventually promote them to captain, general, Lord, or God, and give them sub-kingdoms of their own.
I’huan taught to flatten the head: False I’tura was able to obsess “the nations and tribes of men to worship him; infatuating them with the stories of far-off countries, and the glory of kings and queens”. He taught mortals to flatten the head, detailed
Flattening of the head
About 2,000 years prior to this time (6,000 BC), the first major false God, Ahura’Mazda, found a way to “have born into the world a great prophet or seer” meaning someone with su’is and sar’gis (clairaudience and clairvoyance).Up until this time, only the I’hin had these abilities, so all prophets and seers were descendants of I’hin. He oversaw thousands of experiments over a 50-year period and it was eventually discovered that pressing down on the front of an infant’s forehead, which they considered to be the corporeal judgement part of the brain, would drive the “judgement of the brain” up “into the light-perceiving regions at the top of the head” and result in su’is (clairaudience). Infants were strapped to boards with a smaller board strapped to their heads and tightened regularly. This is how the flattening of the head was found to raise up prophets and seers that would willingly prophesy for the false Ahura. He sent “tens of thousands of angels” out to all divisions of Earth to teach this technique to mortals.
Although this technique would eventually be abolished, and rightfully so, ethereans were still able to appropriate it for the good of the druks. The Div was advised to let this go because the druks would benefit from prophets and seers that were one of their own: “The druks will heed more what one of their own people saith as a seer, than if the same thing were said a hundred times over by an I’hin.”
, and illustrated in Image 1, making America “a land of seers and prophets and conjurers, seeking evil for sake of evil; consulting the spirits of the dead for war and for earthly glory in blood and death”.
America destroyed except for the tribes of Honga: Over all of America, war spread between “kingdom against kingdom, city against city, man against man” until the holy temples were destroyed, the canals broken and wasted, cities burned to the ground, fields were desolate, the tribes of men were broken up leaving only remnants here and there. There was, however, one exception; the tribes of Honga remained closest to the I’hin and often married within them to preserve su’is (ability to hear and/or see the Voice). As a result, they were “so fast sworn to the Great Spirit that the evil Gods’ and evil spirits’ words rolled off and took no hold on them”.
From these tribes of Honga, Oahspe describes, in a semi-metaphorical way, how the Great Spirit (Gitchee) found Eawahtah. After the Great Spirit saw the desolation brought on by I’tura’s bloody work, He cried out, “Honga! Honga! Honga!” with a loud voice and after the first call, “false I’tura and his evil hosts ran away. In His second call, it was like spring-time, after a heavy winter. And in the third call, it was like budding summer”. Finally, there “came up a sprout of the seed of Honga, an I’huan, taller than any other man with a bright shining face of copper”.
Gitchee names Eawahtah: This tall, copper I’huan did not consider himself as belonging to any tribe: “My flesh is nothing; my genealogy is of the spirit. Of the I’hin my mother; of the I’huan my father”, so the Creator named him “Eawahtah, spirit and flesh even balanced, best of men”. The Creator told Eawahtah that He made him “tall and handsome, with strong limbs, and broad shoulders” so that he could “re-instate the tribes of men; deliver them out of darkness; make them worshipful”. The Creator would go with Eawahtah into all the lands, among all the scattered tribes, and the Creator would speak through Eawahtah: “when thou openest thy mouth to speak, fear not, I will give thee words; thou shalt not err”.

The Creator is named Egoquim: Eawahtah needed a name for the Great Spirit and was told by Him, “Call Me after the wind, O Eawahtah!”, but Eawahtah didn’t understand. The Creator and Eawahtah went to where the wind blew in the leaves, which made the sound, E!, then to the sea where the wind in the water sounded like “Go!”, then to the rocks above the clouds where the wind sounded like Quim!, so Eawahtah would call the Creator by the name, E-go-quim (Egoquim). Egoquim then gave Eawahtah a summary of the 8 “Egoquim laws“:
- worship no other God, or Lord, idol, man, or angel, just the One Great Person, Creator
- treat others as kindly as you would your own mother
- help those in need
- do not lie, gossip, or break promises
- do not take what belongs to another
- respect the times of woman and when she is pregnant, do “whatsoever she asketh thee to do, for it is her time, and she is thy queen”
- labor for 6 days and the 7th day is the moon’s day for singing and dancing at the alter and meditating to hear Egoquim’s words
- practice the rites and ceremonies of Choe-pan and Annubia-pan, but do “not flatten the head to make a seer, a Haonga, to drive the judgement of the brain way to the prophetic regions”

Eawahtah committed to his destiny and set out to find “the places of the scattered, destroyed peoples”. The angels went ahead of him and somehow called “to the souls of the suffering, starving, dying,”, which made them come out of hiding, and made the proud, brave men suddenly begin to question why they were fighting and destroying for the “wicked God” that “called himself a Savior”, but was really the “wicked monster, I’tura!”
The kingdom of Took-shein and Che-guh: Eawahtah was led by the angels of Egoquim to the kingdom of King Took-shein and his Queen Che-guh, the land of the flat-heads, and Eawahtah the Egoquim laws with them. Both Took-shein and Che-guh could hear the Great Spirit as well, so they knew Eawahtah’s words were true, so their kingdom became home base for Eawahtah.
The prophecy for America: For the first time, Egoquim spoke through Eawahtah and laid out the prophecy of America. He first spoke of how “evil Gods come to steal My children; tell them lies to win them; tell them they are My sons come to save them!”
Many races will come and go on these lands. But the red man shall possess it: inhabit it far and near.
Then shall come another evil God (false Christ), to flay and destroy My sons and daughters, to cover all the lands over with pure blood. Then I will come again and rout the evil God, raise up My sons and daughters, full of glory.
From far over the water will I bring their kindred (Jews), who worship none born of woman; a wise speaking people. A people that war not; who kill not off weaker nations. I will come in the Mohawk and the Mohegan; My hand shall reach around the earth in that day. I will chase away all Gods and Saviors born of woman. Only the Great Spirit shall all men worship.
Go forth, My son; build wide My foundation; in this land will I found My earthly kingdom.
Eawahtah spent many years traveling to all of the regions of America teaching and gathering people together. He had them “swear solemn oaths that never would they listen to any God save (except) the Creator; made them swear they would never be caught by another cunning Savior, like I’tura, whose people delight in war”. Eawahtah went into villages and gathered the “frightened tribes”, taught them how to write and engrave, taught them the secret name of the Great Spirit, Egoquim, and taught them about the moon and how to keep the 7th day of the week for worship.
Eawahtah established 40 states of the Union: After Eawahtah had gathered people together “in tens of thousands of places”, Egoquim told him what he would do next. Eawahtah established 40 nations. Each nation was independent, but were also “united into a brotherhood of nations, one mighty people”, and it was named O-pah-E-go-quim (Opahegoquim), signifying One.
For when I come in kosmon, My people shall have many states, like unto thine, and their combination shall be called Union, signifying One.
Build thou a model for them, O Eawahtah. For though when they come they shall overthrow they people in the earth, the angels of thy holy ones shall come and purge them of their Savior, and make them clean in My sight.
A God discusses Oahpse: Oahspe’s coverage of Eawahtah concludes with a section, which is from the perspective of a God, and I surmise that it is specifically about the channeled work, Oahspe. In this section, the God says that His records don’t come up from the ground nor from the books of mortals. Instead, “I open my heavenly libraries, and find my living sons and daughters who once trod the earth. Their light I recast down again to mortals in a stream of fire, and lo, my words are rewritten”. This sounds like the heavenly libraries were opened to retell the stories of the prophets, through automatic writing, by the channel Dr. John Ballou Newbrough.
The God suggests to the reader to “Search thou for the evidence of my footsteps on the earth; find the people who stand by the Creator…” Listen to the voices of the millions of China and India and the remnants of the Algonquins (the Indians of North America before the false Kriste). “Their bibles are a power to this day. Their people are appalled at the work of thy bloody sword.”
The God continues with, “Thou hast tried on all my people, to convert them, but hast failed utterly. Behold, I come now with a new book; and they will accept it from my hand”, which I surmise is referring to Oahspe.
Lastly, this God reminds the reader that man of himself does not progress; progression does not come “of a natural order”. Man, on his own, does not progress except by God, through God’s “angel hosts in heaven”. If we look back at the people before us, “Thy natural order is laziness and uncleanness”, but when we are “quickened in spirit”, it is the heavens upon us that stir us up.
Go to Part 14: Reign of the false Gods 3,800 BCE – 1,400 BCE