Yeshuah (Iesu) was originally the name of a heavenly kingdom: Oahpse explains that “Iesu” did not originally refer to a person at all. It started out as “Yeshuah”, which translated to “without evil”; and just so happened to be the name of the second heavenly kingdom within the Earth’s lower heavens (around 70000 BCE). For how “Yeshuah” evolved into “Iesu”, this was a time when mankind first started wearing clothes and forming villages and cities; “mortals were thick in tongue, and could not say Yeshuah, and they said I.E.Su.”. As a result, it was not long before “Yeshuah” and “Iesu” were used interchangeably.

Modern scholars conclusion for Yeshua >to> Iesus: Modern scholars seemingly conclude that biblical Jesus’ given name was Yeshua and when the New Testament was written, it was originally written in Greek, yet there is no “sh” in the Greek language, so the writers used “s” instead and then added another “s” to the end to make the name masculine. As a result, the name ended up Iesus1. For how Iesus became Jesus, the overlay,
How Iesus may have become Jesus
For how Iesus became Jesus, modern scholars seemingly conclude that it came much later because J is not part of Aramaic, Greek, or Latin and was not even distinguished from “I” in English until the mid 1600s. For example, in the 1611 “King James Bible”, Jesus was “Iesus” and Joseph was “Ioseph.” However, when English Protestants fled to Switzerland during the reign of the Catholic Queen Mary I, they drafted the Geneva Bible in Swiss and the Swiss J sounded more like the English Y, which resulted in Jesus. Then, back in England, by 1769, translators adopted the Geneva spelling with the J instead of the I. Alternatively, the gospels about Jesus in the Syrian Orthodox’s Syriac Bible were translated from Greek straight to Aramaic, the scribes recognized that Iesous was a “corruption” of the original Aramaic, so they retained the name, Yeshua1.
Yeshua of the Old Testament, however, never evolved into Jesus; instead, Yeshua and the longer version, Yehoshua, became Joshua. This reason is that while Iesus in the New Testament went from Greek, then to Swiss where the I became a J, and then to English, the Old Testament went from its original Hebrew and Aramaic straight to English (no Greek in between)2.
provides one of the seemingly widely-accepted explanations.
Yeshuah (Iesu) did not refer to a person until 11000 BCE: Oahspe explains that when the first mortal prophet, Zarathustra, was born. In order to bring spiritual knowledge back to the especially disbelieving people of that time, (1) Zarathustra was
Zarathustra portrayed as mortal incarnation of Jehovih
As covered in this section of Part 9, in the cycle before Zarathustra’s birth, the true God, Osiris, came to Earth to intentionally take people away from extreme dependence on spirit and bring them to a more science-minded existence. After that cycle “sowed the seeds of mental culture amongst mortals”, it was time to bring spiritual knowledge back to mortals, and not just the spiritual I’hin race, but all mortals. By this time, people were especially disbelieving; they could no longer be commanded to believe; they needed proof. Therefore, Zarathustra was intentionally portrayed as a mortal incarnation of Jehovih and born of a virgin birth.
to be the mortal incarnation of Jehovih and (2) his mother was led to believe he was
Zarathustra’s mother intentionally led to believe she had a virgin birth
Because the God of Earth was using the mortal prophet, Zarathustra, to bring spiritual knowledge back to the especially disbelieving people of that day, Zarathustra’s mother, Too’che, was intentionally led to believe that she had a virgin birth. As covered in this section of Part 9, she was taken over (obsessed) by an angel before she was impregnated by the father, Lo’ab, and her soul remained outside of her body throughout the entire pregnancy, which led her to believe that her child had no father. She proclaimed throughout the city that she “conceived from All Light” and was later called by Zarathustra’s followers the “Virgin”.
; and as a result, skeptical learned men visited the newborn Zarathustra. During their visit, the “God of Heaven”, I’hua’Mazda, spoke through the newborn’s lips, proved to them that he was the “God of the I’huans”, and then told them, “Behold, this child hath no sex! He is an Yeshuah (Iesu), a passionless birth” and he came to Earth to “make men know there is an Unseen Master.”
Iesu was eventually used for anyone who could “hear the voice of the Great Spirit” regardless of whether or not they were born “neutral, without gender.” Furthermore, it was also the case that anyone born “non-iesu” could attain iesu in adulthood: “By diet and fasting”, “even by many who have it not”, a man can “attaineth to be one with the All Light” and as a result, “behold he is iesu also”, yet, “the natural born iesu standeth more to the way of Jehovih.” In fact, for the 6 prophets not born iesu, it was intentional. For example, the overlay,
Brahma and Sakaya intentionally born non-iesu
Brahma of 4000 BCE was intentionally inspired to marry, he had 7 sons, and Oahspe explains the significant roles that at least 2 of them played in Brahma’s work as a prophet. Brahma’s son, Vede, was born with gifted learning and memory and named Vede; when Brahma received teachings in trance, Veda recorded them word for word resulting in the Vedas. Before the birth of Brahma’s youngest son, Hog, Brahma and his wife were inspired to lose faith so that their son would be born lacking faith, but having “earthly reason”, so he could spread light to millions that were like himself. Later, Oahspe says, “In his old age Brahma had attained iesu!”
Sakaya (aka Buddha) is another example of a prophet intentionally born a non-iesu. Although he was not born without gender, he chose a life of celibacy until his guardian angel told him in a dream one night to “give up this, thy most useless life of going about praying, and return thou to thy father’s house, and take thee a wife. For how canst thou attain the wisdom of the earth, without becoming a husband and father?” In spite of the priests telling him that in his dream he heard the voice of satan, Sakaya knew better, gave up fasting and praying, and married and had a son. When he looked at his son, he said, “Thou art the greatest of sermons.” His perspective of being a father helped him have compassion for all the “poor women (that) had infants in their arms” and he dedicated his life to service to others.
, explains how the prophets Brahma and Sakaya were intentionally born non-iesu so they could marry and have children.
Why is child born without gender considered “without evil”? A child born that “hath no sex” was considered “without evil”, or better yet, without the potential to commit evil, because “without the possibility of sexual passion”, a man is able to life a life of celibacy, which is most conducive to focusing on spiritual endeavors without the distraction of earthly, physical emotions such as sexual desire. Five out of the 11 prophets within Oahspe were born with
Potential causes of ambiguous genitalia As mentioned, 5 out of the 11 prophets within Oahspe were born with ambiguous genitalia, meaning their genitalia were not definitively male or female, so they were “without the possibility of sexual passion.” For 2 of the 5 prophets born with this condition, Oahspe refers to their very young mothers. The clearest example of this is when Oahspe says about the prophet Joshu, “… because of the extreme youth of Mara, the child was of doubtful sex, whereupon the rab’bahs said, the child was an iesu, signifying neutral.” Another example is how Oahspe describes Ka’yu as “Behold, thy son Ka’yu is k’te’sune (iesu) in the borders, whose mother, Ching-tsae, is not fifteen years old.” . Celibacy was such an important and common characteristic of prophets, the overlay, Po was born an iesu even when celibacy was outlawed in China When the prophet Po was born in China around 4000 BCE, many of the Zarathustrians (aka Faithists) were celibates. When the king “saw his people being reduced by war”, he “made a law against celibacy, commanding all men to marry, and all women to bring forth children, or be put to death.” Since he was “iesu-born”, the true God of Earth at the time found a way to protect Po from persecution; Po was divinely inspired to marry a barren woman who already had 3 adopted children. , describes how the prophet Po of China was born an iesu even when celibacy was outlawed and punishable by death. |
How did Iesus become Jesus in the New Testament? According to Oahspe, the way in which Christianity ended up with Jesus in the New Testament started out with (1) Yeshuah (“without evil”) morphing into Iesu as a result of early man’s pronunciation issues and (2) Yeshuah/Iesu initially meaning born without gender (without evil), but eventually morphed into the term for anyone who could “hear the voice of the Great Spirit.” Then, around 325 CE, about 300 years after the prophet Joshu, the false God, Looemaong, did the following things:
- first he claimed to be the new false “God and Lord of all nations on earth” (same God of the Israelites)
- then Looeamong inspired/manipulated the mortal emperor Constantine and his Council of Nice (aka Council of Nicea) to take select parts “from all the religious doctrines in the world” to create a single doctrine for Looeamong’s one and only religion across all nations
- then Looeamong made the council choose Kriste for God
- lastly, for God’s mortal representative, the council was divinely inspired not to even consider that men on a council could choose who hears the voice of God (Jehovih), so instead, the council chose a common characteristic: “The Gods will not let us choose any man… All the law-givers (prophets) chosen by the Gods, have been iesu… since we can not make preference as to a man, let us say: The man, Iesu?”
That is how “the name, Iesu, was adopted, and the sacred books were written accordingly.” Regarding how Iesus became Jesus, there is no “Jesus” in Oahspe, but the overlay,
How Iesus may have become Jesus
For how Iesus became Jesus, modern scholars seemingly conclude that it came much later because J is not part of Aramaic, Greek, or Latin and was not even distinguished from “I” in English until the mid 1600s. For example, in the 1611 “King James Bible”, Jesus was “Iesus” and Joseph was “Ioseph.” However, when English Protestants fled to Switzerland during the reign of the Catholic Queen Mary I, they drafted the Geneva Bible in the Swiss language and the Swiss J sounded more like the English Y, which resulted in Jesus. Then, back in England, by 1769, translators adopted the Geneva spelling with the J instead of the I. Alternatively, the gospels about Jesus in the Syrian Orthodox’s Syriac Bible were translated from Greek straight to Aramaic, the scribes recognized that Iesous was a “corruption” of the original Aramaic, so they retained the name, Yeshua1.
Yeshua of the Old Testament, however, never evolved into Jesus; instead, Yeshua and the longer version, Yehoshua, became Joshua. This reason is that while Iesus in the New Testament went from Greek, then to Swiss where the I became a J, and then to English, the Old Testament went from its original Hebrew and Aramaic straight to English (no Greek in between)2.
, provides a widely-accepted theory among modern scholars.