New System and Order – 72,000 years ago
Part 2 of this synopsis covered how angels were brought to Earth to “raise man upright, and teach him to understand” and “give him words of speech” because man “will also be angels in time to come”. These angels were tasked to “go and deliver Asu (Adam) from darkness for he shall also rise in spirit to inherit my etherean worlds”. And because this occurred at the end of the Age of Se’mu, the angels were able to construct corporeal bodies and eventually pro-created with the Asuans, which bound them to Earth to raise up their offspring to at least the 6th generation. Because the Earth became populated with angel/Asu offspring that were “capable of learning spiritual things”, the Earth became a ‘harvester of souls‘ or in Oahspe’s words, an “ornament in heaven and a harvester of bright souls for My exalted regions in the firmament” or “a place for souls of man to germinate”. Earth is not the only world that harvests souls. The new ‘system and order’ established on Earth is the same kind of system set up on many, many other worlds.
Before moving on with Oahspe’s 72,000-year recorded history, this synopsis will segue for a bit to provide a deeper look at Earth being a ‘harvester of souls’ planet, which will provide context for events to come.
Earth is a harvester of souls

Earth being a ‘harvester of souls’ means that human souls experience corporeal life on Earth and then spiritual life in Earth’s heavens (atmospherea), and this is all in preparation for their souls to eventually leave Earth’s atmosphere and be relocated to etherea (see Figure 1).
Jehovih said: I created the earth, and fashioned it, and placed it in the firmament; and by My presence brought man forth a living being. A corporeal body gave I him that he might learn corporeal things; and death I made that he might rise in the firmament and inherit My etherean worlds.
The Asu were not much different than animals, but after the angels pro-created with the Asu, their offspring became a new race called ‘man’ and the differences between animal and man are what makes the human soul harvestable. Part 2’s Creation of Man section introduced the differences between man and animal, but this synopsis will take a closer look at the unique characteristics and capabilities of mankind that made such a thing possible and inevitably desirable.
…man was helpless, crawling on his belly, and he understood not the voice of the Almighty. And Jehovih called angels, who were older than the earth, and he said unto them: Go ye, raise man upright, and teach him to understand.
What makes the soul of man harvestable?
Oahspe’s description of mankind reveals at least 6 fundamental differences between animal and man:
- the spirit (soul) of man is ‘capable of immortality’ because unlike animals, it is an individualized part of the Creator’s soul
- the spirit of man progresses forever (the evolution of the soul)
- man receives both direct and indirect inspiration (animals receive only direct)
- man has the capability to comprehend the Creator
- man can share knowledge with others using words
- man aspires to use his/her talents for eventual ascension to etherea (to ‘wider fields of labor’ in etherea)
Examples and evidence of these differences will be revealed along the way by Oahspe’s historical account, but the first difference, which is that the spirit (soul) of man is ‘capable of immortality’, is so foundational that it will be covered now. Somehow the Creator quickened the spirt of the angel/Asu offspring (the new race called man): “Fruit of your seed have I quickened with my spirit”. Oahspe states that the Creator is 3 parts: His body, His soul, and His speech. For animals, the Creator quickened their spirits into life by His hand, but for the new race of man, the Creator quickened their spirits by His spirit. Therefore, the animal spirit is part of the Creator’s body while the spirits of the new race of man are part of His spirit (soul), which is immortal. The quickening made the spirit of man more individualized, which is called the ‘illusion of separation’ today, but more importantly, the spirit of man became “capable of immortality”.
As the corporeal earth passeth away, so shall pass away the first race Asu; but as I pass not away, so shall not pass away the spirit of man.
For differences 2-6, they are grouped together here because they are causally intertwined. (2) Only the spirit of man progresses forever and this is possible because (3) man receives both direct and indirect inspiration from the Creator (animals receive only direct). This capability to receive both direct and indirect inspiration also gives man the ability to (4) comprehend the Creator and (5) share knowledge with others using words. And all these differences support and enable (6) only man to aspire to use his/her talents to serve those beneath him/her, which purifies the soul in strength and wisdom resulting in eventual promotion to ‘wider fields of labor’ beyond Earth’s atmosphere in etherea.
Table-1 provides relevant quotes from Oahspe that support these 6 differences between animal and man.
1. spirit of man is part of the Creator’s spirit/soul, so capable of immortality | “For my animals, I bestowed like a vessel that is full of water; no more can be put into them; and also, when the vessel is destroyed, the water runneth back to the ocean. I quickened them into life by My Own hand; but when I take away My hand, lo, they are gone back into dissolution. As a drop of water hath no power before the sun, but evaporateth and is seen no more, so is the spirit of all the animals…” “… when My angels let go their hands on My spiritual animals, their spirits fall into the sea of My body, and are seen no more… But to thee, O man, I gave power for everlasting life.” |
2. spirit of man progresses forever | “Though the waters of the ocean rise up and make clouds; and the clouds fall down as rain and run to the rivers, and thence back to the oceans, a thousand times, ten thousands of times, yet that water hath not progressed. Neither have I given progress to a stone, nor a tree, nor to an animal; but to man only have I given progress.” “Neither created I any animal that walketh on land, or flieth in the air, or swimmeth in the water, or that crawleth on its belly, with desire for spiritual life, nor with the capacity to aggregate the spiritual entity.” |
3. man receives both direct and indirect inspiration | “I inspire all living animals which I created; but they know it not. I inspire the spider to make its net; the bird to build her nest; the wild goose to fly to the south, before winter cometh… every living creature do I move and control by My inspiration upon them.” “Although all inspiration goeth from Me to all living, directly, yet I also created man susceptible to indirect inspiration from all My creations.” |
4. man has the ability to comprehend the Creator | “And to man only gave I the capacity to comprehend an idea of Me, his Creator.” |
5. man can share knowledge with others using words | “…of all the animals I created in the world, to man only gave I capacity to transmit knowledge to his brethren by words.” |
6. man aspires to use his/her talents for eventual ascension to etherea | “I made man capacitated to receive inspiration from all things… I designed him, from the first, to work his way up to Godhead, understanding all below him.” “The mortal desireth to become a spirit; then his ambition is to become an etherean; next, an Orian; next, a Nirvanian; next, an Oe’tan, and then to travel in the surveys of the magnitudes.” |
For the remainder of this segue about Earth being a harvester of souls planet, a closer look at how mankind receives both direct and indirect inspiration from the Creator is necessary because it could be considered the potentiator that makes the other differences possible. Animals receive only direct inspiration, which is often called ‘instinct’: “I inspire the spider to make its net the bird to build her nest; the wild goose to fly to the south, before the winter cometh… every living creature do I move and control by My inspiration upon them.” Direct inspiration is sufficient for animals because it enables them to do what is seemingly natural, innate, and instinctual, to survive, but mankind was designed for more than survival. Mankind was designed to progress forever and “work his way up to Godhead, understanding all below him”, which is the level of wisdom needed in etherea.
The Lord said: All the instinct that is in the bird, or beast, or fish, or insect, or creeping thing, was created with them, but man was created blank; and yet man shall attain to more subtle senses than any other living creature.
Indirect inspiration comes from virtually anywhere and everywhere: the environment, from unseen angels, from positive or negative consequences of one’s actions, and so on. If inspiration moves someone to harmony, wisdom, and to life, then it is directly or indirectly from the Creator. If it moves someone to disharmony, folly, and to death, then it’s inspiration from man’s surroundings, which is still just another form of indirect inspiration from the Creator in terms of consequences.
Mankind is not alone
Because mankind is meant for more than survival, going against survival instincts, especially in a hostile world, is difficult, but mankind was never meant to do it alone: “To the beast I gave an already created sense (instinct); to man I allotted angels.” First, angels were tasked to remind/inform mankind of who they really are: “man was unconscious of his creation, not knowing whence he came”, so “I sent angels to man, to teach him who he was, and to rouse him up to his capabilities, for which I created him.”
Second, angels were tasked to help mankind distinguish the difference between direct and indirect inspiration to “control the behavior of mortals unto everlasting life… by inspiration or otherwise” while also being “discreet in governing” so that mortals received the “light”, but had the freedom to make their own choices. Mortals were supposed to make mistakes and suffer the “stings of obedience” to become wise rather than remain ignorant.
Third, since the angel/Asu offspring were “joint heirs in heaven”, angels would help to inspire mankind to use their talents to the best of their abilities to serve those beneath them to eventually “be promoted to wider fields of labor”. And this work had a top-down nature meaning as the angels guided mankind, the angels would receive guidance from the Lords and God above them, with whom would receive guidance from the ascended beings above them, and so on…
Inasmuch as ye raise up them that are beneath you, so will I send them who are above down to you, to raise you up also.
… to man I allotted angels. And even these have I provided with others above them; and yet others above them, forever and ever.
Lastly, angels were tasked to keep a record for every mortal with “the grade of their wisdom and good works” (other sources calls this the akashic record) so that when the mortal died and their spirit was delivered to a spirit guide, their record went with them.
Earth’s lower heavens, the intermediate world
This segue about Earth being a harvester of souls planet will conclude with a closer look at the Earth’s intermediate world, which is also referred to as the ‘lower heavens’ or ‘atmospherea’. This unseen world was first mentioned in Part 2’s section The Unseen Worlds, which introduced the idea that ‘the unseen has dominion over the seen’. Mortals/corporeans could not go from life on Earth (corpor) straight up to etherea; it was physically and spiritually impossible. Just like the lower heavens of other harvesting worlds, atmospherea had 3 levels (plateaux) and each level had its own ‘degree of density’ (see Figure 2). Because there were 3 different degrees of density in between corpor (Earth) and etherea, the spirit of man needed to progress through those levels at a pace determined by the compatibility between their spirit and the level of atmospherea. More specifically, the density of their spirit needed to be compatible with the density of the level (other sources refer to density as ‘vibration’).
… atmospherea, which heavens travel with the earth around the sun… Through which heavens all souls must pass, being first purified and risen in wisdom, ere (before) they can inherit the emancipated worlds in etherea.
As I made a limit to the ascent of the clouds, so made I a limit to the places of the different kinds of substances of atmospherea; the more subtle and potent to the extreme, and the more dense and impotent nearer to the earth.

All souls of the newly dead entered Earth’s intermediate world at the lowest level, closest to Earth, which is also the densest level. The denser the layer, the more contracted, heavier, and closer together the substances, leaving less room for light (information)2. This lowest level was for ‘first resurrection’ spirits and they remained there for an amount of time initially determined by the diet, desires, and behavior they exhibited during their lives on Earth. The total length of time in this lowest layer was determined by how quickly the spirit adapted to life in the spirit world.
…so shall he dwell in spirit on the plateaux to which he hath adapted himself during his earth life… For I made the power of attraction manifest in all things… like should attract like…
When mortals die and are born in spirit, ye shall receive them and enter them in your records as es’yans, signifying new born in heaven… they shall tarry, some for a few days, and some for the space of a year or more.
In order for first resurrection spirits to become eligible to become a ‘second resurrection’ spirit in the second layer and then eventually a ‘third resurrection’ spirit in the third and highest layer, the spirit had to comprehend and revere the Creator, purify themselves, do as much good work as he/she could, and then affiliate with a communal brotherhood. The spirit’s journey through the 3 layers of the Earth’s intermediate world was the mechanism for “purifying ourselves in flesh and in thoughts before we are companionable to pure angels”. Once a spirit was ready to be relocated to etherea, the ’emancipated’ heavens, the spirit resided in the third layer of atmospherea until the next ‘harvest’ occurred where they would be transported beyond Earth’s atmosphere. Part 5’s section, progression of spirit through 1-3 levels, provides additional details about requirements for progressing through the 3 levels of Earth’s intermediate world.
The vortex
Regarding how ‘heaven’ exists within Earth’s atmosphere, although Oahspe provides so much detail about these heavens that they can’t possibly be mere religious metaphor, their existence is still hard to believe when compared to what has been taught by mainstream science. Oahspe does, however, describe the vortex as being the underlying mechanism for the ‘lower heavens’.
Space consists of nested vortices and vortices are like whirlwinds or cyclones. For example, the sun exists within its own large vortex, Earth exists within its own vortex, and every other planet in the solar system exists within their own vortices. The vortices of the Earth and the other planets are each locked into their own orbital paths around the sun.
A world is created by its vortex, so in the beginning, the vortex brings in substances from space and propels the substances together toward the center by its force, condenses the substances, causes friction and heat, and eventually, the center of the vortex becomes dense enough to generate light in the form of a “molten globe of fire”, which we know as a comet. This means that a comet is an incomplete planet whereby the substances within the vortex are not yet condensed enough to form a planet.
As mentioned, the planets in our solar system are each locked into their own orbital paths round the sun, but comets do not orbit anything; instead, they travel along the currents of their master vortex, which in our case is the sun. Less than half of the comets “ripen into planets”. Both comets and planets rotate on an axis, but in order for comets to mature into planets that orbit another object, the vortex must grow large enough, dense enough, and strong enough to establish its own orbit within the currents of the master vortex.
The vortex is like a whirlwind and it formed the Earth, so the vortex is the Earth’s atmosphere (see Figure 3). To this day, “representatives of all things on earth” are constantly evaporating up to the atmosphere. Everything in the vegetable and animal kingdoms are made of the “air of heaven” and the “dust of the earth”, so anytime it is not raining, Earth’s innate heat and moisture (generated by the power of the vortex) sends the atmospherean parts (air of heaven) of all substances up to the atmosphere.
These substances create plateaux, or spheres, that surround, rotate, and travel with the Earth. These plateaux are anywhere from ten to a hundred thousand or more miles wide and can be “sufficiently dense for a corporeal man to dwell upon, and to walk about, even as on the earth”.

Note: Oahspe explains that in addition to the vortex being the underlying mechanism for the atmospheric heavens, the vortex is responsible for many other types of phenomena previously attributed to other causes such as the production of heat and light, the rotation of planetary bodies on their axis, propulsion through space, the tides, and perceived attraction, gravity, and magnetism.
The first God of Earth, 72,000 years ago
This synopsis will now continue with the most important events of Oahspe’s recorded history beginning with the first ‘God of Earth’, which was an archangel named Sethantes. As mentioned in Part 1’s section Earth has been managed the last 14 million years, Oahspe’s history covers the 72,000-year Age of Seffas, which ended in 1848, and this period of time was divided into 24 cycles that each span about 3,000 years in duration. A new ‘God of Earth’ is appointed for each cycle and is selected from the high-raised etherean hosts of that local space/time region.
Sethantes, My son, behold, I gave into thy charge in My etherean heavens millions of angels, and thou has brought them to earth, and they are fallen from their high estate. Go thou, deliver them.
Sethantes established the Earth’s first lower heaven and it was named Hored meaning “first organic abiding place for the first God of this world”. The ‘heavenly kingdom of Hored’ was built on a plateau above the continent of Pan (Japan is the only remnant of Pan today because most of Pan was sunk in the ‘great flood’ that occurs 48,000 years later). For the inhabitants of Earth’s lower heavens, Sethantes appointed 5 lords to build ‘heavenly kingdoms’ above the 5 main divisions of Earth: Pan, Asia, America, Africa, and Europe.
For the angels that pro-created with the Asuans and were commanded to “give up their forms, and to be no more seen as mortals”, Sethantes graded and divided them into first and second resurrection angels. The first resurrection angels were assigned to live in the heavenly kingdoms of the 5 lords and labor with mortals as ‘guardian angels’. The second resurrection angels were assigned to live higher in Sethantes’ kingdom of Hored as spirit guides that receive the newly dead. Earth’s lower heavens soon became as structured as the continents, nations, and cities that we have on Earth, but interestingly, these divisions didn’t yet exist on Earth. Mankind would later be inspired to build the same types of divisions on Earth as they were in heaven.

In addition to the God of Earth, the 5 lords, the spirit guides, and guardian angels, Earth’s lower heavens employed the following types of angels:
- Angel surveyors to survey the Earth and atmospherea (lower heavens)
- Astronomers to note the place of the stars
- Enumerators to number and grade the inhabitants of Earth and its heavens
- Nurses and physicians to receive newborn spirits (spirits of the newly dead) for treatment and healing
- Builders of ‘heavenly mansions’
- Weavers of fabrics for clothing the newborn spirits
- Builders of heavenly ships for transporting inhabitants from place to place
- Officers and teachers
These angels were selected for their roles “According to your talents have you been chosen; according to your excellence will ye be promoted to wider fields of labor”, making their labor toward the ascension of mankind in turn a contribution to their own ascension.
Go to Part 4, summary of the first 48,000 years up to the “great flood”…
- Image of the 3 worlds (Figure 2):
- Image of Cevorkum (Figure 4):