This is the 4th and final part of the Oahspe’s coverage of the cycle that started around 650 BCE. As a reminder, 400 years of darkness back in part 1, resulted in Lords losing their kingdoms, 3 of them formed the Confederacy of the Holy Ghost (Triune or Trinity). Part 2 covered the prophets Sakaya and Ka’yu of India and China, who brought back Faithist doctrines. Then in part 3, the success of the prophets threatened the 2 Triune heads in those regions, so Kabalactes of India became false Budha and Ennochissa of China became false Brahma, with both meaning All Knowledge.
Part 3 also covered the Triune, Looeamong, in the Middle East. While he and his chief warrior angel, Thoth, fought the last remaining false Gods, Ashtaroth and Baal, this region’s prophet, Joshu, was born of the Essenes. After his death, Looeamong established himself as the false Lord, God of Israel, and then Kriste, All Knowledge. He and Thoth, who changed his name to Gabriel, then used the mortal emperor Constantine to finally defeat the last false God, Baal, and take control of the Roman Empire. Lastly, Looeamong and Gabriel (formerly Thoth) used Constantine and his Council of Nice to establish a single doctrine for the one-and-only religion, which put them well on their way to establishing early Christianity.
Faithists were scattered
The last part of the coverage of the cycle of 650 BCE, starts about 600 years after the death of Joshu, so around 630 CE.
Faithists of India and China remained in their regions: Regarding the true Faithists of India and China, with all the mortal war inspired by the false Budha and false Brahma, they were “no longer identified with the kingdoms or governments”, but remained in these regions, but living “about in scattered families.”
Faithists of the Middle East migrated westward: For the Faithists of the Middle East, Arabia, Heleste (Greece), and Uropa (Europe), “they were scattered in all directions.” After the death of Joshu around 30 CE, they started migrating mostly toward the west to escape the Kriste’yan warriors and many of them settled in western Uropa (Europe).
Israelite/Jews inter-married with Egyptian/Europeans: They called themselves “Israelites and Jews”, but many of them “were apostates in fact; eating flesh, and marrying with other peoples” (flesh referred to animal meat). Regarding inter-marriage, about 600 years prior when the Egyptian empire fell (30 BCE), many Egyptians migrated into Europe, married aborigines, and their offspring by this time were called “Druids, Picts, Gales (Gaelic), Wales (Welsh), Galls (Gauls), and Yohans (Johns).” These are who many of the “Israelites and Jews” inter-married with after they too migrated into Europe; and their descendants eventually became the French, German, Russian, and English.
Suffer (allow) the apostates to so marry, for here will I find a way to raise up disbelievers in the false Kriste; and they shall ultimately become believers in Jehovih only. For, inasmuch as I have suffered them to become scattered, so will I appropriate them as seen to quicken all the races of men to comprehend the All One.
Looeamong betrayed his chief angel warrior Gabriel
Looeamong’s chief warrior angel, Gabriel, gave Looeamong one more chance to fulfill promises: By this time, Gabriel (formerly Thoth) had been Looeamong’s “most faithful sub-God” for over 1,000 years; and for the last 700 of those years, Looeamong repeatedly postponed fulfilling the promises he had made to Gabriel. Looeamong’s most recent promise was that after Gabriel overthrew Baal and cast him into hell, he would give Gabriel a “great heavenly kingdom, with an earthy base” and “a thousand millions subjects.” Per the plan, after Baal was defeated, Gabriel “applied for Jerusalem (his station), and for the heavens thereunto, and for one thousand million slaves”. Yet again, Looeamong postponed because after a thousand years of war, he was finally “enriching his heavenly throne”, using 7,000 million angel slaves, and modeling it after Enochissa’s palace with all of its “rites and ceremonies, and tournaments, and all manner of heavenly diversities.”
After Gabriel fought for Looeamong for over a thousand years and prayed “to the Holy Ghost, for hundreds of years, to have my suit just and honorable and holy”, he sent Looeamong a message, which included 6 specific grievances, to give Looeamong one last chance to fulfill his promises, else Gabriel would take matters into his own hands:
- Looeamong fulfilled none of the promises he made to Gabriel.
- Looeamong was not really Kriste, All Knowledge; he was a “usurper and pretender”.
- Everyone in the 3 heavens of the Triunes knew that it was Gabriel that defeated Ashtaroth, Baal, and all the Roman and Argos’yan Gods.
- Ever since Looeamong became the highest God in his regions, he did not treat Gabriel with respect nor did he invite Gabriel to his kingdoms’ recreations, tournaments, and receptions.
- After Looeamong established a second heavenly kingdom near Earth, he was supposed to give it to Gabriel and treat Gabriel as an equal, but he kept it for himself.
- Looeamong treated his subjects like slaves and laborers for the embellishment of his kingdoms.
Lastly in Gabriel’s message, he warned Looeamong that if he did not deliver on his promises, Gabriel would “search no further”; there were “Hundreds of millions of thy highest grades” who had fought down on Earth with Gabriel to win Looeamong’s battles and therefore knew the justness of Gabriel’s cause. With one word, they would withdraw from Looeamong’s kingdom and join Gabriel “in an enterprise of my own.”
Gabriel established his own kingdom

Gabriel established his own kingdom in Kalla-Hored: When Gabriel, once again, received no reply from Looeamong, he called together 10,000 angel warriors and established his own “kingdom of heaven” in a region of Earth’s lower heavens called Kalla-Hored, “the place of seven steps.” With the “great power of a God”, he set out to “establish a good foothold on the earth”, which meant accumulate mortal worshipers, so that when those mortals died, their spirits would go to him and cause a “natural increase” in the population of his heavenly kingdom. Eventually, the power of his kingdom would be like “a sword that will cut to pieces Looeamong’s kingdom on earth.”
Next, Gabriel began preparations required to raise up a prophet and seer of his own to establish his doctrines among mortals on Earth. He made his 10,000 angel warriors part of his Holy Council and anointed 10 Lords; then, according to grade, he selected marshals, captains, generals, heralds, and general officers. Gabriel crowned himself as “Gabriel, God of Heaven and Earth.” His hosts constructed a “throne in heaven unto Gabriel”, called the “Throne of Kalla-Hored”, and built heavenly mansions, streets and roads, and “all things required in an exalted heaven.”
Gabriel also knew the power of rites and ceremonies, so he provided his kingdom accordingly so that his people were kept in a constant state of excitement as a result of his “wonderful inventions”. Gabriel perceived that “millions and millions of them truly believe he was the veritable Creator of heaven and earth, thus in the form of an angel”, so he provided “places of trust and nearness to him” for those people so they could propagate his “miraculous power” among the unbelieving. Over 500,000 angels immediately acceded to Gabriel’s heavenly place, Kalla; and not long after, he had 800 million subjects.
Gabriel began worked through the prophet Mohammed
Gabriel began searching for a mortal prophet/seer: After Gabriel’s kingdom was sufficiently established, he got to work on his “great scheme” to establish himself with mortals, so “that their spirits after death might be brought to his kingdom.” He sent his Chief Lord of Lords, Ateiniv, and 3 co-laborers, and 300 million warrior angels, down to earth, to find a mortal capable of required inspiration. As Ateiniv descended down near the surface of Arabia, he dropped groups of angels at certain distances, which “formed the line of light from Gabriel down to earth.”
For such is the order of Jehovih’s creation, that whosoever man worshippeth whilst he is on earth, to that God will his spirit float after death; and without resistance become a dutiful slave, not knowing there be other Gods and other heavens.
Gabriel began working through Mohammed: Gabriel’s Lord selected a man named Mohammed, “who had su’is in great perfection”, and inspired Mohammed to go to a cave called Hara every month so that Gabriel could talk to him in person. For the first 12 years, Gabriel inspired mortals to peace through Mohammed; and by the end of the 13th year, after Mohammed helped Gabriel attain sufficient strength to “draw the sword for Gabriel’s doctrines”, it became time for Mohammed to begin establishing Gabriel’s kingdoms on Earth.
Mainstream history says that Mohammed was born in Mecca, Arabia in 570 CE; then, at the age of 40, so 610 CE, the angel Gabriel came to him with revelation; he was forced to immigrate to Medina in 622 and died there in 6322.

Mohammed established himself as a humble servant of God, through his angel, Gabriel: At Mohammed’s first official meeting, he clarified for the people that he was not wise and had little learning, but that knowledge comes from the Unseen and his eyes and ears hear spiritual things: “The angels of heaven tell me things of wisdom.” He continued to tell them, “Worship not me, nor bow down before me. I am nothing”, he was an “instrument in the hands of God, through his angel, Gabriel.” He added that “God raiseth up a prophet from time to time, to bless his chosen people”. He was just like “Abraham and Moses and many of the prophets”; however, “they could work miracles” and he could not, so he was “the least of God’s prophets.”
Mohammed led the Mohammedans
Mohammed told his people about the false Lord God (Looeamong): Mohammed started out by reiterating that according to the doctrines of their forefathers, Abraham and Moses, “this is the sum and substance of all things”: “There is but one God”; “The earth is the Lord’s through the angel, Gabriel”; “Gabriel is his angel of all the world”; but “evil men have invented other Gods, which have no existence. They are idols, which exist only in superstition and ignorance.”
In regard to Looeamong, Gabriel went on to say that “there is a false God in heaven”; and while Gabriel himself “provided the way for the gathering of the lost sheep of Israel, through an iesu”, this false God then “falsely called himself, Kriste.”
Now, he had been chosen of God to “circumvent the Kriste’yan’s idolatry from coming into Arabin’ya and the countries north and south and east”, the countries that were given “by God to our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and thence down to Moses, and thence down to us.”
Writer’s note: Regarding Gabriel’s statement that he “provided the way for the gathering of the lost sheep of Israel, through an iesu”, he was referring to the prophet, Joshu, born 600 years prior. While Oahspe indicates that Joshu’s attending angel was the true God of Earth, Eskra, Mohammed seemingly taught his followers that Joshu was led by God’s angel, Gabriel. However, Gabriel was still working for the Triune/false God, Looeamong, and had been since as early as 439 BCE.
Regarding the angel Gabriel’s potential involvement with Joshu, the scriptures that made it into the New Testament bible does say that the angel Gabriel told biblical Jesus’ parents, Mary and Joseph, that she would be/was impregnated by the Holy Ghost; their son would be the “Son of God” and the “Son of David”; the “Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever4“; and lastly, how he “will save his people from their sins5“.
Kriste’yans are merciless warriors. This false Kriste and his worshipers are working for the Romans, and not for salvation. Wherever they go, they destroy the libraries and all manner of learning. Will ye submit, like slaves, to have them despoil you? Is there no Arabin’yan blood in your veins?
With that, Gabriel and his angels inspired Mohammed to gather an army of “thousands and tens of thousands of warriors” and when they “went forth to conquer”, Gabriel and his angel hosts’ inspired Mohammed’s army to have no fear nor hesitation, but at the same time, they inspired their opposition armies with “fear and cowardice and panic.” For “many centuries”, Mohammed had sure victory wherever he went.
Gabriel and Looeamong went to war

Gabriel declared war on the doctrines of Looeamong (false Kriste): Gabriel did not plan to teach new doctrines through Mohammed; the only talk that Mohammed did about doctrines was that his people should tell no lies, not commit fornication, preserve the ceremonies, give to the poor freely, observe the sacred days, do not steal, do not deceive, and do not be an aggressor, but “war for the innocent and oppressed; to maintain liberty of the people.”
Gabriel intended to prove the “perversity” of the Constantine bible: For Looeamong’s doctrines, on the other hand, one of Gabriel’s main objectives was to “show the perversity of the Constantine bible” using the “books and tablets and manuscripts” that were in the “old Eguptian libraries.” It was always Gabriel’s plan that once he had Mohammed, he would “cause mortal legions of Arabin’yans to possess these libraries, especially Alexandria’s” and “raise up mortal scholars who shall establish truth of my prophet’s doctrines, and the falsity of this false Kriste’s docrintes.” This way, he would “overturn his (Looeamong’s) earthly kingdom, and possess all these mortal regions myself, to be mine forever!”
Looeamong destroyed libraries in Egypt, Greece, and Arabia : Looeamong, the false Kriste, at some point, must have been aware of Gabriel’s objective because at some point, he had “previously destroyed, for the most part, the Alexandrian library” in Egypt (he used a mortal priest named Coatulius). Then, after Looeamong heard of the triumphs of Mohammed and his army, he inspired 300 monks and priests to go through Heleste (Greece) and Arabia and destroy the ancient state records and libraries.

Looeamong declared war on Gabriel: Mohammed then, in turn, used Looeamong’s actions “as a battle-cry for his soldiers” to which Looeamong responded with an official declaration of “war in heaven against the false God-Gabriel”. It was not long before they both “carried their war down to earth” too, “contending for certain localities.”
In Looeamong’s first attack on Gabriel, he inspired mortals in western Uropa to crusade against Gabriel’s mortals to possess Jerusalem and Te-theas, but after “millions of mortals were slain, and vast regions of country laid desolate”, Gabriel “anchored in earthly possessions in Jerusalem, Te-theas, and Egypt” and then told Looeamong that although he claims to be the all highest God, he could not even take a small earthly kingdom.
Mainstream history: Looeamong’s first failed attempt at defeating Gabriel seemingly correlates with the 1187 CE Battle of Hattin where the Muslim sultan of Egypt and Syria, known as Saladin, “famously defeated a massive army of Crusaders” and captured Jerusalem. At the height of Saladin’s power, he ruled a unified Muslim region that spanned from Egypt to Arabia8.
Four false Gods divided up the Earth
All 4 false Gods divided up the developed regions of Earth: Since the other 2 false Gods, “Kabalactes, alias Budha, and Ennochissa, alias Brahma” had already been at war against each other for over 600 years, now all 4 false Gods vied for “possession of the whole earth, at least, wherever there were mortal kingdoms and empires.” For the next 500 years, although the 4 false Gods warred over the division of the different regions of Earth into “four great parts, with fixed boundaries”, they did incorporate a modicum of rational negotiation, enough for some relative peace…
Comparative peace enabled them to focus on their kingdoms: Every time they ratified a division, it meant that “the spirits of all mortals at the time of death, should go to the heaven which reigned on the portion of earth where they had lived. (Unless carried away by God, Son of Jehovih, to Paradise.)”
As a result, as each of them established their own “respective heavens and their earth possessions” “in his own way”, they achieved “comparative peace”, which enabled them to focus on Within their heavenly kingdoms, they built cities, palaces, and thrones adorned with “elements not found on the earth”; “thousands of millions of which were gems that had been captured from the dispossessed false Gods of centuries before, and even from heavens from other star worlds.” their heavenly kingdoms with cities, palaces, and thrones.
When the Brahmins of the Earth entered the “es world” (spirit world, lower heavens), for the most part, they “went to the Brahmin heavens (Eta-shong), ruled over by the false Brahma, alias Ennochissa”; the “Budhists of the earth” went “to the Budhist heavens, ruled over by the false Budha, alias Kabalactes”; the Kriste’yans of earth went “to the havens of Looeamong, the false Kriste”; and lastly, the “Mohammedans went to Gabriel’s heavens.”
Their appropriation of Earth’s normal ascension process filled their heavens with “thousands of millions of subjects”, but they themselves “kept aloof from their people.” With the exception of their “favorite Lords and high officers”, the overlay,
Requirements for going before God’s throne
One must have served at least 100 years “in the labors of that heaven, and to have his record good during all the while” just to “obtain the privilege” to “look upon the throne and the God thereof.”
To get past the outer columns of fire: Angels had to pass rigid examinations, solemnly bind themselves in oaths and castigations, and then walk on their knees to the second columns of fire.
To get from the arena’s inner pillars of fire to the arches of the palace: Repeat a thousand prayers and a thousand anthems to get into the arena. Then, crawl on their bellies, and for every length, for a thousand lengths, repeat 7 new prayers.
From the arches to the under arches, up the 7 steps to the upper step: Take another examination and then crawl on their belly to the under arch where the 7 stairs begin. For each step, lay one day, repeat prayers and praises to the God. On the upper step, look in silence at the throne in which the God sat at times, yet might not show up for a day or more.
There were about 500 “lengths” between the upper step and the throne, but the person could go no further unless “by God’s special decree.” The person was permitted to stay no longer than to say 7 prayers and then they wouldd depart in the same way they came.
, describes the lengths that all other angels had to go through to see either of these 4 false Gods; but only IF they met the requirements for being in
Requirements for good standing in the 4 false Gods’ kingdoms
As mentioned, in order to obtain the privilege of approaching God’s throne, one had to have worked for at least 100 years “in the labors of that heaven” and also “have his record good during all the while.” Even before then, however, when the angel was a mortal on Earth, he also would have had to have “served his God, by preaching and praying, or by fighting battles for him”; PLUS serve at least 100 years in heaven. But if the mortal was “an enemy to the God during his earth-life”, he had to work in heaven for at least 300 years rather than 100 years before being eligible to approach the throne. A few examples of “work in heaven” include the labor of building mansions or paving roads; bringing produce up from the earth; or bringing up other atmospheric elements “for the gratification and glory of the God” and his high officers.
as both a mortal and a spirit. These 4 heavens were so “grand and far-reaching”, each with hundreds of millions of angels, that most of the angels never even heard of any other heaven besides the one they were in.

Eskra reflected on the actions of the 4 false Gods
Souls became bound to the false Gods: Oahspe provides reflections and observations made by the true God of Earth (for this cycle), Eskra. Eskra said that as a result of mortals bounding themselves to false Gods while on Earth, once they are in heaven, they remain bound. Then, due to the “stubbornness of the angels of the heavens”, they do not even admit they are bound slaves. Even priests, monks, bishops, arch-bishops, and popes “marched in the processions of heaven, praying, singing…” Their minds were in such bondage that even after they “attained to view their God”, it was at such a distance and with “such artificial splendor”, they still did not know the truth.

False Gods’ subjects rejected the truth: Even when an angel of Jehovih told these bound spirits that their heaven was only one heaven, there were millions of other heavens; in fact, their heaven was one of the lowest heavens, they would not believe. Nor would they believe that their God, with all his glory, was only one God of which there are many; that their God is not the “All Highest God” because the One is not in the “shape of a man.” They only wanted to believe that their false God’s kingdom was the “place and person of the Lord”, the “all highest heaven” where their god was the “Creative Element personified.”
Responsibility fell on the false Gods: In regard to responsibility (aka karma), Eskra said that because the false Gods “taught men that the Creator was in the image of a man, and sitting on a throne, behold, their subjects would not believe otherwise”; therefore, “Man sinned not in this; neither sinned the angels of the heavens”; the “fault was with these false Gods.”
The gravest offense of the 4 false Gods was the take-over of Earth’s normal ascension process. As explained back in Part 3’s Earth is a harvester of souls section, one of the main purposes of Earth is to provide human souls with 2 necessary experiences:
(1) the experience of existing in a physical body on the surface of the Earth to learn everything one needs to know that can only learned while inhabiting a physical body in a physical world.
(2) the experience of existing as a spirit (aka soul or angel) within Earth’s spirit world. After the spirit transitions back out of the physical body, he/she enters the first level and learns everything one needs to know (and does everything one needs to do); then progresses to the second level to do the same; and then finally to the third level where he/she prepares to leave Earth’s atmospheric spirit world and go on to bigger and better things.
The true God of Earth and his/her angels serve Jehovih, the Creator, by supporting the “resurrection of mortals and angels.” Mortals are taught NOT to worship the God of Earth nor to think that his/her heaven is the all highest heaven.
Yet, the false Gods desire subjects and worshipers; they copied the ways of the true God, they broke up heavenly kingdoms to establish their own dominions; and they took advantage of the “infant mind” to take souls away from Jehovih and their eternal progression.
The true God appoints guardian angels (ashars) to teach mortals about eternal resurrection.
Yet, the false Gods appoints contravening angels to (1) teach mortals only about attaining to their heavens to slave toward their personal glory; (2) inspire mortal priests to take mortals’ money in exchange for perceived forgiveness; and (3) encourage angels give their servitude in exchange for perceived forgiveness.
The true God’s angels inspire mortals to do good works, to obtain education and knowledge, and to think for themselves.
‼️Yet, the false Gods’ angels convince mortals:
(1) that the “only good and necessary knowledge is contained in (their) sacred books”
(2) to destroy their own libraries and places of learning to prevent their subjects from learning about other heavens and other Gods
(3) to practice rites and ceremonies “as if they were cattle for (their) markets”
(4) tell mortals that their leaders will think for them, which thwarts “the cultivations of the talents Jehovih created” within them
The true God’s heavenly ships gather wandering, chaotic, and/or stuck spirits, especially spirits of the slain from mortal battlefields.
Yet, the false Gods thwart the labor of the true God by sending emissaries to destroy their ships “for wickedness’ sake, calling it glorious sport” and provide “wicked heavenly pastimes, and disgusting tournaments, within (their) heavenly places, in order to win subjects for (their) dominions.”
The true God provides schools and colleges for angels to gain wisdom and virtue and begin resurrection to eventually ascend to the etherean/higher heavens.
Yet, the false Gods have “not raised one angel to the emancipated grades and have even called away angels who had begun resurrection. Instead, they have done the following:
(1) “degraded (their) own angel subjects” by encouraging enjoyment “in the havoc of mortal flesh and flowing blood”
(2) provided “wicked heavenly pastimes, and disgusting tournaments, in order to win subjects for (their) dominions”
(3) provided excursions down to mortals so that their angels can “witness battles between mortal warriors” to “satiate their own evil curiosity”

Degradation and declension of the false Gods’ subjects: By this point, around 1100 CE, the false Gods had spent about 500 years dividing up the regions of Earth amongst themselves and they had “not raised one angel to the emancipated grades.” Furthermore, the average grades of the angels in their heavenly kingdoms that started out from 30-50 had dropped to 10-15. The grades of the mortals in their earthly dominions fell as well. Mortal priests had inspired their followers away from the fields and into the cities where it was easier for mortals to get away with complete disconnection from spirit. As a result, instead of well-tilled fields and orchards and good harvests, people had war, widows, orphans, paupers, debauchees, thieves, murderers, pestilence, and famines.
The wise angels left the kingdoms of the false Gods: While the false Gods’ kingdoms became filled with idolators and “the ignorant and depraved”, wise angels became tired of the “pomp and splendor” and left to enter the true God’s heavens; they renounced all Lords and Gods; “betroth(ed) themselves to Jehovih only”; and made use of hospitals, schools, colleges, and factories to work toward becoming “fit companions to Gods and Goddesses.”
…my foot-prints can not be mistaken; I raised up Zarathustra, and the man Brahma, and Abraham and Moses and Po and Chine and Capilya. Yet not one of these, with all the wonders they accomplished, was worshipped by their followers…
Oahspe provides a reminder that Zarathustra founded 70 Faithists colonies; Moses led 4 million people out of bondage in Egypt; Chine turned 3 million “warriors to a people of peace” and had an empire named after him (China); and Capilya overturned the laws of 13 kingdoms in India and “gave peace and plenty to a hundred millions of people”; yet, none of them were worshipped.
The militarization caused by the 4 false Gods
While the 4 false Gods “re-confederated together for a balance of power” in the heavens, their inspiration persuaded mortal kingdoms to divide the earth into sections and regions as well. This required regions of mortals to establish standing armies to protect themselves in the case that war broke out, kingdom against kingdom. This level of militarization also required military schools and colleges where the young were trained in the “art of war and destruction.” War was glorified; mortals were inspired to build monuments to their generals and captains because of their “courage to destroy.”
Kriste’yans against Kriste’yans; Brahmins against Brahmins; Budhists against Budhists; Mohammedans against Mohammedans; yet all of these four have ye arranged against one another. In very likeness of your heavens, have ye built on the earth.
Looeamong (false Kriste) | Middle East & Europe | Mortal warriors Inflicted “dire
Oahspe provides some examples of the “dire punishment and torturing of the flesh” that Looeamong authorized to occur to “Jehovih’s worshipers and on infidels, against (his) doctrines.” Crusaders pulled flesh from bones with red-hot pincers; slowly dipped people in boiling oil; hurled people from recipes; bound people in boxes lined with “pricking spikes of iron.”
of the flesh” of “millions and millions” to “blot all knowledge and learning and opposition.” Although the majority of the Christian crusades occurred in 9 separate campaigns from 1095-1291 CE, which killed an estimated 1.7 million people12, both Oahspe and mainstream history describe campaigns as early as the 700s. For example, in 718 CE Oahspe says that in Spain and Italy alone, more than 7 million people were killed. |
Gabriel | Middle East & Europe | Gabriel was the “master on earth” of Jerusalem, Te-theas, Egypt, and Punjaub, but up in his heavenly kingdom became “a place of lusters and foul-smelling spirits in the lowest of grades” and steadily declining. |
Kabalactes (false Budha) | India | Destroyed a thousand mortal libraries and killed 60 million people, then “fashioned many sacred cities, and framed many tales as to who thou wert in mortal life”, yet his heavenly kingdom was steadily declining in grade. He also “double false” took a second name, Sakaya Muni. |
Ennochissa (false Brahma) | China | Although he started out with the best opportunity to do good work in his heavens, with how he harvested his heavens, over a thousand years, the average of his grades went dropped from 40-65 down to 10. |
313 CE | Roman Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity, which then became the dominant faith in all Roman territories. The Holy Land (Israel & Palestine), Egypt, and North Africa became strong, vibrant Christian communities. |
325 CE | First Church of Nativity was established in Bethlehem. Council of Nice (Nicea) met (discussed above) |
331 CE | Constantine moved the seat of the Roman Empire to Constantinople (Turkey today); which gave more power over the Holy Land to the Eastern Church; from then on, there were strained relations between the Pope’s Western Church out of Rome and the Eastern Church. |
614-628 CE | Sassanians (Persians) and 26,000 Jewish soldiers allied to take over the Holy Land; Sassanians wanted a harbor to the Mediterranean Sea and the Jewish wanted the Holy Land. Anywhere from 17,000-60,000 Christians were killed. The Eastern Roman Empire soon recaptured the Holy Land (some time between 628-638). |
638 CE | 6 years after the death of Mohammed, Arabian (Islamic) forces took over Jerusalem and Egypt, which began a 94-year-long Islamic westward advancement. |
700 CE | Islamic forces took over Northern Africa (Roman Africa). |
711 CE | Islamic forces occupied Spain. |
718 CE | Series of Christian crusader campaigns occurred in Spain and Portugal to recapture territory from Islamic forces. Oahspe mentions these early crusades as well and says that 7 were killed. |
732 CE | Christian victory of Charles Martel at Tours and Potier ended the 94-year Islamic advancement westward. Christians still had Constantinople, but were stripped of Syria, Palestine, and Northern Africa. |
732-1000 CE | Over these 3 centuries, the Roman Empire (Christianity) was able to recover somewhat, but did not reclaim the Holy Land. By 1000, most of Europe was converted to Christianity |
850-1050 CE | Between the Church of the West out of Rome and the Eastern Church, increasingly
Differences between the Christian Church of the West (Pope/Rome) and the Eastern Church Over the 2 centuries leading up to the schism of 1054, both Christian churches had to make adjustments to “convert the successive invading ethnic tribes of Europe” to Christianity and as a result, differences emerged in language, tradition, history, theology, and “religious sensibilities.” The Eastern Church saw itself as the “intellectual and cultural center of the world”, resented how the Church of the West in Rome had “juridical authority”, and would allow Rome to make decisions only about doctrines as a last result. For daily affairs, they did not accept leadership out of Rome. However, the Eastern Church had serious problems that the Church of the West did not experience; the Eastern Church let “schisms and heresies” and “thorny theological issues” divide them completely break down the unity of their church. strained relations. |
1054 CE | After 2 centuries of strained relations, there was a major break-up between the Pope’s Christian Church of the West (Rome) and the Eastern Church, called the
Final straw that resulted in “schism of 1054” Normans (half Viking/half French) in Southern Italy became a threat to the Pope’s Church of the West, so he organized an armed resistance, but did not get help from the Eastern Church as expected, so their resistance failed. The Eastern Church did not support the West for 2 reasons: (1) after years of strained relations, they disliked the Church of the West more so than the Normans and (2) they interpreted the Church of the West’s attack on the Normans as an attempt to steal jurisdiction of Southern Italy away from them. Even though the Church of the West lost to the Normans, they were allowed to establish western churches with a new Bishop. This angered the Eastern Church’s Patriarch of Constantinople, so he closed the western Latin-rite churches there and excommunicated the Pope. , which resulted in the Orthodox churches. |
1091-1291 CE | After the schism of 1054 totally divided the 2 Christian churches, the succeeding Pope(s) of the West tried to mend things by sending Christian crusader armies to help the Eastern Roman Empire defeat their Islamic enemies, but they were just used for their military, their crusader armies also exacerbated resentment towards them, and the division deepened and would not begin to improve until around 1095. |
The false Gods’ persecution of the Faithists: Oahspe says that because the Faithists “worship not Gods born of a woman”, the false Gods had them hunted down in India, China, Arabia, Persia, Heleste (Greece), and Uropa (Europe); they were despoiled, scattered abroad, denied justice or hearing in courts, denied rights to land or to pick their avocations. Yet, “behold the wisdom of Jehovih”; because the false Gods scattered His people all about, “they have sown the doctrine of the All One over all the earth and the heavens thereof.”
The true God of Earth chastised the 4 false Gods
The true God of Earth pleaded with the 4 false Gods: The true God of Earth, Eskra, pleaded with the 4 false Gods; asked them what excuse they had for making “other names than Jehovih’s worshipful on earth and in heaven.” He continued with how all 4 of them professed to be “the Prince of Peace”, but they carry concealed daggers and “strike to death those who glorify the Creator.” He continued to the 4 false Gods that he has cried out to Jehovih for ways to save them, but no matter what he does to help them or the helpless and distressed, they “frustrate his inventions.” “I see, before you all, certain ruin and terrible hells.” He prays they change of heart to save themselves “from certain destruction, and Jehovih’s Son from humiliation, before the high-raised Gods of other worlds.”

The false Gods’ blamed the true God for the degradation of their grades: The 4 false Gods said that although they realize the true God’s good heart and honest purpose, his policy of love and non-resistance works only for the “wise and exalted”, but because the true God’s emissaries “carry off our highest grades”, it has caused “declension of our grades”, so the wise and exalted comprise only a small percentage of the population and therefore “become the victims of the lawless.”
The false Gods justified their actions: The 4 false Gods said that when the true Gods’ ships come into their regions, “our highest grades rush for them”, so until the true God changes to “carry away our drujas only”, they will continue to intercept the ships and prohibit the true God’s laborers from entering their regions to take from their 18,000 million slaves. Regarding their slaves, without slavery, “they would do nothing in heaven”, so “only by holding them as out slaves” can we stop them from “inhabiting mortals as vampires, familiars, demons, engrafters (re-incarnaters) and familiars.”
Lastly, regarding their use of the name, “Holy Ghost”, they have exercised their freedom to “choose a name to please ourselves”. Furthermore, only if the true God renounces the “Person of the Creator” and calls it the “Holy Ghost”, would they consider working with him.
The true God prophesied the fate of the 4 false Gods: The true God reminded the 4 false Gods that the Almighty always finds “a way to reveal Himself and His commandments.”
Because the false Gods changed Jehovih’s name to Holy Ghost signifying a “principle only” | they too will be declared but a principle | Mortals and angels will say: Behold, Brahma is not a person, but a principle; Budha is not a person, just a principle; Kriste is not a person, but a principle; God-Gabriel is not a person, but a principle. |
Because they confined Jehovih’s spirits down in Earth’s lower heavens | their kingdoms will fall lower and lower | Inhabitants of Earth will look upward to the “thousands of millions of worlds” that have existed for “thousands and millions of years”; they will know the true Creator could not be as young as their pretended God who did such imperfect work that only one small kingdom knows of him. |
Because they say not to look beyond the rules of their sacred books, which were compiled for their own glory | they limit the potential of their followers and provide them with fixed revelation in a constantly progressing universe | Their sacred books will become worthless; mortals and angels will repudiate them and only druks and drujas will be their followers. |
Because they labored to pull down Jehovih’s name | they will be pulled down and cast out also | Thoth (false God-Gabriel) will be cast down first and his heavenly kingdoms with him, then Ennochissa (false Brahma), then Kabalactes (false Budha), and Looeamong (false Kriste) will go down last, but will be “hated above all other false Gods, that have ever been.” |
End of the cycle, 400 years before the age of kosmon

Etherean star-ship arrived in Earth’s atmosphere: Oahspe says that 400 years before the beginning of the next cycle, the age of kosmon, a star-ship, shaped like a crescent made of stars with a sun between the horns, from the “Nirvanian heavens of Chia’hakad”, descended to Paradise, the heavenly kingdom of the true God of Earth, Eskra. The star-ship transported the “Goddess of Vaigonataj”, named Hyaponitissa, from “the plains of Myagoth.”
Writer’s note: If Oahspe experts are correct in their conclusion that the beginning of the age of kosmon was 1848, then this occurred in or near the year 1448.
Eskra’s work was acknowledged: When the ship descended below the moon’s orbit, it halted for 2 days “as if to warn the false Gods, the pretended Saviors and angels and mortals that Jehovih had spoken in the higher heavens.” After 2 days, the star-ship “anchored near the throne of God” (Eskra). Out from the ship came “a million angels, well trained in the management of worlds.” The Goddess said that Eskra’s prayers had “reached up to the heavens of Chia’hakad”, the “Gods of other worlds” heard him, and the voice of Jehovih sent her to “the red star.” The Goddess acknowledge that although Eskra felt defeated and heartbroken, he had successfully appropriated the work of the false Gods that “labored for their own glory”, yet removed from Earth and its heavens “oracle worship and idolatry; and these curses shall return not again forever.”

Eskra was then able to hear the Voice of Jehovih himself and was told to no longer concern himself with the 4 false Gods; since they bound mortals by their religions and their mortal laws and their standing armies, leave them to the 4 divisions of earth and heavens they have bound themselves to. Eskra was given specific instructions for spirits and angels. For the spirits of the mortals slain by the false Gods’ inquisitions, leave them with the false Gods, the vengeance in their hearts “will be the means of ultimately casting the false Gods into hell. For the mortals, it was time to inspire them to leave the east to find and inhabit Guatama (America), another continent beyond the ocean, “where My people know Me, and worship Me.”
Eskra was instructed that after the mortals “take over to inhabit the western continent”, he would send loo’is to “raise up, by birth, certain mortals, who shall ignore the doctrine of enforced worship for any God or Lord or Savior.” Jehovih relayed the plan to Eskra that “none of the false Gods shall establish their doctrines by mortal laws, and bind My people”; the people shall be free in body and spirit also; it shall be guaranteed unto them that they worship in Jehovih’s way, which means in whatever way their conscious dictates (free will). This was all in preparation for the “dawn of the arc of kosmon” whereby Jehovih would “open up His heavens unto mortals, and prepare the foundation of His kingdom on earth.”
Last part, Part 22: Transition to the Age of Kosmon, covers events from the 1490s to the 1890s
- Image of angel Gabriel: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcreate.vista.com%2Fphotos%2Farchangel-gabriel%2F&psig=AOvVaw30EIDp3YcctmBKl8o2d7Lc&ust=1710003968881000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBYQ3YkBahcKEwjQ6uWqk-WEAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQHg
- dates for Mohammed: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Muhammad
- https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-hccc-worldcivilization/chapter/the-quran/
- https://loandbeholdbible.com/2019/09/02/st-gabriel-the-archangel-daniel-920-27/
- https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-stories/birth-of-jesus.html
- https://www.studentsofhistory.com/the-origins-of-islam
- https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fneversolo.com.br%2Fauthor%2Fguilhermecampos&psig=AOvVaw0rsQoZkJ9IHbi8ZamT7D4L&ust=1710005071333000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBYQ3YkBahcKEwj4u764l-WEAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQCQ
- https://www.history.com/topics/africa/saladin#
- paradise Image: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.shutterstock.com%2Fsearch%2Fbuddha-jesus&psig=AOvVaw1ssAyQJM-0SxMkAL2LIR0D&ust=1710004717418000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBYQ3YkBahcKEwiYpdePluWEAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQCQ
- https://homework.study.com/explanation/how-many-deaths-were-there-in-the-christian-crusades.html#:~:text=According%20to%20modern%20estimates%2C%20approximately,starvation%2C%20and%20murder%20by%20banditry.
- https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fp%2FHinduism-is-the-mother-religion-of-buddhismchristianityislametc-100077916243470%2F%3Flocale%3Dth_TH&psig=AOvVaw2LiEv0lWs1Cu-oGMmiHE64&ust=1710199385195000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBYQ3YkBahcKEwiwic2o6-qEAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQCg
- signs for the Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DrlTorlN58jc&psig=AOvVaw2LiEv0lWs1Cu-oGMmiHE64&ust=1710199385195000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBYQ3YkBahcKEwiwic2o6-qEAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQDw