This part covers the cycle of Fragapatti, which was the time in which spiritual knowledge would be brought back to Earth by the first great prophet, Zarathustra. Zarathustra established the first organized religion, Zarathustrianism, in Persia, Arabia, China, and India. His teachings formed the foundation that other true prophets would build upon in years to come. Oahspe covers how true Gods, Lords, angels, and mortals worked together to usher in a spiritual renaissance.
11,000 Years ago, the God of Earth was Fragapatti
By the beginning of Fragapatti’s cycle, it had been 3,100 years since Osiris took people away from extreme dependence on spirit to a more science-minded existence. People were intentionally inspired to focus on knowledge of the Earth, moon, and stars as well as intellect and invention. All cycles begin with light and end in darkness and Osiris’ cycle was no exception, but after Osiris “sowed the seed of mental culture amongst mortals”, the seed grew “to be a giant, and a most merciless tyrant”.
Fragapatti brought spiritual knowledge back to Earth through the prophet Zarathustra
Before this time, spiritual history had been “locked up privately with the chosen race, the I’hins”, but now it was time for spiritual history to “stand before both saints and sinners”. With the expanse of knowledge and science, mankind and angels could no longer be commanded to believe; they needed proof. In addition to learned men and women of science, Zarathustra also had to contend with the dominion of kings and queens and many mixed tribes.
Zarathustra portrayed as incarnated Jehovih: It was decided that Zarathustra would appear to be an “incarnated Jehovih in mortal form” and signs and miracles would occur during his birth, life, death, and resurrection that would prove to “stubborn kings” and “slaughterers of men” that there is continued life after death and emancipated heavens. Zarathustra would teach in a way that aligned with the advanced knowledge of the day and in his death and resurrection, people would have sympathy for his sufferings and would be taught to “follow his spirit up to heaven”.

Zarathustra was a subterfuge: After Oahspe explained the plans for the prophet Zarathustra, it added, “But all these subterfuges should be set aside in the kosmon era.” A “subterfuge” is defined as “deceit used in order to achieve one’s goal”. What this means is that although Zarathustra’s teachings were true, the circumstances around him were riddled with signs and miracles intended to provide proof to the especially disbelieving population of the day. For example, although Zarathustra was indeed supported by true Lords and Gods, he was not a ‘God appearing before mortals’; instead, he was a fifth-generation psychic medium born and bred specifically to receive and deliver “God’s Word”.
Fragapatti prepared the world for the birth of Zarathustra
Two hundred years before the beginning of the Fragapatti’s cycle, Fragapatti sent his son, Aurevat, to survey the Earth to “find the inhabitants of the earth suitable for sacred records”, which meant to find the family suitable to raise up a prophet. It took 6 generations for loo’is, which are “masters of generations” angels, to raise up a prophet, but more details will be provided on that later.
While the loo’is were raising up Zarathustra, Fragapatti traveled the Earth several times in a ship that “was built without lights or curtains, so they might travel unobserved” to carry out the following 5 objectives:

(1) Fragapatti adjusted the divisions of Earth (countries): Slight adjustments were made to several existing divisions, but the significant changes included the new division of Heleste (Greece), which was considered “the first country of the brown red race”. West of Greece, the new division of Uropa (Europe) was established and took its name from Goddess Uropa, the “first Goddess of a barbarian division of the earth”. See
How civilization in Europe began
When Europe was established about 9,000 years ago, Goddess Uropa was the first Goddess of “the barbarian division of the earth”. There were very few mortal inhabitants at the time, but there were 600 million angels/spirits, mostly wandering spirits (drujas). The few mortal inhabitants used stone, but had no copper or iron. Five hundred guardian angels inspired 50 Arabian men, skilled in “mining and working in copper and iron” to migrate to Europe, find the ore in the mountains, and then make tools for hunting and fishing. In 4 years time, over 20,000 more Arabian men migrated to Europe and were inspired to marry the druks and half-breed I’huan. This was how Europe was populated with “a new people of higher light”.
for more details on how Europe was populated with “a new people of higher light”.
America was further divided into “the two great west lands” of North America and South America. All of the islands were named Oce’ya and the waters of the Earth were named Oce’a, signifying “in likeness of the earth and the sky”.
(2) Lords prepared to provide signs and miracles for Zarathustra: Fragapatti informed the Lords of Persia, Arabia, China, and India of Zarathustra’s upcoming visit. The Lords were told that if Zarathustra holds up his hands to the Father, gather substance around him and shield him with a wall of fire. Whenever he says Father, “give Thy children food”, “cast down, from the air above, fish and fruit.” If someone raises a hand against Zarathustra, shield him. If a man draws a sword, catch the blade and break it into pieces.
(3) Communication improved between angels and mortals: Two cycles ago during Apollo’s cycle, communication between the seen and unseen worlds was allowed, but eventually, mortals depended on spirits of the dead for prophecy and “ceased to perfect themselves, and they grew up in idleness”. Then during Osiris’ cycle, it was as if a wall was erected between the seen and unseen worlds so that no communication occurred, but eventually, “Every man on the earth hath a philosophy of his own; every spirit in these heavens hath a philosophy of his own. And there is no uniformity between any of them.” For Fragapatti’s cycle, he would “pursue a mean betwixt the two”. Only certain selected spirits would be permitted to return to mortals and only certain mortals would be permitted to attain su’is and sar’gis (clairaudience and clairvoyance). Furthermore, such mortals would be inspired to keep “the process of inter-communion a secret amongst mortals”. Non-psychic mortals were also told, from that time forward, that any spirit not communicating through a priest was “evil, raised up against truth”.
(4) Moving drujas away from Earth and into the heavens
The plans for the spiritual renaissance would never work unless the Lords figured out a way to “shut off the drujas of heaven and the druks of earth”. The Lords of each country found different ways to gather up the drujas and get them away from the Earth and into the lower heavens so that when Zarathustra arrived, the drujas “were powerless to prevent the decrees of the Father’s word”. See
The nature of drujas: Some drujas that came down to Earth, or remained on Earth, were harmless just living among loved ones as familiars (spirits of deceased relatives) and surviving off the spiritual part of the food and drink of mortals. Other drujas became “engrossed in the affairs of mortals”, joined mortals in hunting, fighting war, lied and manipulated mortals, persuaded them to suicide, or inspired them to war just to see them destroy one another. Some drujas wanted revenge. For example, if a tyrant killed many people on Earth and the souls of the slain became tormented, they would return to Earth to inspire the tyrant to even more wickedness with the intention of eventually leading the tyrant to his/her own demise.
Drujas needed to “understand that they were dead as to their earth bodies, and they must give up the earth”, but drujas did not aspire to “exercise and labor” for spiritual growth or to the idea that there were higher heavens more beautiful than words could describe. Each country had to find a way to entice or force their drujas away from the surface of the Earth and into the lower heavens.
How the countries dealt with drujas: For all countries, the Lords increased the number of guardian angels to keep the drujas away from mortals. This cut the drujas off from their source of sustenance and made them have to work with the Lords. As you’ll see below, most countries enticed their drujas to come and stay in the lower heavens with entertainment and recreation. Such activities would prove to the drujas the good works of Jehovih and eventually lead to their ability and willingness to feed and clothe themselves “by their own industry”, which was the foundation for growth of the soul.
In America, the God, Yaton’te, brought drought to the land and since the drujas could no longer depend on mortals, they had to depend on the Lords. Ahead of time, Yaton’te built a lowest heavenly plateau, which was named Hochedowa for “happy hunting ground” because it was a mirage. Everything on Earth was subjectively created using machinery (mirrors and lenses). There were spiritual equivalents to forests, lakes, rivers, and all animals; the only real (subjective) things were the inhabitants and their food. The drujas that clothed themselves and acted righteously were given priority for entering this new lower heaven and receiving food. There were also heavens midway between light and dark, subjective and objective, for the drujas that needed to be redeemed. There were “great hunting fields” called Washa’wow’wow and a place of tournaments called Se’ka’to’si. All of this amusement and instruction was to awaken drujas to their condition and their possibilities.
In India, the God, Yima, would separate the partly light spirits from the wholly dark. Yima built an attractive heaven with places of amusement, places of worship, and places of learning. First, selectors were sent to Earth to gather up whatever drujas would choose to come and these became third resurrection spirits. Next, pillars of fire were erected around the new heaven creating an impression of “seclusion”, which made some drujas want to come even more. The Creator said “For thus have I created man, that to whom putteth him away he will return with zeal.” When this second group of drujas came hoping to be admitted, the ones that were clothed and exhibited righteous behavior were given priority and these became the second resurrection spirits. Lastly, for the drujas that still remained on Earth, the ones “left without judgement”, they were possessed by the Lords, put into colonies, and became the first resurrection spirits.
In Greece and Europe, Greece’s God, Gir-ak-shi, and Goddess Uropa built new lower heavens before rounding up the drujas. These heavens were “heavenly places in the mountains, pure and delightful” where drujas could feast and sport for a year. The drujas were entertained, fed, and clothed for a year before going to schools, factories, and hospitals.
In China, Oahspe does not mention anything about the Lords of China enticing the drujas with entertainment, but once the new Lords were established, 40 of them, within 1 year they had raised up more than 1,000 million spirits in their lower heavens, “prepared them with houses, hospitals, nurseries and factories, and all such things and places as are required in hada.” By the second year, they had raised up another 1,000 million and half of those had were “taken away from the earth by force”.
for more details about the nature of drujas and how each of the countries moved their drujas up into their lower heavens.
(5) Mortals shown the power of the unseen before spiritual renaissance: After several thousand years of spiritual disbelief and persecution of Osiris’ cycle, mortals needed to be reminded of the power of the unseen in preparation for what I call a “spiritual renaissance” that would be spurred on by Zarathustra’s upcoming visit. Kings and queens and military captains and generals especially needed to be rendered powerless so they would not get in the way of Zarathustra’s teachings. For more details about how kings’ and queens’ palaces and temples of the stars were demolished, angels kept innocent mortals unharmed, mortals were made to see visions in their dreams and started having unusual powers, and how captains and generals of armies were taken over and rendered powerless, see
Mortals were reminded of the power of the unseen
In the beginning of Fragapatti’s cycle, about 9,000 years ago, Lords of different countries needed to inform/remind their mortals of the power of the unseen in preparation for what I call a “spiritual renaissance” that would be spurred on by Zarathustra’s upcoming visit. The best examples of this occurred in India and China.
In India, the God Yima carried out a display of unseen power that “had never been before since the foundation of this world”. He sent powerful angels to Earth to tear down temples of the stars, bust up the iron gates of the cities, and demolish the palaces of the kings and queens. All the while, “men and women and children were carried in the air by angels, and unharmed”. Mortals were also “made to behold… with their own eyes” their household goods being carried out of their houses and food stripped off of the tables as they sat down to feast. Mortals “were made to see visions and to dream dreams of prophecy, and to have unusual powers”. In some places, spirits walked among mortals, could be seen and felt, and audibly explained the dominion of their God, Yima, and his Lords.
In China, their region of Earth has been in a’ji (darkness) for the last 1,300 years, so their cities were full of huge and fierce warriors. Oahspe explains that 40 Lords and 10,000 assistants went down to Earth to “drive away drujas, and take possession of the kings’ and queens’ palaces, and of the temples of the stars; and they shall obtain control over the captains and generals of armies, and blind their judgement, and lead them astray, so that they will be powerless in war and destruction.”

Arabian king tried to steal secrets from the I’hin: Before beginning the coverage of the life of the first great prophet Zarathustra, Oahspe provides details about the first time that non-spiritual people tried to steal the secrets of the I’hin, the sacred people. An Arabian king put an I’hin rab’bah to death for refusing to give him their secrets and the rab’bah’s blood-stained hat, “The Scarlet Hat”, became a sacred symbol of power for thousands of years, an “emblem of heaven”, second only to the crown of Jehovih. Years later, early church fathers wore red hats and the red hat eventually became the official hat of the Catholic cardinals.
Arabian king tries to steal secrets from the I’hin
A significant event occurred in Arabia at the beginning of Fragapatti’s cycle (about 9,000 years ago, so 7,000 BCE) where for the first time, non-spiritual people tried to steal secrets of the I’hin and it resulted in the birth of “The Scarlet Hat”, which Oashpe says is the origin of the Catholic cardinals’ hats.
Up until this time, “all the people in the world respected the I’hins, neither denied them anything”, especially the I’huan because the I’hin were the “forefathers and foremothers of the I’huans”. In the lower part of Arabia, there was a tribe of I’huan that had lived there for hundreds of years. Their king, Che-mut, started out wise, but after subjugating other cities in Arabia to his city, “he became a tyrant and a man of wickedness”. Worse, he killed tens of thousands of people who died in anger due to the injustice, so their tormented souls came back down to Earth to inspire the king to greater wickedness with the intention of having him eventually killed by his own people.
He was “learned in the earth, and moon, and stars”, but he could tell that the I’hin, the sacred people, that had lived in Arabia for thousands of years, had some other means of prophecy beyond consulting the stars, such as miracles and religion. He wanted to use “their gifts of miracles and power of prophecy” to take over Persia, China, and India and to eventually “become king of all the world”.
I’hin rab’bah explains why the secrets cannot be shared
No one had ever stole from the I’hin, but Che-mut dismissed the previous regard for the I’hin as superstition. He brought people of great learning to his city and then had I’hin seized from different cities and told they would be put to death unless they revealed their secrets and agreed to marry I’huans. The I’hin’s chief rab’bah, Hab-bak, explained to Che-mut that their wisdom came from marriage, no other people are born with such wisdom, “secrets of the womb”, and they are sworn before their birth by their parents to secrecy in their religion. Furthermore, if the I’hin intermarry, the gift of prophecy will just be lost, their “pass-words and our signs” won’t work anymore. He further explained that if the gift of prophecy is given to evil men, it would give them all power, but anyone who desires prophecy for such purpose can never obtain it – it doesn’t come that way.
The king asked Hab-bak why they called themselves I’hins and Hab-bak told him, “Because we are Faithists in One Great Spirit”. Che-mut then wanted to know the name of the Great Spirit, so that maybe he could at least “heal the sick, restore the blind and deaf, and especially prophecy”, but it was a secret and if Hab-bak repeated it, he would lose his power to prophecy. Even if Che-mut said it, it would do nothing for him because “To whoever uttered His name not in faith” or “for earthly gain or earthly glory”, it is in vain.
The rab’bah is killed and bloody hat is anointed
The king mocked Hab-bak and put him in the lion’s den, but before Hab-bak was devoured, he was able to make one more prophecy. He prophesied that even though the king’s people drastically outnumbered the I’hin, he wouldn’t be able to destroy even a thousand I’hin and the I’hin would not even have to raise a hand in self defense. He continued that after he is devoured by lions, his hat, red with his blood, would come out of the lion’s den and become “a mighty power for thousands of years”. And the day that “The Scarlet Hat” is carried in the streets, the king will be killed by his own people.
The Arabian king is killed and cast into a hell
After Hab-bak was killed by lions, the I’huan that were still superstitious about the I’hin, retrieved the hat and repeated Hab-bak’s prophecy throughout the city. Since the tyrant king had already killed and mistreated so many people, many people were already looking for a reason that would justify killing him. A riot started and the people killed the king and his learned men and women (his counselors and subsidiaries).
What happened next to king gives a glimpse into the nature of hell as explained in Oahspe. When the spirits of the king and his counselors were delivered from their mortal bodies, the drujas fell upon them and took them to a “foul-smelling place in hada, and cast him and them in, and the drujas went in after them, beating them” (hada = any chaotic region of the lowest heaven).
For hada regions of the lower heaven, spirits would bring their victims and cast them in. Then drujas would go around Earth and find whomever they hated and bring their spirits into the hada/hell. In hada, spirits get confused as if “they know nothing, being in chaos, or more like one in a troublesome nightmare, from which there is no awakening”.
I’hin rab’bah delivers the king from hell
Later Fragapatti visited Hab-bak’s spirit, which was in the lower heaven above Arabia. Jehovih spoke through Fragapatti to say, “I stretched forth My hand and took His hat, red with blood, out of the lions’ den; and I gave power unto the hat… Faith even unto death”. At the time, one of the most sacred signs was a triangle that was given to each new God of Earth. Now, the Hi-rom (scarlet hat) would be a new sign that was “Second only to Jehovih’s crown”.
Hab-bak was given the hat and went on to deliver the soul of the King who killed him. He went to the hada of the lower heaven, retrieved the king’s soul, physicians and nurses worked on him, and after 3 years, he woke back up and was moved to colonies of the lower heaven.
Oahspe says that the I'hin rab'bah's blood-stained hat of 9,000 years ago is the origin of the Catholic church's red cardinal hat. Mainstream religious history shows early church fathers wearing red hats as early as 340 AD and in 1245 AD, the Catholic Pope Innocent IV "wanted his favorites" to wear red hats so that they would be distinct and recognizable among the long procession of clergymen in their black, green, and violet hats. Today, the Pope still carries out the practice of "receiving the red hat" when he creates a new cardinal and upon the death of a cardinal, their red hat is hung over their tomb or from the ceiling until it is reduced to dust to symbolize how all Earthly glory is passing.
The first great prophet, Zarathustra
Out of all the prophets, Oahspe provides the greatest amount of detail for the first great prophet, Zarathustra. The details of Zarathustra’s conception, birth, life, death, and resurrection sound a lot like the story of Jesus, who was born about 7,000 years later (story of the New Testament, which was completed around 50 AD). There are reasons for this, which will be covered later, but in my opinion, if some of Jesus’ story does indeed borrow from Zarathustra’s story, it does not take away from the importance of both prophets.
Loo’is began working to raise up Zarathustra: As mentioned, loo’is, which were “masters of generations” angels, began working to raise up Zarathustra 200 years before Fragapatti’s cycle. When Fragapatti’s son, Aurevat, surveyed the Earth to find suitable people, he chose a group of people in Persia. As a reminder, about 6,000 years prior, Persia was founded by the Faithist descendants of the
The Lost Tribes
The tribes were lost during the cycle of Thor, so about 7,000 years before this time (around 14,000 BC). Oahspe explains that the story of the Lost Tribes is just as significant as the great flood of ~22,000 BC, so efforts have been made to record and retain both events for future generations.
The story starts after the great flood of 22,000 BC when the surviving I’hin were sent to Arabia, China, and India (and America and Japan). About 8,000 years later, so around 14,000 BC, the Faithist descendants of the surviving I’hin in Arabia, China, and India, were separately told to travel to the other 2 countries to find their brethren for they were all descendants of the I’hin that were saved by the flood: “there are two other countries inhabited by kin of your kin, flesh of your flesh, and they are Ghans also. And they speak and write Panic words…” (the Faithist that traveled were Ghan and I’huan).
It was foretold that the the I’hin race would come to end on Earth in 2,500 years (around 4,500 B.C.) and that the Ghans would triumph over all the lands and the water, so this event was in preparation for those 2 prophesies.
When the Ghans and I’huan (aka Faithist Ghans) of these 3 countries traveled to one another, on the long journey back, 386 out of 6,000 migrants were lost.
This land was filled with wild goats (called Land of Goats), so the lost tribes learned how to live off of goats milk because they didn’t eat flesh/meat. They took on the name of “Shepherd Kings” and the lord said they “shall have this country. Behold, out of the seed of these people, will I do mighty wonders” (which was alluding to Zarathustra’s birth now, which was 7,000 years after the tribes were lost and then 3,000 years after Zarathustra, the prophet Abraham will also be born from these same people.
, which were in turn descendants of the I’hin that survived the great flood of 24,000 years ago (first introduced in Part 7). By this time, the long period of darkness at the end of Osiris’ cycle (end of Part 8) had taken its toll on Persia.
Worshipers of Jehovih (Faithists) were being persecuted in Persia: By the time of Zarathustra’s birth, Persia was ruled by a tyrant King So-qi who built up cities and aspired to become the “central governor of all the earth”. Once his people learned how to use “the motions, names and places of the stars, the moon and the sun” to prophecy “the affairs of nations and men”, Persians attributed the “highest cause to the sun and the stars” and “cast aside all spirit, even Jehovih”. As a result, the temples that were once used to worship Jehovih were being used to put to death people “who taught of or believed in spirit”.
Faithists escaped Persia to the wilderness: There were, however, true Faithists still in Persia, but they had to leave the cities and escape to the wilderness, the same wilderness the tribes were lost in with whom evolved into the “Shepherd Kings” and by Zarathustra’s they were also referred to as “Listians”. This is the same location and people that will soon provide safe harbor to Zarathustra and his Mother.
The conception of a prophet, a 5th-generation psychic medium
But first, in order for the loo’is to “raise up an heir for Jehovih’s kingdom”, it took 6 generations to raise up a son “having the gifts of su’is and sar’gis” of the fourth grade, meaning a highly capable clairaudient and clairvoyant psychic medium. In King So-qi’s city of Oas, loo’is sought out the “seed of the I’hin race”, I’hin men, and inspired them to succumb to the temptation of the “fairest daughters” of the I’huan and their children were considered “quickened fruit” (alluding to the result of 2 people partaking in the fruit of the tree of life, which generates new fruit). For the second generation, loo’is would go back and find I’hin men again and they would pro-create with the daughters of the first generation (the quickened fruit). This process was repeated over and over again until the 6th generation.
Loo’is would do a similar process about 3,000 years later for Brahma and Abraham; then 2,500 years after that for Moses; and then 2,000 years after that for Sakaya (Buddha), Ka’yu (Confucius), and Joshu (Jesus). Note: There were also the prophets Po, Eawahtah, and Capiyla, but they are lesser known to most people in the West.
Zarathustra’s mother led to believe she had a virgin birth: Zarathustra’s mother was named Too’che and she was taken over (obsessed) by an angel before she was impregnated by the father, Lo’ab. She remained in an unconscious state throughout her entire pregnancy. Because she was unconscious when Zarathustra was conceived, she thought she remained a virgin and the child had no father, so she proclaimed that throughout the city. She was not believed by the learned men, but before she could be persecuted, I’hua’Mazda, the “God of Heaven” and “God of the I’huans” at the time, spoke through the infant Zarathustra to the Chief of the learned men, named Asha: “make man know there is an Unseen Master. Behold this child has no sex! He is an Yeshuah (Iesu), a passionless birth”. I’hua’Mazda continued to relay the prophecy that although Zarathustra came in peace and love and would never raise a weapon, the city of Oas would eventually become “divided, man against man, and bloody war run riot in this walled kingdom” and the kingdom would fall. The mother, Too’che, was later called the “Virgin” among Zarathustra’s followers.
The term Yeshua (Iesu), which is a child with no gender, later contributes to the prophet, Joshu, being called “Jesus Christ” in the New Testament, which will be covered in more detail later.
Zarathustra proven a prophet to the Persian king So-qi: The Persian King So-qi was informed of Zarathustra and the prophecy. Although the King lived during an “enlightened age”, he had heard that Gods appeared before mortals in ancient history, so he requested to see “signs and miracles”. I’hua’Mazda, through Zarathustra, performed 3 miracles for people that would tell the King and then retreated to the “Forest of Goats” so that Zarathustra could grow up safely among the Listians. By 20 years old, Zarathustra was as big as 3 ordinary men, but he was gentle like a young goat, so the Listians called him the “Lamb of God” signifying strength and goodwill.
Zarathustra grows up with the Listians in the “Forest of Goats”
During the 20 years, Zarathustra prophesied for the Listians, taught them how to build houses, how to tame goats, how to live in cities, and how to subdue the Earth (the wild animals) through righteousness. After their time with Zarathustra, the Listians further embraced their sovereignty and styled themselves after the shepherd kings of the recent past, where men dressed like kings and women dressed like queens.
About 3,000 years later, these Listians would migrate out of the mountains and into Arabia, become known as the Fonece’ans, signifying “out of the mountains, and would be the Zarathustrians of Abraham’s time.
Every aspect of Zarathustra’s existence planned out
Everything about Zarathustra’s life had been planned out (prophesied). He would write about his teachings during his life rather than allow crafty philosophers to write about them after his death. He would also prove the following tenets:
- he would prove continued life after death
- that corporeal death belongs “to the earth-body of man, and not to the spirit”
- the existence of the upper heavens (etherea)
- that man on corporeal Earth can live “All Pure and without sin”
- he would prove “the advantage of virtue and truth over sin and darkness” when he is able to resurrect
Again, the signs and miracles that would happen around Zarathustra were to provide proof of these tenets. The tenets were true, but the signs and miracles were more so “subterfuges” to carry out a staged scenario to provide proof to the especially disbelieving population of those times.
Zarathustra becomes an I’hin priest: When it was time for Zarathustra to venture out of the “Forest of Goats”, he spent 7 years with the I’hin. They accepted him as an I’hin, taught him the rites and ceremonies of the ancients, and made him a priest. He taught them “the sacred words and the art of writing and making tablets” because up until then, the I’hin maintained their secrets orally. Zarathustra then went back to the Listians in the forest for 7 more years to teach and rest before it was time for him to travel to the different countries that Fragapatti had prepared.
Zarathustra proven a prophet to the Persian king Asha: By this time, the Persian King So-qi had died and the Chief of the learned men, Asha, was now King. Zarathustra informed King Asha that ever since they met when Zarathustra was an infant, guardian angels had been with Asha and knew that he continued to contemplate whether or not man could be immortal. Zarathustra then told King Asha that the city of Oas would fall within 6 years, he would be reduced to beggary, but he would be happier than he is now.
King Asha struggled to believe, so I’hua’Mazda, through Zarathustra, brought before the King the soul of the former King So’qi with whom exclaimed: “True, O king, the soul is immortal!” King Asha requested to see 20 additional spirits for proof such a thing was really possible. Zarathustra went on to teach the Persian King about how there is a Creator, then there are the unseen worlds in the sky, then the seen worlds, then mortals, then spirits of the dead, and lastly, how exalted angelic masters and teachers are sent down to Earth.
Zarathustra writes the Zarathustrian laws: Right about the time that King Asha was moved to belief and ready to abdicate his throne, Zarathustra told him to remain in place so that first Zarathustra could return to the forest to write the Zarathustrian laws (aka the I’hua’Mazdian laws and in English, “God’s Word”). These laws included rules for mortal life and many other tenets. Expand the tabs below for more details including the origin of mass, the trinity, the sabbath, baptism, the all seeing eye, the caste system, and circumcision.
About 7,000 years ago, Zarathustra retreated to the forest for 30 days with the “choicest ink and brushes and writing cloth” and 2 servants, which were all provided by the Persian King Asha, to write the Zarathustrian Laws. I’hua’Mazda, the “God of Heaven” and the “God of Zarathustra”, taught Zarathustra “ten times ten thousand hundred thousand” words and the meanings of them to impart the secret of heaven and Earth. The following list is just a few of the tenets highly paraphrased for the sake of simplicity:
Honor the 4 sacred moon days as the change of watch of the Gods and angels: the first night of the new moon established as “mas” (mass), the “moon’s mas night for the spirits of the dead” |
The sabbath: to labor for 6 days and then worship on the 7th day |
The 7 sins: vanity, tattling, worthlessness, lying, incurable wickedness, evil intentions for the sake of evil, and king/leadership (first introduced 15,000 years earlier, right after the great flood, simultaneously and separately to the Faithists of America, China, India, and Egypt/Africa, detailed in Part 5’s 7 tetracts section). |
Baptism of children to consecrate them – water and fire were used and the rab’bah would give the child a new name |
Reinforcement of the existing practice of circumcision of young males and the addition of ear piercing for females (circumcision was originally introduced 63,000 years ago so that I’hin women would not be deceived by druk men and inadvertently pro-create with them and have children that were not “capable of everlasting life”) |
The symbol of the All Potent Eye to be taught, especially to children, whereby this eye could see into the body of mortals, into their behavior, and into their soul |
To worship the Creator (aka Ormazd/Jehovih) and disown other rulers, kings, queens, Lords, or Gods (like the I’hin of the East) |
Songs, prayers, and dances for worshipping the Creator |
How to start new lives in smaller communities of no more than 1,000 people with at least 1 rab’bah |
To eat fruit, nuts, roots, and bread, and no animal meat (sometimes it was encouraged to eat fish and sometimes it was not. Fish were regarded differently than other animals because they are cold-blooded and thought to feel no pain) |
To build an alter with a wheel (a Fete wheel) and the All Potent Eye for initial and regular renewal of the covenant of consecration. Place the wheels/alters along-side roads (see
This wheel was also used when people made an oath to turn from evil and strive to do good. When Zarathustrian law was being established, wheels were placed along-side roads, near intersections, so that whomever passed could turn the wheel and renew their covenant. for additional details). |
Caste for the Zarathustrians, 8,000 years ago: At this time, a caste system for the I’hin, I’huan, and Druk was established as a necessity rather than for elitism or exclusivity. It was implemented to help mortals make ideal marital decisions that would establish expertise in certain fields (occupations) and was never meant to endure until the end of time. In fact, about 1,800 years after this, the caste system was no longer needed and had become abusive, so darkness-inspired inter-marriage broke up this particular caste system. Initially, however, the castes were as follows:
- First caste: the I’hin, sacred among all people because they keep the Creator’s commandments
- Second caste: the I’huan, more powerful than any other people, so they subdue the Earth
- within the 2nd caste, a thousand more sub-castes were created for “all other occupations under the sun” to establish expertise in those occupations
- Third caste: the druks, “the evil people, who will not learn” (evil back then more so meant a focus on Earthly desires that disobeyed the commandments)
To-day I say: Preserve ye the caste of men; marry ye thus and so, every one to their own line. For I perceive it is wisdom. To-morrow I say: I will have no caste, for the races are becoming impoverished in blood; marry here and marry there!
Caste system for the Chinese, 6,000 years ago: About 1,000 years after the caste system of Zarathustra’s time, a different caste system was established in China by the prophet Po. Once again, the castes were for practical purposes, “Each and every caste shall remain by itself”, but “all of them are worthy before me, and are equally my children”. China’s 7-caste system consisted of prophets, those with the “highest genealogy”, rab’bahs and priests, nuns, physicians, the rich, and the very poor. The wise were supposed to raise up the foolish and the rich were supposed to apportion their riches for the benefit of the city and counsel the poor.

Today the Indian culture is still trying to abolish the abuses that have been perpetuated by the caste system of the past. Even Oahspe admitted that caste systems of the “olden time” morphed into people callously determining one’s caste by the number of servants one had or how many generations of their parents had risen above servitude.
The Zarathustrian Laws included variations of the trinity:
- The Light of all light Ormazd, the Soul of all souls (the ghost of all things)
- the Mother Almighty, the seen and unseen (created by Ormazd)
- the Son, the Voice, Expression of things, All Speech, All Communion (created by Ormazd and Mother)
- the Mother Almighty, the seen and unseen (created by Ormazd)
- Each and all created things have 3 attributes
- the ghost, the soul, which is incomprehensible
- the beast, the figure, the person, which is called individual
- the expression, to receive and impart
The trinity in Oahspe is different than the trinity of Christianity, which is introduced later. The trinity of Christianity includes the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but for Oahspe’s trinity, (1) there is no separate Father and Holy Spirit because the Father IS the Spirit (the ghost of all things) and (2) the Mother is added, which represents the seen (corporeal) and the unseen (es’ean) worlds.
The first Zarathustrians: Soon after, King Asha converted, gave up all he had on Earth, and lived, preached, and prayed with the poor. Within 1 year, he had over a thousand followers, which were I’huans and Ghans, and these became the first Zarathustrians. After Asha abdicated the throne, a man named Hi’ya’tseing became King. He saw Asha and Zarathustra as enemies because they were spreading their religion among the Persians and would eventually corrupt the people of the other countries under his rule (China, India, and Arabia).

The origin of the true cross and crucifixion: The new King Hi’ya’tseing arrested Asha. Asha requested to be killed according “to the Panic rites which were before the flood”, which meant that he would be bound to a wheel and cross and if he was truly supported by the Creator, the Creator would release him from the cross within 3 days. The new King granted his request because he doubted the practice. The King took great measures to ensure that he was not deceived by Asha. After 3 days, Asha was miraculously unbound. The King tried to go back on his word, but miracles occurred to save Asha and many others in the city of Oas. See
The wheel and cross was the original form of testing someone who claimed to be a su’is and/or sar’gis (someone who claimed to be able to hear and/or see angels). The claimant was tied to the wheel and to “crucify” him/her, it meant to melt, test by fire, or test by binding. If after 3 days the claimant was not miraculously unbound, the wheel and cross would be taken to the forest where wild beasts would devour him/her. If someone died on the cross because they were an imposter, their disciples would cut away and discard the surrounding wheel, but the cross-bars in the center of the wheel were retained, considered sacred, and hung in the place of worship.
for more information about the wheel, the true cross, and what it meant to “crucify” someone.
Zarathustra travels for 4 years: It was finally time for Zarathustra to travel to the different cities of China, India, Arabia, and then back to Persia. He took 50 well-learned, vigorous men with him and they spent 4 years overthrowing what needed to be overthrown, delivering the faithful and establishing Zarathustrian law with them, and helping displaced people establish new, smaller communities. Fragapatti had previously prepared the Lords of these countries to provide signs and miracles for Zarathustra and they delivered. Zarathustra was also accompanied by I’hua’Mazda, the God of the I’huan, who provided everything he needed. For more details about Zarathustra’s signs and miracles during his travels, see
The Miracles of Zarathustra
This is just a few of the signs and miracles that Zarathustra performed during the 4 years that he traveled through China, India, Arabia, and Persia. The Lords of these countries had previously been prepared by Fragapatti to provide signs and miracles for Zarathustra. Zarathustra also had the accompaniment of I’hua’Mazda, the God of the I’huan, who provided everything he needed.
Zarathustra had to perform signs and miracles just to enter many cities. Sometimes he would prove his power by listing all the names of a King’s relatives, alive and dead, to show that he could communicate with the King’s guardian angels and deceased relatives. With I’hua’Mazda’s help, he could also communicate in any language. Sometimes for a disbelieving leader, he would have the spirits of their deceased relatives clothe themselves in “corporeal parts” to make themselves seen and heard.
Angels constantly “fell to work to demonstrate their presence and power”. When people attempted to attack Zarathustra, he was protected by walls of fire, weapons would be broken, etc. If a leader could not be persuaded to repent, Zarathustra would withdraw his Lord and guardian angels from them, which enabled evil spirits (drujas) to come in and inspire the leader’s enemies (druks) to destroy their palace. For the thousands of displaced people, Zarathustra would carry out miracles to help them survive and start new lives: “there fell from the air above, fish and fruits and grains and roots, and all good things to eat”.
Once Zarathustra returned to the Persian city of Oas to fulfill the prophecies he made as an infant, the new King, Pon’yah, sent many armies out to find Zarathustra so he could be killed. The God, I’hua’Mazda, sent spirits to inspire the armies to go one way and led Zarathustra to go a different way, so none of the armies ever found him. Later when it was time for Zarathustra to be captured, he was still able to bring a man back to life, heal the sick, and restore the blind and death.
Once again, Oahspe states that these events were “subterfuges” that should be set aside in the kosmon era, meaning that all these signs and miracles were carried out intentionally, with the help of Lords, angels, and the God I’hua’Mazda, to prove the power of the unseen to the especially disbelieving population of the times.
During Zarathustra’s 4 years of travel, he and his hosts were able to overthrow and deliver many, many cities in China, India, and Arabia. In China, he overthrew 24 cities and kingdoms. In India, he was able to overthrow all of their cities, which freed the Indians from the dominion of the Sun Kingdom of Persia. In Arabia, however, Zarathustra had less success because the people were unlearned in books, stars, and tablets, but he was still able to deliver many cities. Then it was time for Zarathustra to return and overthrow the great Persian city of Oas, which was the prophecy from his infancy.
Zarathustra’s death and resurrection
By the time that Zarathustra returned to his birth city of Oas in Persia, the King was Pon’yah, who claimed to be the “Ruler of the Earth, Owner of all Human Flesh”. After almost 4 years of Zarathustra “preaching in foreign lands”, cities were no longer contributing to the city of Oas, so King Pon’yah offered reward for the capture of Zarathustra so he could put him to death for reviving ancient doctrines from the “dark ages”, teaching about a Creator greater than the King, teaching about spirits and gods that were contrary to nature, and spreading “disallegiance” to the Central Kingdom.
King tried to bribe Zarathustra: Before the execution, the King tried to bribe Zarathustra by offering him 5 cities if Zarathustra would give the King the “secrets of his power”. Zarathustra refused and reminded the King that Zarathustra himself would die the next day, then the temple of stars and the entire city of Oas would fall, and then the King himself would die by the next night.
All of the events of the prophecy occurred exactly as foretold; and there were even extra signs and miracles added on for further learning. Expand the tab below to see how Zarathustra’s execution resembled Jesus’ crucifixion, how this event was used to prove to mortals the existence of angels, the origin of the 3-day ritual of praying for the dead, and most importantly, how this event proved that a virtuous life positively impacts the afterlife.
Zarathustra prophesied about the following event in the same city of Oas when he was an infant (I’hua’Mazda spoke through him).

Interestingly, the first part of Zarathustra’s execution sounds a lot like a debated part of Jesus’ crucifixion from the New Testament bible. It was always part of the plan (prophecy) for Zarathustra to be executed with 2 non-spiritual people and in this case, they were thieves. On execution day, they “weeped and moaned” and Zarathustra consoled them: “I weep not, nor moan. They who put us to death know not what they do… Ye shall this day escape from the tyranny of Oas” and then Zarathustra continued to preach to the 2 thieves, and all the people who had gathered, for half of a day.
At execution time, when Zarathustra and the 2 thieves were being hung, just as prophesied, bolts of light destroyed the temple of the stars and the King’s palace. The King’s guards left him in fear, so “the multitude slew the king”. Before Zarathustra was hung, he set up another sign and miracle. He told the learned men attending the execution that after all 3 of their dead bodies were dropped in the lions den, that angels would protect his body and the lions would not eat his flesh. Only after all the other bodies are eaten would the angels withdraw from Zarathustra’s body so that the lions would eat his flesh last. These events occurred just as Zarathustra said they would and it proved to all that even the most savage of beasts have spiritual light, meaning they are governed by the unseen, even more so than man.
That night, the Zarathustrians and Asha gathered together at a neighbors to pray and mourn Zarathustra’s execution. The soul of Zarathustra appeared before them in body and even wearing the same clothes that he described as “substance held together by the power of my spirit”, which he said was possible for all spirits of the living to learn to do. The spirits of the 2 thieves and the King were brought back too, but they were confused, angry, and hardly comprehended they were dead. “The spirits of the thieves fell upon him (the King) with evil intent”.
Zarathustra taught the people the practice of praying and singing for the dead 3 times per day for 3 days to “raise them out of the torments of hell”, which resembles today’s Christian practice of “Paschal Triduum” or “Easter Triduum”, which occurs the 3 days around the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Zarathustra brought the spirits of the thieves and the King back to prove the value of virtue and truth, to show that what goes around, comes around (my terms, not Oahspe’s), and that the same such rules apply in heaven as they did on Earth because the spirit in the lower heavens continues whatever was practiced in the flesh on Earth.
Once again, Oahspe states that these events were “subterfuges” that should be set aside in the kosmon era, meaning that all these signs and miracles were carried out intentionally, with the help of Lords, angels, and the God I’hua’Mazda, to prove to the especially disbelieving population of the times. The disbelievers included conceited science-minded people of the Osirian age, stubborn kings and queens, and barbarians of mixed tribes.
Zarathustrian laws published: After Zarathustra’s resurrection, in spirit form, he preached to the Persians for 3 days and 3 nights while Asha wrote it all down for future “generations of Faithists”, which is/was another name for people that lived like the Zarathustrians. These teachings were considered the “first heavenly words given on tablets and skins and cloth, and in the books, to mortals”. Before this time, only the I’hin had been given “heavenly words”, but in secret, so no-one on Earth knew anything about that information at the time.

Harvest occurred same time as last miracle/proof: It was always part of the plan for Zarathustra’s death and resurrection to occur at the same time as the first harvest (third resurrection) of the cycle of Fragapatti. After Zarathustra’s death, resurrection, and 3 days of teaching, Zarathustra appeared again on the 4th day to tell everyone it was time for him to leave hada (the lower heavens). Because it was harvest time, Zarathustra was able to describe to the people the “heavenly ship of light” that would transport him, that was wider and taller than the eye can see and carried a million angels and “great Gods and great Lords” (Oahspe does not explicitly say that the mortals could see the ship too, but during other harvests, ships were intentionally visible by mortals for their awakening).
The first great prophet, Zarathustra, successfully re-introduced spirit into the lives of people, ensured that people communed with the right kinds of spirits through their priests/rab’bah, and provided the Zarathustrian laws to future generations.
Before concluding the synopsis of Zarathustra, this is a reminder that Oahspe states that these events were “subterfuges” that should be set aside in the kosmon era, meaning that all the signs and miracles were carried out, with the help of Lords, angels, and the God I’hua’Mazda, to prove to the especially disbelieving population of the times.
Go to Part 10, Additional events of this cycle including America reserved for the Age of Kosmon…
- Image of Zarathustra (Figure 1):
- Image of ship at harvest time (not from Oahspe):