24,000 years ago, post flood
Part 4 summarized the first 48,000 years including the trials and tribulations of the angel/Asu hybrid race, the I’hin, and the druks, Yaks, and I’huan. Heavens were established within the Earth’s atmosphere and cities and nations were established by mankind all over the world. Mankind withstood cyclical waves of high and low spirituality, but by the end of the 48,000-year period, the overall vibration (density) of Earth’s inhabitants had dropped too low for the region of space in which Earth was about to enter. In other words, as Earth and the solar system traveled onward through space into a less dense, lighter region, too many of Earth’s inhabitants’ vibrations/densities would be incompatibly too dense (low grade/vibration).
This section will cover how the Earth needed to be pruned and reset: wandering spirits (drujas) were gathered up, the few remaining I’hin were told to build ships, and the continent of Pan was sunk, which resulted in a great flood. The ships of I’hin were then sent back to the 5 divisions to start anew; everything had to be rebuilt as if nothing had ever existed. Figure 1 shows Japan as the remnant of the sunken continent of Pan.

First Volunteers, 2 different types: This post-flood time was the first time that Oahspe mentions ‘volunteers’ and there were 2 types: Earth-born and etherean-born. For the earth-born volunteers, 2 million spirits that were eligible for the third resurrection, meaning they were ready to ascend beyond Earth’s atmosphere, chose to stay back on Earth for another 200 years to help rebuild Earth’s atmospheric heavens. Earth-born volunteers sound like what we call “earth angels” today.
The etherean volunteers were spirits that were “different star raised” and from “different etherean circuits”, so they were high-raised, ascended beings from other planets, which we call “starseeds” today. These volunteers knew how to build factories, mansions, hospitals, nurseries, etc., so 5.5 million came to Earth for 200 years.
Interestingly, Part 4’s the great flood section mentioned how it was time for the management of Earth to be turned over to Earth-born angels. What this meant was that Earth had just entered an area of space where it was “No longer lawful for any but earth-born to hold the places of sub-Gods and sub-Lords and marshals”, so these etherean volunteers agreed to be demoted to laborers so they could stay and work with the barbarians of Earth.
Earth-born volunteers (earth angels) rebuild the lower heavens: The earth-born spirit volunteers spent 200 years rebuilding the lower heavens within Earth’s atmosphere (the intermediate world). Part 3’s section on the intermediate world introduced how the lower heavens had 3 levels (plateaux) and when a mortal died, their spirit entered this world at the lowest level as a first resurrection spirit. Their spirit progressed up through the levels at a pace determined by the density (vibration) of the spirit.
First resurrection heaven: This is a good time to take a closer look at the inner workings of the intermediate world. First resurrection spirits that resided in the lowest level of the intermediate world were spirits that retained a certain degree of pre-occupation with people and things from mortal life. These spirits were still concerned with the individual self and had diverse purposes, interests, and beliefs – just like people still alive on Earth. The Lords presided over these first resurrection spirits from their ‘heavenly kingdoms’ located on a plateaux above their assigned divisions.
Second resurrection spirits that resided in the middle level of the intermediate world were organized into communities of laborers and educators, they all embraced the concept of an All Person (the Creator, Jehovih), and had progressed enough in wisdom to put away selfish interests and labor for others in need. This layer of second resurrection spirits was presided over by the ‘God of Earth’, which was re-appointed at the beginning of each new 3,000-year cycle. As mentioned, when a mortal died, their spirit entered the intermediate world at the lowest level. Every several hundred years, eligible first resurrection spirits were resurrected up to the middle level as new second resurrection spirits.
Third resurrection spirits were ready to ascend outside/beyond Earth’s atmosphere in what was called a harvest. Harvests occurred less often than resurrections from first to second, so there was a holding area within Earth’s atmosphere called the ‘third resurrection atmospherean heaven’. These souls renounced all earthly interests, all false beliefs and earthly motivations, comprehended and had faith in the All Person, and were ready to go to the ‘ethereal heavens’ (aka Nirvana). At harvest time, these souls were transported by ethereal ship to the etherean heavens that were described as “infinite in size, distance and diversity, where one can always find new horizons for growth and experience”.
America (called Guatama) had separate first and second resurrection heavens because “the distance of the sea lay between these heavens”. The first resurrection heaven was ruled by a proxy to the Lord of the East and for the second resurrection heaven, the Lord presided over the spirits in person, but he and his attendants had to travel to America by etherean ship every 11 years.
Etherean-born volunteers (starseeds) enlighten barbarians: For the first time, great efforts went toward raising up non-spiritual people, which Oahpse called ‘barbarians’, and they did this because the barbarians were needed: “My chosen on earth cannot subdue it; for they are a harmless and defenseless people. Therefore, have I created the barbarian wisely; for he shall drive away and destroy all evil beasts and serpents; and the forests shall fall down before him.”
The etherean-born volunteers spent 200 years raising the consciousness of barbarians. Because barbarians were different than I’hins, they would need to be inspired in different ways. It was decided that ‘familiar spirits’, which were elder souls of the newly dead, would be used to convince barbarians that life continued after death. Ethereans managed the familiar spirits and for the spirits of the newly dead that were not qualified, ethereans quickly escorted them up and away from mortals. Familiar spirits had free will to inspire barbarians in whatever way worked: “Some are inspired by flattery, some by self-conceit, some by duty, some by love of righteousness; but there are others who can be led to self-improvement by persuading them they are chosen especially by some God or Lord, or the spirit of a renowned king or queen…” The latter technique caused things to get out of hand. Familiar spirits started taking on the names, and eventually the identities, of gods or lords or renowned kings or queens. They inspired barbarians by telling them that they had been chosen. This was just the beginning of a very, very long battle with false gods.
Loo’is, master of generations: A specific kind of etherean spirit called a loo’is, which was a ‘master of generations’, were also used to enlighten barbarians. Loo’is had already been working with the I’hin, but for the first time, they worked with barbarians to inspire marriages between mortals to raise up children with psychic abilities so that they could see and/or hear angels. Previously, kings and queens had to go to prophets, but these new kings and queens would be able to consult with familiar spirits directly.
Mankind must Remember the Flood
All religions on Earth tell the story of a great flood and this was by design. Oahspe states that from the beginning, it was very important that all future generations, in all parts of the world, know about the great flood. The reason for this is that it is common for people to think that natural evolution is what makes mankind rise from a lower to a higher state as the Earth grows older, but Oahspe states that there is no law like this; that man rises upward only by the labor of the Lords and the Gods that work for the Creator. Post-flood generations needed to discover that countries that they inhabit were once inhabited by a higher race before the flood.
I have left many nations and peoples before you to this day, who are on the downward road. And ye have corporeal records before you, showing you that in times past, the same countries were inhabited by a higher race. All resurrection comes from above. All aspiration come from the lord and his angels. For man, being of the flesh, would rather the desires of the flesh than to the spirit.
Since everything had to be built anew, physical proof of the flood would not exist. The story of the flood was put into ‘sacred words’ for the I’hin: “let signs be manifested, whereby men and angels in after times may know what hath happened. For it shall come to pass in later days that men and angels may forget the flood and the purging of the earth.” For the barbarians, ethereans taught them about the flood through song: “sing to mortals the song of the flood and they thus established its history to endure forever on earth”.
My chosen shall manifest many signs and words common to one another in these different divisions of the earth. They shall remember the flood.
Seven Deadly Sins
Once the Earth and its heavens were rebuilt after the great flood, things prospered for many years resulting in the ‘harvesting’ of thousands of millions of souls to the ethereal heavens. There were no great wars on Earth, no famines, and no epidemics, BUT, as usual, just when things were going well, something was changed to enable growth. Guardian angels were “withdrawn a pace, so shall the mortals advance a pace.” Earth also entered a period of darkness, so the Earth traveled (or was nudged) into a region of space/time that contained low-density substances (a’ji). See
Earth’s periods of darkness
Oahspe explains that just like the Earth orbits the sun every year, our entire solar system also orbits a central point, which takes 4.7 million years. Oahspe calls this central point the “North Star”. As Earth travels along the path around the North Star, it travels through regions of light and regions of darkness. Darker regions of space consist of slower-vibrating substances that are more contracted, leaving less room for light. When Earth travels through a darker, denser region of space, dense atmospherean substances fall to the Earth, block the light of the sun, can bury cities, and can cause severe weather changes resulting in drought, famine, fevers, epidemics, and plagues.
As Earth travels through lower-density regions of space, it affects people differently depending on their personal density (the density/vibration of their physical body). For example, lowest-density people typically engage in war, destruction, death, and lust. Moderate density people may also engage in war, but also intellectual and scientific development that takes them away from spiritual development. For the higher density people that are effected, they typically worship false Gods, Saviors, become superstitious, and/or practice self-serving rites and ceremonies often involving sexualism.
Periods of darkness are used for both (1) growth in wisdom/independence and (2) physical growth in the form of strengthening the race of man. For (1), periods of darkness lower the vibration of all mortals, bring drujas (wandering spirits) down to Earth, and result in less angelic support, so this means that mortals must face an increase in trials and tribulations on their own, which results in growth in wisdom. For (2), darkness increases Earthly desires, so celibacy is reduced, different races co-mingle, mankind is more prolific (has more children), and life spans increase, which are all things that strengthen the physicality of mankind.
for an overview of how/why Earth travels through denser, darker regions of space.
Mortals were given the first version of the “Seven Deadly Sins”, which Oahspe calls the “7 tetracts”, to help them independently manage themselves. These defined 7 different negative ways of thinking or feeling, which when expressed, had detrimental effects. These tetracts were given simultaneously and separately to the Faithists of America, China, India, and Egypt/Africa in Hebraic, Vedic, and Algonquin (Native American) languages. “The tetracts were some of the words selected in heaven to be given as everlasting names so that later, the tribes of Faithists might be discovered”.
- ANASH: persistent stubborness
- ZIMMAH: wicked device
- RA: delight in being bad
- BELYYALL: worthlessness
- AVEN: vanity and self conceit
- DIBBAH: slander and reporting of evils
- SA’TAN: to be a leader and especially to the delight the other 6 entities.
False Gods and Lords
While the withdrawal of guardian angels made it hard for mortals on Earth, the darkness of falling a’ji created chaos in the Earth’s lower heavens. This was the beginning of false gods and lords becoming a major problem on Earth as they amassed millions of followers and are still a problem for Earth to this very day. The darkness of the a’ji lowered the vibrations of both mortals and spirits/angels (lowered their grade), so there were no harvests to etherea (third resurrections) for so long that spirits in the lower heavens stopped believing that there were ‘emancipated heavens’ at all. Ambitious spirits started calling themselves gods and took advantage of the growing disbelief and began building ‘exalted kingdoms’ of their own. They made slaves of other spirits so that they those spirits would work to embellish their mansions and cities in the lower heavens. These false gods also sent slave souls back to mortals to inspire them to worship the kingdoms of the false gods. The confusion in heaven, the darkness of a’ji, and the withdrawal of guardian angels all had such a negative impact, that war and misery overspread the nations and tribes of people on Earth.
Go to Part 6, Cycle of Apollo, 20,000 years ago…