This is part 3 of Oahspe’s coverage of the cycle that started around 650 BCE. So far in this cycle, Part 1 covered how during 400 years of darkness, which always brings war and chaos, Lords that lost their kingdoms seceded from the true God of Earth, Eskra, and united as a Confederacy of the Holy Ghost (aka Triune or Trinity). They abandoned non-resistance and instead fought war with war. In their minds, it was war for righteousness sake: to eliminate the growing number of false Gods in heaven and mortal tyrants on Earth.
At the same time, Moses brought the former Egyptian pharaoh, Nu-ghan, back to Earth as Illaes to raise up the Israelites that he once persecuted, which resulted in the formation of the Asenean Association (Essenes).
Then, in Part 2, the prophets Sakaya and Ka’yu were raised up and re-established Faithist doctrines in India and China.
Now, for Part 3 of the cycle of 650 BCE, Oahspe returns to its coverage of the Confederacy of the Holy Ghost beginning in the years leading up to the common era (1 CE). When the Confederacy first formed, they professed their allegiance to Jehovih and declared war only against other warriors so that “peace might be secured in these heavens”. The true God, Eskra, knew that taking up arms against one’s enemies only “opens the door of all evil”, so it was only a matter of time before they would “become as three false Gods.”
Triune Gods felt threatened by prophets, Sakaya and Ka’yu
Two out of the 3 Triune Gods, Kabalactes over India and Ennochissa over China, felt that Sakayu’s and Ka’yu’s doctrines were so successful at “going to the root of the resurrection”, that the “ultimate prospect of their own heavenly kingdoms” was severely threatened. Although the Triune Gods initially vowed never to war against the true God, Eskra, nor his angels, nor Jehovih-worshiping mortals, Kabalactes and Ennochissa both concluded that “Jehovih is triumphant” and they perceived this as a problem that needed to be solved.
Ennochissa of China said about the “Ka’yu’an (Confucian) doctrines”, “What more will the people care for the Trinity?” Kabalactes of India agreed, “The doctrine of the Trinity is being entirely destroyed by the Sakaya’yan doctrines. Our heavenly kingdoms will lose their base of supplies for subjects.”
The third Triune God, Looeamong of the middle eastern region, was the only Triune God that did not feel threatened and it was because of 2 reasons: (1) unbeknownst to him, the next prophet of his region had not yet been born (Joshu was born 250 years later) and (2) while the other 2 Triune Gods built up their heavenly kingdoms, Looeamong straight-away sent his “legions down to earth to war”, overthrew “many of the false Gods and Lords”, and in the process, drove many of “the worshipers of Jehovih to death.” Nevertheless, Looeamong agreed to do whatever he could do to assist the other 2 Triune Gods with their dilemmas.
Triune Gods raised up their own mortal Saviors to spread their doctrines
The 3 Triune Gods decided to follow in the footsteps of the true God of Earth, Eskra, who in raising up the mortal prophets, Sakaya and Ka’yu, he “hath taken an earthly course to insure his success”. They entered into a coalition to “give to mortals forty-nine Saviors, in order to establish the Trinity.” Over the next 200 years, they each sent an “army of inspiration”, consisting of 1 million “inspiring angels, all above grade 80, down to Earth to “cover it around about in their own way” to “raise up amongst mortals the required Saviors”. Table 1 illustrates how each army was appointed a general officer with the title of “captain of hosts”.
Triune God | Regions | Captain of the hosts | 49 mortal Saviors |
Looeamong | Egupt Parsi’e (Persia) Heleste (Greece) & Uropa (Europe) | Thoth* | Egupt: Rita, Gibbor, Gaal, Efrokin, Gargra, Thules, Etrusk, Gadamon, Shofal Parsi’e: Adakus, Mithra, Bali, Malopesus, Gonsalk, Hebron, Belus, Megath, Yodoman, Beels Heleste & Uropa: Datur, Promethus, Quirnus, Ilyo, Osseo, and Yohannes |
Kabalactes | Vind’yu (India) | Yima | Indra, Ruth, Sakai, Withoban, Aria, Devastate, Chrisna, Laracqu, Hagre, Anathia, Jannassa, Janeirus |
Ennochissa | Chine’ya (China) Guatama (America) | Satree | China: Sam Sin, Ah Wah, Ah Chong, K’aou’foor, King Shu, Shaou, Chung Le America: Manito, Quexalcote, Inure, Tobak, and Sotehoo |
* Thoth started out as Looeamong’s general officer; he later established Christianity for Looeamong, but eventually revolted to do his own thing, which resulted in Islam.
Each of the 3 Triune Gods’ angelic armies of inspiration would achieve 3 objectives through their mortal Saviors: (1) preach the Triune doctrines, (2) perform miracles, and (3) seal their doctrines in blood.

(1) Preached the Triune doctrines: The army of angels inspired the Saviors to preach the doctrine of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. “Now so far as the Triune doctrines affected mortals, it related chiefly to war.” The message to the “innocent and upright” was that they should take up arms and war for righteousness sake because “There is no Ever Present Person”; instead, “All things were created out of the Holy Ghost”, so they must depend on themselves, defend themselves, and establish themselves. They should “Rise up and be men, mighty to do the will of the Son, the Father and the Holy Ghost.”
(2) Performed miracles: The army of angels inspired priests and magicians to heal the sick, give sight to the blind, give hearing to the deaf, and “raise spirits of the dead to life”.
(3) Sealed their doctrines in blood: After teaching doctrines and performing miracles, per the plan, inspiring angels ensured that each of the 49 Saviors were martyred – betrayed by their enemies and killed in a disgraceful, shameful way, which won “mortal sympathy” and ultimately sealed their doctrines in blood. Some of them were boiled in oil, given to the lions in the dens, “nailed on the ugsa, and left to perish”, or killed on the fetes (cross-like symbol).
Sub-Gods of India and China became Gods in Rome and Athens
Not long after the martyred deaths of the Triune Gods’ 49 mortal Saviors, some of the sub-Gods of both Kabalactes and Ennochissa seceded, falsely assumed names of mortal Saviors, and set up their own kingdoms. Neither Kabalactes nor Ennochissa were Gods of peace like the Jehovihian Gods; they were Gods of war, so they each deployed angel armies to “destroy them, and break them up, and if need be to capture them, and cast them in hell.”
Kabalactes and Ennochissa went to war with rebel sub-Gods: Kabalactes’ “angel war” against 5 rebel sub-Gods of India lasted 46 years. All 5 of them were eventually “beaten from their strongholds”, but instead of ending up in hell, they escaped to Roma (Rome) in Uropa (Europe). Ennochissa’s “angel war” against the rebel sub-Gods of China lasted 70 years. Most of his rebel sub-Gods ended up in hell with the exception of 4 of them; they “fled to Argos, to Athena, where they established themselves securely.”
Jehovih said, “For this, alone, these things are good.” Mankind will eventually ask how Gods of India ended up in Rome and how Gods of China ended up in Athens. When they cannot answer, “they will perceive, there must be a heavenly cause that mortals knew not of.”

The Triune Gods became false Gods
All 3 Triune Gods were developing a taste for war. Looeamong of the Middle East had been involved with war from the start, first against Ashtaroth and now against Baal. Kabalactes and Ennochissa just finished multi-decade wars against rebel sub-Gods. As a result, they felt that “only by might and desperate vigor, could they preserve their heavens from anarchy.” It was “the end of the good works of the Triune” and the “beginning of their mighty kingdoms in heaven.” Per their command, “war soon circled the whole earth around, and every nation and tribe and people were immured in bloody carnage.”
Eskra worked to save the souls of mortal victims: In preparation for the wars of the Triune Gods, the true God, Eskra, “prepared a new army of a thousand million angels”, under the command of a host named Eyodemus, along with his
Eskra appointed an officer to oversee each group of a “hundred million angels”
Loo Wan
Le Shong
. Just in time, before the wars of the 3 Triune Gods’ “overshadowed the whole earth”, Eskra sent the new army down to Earth to “provide for receiving the spirits” of the mortals that “were sure to be slain in wars near at hand.”
Jehovih encouraged the true God, Eskra, to make a record of the Triune Gods’ works because this time will eventually be known to mortals as the “Era of Saviors“, the “darkest era of the cycle of Bon”. “The Triunes will cut themselves off in a way they see not”, mortals will worship Saviors, and the “Triunes will become divided in their heavenly kingdoms.”
The expandable sections below provide details for how Kabalactes of India became false Budha, which threatened Ennochissa over China, so he became false Brahma. Then, for Looeamong of the Middle East, he follows in their footsteps and falsely claims to be “God, the Lord of heaven and earth”, the same God that “wrought wonders for the Israelites.”
Kabalactes became false Budha in India: After Kabalactes’ 46-year angel war to rid India of the rebel sub-Gods, he stated that “Because my wisdom hath triumphed in heaven and earth, I now take unto myself a new name, BUDHA”, signifying “All Knowledge”. He then sent his high officer, Yima, down to Earth with 2,000 million “warring angels” to “find a way to teach mortals”, whether it be “by fire and by sword” or “by blood and death” the following 3 fabrications:
- Budha is the Son of the Holy Ghost/Triune
- Budha incarnated on Earth as the mortal, Sakaya, the late prophet of India
- After Sakaya died, he became Budha again up in the heavenly kingdom of Haractu, the “Buddhist heavenly kingdom, the All Highest Heaven of Heavens!”
Kabalactes brought Buddhism religion to India: From that point forward, Kabalactes was called “Budha” in heaven. Down on Earth, Yima’s angel hosts, “both through oracles and by direct contact”, inspired mortals “to call Sakaya Budha, and Budha, Sakaya”. As a result, “in not many generations, mortals forgot they were two persons”. Mortals of India eventually accorded all things of the spirit to Budha and all things of the flesh to Sakaya. Nevertheless, Oahspe adds that “the whole matter was false in fact.”
Because this Budha in India was really the Triune God, Kabalactes, who did not practice non-resistance, the “followers of Budha professed peace, but practiced war and conquest, setting out by blood and carnage and destruction to establish Budhism in Vind’yu (India).”
Jehovih foretold Eskra that because the Triune Gods denied My All Person, they would spread falsehoods “for sake of their own selfish ends” and Kabalactes would falsely claim he is Sakaya and that Sakaya is Budha. Eskra was advised to not disallow nor expose Kabalactes’ falsehood, “for it is his choice.”
Jehovih foretold that the establishment of the “Budhism” religion would eventually lead to the demise of both the false Budha and the Trinity. First, mortals will “put aside the Trinity of their own accord, retaining Budha and the Holy Ghost”, later, they will teach “that Budha is itself but a principle, and that the Holy Ghost is but as nothing.”
Writer’s note: mainstream history does indeed corroborate that Buddhism came into India some time after the life of Sakaya (aka Siddhartha Guatama); that some time between 322-185 BCE, the Buddhist community of India split into 2 separate branches; by the 600s CE, Buddhism began losing influence; and by the 1100s CE, the last large Buddhist state, the Pala Empire, fell2.

After Ennochissa’s 70-year angel war against his rebel sub-Gods, he turned his attention to his “brother Triune God, Kabalactes” over India who had falsely assumed the name Budha, the “all Highest God” that lived in the “All Highest Heaven of Heavens.” In response, Ennochissa (1) formed 2 new angel armies to fortify his 2 heavenly kingdoms and (2) formed a third new army to “return again to the earth, to mortals, and establish me as BRAHMA, which shall be my name on earth and in heaven from this time forth forever.”
(1) Ennochissa fortified his heavenly kingdoms: Ennochissa used 2,000 millions angel warriors to form 2 new armies: one for his heavenly kingdom over China, Eta-shong, and the other for his heavenly kingdom over Guatama (North America), Damaya. To the commanders of these 2 armies, he said “I assign the care and protection of my kingdoms with your armies… wall your places around, and fortify me on every side with angel warriors.” He also told them not to bother “the angels of Budha, nor of Looeamong” UNLESS they do something offensive or disrespectful first; in that case, “ye shall arrest them, and provide places of torment for them, and cast them in.”
Oahspe notes that a full description of the “great pomp and glory” of even one of Ennochissa’s armies would fill “a large book” with “their vessels of war; their implements of fire and water”; and the music, banners, and flags for their “manual and procession”. Also notable was the enthusiasm of the angel warriors: “many of them had been warriors in earth-life, and knew no other trade, and now exulted in the prospect of mortal blood and death.” |
(2) Ennochissa became false Brahma in China AND India: He formed a third large army of 2,000 million “angel warriors” commanded by his highest officer, Ya’deth, and sent them down to Earth to establish him as BRAHMA; and not just in China, but in India as well. He commanded that “by all possible means”, including the possession of the oracles, his army would establish that BRAHMA “shall be my name on earth and in heaven from this time forth forever” so that “all who profess Brahma hereafter, shall be my subjects on their entrance into heaven.” Lastly, in regard to the “mortal warriors” of Kabalactes (now false Budha), “if it come to pass that Budha’s mortal warriors fall upon the mortal Brahmins”, which of course they did almost immediately, he ordered his army to consider Budha his enemy and destroy them.
Mainstream history: In regard to the worship of Brahma in China, mainstream history does indeed corroborate that Hinduism (Brahma is a Hindu God) did have a significant presence in “medieval China” and even to this day is a little-practiced religion there, specifically in southeast China. Evidence suggests that from 1st and 2nd century CE onwards, Hindu and Buddhist terms, concepts, and ideas were merged together and eventually made it into the beliefs, practices, and traditions of “Chinese Buddhism”. For example, 21 out of the “Twenty-four Devas” (protective deities) are borrowed from Hinduism including, but not limited to, Shiva, Indra, Brahma, Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Yama4.

Kabalactes (false Budha) retaliated: As expected, in response to Ennochissa establishing himself as false Brahma in both India and China, Kabalactes inspired his Budhist mortals to fall upon Ennochissa’s Brahmin mortals. Then, Ennochissa officially declared war and told his angels to “obsess every Brahmin” to “war to the death every aggressing Budha” so that “Budha shall learn that I, Brahma, rule these heavens mine own way.”
Mortals of India and China inspired to war: Both false Gods’, through their angel warriors, inspired mortals of India and China in the work of destruction against one another and also against the Faithists; to establish themselves as false Gods and to fill their heavenly kingdoms with the spirits of the mortal casualties of war.
Both false Gods destroyed books and tablets: In addition to mortal casualties, both false Brahma and Budha decreed the destruction of all books and tablets that were not “favorable to their own doctrines”. In India, Kabalactes caused the “schools and colleges of the people” to be “well nigh destroyed, the whole length and breadth of the land”, which included the destruction of over 2 million books and 1 million stone and copper tablets.
In China, Ennochissa perceived the “potency of Ka’yu’s books” (Confucius), declared “Learning” his new enemy, and had his angel warriors inspire the Sun King, T’sin, to destroy books “in order to reduce the empire to ignorance”. As a result, more than 2 million books and 1 million stone and copper tablets, spanning over 20,000 years of history, were destroyed. Many of Ka’yu’s books were destroyed as well, “but not all of them.”
Both false Gods degraded their own kingdoms: In these wars alone, more than 140 million mortal “people, men, women and children” were “slain”. Fortunately, as mentioned earlier, the true God, Eskra, deployed an army of 1,000 million angels to save as many spirits as possible from becoming trapped in the kingdoms of these 2 false Gods. After Kabalactes and Ennochissa had spent so many years building up their heavenly kingdoms, their own war in heaven brought an end to the “schools and colleges in these heavens, and also the beginning of the breaking up of the factories and places of industry.”
Anti-war mortals of China built the Great Wall: In spite of this war’s high mortality rate and the destruction of millions of books and tablets, China was able to maintain a sizable Faithist population. When “the anti-war spirit of the people had cried out to the Creator” for how to avert war and “preserve the revelations of Thy holy ones of old”, Earth happened to be traveling through a region of etherea called Lo’iask, which enabled the etherean angels to penetrate the darkness, help the Faithists turn “away from the shedding of blood”, and instead, “inspired the chosen of China to build a wall to protect themselves from destruction” so they may “endure as a secluded people till the coming of kosmon” (1848).

The resulting walls, which Oahspe describes as “the greatest buildings in all the world” that “stand to this day”, not only protected the mortals of China from outside barbarians, but also (1) stand as testimony to what Faithists of China were willing to do, even at the risk of their own self-preservation, to maintain peace instead of war and (2) “shall be monuments to the Faithists of this land, who have perished by the false Gods, Brahma and Budha.”
Jehovih encourages that the events of this dark “Era of Saviors” will all serve a purpose in the age of kosmon (1848) because in that “time of the fulfillment of My revelations”, re-establishing “spirit communion”, as was done in the past, will not be enough. Instead, angels and mortals will need to be shown “that there are kingdoms and principalities in heaven…ruled over by both good and bad Gods”.
The “Great Spirit, the Ever Present, is not an idol in the figure of a man, sitting on a throne”, so when someone worships a spirit, even if it is a God, they are just giving their soul over into bondage.
…whoso worships Budha shall go to Budha and be his slaves; and whoso worships Brahma shall go to Brahma, and be his slaves.

Looeamong had the most experience with war: For the third and final Triune God, Looeamong, as mentioned, compared to the other 2 Triune Gods, he had been at war the longest, from the very beginning, in the tumultuous region of the Middle East. Although all 3 Triune heads initially “sworn within himself to do no evil thing” and vowed to war only against warriors for righteousness sake, in the process of Looeamong’s pursuance of “Ashtaroth in conjunction with Baal” (back in Part 18), he had already driven many “worshippers of Jehovih to death”. Oahspe adds Looeamong “became as a lion, savage at the taste of blood”; he vowed that “till I have Baal also cast into hell, I will not cease the carnage of mortal blood.”
Baal was a formidable opponent: While Looeamong called up “angel warriors, tens of millions, hundreds of millions” to take on the last major false God, Baal, Baal also doubled down and sent his “mighty legions in heaven” down to Earth to “inspire mortals to bloody deeds.”
Baal’s doctrine was “an easy doctrine to understand”: “All mortals that worship not Baal shall be put to death”. He considered his enemies the “worshipers of the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost” as well as the “Faithists, the worshipers of Jehovih”. For anyone that did not agree that “Baal is the All Highest God of heaven and earth”, if they were mortal, they were “tortured and sawed in halves”; and for angels, they were “bound in knots in hell, and suffocated forever!”
Mainstream history corroborates that Baal was a “highly adaptable” God who was worshiped by different people in different ways throughout Canaan and Phoenicia. He was worshiped as a fertility God, a Supreme God, a sun-god, and so on; there were even distinct “denominations” of Baalism. Biblical scripture describe how the practice of the worship of Baal infiltrated Jewish life, specifically in Judges 3, Kings 16, and Chronicles 287.

Baal’s and Looeamong’s widespread, but disorganized war: Looeamong was as equally determined as Baal to dominate the region: “By the Holy Ghost”, he swore, “not to bring peace, but war!”; “For righteousness sake” he said he would “purify the earth with human blood”; “set nation against nation, people against people, man against man” to “destroy my enemies, east and west and north and south”. He added that the inhabitants of his regions “shall know no peace till I have destroyed the worship of all Gods but the Triunes” and his regions included “the kingdoms of Egupt, and of Media, of Armenia, and Phrygia, and Argos, and Scythia and Noamedia, and of all the regions of Arabin’ya and the west”.
Oahspe adds that indeed, “there was no peace in any of those lands”; however, “Neither was there system to the warfare” that would achieve any “important result”.
Jehovih encouraged the true God, Eskra, that the disorganized war between Looeamong and Baal, whereby mortals were “instruments in the hands of angels, who ruled over them” carrying out wars “without purpose on the part of any king”, would “stand as testimony unto the coming generations” of “what cometh upon peoples, who deny My Person.” These wars will enable mortals to compare what life was like when they “put Me away, and tried to make themselves strong in kings and standing armies” vs. “the peace and rejoicing of My people” when “they had no king, but kept My commandments.”
Baal made new alliances: Looeamong and Baal were equally matched, that is until Baal made new alliances and established 3 new heavenly kingdoms: (1) established a new kingdom over Jerusalem, (2) allied with Kabalactes’ 5 former sub-Gods and established a new kingdom over Rome, and (3) allied with Ennochissa’s 4 former sub-Gods and established a new kingdom over Athens.
Looeamong asked the other 2 Triunes for help dealing with the false God Baal: Baal’s 3 new kingdoms put Looeamong at a disadvantage, so he reached out to Kabalactes, who he referred to as “the Triune, the Holy Budha, Son of the Holy Ghost”, for help. Looeamong reminded Kabalactes that they were part of a confederacy of 3 Gods, “powerful above all other Gods”, in which they swore to one another to establish the Holy Ghost in heaven and on earth.
Looeamong forced to give Egypt to Kabalactes in exchange for help : Looeamong continued with how “Baal, the most fiendish of all Gods” waged war on their holy doctrines, so he needed reinforcement, specifically an army of a “thousand million angel warriors.” Kabalactes responded that “great trials are the making of angels and mortals”, so he needed his hosts for his own purposes; however, “if thou wilt cede Egupt to me, thou shalt have the army thou asketh for, for the space of one hundred years.”
As insulting as Looeamong found this proposal to be, he was obliged to either accede to such an alliance and give up Egupt, or have his kingdom destroyed by Baal. Looeamong moved his heavenly city of Hapsendi westward over a region called Naomedia and Kabalactes (false Budha) established his new heavenly kingdom in Egupt and named it Celonia.
Mainstream history: A 2018 archaeological finding of a Buddha statue in the ancient port city of Berenike, Egypt likely corroborates that Buddhism did exist in Egypt in the 1st century CE9. At first, scientists thought that the statue was likely brought in from South Asia; however, after separate Sanskrit inscriptions and other finds surfaced, rather than just traders passing through, there was likely a settled Indian, or at least Buddha-worshipping, merchant community10.

Looeamong was able to take the regions of Jerusalem and Athens away from Baal: Looeamong and his new army were able to route Baal out of his heavenly kingdoms over Jerusalem and Athens and Looeamong took those kingdoms for himself. Looeamong was not, however, able to capture nor subdue Baal, so Baal remained over Rome. Baal established himself “in the city of Roma and Hieadas” (Byzantium) where, for the time being, he used most of his army of 3,000 million angel warriors “as rambling marauders” (raiders).
Looeamong competed with the other 2 Triunes by becoming the false “Lord God”: Now that Looeamong was less threatened by Baal, Looeamong turned his attention to the other 2 Triunes and realized that after Kabalactes falsely assumed the name Budha and Ennochissa falsely assumed the name Brahma, both had gained in power. Looeamong’s general officer, Thoth, confirmed that Looeamong “must give mortals a name to fight for” and “The term, Holy Ghost, is not potent.” To remedy, Looeamong then “resolved to adopt for himself the names, Lord and God”.
‼️Looeamong falsely claimed to be the God of Israel: Looeamong instructed Thoth to tell mortals that Looeamong is the “God, the Lord of heaven and earth”, “the same, who wrought wonders for the Israelites” (led Moses and the Israelites out of enslavement in Egypt) so that the Israelites would fight for him.
Looeamong set out to provide “proof” he is God of Israel: After Oahspe describes how the 3 Triunes firmly established themselves as false Gods, Oahspe provides additional details about the measures that Looeamong and his general officer, Thoth, took to provide proof to mortals that Looeamong was indeed the Lord God, the same God that led Moses and the Israelites out of Egypt.
Looeamong’s and Thoth’s recent success in taking from Baal the heavenly kingdoms over Jerusalem and Athens gave them access to the oracle-houses and temples of 200 small cities. They were able to use the “oracles, the magicians and priests in their own way” to convince mortals that Looeamong was indeed the same God of the Israelites.
Looeamong inspired Ezra to compile “The Holy Library”: In order for Looeamong to come up with “proof of his labors for the Israelites”, he sent Thoth and 700,000 angels down to inspire a Jerusalem man named Ezra to “gather all the records he could”. ‼️Ezra and his scribes combed through 6,000 books of Egyptian records “hardly making head nor tail of them” and eventually compiled a 72-book collection he named “The Holy Library” and it was “put on file in the king’s library of Jerusalem”. This is how “the books of the Ezra Bible were written and compiled, according to the commandments of Looeamong.”
Ezra’s Holy Library is the predecessor of the Hebrew Bible: Oahspe adds that although there are many things in Ezra’s 72-book collection, “of which number fifty-four remain to this day”, “that were of Jehovih and His angels”, “they were put on record by men, and interpreted by men”. Furthermore, “not one book was inspired by Jehovih, or His Son, God of heaven and earth” (the current God of Earth, which changes every 3,000-year cycle, is referred to as Jehovih’s Son).
Interestingly, Oahspe also adds that in regard to Looeamong’s involvement with Ezra’s Bible, he “sinned not against Jehovih, for he did not cause his name, Looeamong, to be made worshipful.”
Note: Ezra pulled from the Egyptian library the scriptures about (1) creation (Genesis) and (2) the Israelites’ exodus out of Egypt (Exodus), which eventually made it into the bibles of the Abrahamic religions (e.g. Judaism’s Torah and Christianities’ Old Testament).
As a reminder, Genesis was written by false Osiris, Te-in, and Sudga around 3600 BCE (Part 14) and Exodus was written by Egyptians rather than Israelites around 1400 BCE. For more details, see The Evolution of the Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament.
Joshu raised up from the Essenes
It finally became time for the 3rd prophet of this cycle to be born. As mentioned, Sakaya of India and Ka’yu of China were born about 250 years before Joshu, the prophet for the middle eastern region.
As a reminder, about 650 years prior, covered in Part 18, when Moses returned to Earth to deliver the former Egyptian, Nu-ghan, renamed him Illaes, and helped him begin his redemption work to raise up the Israelites he once persecuted, the ones that were “within reach of inspiration” anyway, Moses foretold that Joshu would eventually be born from them: “labor with thee until an Israelite is born into the mortal world capable of the Father’s voice.”
Illaes’ Israelites formed the Asenean Association (Essenes): By this time, while the Triune Gods and Baal were inspiring mortals to war, Illaes’ group of Israelites had been inspired “to separate themselves from all other people” so they could live by the direction and virtue of the angel hosts, the angels of Jehovih, that were with them.” Illaes and his angels guarded the Essenes “from warring hosts of angels, belonging to the armies of Baal and Ashtaroth, and to the Triune God, Looeamong, and his hosts”.
After “Jehovih prospered the seed of the Es’eans, in holiness and love, for many generations”, after about 300 years, by 350 BCE, they formed the Asenean Association (aka Essenes or Es’eans).
Although “the Es’eans lived in great purity of body and soul”, they were still “evilly slandered by the world’s people around them on every side.”
The birth of Joshu resulted from a plan that was
About 1400 years ago, the Egyptian pharaoh, Nu-ghan, persecuted the Israelites; then cast out false Osiris and tried to become a false God himself; then spent 79 years in a hell-like place in the lower heavens; was then delivered by Moses; and has since spent the last 650 years helping Israelites practice true Faithism whereby they eventually formed the Asenean Association (Essenes) in which Joshu was born from.
, which exemplifies how “God, Jehovih’s Son, was wise above all tries” and “it will be shown, presently, how much further ahead are the plans laid out by Jehovah’s Sons, than by His enemies.”
The Essenes lived in “communities and families of tens and twenties and hundreds, holding all things in common” in the manner of the ancient Faithists:
– Led by rab’bahs; pledged to Jehovih “to have no king nor earth-ruler”
– Monatomic marriage
– Lived on fruits and herbs, no “fish nor flesh or anything that ever breathed the breath of life”
– Every morning, bathed and worshiped before the alter of Jehovih at sunrise
– Every night before sleep, “held communion with the angels of heaven”

Loo’is inspired the conception of Joshu: Several hundred years after the formation of the Asenean Association, the true God, Eskra, sent his “chief angel of the loo’is”, Gafonaya, down to the Essenes to “raise up an heir to the Voice of Jehovih”. After 4 generations of inspired unions, the loo’is chose a man named Joseph and his wife, Mara, to give birth to Joshu, the next prophet of the middle eastern region. Joseph and Mara were “devout worshippers of Jehovih” and with the exception of the Essenes, “stood aloof from all other people”.
Most have heard, “Jesus was a Jew”; however, it is likely that the glossary that was added to Oahspe, which says that Joshu was “one of Jewish heritage”, is more technically accurate. Around 1400 BCE, when Moses led the Israelites (the Egyptian term for Faithists) out of Egypt, they were not yet called “Jews”. By 1000 BCE, the Israelites became divided into 2 primary groups: (1) a group that stayed true to Faithism, remained non-resistant, and continued to follow oral law (called Oralites) and (2) a group that followed written law, had standing armies, and anointed their first-ever king (called Levites and then later “Jews”).
Around 600 BCE, when Moses helped Illaes begin his redemption work of raising up Israelites that “were within reach of inspiration”, these Israelites were likely from group 1 above, the Oralites. About 600 years later, the loo’is chose Joshu’s parents, Mary and Joseph, from the Essenes, which were more like the Oralites rather than the Leviticans/Jews. Therefore, it is likely more accurate to say that Joshu/Jesus and his mother Mary had the same descendants/forefathers as the “Jews” (aka Jewish heritage).
Heavenly ship descended to Earth like a brilliant star
Leading up to Joshu’s birth, “extra guardian angels” were “sent around the Es’ean (Essene) encampments” in preparation for the arrival of a heavenly ship carrying “messengers from heaven” “from the throne of God (Eskra)”. Oahspe adds that “many of the Es’eans (Essenes) looked up and beheld the star”, which indicates that this ship was likely the same star in the sky mentioned in the biblical scriptures, specifically in Matthew 213.

Illaes notified that Moses would soon return: Although the biblical scriptures portray the brilliant star in the sky as pivotal in that it led the “wise men” to the newborn “King of the Jews”14, according to Oahspe, this heavenly ship/star may have had nothing to do with the birth of Joshu. When the ship first arrived, the “extra guardian angels” that Gafonaya had deployed “notified the descending hosts of heaven of what was near at hand” (Joshu’s birth); and then the hosts from the ship “tarried until after the child was born”.
The real reason this heavenly ship/star arrived, it seems, was to inform Illaes that Moses and an etherean named Elias were about to return with their hosts to “complete the deliverance of the spirits of the Eguptians, whom Moses
Moses returns to deliver the spirits of then former Egyptians
About 650 years prior, when Moses returned to Earth to lift the curse he had inadvertently put on the former Egyptian pharaoh, Nu-ghan, he also delivered 11.4 million spirits of former Egyptians and “colonized” them in atmospherea in a new heavenly plateau with nurseries, hospitals, and places of worship called Elaban. Moses promised to return to complete their deliverance when “the a’ji’a forest is past and gone.”
” about 650 years prior. Moses had promised to return “when the a’ji’a forest is past and gone.”
Heavenly ship/star inspired witnesses: Regardless, the heavenly ship that appeared as a brilliant star inspired and encouraged those who saw it. Oahspe adds that when the Essenes looked up at what appeared to be a star, they “felt the cold wind of the higher heavens fall upon the place around the tent” where Joshu was about to be born; and they said to one another, “Jehovih, remembers us.” Immediately after Joshu’s birth, “the angels of heaven re-entered their star-ship and hastened back to Paradise, God’s heavenly seat” (the name of Eskra’s kingdom was Paradise).
Birth of Joshu
Joshua born an iesu: Regarding the birth of Joshu, Oahspe does not provide many details; it does, however, say that “because of the extreme youth of Mara, the child was of doubtful sex, whereupon the rab’bahs said, the child was an iesu, signifying neutral.”
The biblical account of Jesus’ birth provides more details because Christians believe that the birth of Jesus fulfilled the “prophecy of the seed of David”, meaning that Jesus is the “promised Messiah” and a direct descendant of Abraham and David through is father, Joseph18. Yet, most Christians also believe that Jesus was born of a virgin birth, so the common conclusion appears to be that Jesus is a descendant of David by adoption through Joseph and by blood through Mary19.

Line of light established from the Holy Council down to Joshu: Oahspe’s coverage of Joshu then skips to him growing up and becoming “ready for his labor”. Oahspe reminds that this was about 250 years after the birth of the other 2 prophets of this cycle, Sakaya and Ka’yu, and “it was war times in heaven and earth” once again, so the true God, Eskra, (1) provided 100 million angels to “make a line of light from his Holy Council down to earth” and (2) provided an additional 2,000 million “guardian host” angels to “protect the line of communications”.
In the biblical scriptures, details were provided about Mary’s virgin birth and how Mary and Joseph handled such a phenomenon. In Luke 1, the angel Gabriel told Mary that the way in which she would conceive a baby as a virgin was that the Holy Spirit would come upon her; therefore her child will be “called holy”, he would be the “Son of God”, and “Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end16.”
For Joseph finding out his fiancé was pregnant, scriptures explain that because he was “faithful to the law”, he at first planned to “divorce her quietly”; however, an “angel of the Lord” told him in a dream that the baby was the “son of David”, he was “from the Holy Spirit”, and to name him “Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”17
Moses visits Earth again
After the birth of Joshu, Moses returned to Earth just like the hosts of the heavenly ship/star told Illaes he would. He and an etherean named Elias came back to Earth to fulfill the following 3 objectives:
(1) Moses facilitated the third resurrection of the spirits of the former Egyptians that 650 years earlier, Moses
Moses returns to deliver the spirits of then former Egyptians
About 650 years prior, when Moses returned to Earth to lift the curse he had inadvertently put on the former Egyptian pharaoh, Nu-ghan, he also delivered 11.4 million spirits of former Egyptians and “colonized” them in atmospherea in a new heavenly plateau, called Elaban, with nurseries, hospitals, and places of worship. Moses promised to return to complete their deliverance when “the a’ji’a forest is past and gone.”
and promised to return to complete their deliverance “when the a’ji’a forest is past and gone.” More than “a thousand million visitors” went to the kingdom of the true God, Eskra, to receive Moses, Elias, and their hosts “according to the custom of Gods” with heralds, receivers, marshals, musicians, and 2 days of recreation whereby atmosphereans mingled with ethereans.
By this time, the spirits of the former Egyptians were “raised high in the grades” and ready for third resurrection. Moses and Elias went to the plateau of Elaban, moved the spirits to a different location called Aroqu “where they were duly prepared and adorned as Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih”, and then “Moses provided for their ascent to the Nirvanian fields of Metapotamas, in etherea.”
(2) Moses and Elias met with Joshu: Oahspe briefly describes how Moses and his hosts traveled in “their otevan down to an angel camp” that was near the mortal Essenes. Light was made to intentionally fall upon the boat so that it was visible to the Essenes and they called it a chariot. Lastly, “Moses and Elias went and stood before Joshu, and he saw them.” Moses said, “…my son! The light of Eloih is upon thee. Israel, through thee, shall regain the All One, which was lost.”
(3) Moses transported Illaes to etherea: Moses and his hosts “descended to earth, to Kanna’yan (Canaan), to the tribes of Es’eans, which had been raised up by Illaes (Pharaoh)”. When Moses reunited with Illaes after about 650 years, it was emotional. Moses told him, “I have come for thee, O Nu’ghan! I have a place prepared for thee and thy hosts in my etherean kingdoms! Thou hast done well!” Illaes joined Moses in the otevan, they spent 3 days in Eskra’s kingdom and then entered their “fire-ship, and took course for Moses’ etherean realms.”
The doctrines of Joshu
For 3 years, Joshu traveled “amongst the Israelites, preaching, and restoring the ancient doctrines”. Wherever he traveled, “tens and twenties and fifties, more than two thousand Israelites, of the ancient Order of Moses” gathered and “became steadfast followers of the teachings of Joshu.”
The glossary that was added to Oahspe says that the “Sermon on the Mount” is believed to have been appropriated from Joshu’s teachings.
Joshu’s attending angel was God himself (Eskra): The first line of Oahspe’s description of Joshu’s doctrines says, “God said: These were my doctrines, as I taught through Joshu”, which seemingly indicates that the true God of Earth, Eskra, worked with Joshu directly rather than some other high-raised angel.
Biblical scholars have long-time contemplated what Jesus did during his youth and young adult-hood, which they call the “missing years”. If Joshu was indeed an Essene, then he likely lived among them, which would have been apart from the rest of society, learning and/or teaching; however, many Christians believe that Jesus would not have learned “mystical knowledge” because he was/is God21.
Who are the chosen? | “All men are the children of One Father, who is Jehovih; and whosoever chooseth Him, and keepeth His commandments, is His chosen.” |
How to pray (“The Lord’s Prayer”) | “Jehovih, who rules in heaven and earth, hallowed be Thy name, and reverent amongst men. Sufficient unto me is my daily bread; and, as much as I forgive those that trespass against me, forgive Thou me, and make me steadfast, to shun temptation, for all honor and glory are Thine, worlds without end. Amen!“ |
The “ten commandments” | Joshu taught to keep the “ten commandments of Moses”, but Part 17 covered how Moses initially taught the same commandments given to Abraham, but seemingly at some point, Moses may have been given another set… |
Non-resistance | Do “not engage in war, nor abet war”. “…return good for evil, and pit to them that sin”, no eye for an eye. If a man “smite thee on the cheek, turn the other unto him also.” |
Purification of body | “… eat no flesh of any animal, or fish, or bird, or fowl, or creeping thing that Jehovih created alive.” |
Family life & marriage | “… dwell in families, after the manner of the ancient Israelites, who held all things in common.” “The man shall have but one wife, and the woman but one husband.” “To preserve the seed of His chosen, thou shalt not wed but with the chosen.” “As the children honor the father, so will the family be blest with peace and plenty.” |
Rites and ceremonies: | “Preserve the sacred days of the rab’bahs; and the rites and ceremonies of emethachavah.” |
Kings, queens, governments | Have no king nor queen. “… take no part in the governments of men, but observe the will of Jehovih, being obedient unto all governments for His sake.” |
Idolatry | Do not bow down in worship to any except your Creator. Do not call on the name of angels to worship them nor consult with them on the affairs of Earth. “Call not on the name of any God or Lord in worship; but worship Jehovih only.” |
Good deeds, service to others | Love your neighbor as you would yourself and do unto others as you would have them do unto you. “Remember, that all things are of Jehovih, and ye are His servants, to help one another.” As much as you serve others, you serve Jehovih. The way of redemption is to keep oneself pure and visit and give relief to the sick, distressed, helpless, and blind; and provide for the widow and orphan. |
Relationships | “Behold only the virtues and wisdom of thy neighbor; his faults thou shalt not discover. His matters are with his Creator.” “And let thy speech be for other’s joy”. Be considerate in your speech and do not speak if your words will give pain. Teach others by gentleness and love to be respectful toward all men. |
The death of Joshu
False Gods inspired persecution of the followers of Joshu’s teachings: Oahspe explains that at the same time that Joshu traveled to preach and restore the ancient doctrines to the Israelites, first, the false God, Baal, and later, Looeamong’s warrior angel, Thoth, “inspired the kings and rulers, against these Faithists”. As a result of their persecution by what Oahspe calls, “the apostate Jews” (see side-note), Faithists and followers of Joshu’s teachings “kept themselves aloof from the world, having signs and pass-words, whereby they knew one another.” However, persecutors deployed different methods to find them; for example, “they proved them by commanding them to eat flesh, even swine’s flesh” and if they refused, it “was testimony sufficient before the laws, to convict them of being enemies against the Gods.” They were “scourged, and put to death, whenever found.”
Apostate Jews refers to segment(s) of Israelites that were inspired by false Gods to break commandments of Faithism including worshiping a God in the “shape and figure of a man with attributes like a mortal”, eating meat, marrying non-Faithists, having standing armies and Earthly rulers (kings and queens), etc.
Political unrest during the time of Joshu : Jerusalem was part of the Roman Empire at the time, so it was ruled by both Roman and Jewish leaders. Within Judaism, in addition to the Essenes with whom remained non-resistant and avoided politics, there were 3 other sects:
(1) the Pharisees: religious, inflexible, non-secular, considered the “common class” compared to the more affluent Sadducees. They were the first to feel hostile toward Jesus23.
(2) the Sadducees: participated in the condemnation of Jesus because he threatened their comfortable, luxurious way of life. They were secular, religiously indifferent, and devoted to gaining power in the Greek governance24.
(3) the Zeolots: revolutionaries that fought for Jewish freedom from Roman rule25. Biblical scriptures explain that Jesus’ friend, Judas, disclosed Jesus’ whereabouts to the Romans. Many consider it a betrayal; however, some alternatively believe that it was more so a manipulation-gone-awry in that Judas thought a war against the Roman authorities would commence, Jesus would finally use his powers, and end up a military hero26.

Joshu stoned to death: Regarding Joshu’s death, the only details Oahspe provides is that “it came to pass, that Joshu went into Jerusalem to preach, and in not many days thereafter, he was accused of preaching Jehovih” and arrested and “whilst being carried to prison”, he said, “Ye are hypocrites and blasphemers! Ye practice none of the commandments, but all the evils of
Oahspe’s definition of satan
In the glossary that was added to Oahspe, it is said that “Satan, in the context of Oahspe, is used as a metaphor.” Rather than satan referring to a specific individual, it pertains to a selfish state of mind; a preoccupation with self at the expense of others; a personification of selfish thoughts and desires. There is no person or spirit named “satan”.
. Behold, the temple shall be rent in twain, and ye shall become vagabonds on the earth.” As a result, “the multitude cast stones upon him, and killed him!” and not long after, “Jehovih sent a chariot of fire, and bore his soul to Paradise” (Eskra’s heavenly kingdom).
‼️The biblical description of Jesus’ death and resurrection resembles Zarathastra’s rather than Joshu’s: Oahspe’s description of Joshu’s death and resurrection is nothing like the biblical description of Jesus’ in the New Testament. In fact, everything about biblical Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection closely resembles the first great prophet, Zarathustra, rather than Joshu. As a reminder, Part 9 covered how everything about the life and death of Zarathustra was intentionally chocked-full of signs and miracles to provide “proof” to the especially disbelieving people of 7000 BCE.
How and why this could have happened will be explained below when this synopsis covers how, 300 years later, the Triune, Looeamong, inspires the mortal emperor, Constantine, to assemble the Council of Nice (Council of Nicea) and select “whatever is good” from “all the religious doctrines of the world” and create a single “The Book of Books”, to be the one and only doctrine of his people.
Similarities between Zarathustra and biblical Jesus | |
both were/are considered mortal incarnations of “God” | Zarathustra was portrayed as the “incarnated Jehovih in mortal form”. |
both were born of “virgin” births | The overlay, Zarathustra’s mother, Too’che, was take over (obsessed) by an angel so that she was not her conscious self during conception and pregnancy. As a result, she understandably thought she remained a virgin and that her child had no father. She proclaimed it throughout the city and when the learned people did not believe her, she was saved from persecution. She was later called a “virgin” by Zarathustra’s followers. , describes Zarathustra’s “virgin” birth. |
both were natural-born iesu | Zarathustra was born with “no sex” and called a “Yeshuah (Iesu)” while Joshu was born of “doubtful sex… the child was an iesu, signifying neutral”. |
both spent their early years apart from society | Zarathustra spent 27 years in the forest with the Listians, which were similar to the Essenes of Joshu’s day, and 7 years with the I’hin who taught him the rites and ceremonies of the ancients (rites of Emethechavah). Joshu’s youth and early adult-hood are considered “missing years”, but if he was indeed an Essene, he likely spent those years with them, apart from the rest of society, learning the rites of Emethechavah that he later included in his doctrines listed above). |
both performed many miracles | Zarathustra and biblical Jesus cast demons from people; healed sicknesses, diseases, and handicaps; restored hearing and sight to the deaf and blind; brought people back to life, fed thousands of people with very little, and prophesied their own death. |
both predicted coming destruction of the temple and surrounding city | Zarathustra predicted the destruction of the temple of stars and the entire city of Oas. Biblical Jesus predicted the destruction of Jerusalem and the first temple. |
both taught lessons/parables | The overlay,
Lessons of Zarathustra The power of the unseen and the existence of angels: All of the signs and miracles that the angels of Jehovih performed for Zarathustra during his life proved to people the power of the unseen; however, one of the most important examples of this lesson occurred when many people witnessed angels protect Zarathustra’s deceased body from lions in the lions den. As soon as the bodies of the 2 thieves had been eaten and the angels withdrew, the lions consumed Zarathustra’s body. Zarathustra used this event to prove how even the most savage of beasts have spiritual light and are governed by the unseen. Continued life after death, the immortality of the soul: The night after Zarathustra was executed, his soul appeared in his body, even wearing the same clothes, and he taught many people for 3 days. He taught that corporeal death belongs “to the earth-body of man, and not to the spirit.” The advantage of virtue and truth over sin and darkness: When Zarathustra’s soul came back in his body, he also brought with him the spirits of the 2 recently deceased thieves and a king; they were angry and confused and could hardly comprehend that they were dead. The spirits of the thieves fell upon the king with evil intent. Zarathustra taught that a virtuous life impacts the afterlife because such rules apply in heaven as they did on Earth; the spirit in the lower heavens continues whatever was practiced on Earth. The existence of the emancipated heavens (aka upper heavens, etherea): Zarathustra’s death intentionally occurred at the same time as a harvest so that many people would witness a heavenly ship descend to Earth and pick up Zarathustra to be transported out of Earth’s atmosphere (lower heavens) and up to the higher heavens of etherea. He told them that on the 4th day after his death, he would leave Earth’s lower heavens. Not only did this event prove to the people the existence of emancipated (higher) heavens, but it also showed the results of living a life “all pure and without sin”. , describes the lessons Zarathustra taught about continued life after death and the existence of etherean heavens. Biblical Jesus taught somewhere between 30-50 parables covering love, forgiveness, God’s kingdom, prayer, redemption, and the end times. |
both were executed with 2 non-spiritual people | Zarathustra was executed with 2 thieves and their presence helped Zarathustra teach lessons about how a virtuous life impacts the afterlife. Biblical Jesus was crucified along-side 2 rebels. |
both said of their executioners, “they know not what they do” | Zarathustra said this in response to the weeping and moaning of the 2 thieves and biblical Jesus said more so like a prayer to the “Father”. |
both were mocked for not saving themselves | Zarathustra was denounced as an imposter because he would not liberate himself by the power upon him. Biblical Jesus was told, “Save yourself, if you’re God’s son!” |
both were executed ignominiously | Zarathustra’s death was intended to be humiliating to garner sympathy from mortals; however, he was not crucified. His friend, a former king named Asha, was the one that was crucified and Oahspe’s description of his crucifixion closely resembles the biblical description of Jesus’ crucifixion. Maybe biblical writers used Asha’s dramatic crucifixion story for biblical Jesus… The overlay,
![]() Origin of the crucifixion Attaching someone to a cross originated before the great flood and was considered a punishment according to “Panic rites”. It was the original form of testing someone who claimed to be a su’is and/or sar’gis (clairaudient and/or clairvoyant), meaning they could see and/or hear angels. The claimant was tied to a wheel that was bound to a cross. To “crucify” someone, it meant to melt, test by fire, or test by binding. If after 3 days the claimant was not miraculously unbound, the wheel and cross were taken to the forest where wild beasts would devour him/her. , explains how Asha was crucified because he requested to be punished according to the “Panic rites”, which was a punishment done to people who claimed they could hear and/or see angels. |
both were resurrected from the dead and appeared to many people | Zarathustra’s death intentionally occurred at the same time as a harvest, which is the process of transporting high-raised spirits beyond Earth’s atmospheric heavens. After he died, his spirit returned in body and even wearing the same clothes. He taught the people for 3 days and on the 4th day, a heavenly ship descended to Earth to transport him beyond Earth’s lower heavens up to the higher heavens of etherea to prove the existence of emancipated heavens and exemplify the results of living a life “all pure and without sin”. Biblical Jesus’s spirit also appeared to many people on the 3rd day after his death, in “flesh and bones”, as the fulfillment of the creator God’s promised conquest of death and bring hope of bodily resurrection for all who believe27. |
both of their executions fostered 3-day mourning rituals | Zarathustra taught the people the practice of praying and singing for the dead 3 times per day for 3 days to “raise them out of the torments of hell”, which resembles today’s Christian practice of “Paschal Triduum” or “Easter Triduum”, which occurs the 3 days around the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. |
Back to the Triune Gods
After the death of Joshu, Oahspe goes back to the coverage of the 3 Triune Gods. Oahspe goes into much more detail about the Triune Looeamong of the middle eastern region, the false Lord God, compared to Kabalactes (false Budha) who originated over India and false Ennochissa (false Brahma) who originated over China. The likely reason is that when Oahspe was channeled in 1881, it was channeled by an American, in America; maybe there are books equivalent to Oahspe that were channeled at the same time in other regions of the world…

Looeamong’s actions resulted in Christianity and Islam: Out of all 3 Triunes, Looeamong had the most impact on North America, for it will soon be clear that his actions (1) established Christianity including Catholicism and the many non-Catholic (Protestant) denominations; (2) were highly responsible for the establishment of Islam; and (3) contributed to the relationships between the top 3 The 7 Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha’i, Yezidi, Druze, Samaritan, and Rastafari. , Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, being highly contentious from the very beginning.
The other 2 Triunes war against each other for 1,100 years: Before Oahspe begins its detailed coverage of Looeamong, it says that beginning around the turn of the millennia, so around 1 CE, Kabalactes (false Budha) and Ennochissa (false Brahma) “began to war against each other in their heavenly kingdoms, contending for boundaries and subjects” and fought for 1,100 years.
Triune Looeamong, false “Lord God” over the Middle East
For Oahspe’s detailed account of the trials of Looeamong, as a reminder, he had been fighting the last remaining major false God, Baal, since the beginning. After Kabalactes loaned him an army, he was able to cast Baal out of Jerusalem and Athens, but Baal remained in “the city of Roma and Hiedas (Byzantium)”. Looeamong celebrated his early success by following the lead of the other 2 Triunes, and with the help of his chief warrior angel, Thoth, he falsely establishing himself as Lord, God of Israel.
Looeamong lost the advantage over Baal: Unfortunately for Looeamong, by this time, after the life and death of Joshu, he and Thoth no longer had the advantage over Baal. With “the whole of the countries of Egupt, Parse’e, Heleste, and Uropa” at war, it was all that Looeamong could do “to save his heavenly kingdom, lest he be captured, and cast into hell.”

Looeamong and Thoth’s progress hindered by 63 lesser false Gods: Thoth reported to Looeamong the reason: “I labor against Gods who have the advantage of me.” The aforementioned rebel sub-Gods that escaped Kabalactes and Ennochissa and became Gods in Athens and Rome were still active and had “taken upon themselves names popular and/or flattering to mortals.” Then, through magicians and priests, these false Gods were talking directly to mortals who were being “led to believe that they hear the very Gods whose names are given” (e.g. Poseidon, Apollo, Argos, Jah, Brahma, Sakaya, Thor, Orion, Vishnu, etc.).
Mortals wanted a more definite God, one that talks: Thoth explained to Looeamong that when his “angel hosts speak to the oracles or to persons capable of hearing spirits” and tell mortals to “Fight ye for the Holy Ghost” or the “Creative element”, mortals do not listen and worse, mortals mock them saying, we don’t care “for a God that is but a ghost, a shadow, a creative element”, “Give us Gods that talk, and of themselves. We want no angels from the Holy Ghost. Bring your Gods, and let the oracles tell us what they say.”
The expandable sections below cover how Looeamong falsely claimed to be Kriste (unrelated to Joshu or biblical Jesus); then he and Thoth successfully rid the Earth of more than 700 false Gods and Lords. Yet after 600 years, they had not defeated the false God Baal and by that time, he became a God in Rome under many different names. Next, after losing over 15,000 mortal warriors (Kriste’yans), Looeamong and Thoth decided they needed to partner with a mortal ruler, so Looeamong inspired the mortal emperor Constantine to “covenant unto him” in return for victory over Rome. Finally, they were able to end the earthly dominion of Baal and other pagan Gods, which enabled Looeamong to focus on inspiring Constantine to oversee the compilation of the “best” of all the religious doctrines of the world into a single doctrine for his people. He planned to recommend the resulting “The Book of Books” to all nations so there would “never more be but one religion” and no more war for religion’s sake.
Looeamong, Thoth, and the Holy Council deliberated and concluded that “Mortals have never been satisfied with ‘An Angel from the Gods’… They want God himself”. Therefore, as a result of not providing mortals with a recognizable name for their God, they had become as weak as the Jehovians, so mortals were turning to angels that “unscrupulously assumed to be Gods”, which at that time happened to be the 63 lesser false Gods that had the advantage over Thoth. They concluded that in order to “effectually overcome the power of evil spirits over mortals”, which was why the Holy Confederacy formed in the first place, “it hath come to pass that mortals desire a more definite God, one known unto them.”
Looeamong’s Holy Council named him “Kriste”: For the final decision, Oahspe says that “satan entered the Holy Council” and told Looeamong that as a result of the other 2 Triunes taking “upon themselves the names, Brahma and Budha, both of which signify knowledge, no more no less”, their mortals were satisfied and their kingdoms were more populous with subjects of higher grades. They advised Looeamong to “choose the name, Kriste, which is the Ahamic word for knowledge also” so that “on earth thou shalt have a personal embodiment” (at this point, Kriste simply meant knowledge and was unrelated to the prophet Joshu or Jesus Christ of Christianity).
Satan: In the glossary that was added to Oahspe, it says that “Satan, in the context of Oahspe, is used as a metaphor.” Rather than satan referring to a specific individual, it pertains to a selfish state of mind; a preoccupation with self at the expense of others; a personification of selfish thoughts and desires. There is no person or spirit named “satan”.
Looeamong’s mortal warriors were called Kriste’yans: Looeamong then set out to have it “proclaimed in heaven and earth that he was The Kriste, which is the Ahamic expression for All Knowledge.” He commanded Thoth, “his angel warrior in command of his earthly dominions, to raise up tribes of warriors amongst mortals” and induce them to call themselves Kriste’yans.
Looeamong and Thoth succeeded for 600 years: For the next 600 years, Looeamong and Thoth “gradually gained on Baal and his alliances, both on earth and in heaven”; they cast out more than 700 false Gods and false Lords from their dominions; broke up 688 oracle-houses and temples false Gods had been using “to advise mortals on war, conquest, and destruction”; and they “captured mostly all the earthly strong-holds of other false Gods.” Oahspe adds that in those 600 years, “even in Looeamong’s falsity to himself” and even though “he was doing battle” against Jehovih by claiming to be the All Knowledge, he rendered a great service to Jehovih in the elimination of so many false Gods and Lords.

Baal became a God of the Roman Empire: Nevertheless, after 600 years of Looeamong managing 6,000 million angel warriors in wars over Persia, Arabia, Heleste (Greece), and Europe, the last major false God, Baal, “still maintained himself in Roma, and as God of the Roman empire, but under many names”.
Looeamong resented the other 2 Triunes: By this point, Looeamong felt despair and bitterness. While false Brahma and false Budha were enjoying their peaceful divisions, their places of great profits, in their kingdoms of grandeur, Looemaong had to use his “thousands of millions of angels” as warriors “fighting battles with satan all these hundreds and hundreds of years”. He bewailed, “How have I time to embellish my throne, and my heavenly city? No wonder, you two point the finger of mockery at me, for the poverty of my heavenly kingdom.”
Looeamong broke away from the Triune and became an independent God of war: Looeamong proclaimed that from this point forward, since everyone was for himself, he would put himself first as well. He would no longer go down “to send peace on earth; I go not to send peace, but a sword.” He would set man against “his brother and father, and woman against her sister and mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.” He wanted every knee to bow down to him, every tongue to confess him, and anyone that would not take up a sword to proclaim him as “Lord of all” was not worthy of him. He claimed the “sword, a skull and cross-bones, and a bull” as his signs and for his edicts, they “shall be bulls; by these shall mine enemies be destroyed.” Lastly, he said that he would give mortals “a book and a guide, whereby they shall know me; in blood will I seal them to the end of the world.”
Thoth informed Looeamong that he needed a mortal ruler: Just in time for Looeamong’s renewed vigor, Thoth informed him that throughout 17 different regions, which included Cyprus, Thebes, Damascus, and Crete, at the hands of mortal emperors and kings, ruled by at least 3 different false Gods (Baal, Jupiter and Ira), more than 15,000 Kriste’yan warriors had been slaughtered, burned alive, roasted alive, cut to pieces, etc. Their “sacred bull” had been roasted alive and their bloody cross, their “sign of the battle-cry”, had been broken and burnt. Thoth concluded that while mortals drew the sword to establish Looeamong, to fight for him and serve him, they were being slaughtered because they had “no king or queen on earth to protect them.”
Looeamong selected Hatuas (Constantine): When Looeamong could hear no more, he said, “Enough! I, too, will have a mortal emperor”. First, he sent Thoth down to inspire Hatuas (Constantine), “who was a su’is, and could both see angels and hear them talk”, to raise a mortal army of 40,000 men and “set out for conquest”, specifically to “move upon Roma” to drive Baal out of Rome. Next, Looeamong embarked on his part of the plan, which was to “make myself Kriste of heaven” and “make Hatuas (Constantine) emperor of the whole earth.”
Looeamong convinced Constantine to covenant unto him: When Constantine’s new army “had come to the plains of Agatha” (northern Rome), “where the Kriste’yans had been massacred many years before”, “Looeamong and his angel hosts appeared in the heavens above Hatuas’ army, so that all the soldiers thereof beheld the heavenly visitors.” Looeamong displayed, “in the air of heaven, a true cross, on which was written in letters of blood: IL’KRISTE.”
Oahspe adds that no-one present “could read the inscription”, so that evening, “Looeamong descended to Hatuas” and told him: “This is the interpretation of the sign and the cross I showed thee: ‘In this thou shalt conquer!'” Looeamong promised Hatuas (Constantine) that if he commissioned the making of a cross “of most excellent workmanship”, inscribed it with “The Kriste, our Lord, Son of the Holy Ghost”, and carried it at the head of his army, Looeamong would bring him to victory in Rome.
Looeamong falsely claimed he was God of Israel: Lastly, Looeamong instructed Constantine to call his edicts (proclamations) “bulls” and write them in lamb’s blood because Looeamong was “Lord of heaven and earth” and the blood of the lamb is “in remembrance of the sacrifice of the Jews in Egupt, through which sacrifice the Father in heaven delivered them”.
Mainstream history: According to the esteemed biblical scholars Eusebius of Caesarea and Lactantius, in the year of 312 CE, Constantine and his troops saw an “enormous cross of fire in the heavens” and the Greek words, “By this, conquer”. Constantine was troubled because he did not understand what the words meant.
That night, he dreamt that Christ appeared to him bearing a cross in his hands and promised him a victory over his enemies if he would make the cross his standard. From that point on, Constantine declared himself a Christian and had a standard made in the form of a cross with a banner that displayed the initial letters of the name of Christ. This banner became the standard for Roman emperors31.

Baal’s 3,000-year earthly dominion ended: Constantine and his soldiers “went forth with renewed courage” and “so great was their zeal, that everything fell before them.” Oahspe adds that as a result of Constantine’s victories on Earth and Thoth’s victories in heaven, Looeamong’s angels gained an “anchorage on earth” that made them “equals of angels of the pagan Gods.” In not many years, “Looeamong, through Gabriel (Thoth), captured Baal and all the false Gods in all the regions far and near” as well as 7.6 million warring angels. They were cast into a hell-like location in Earth’s lower heavens, called Makavishtu, where there were already 10 million other spirits “in chaos and madness”, so Thoth “had the place walled around with fire and noxious gases, so that none could escape.”
Oahspe begins referring to Thoth as “Gabriel”: Once Looeamong and Thoth started working with the mortal emperor Constantine, Oahspe refers to Thoth as “Thoth (Gabriel)”, “Thoth, otherwise Gabriel”, and even “Gabriel, otherwise Thoth”. This is likely because when Looeamong first started working with Thoth, 600 years earlier, Thoth managed his army out of Egypt where mortals were already familiar with the name “Thoth”, as explained in the overlay,
Thoth in Egypt
As a reminder, the first time Oahspe mentions Thoth, it was around 3100 BCE, right after the false Gods, Osiris, Te-in, and Sudga, re-wrote the creation stories to co-opt Earth’s natural ascension process. They each chose a psychic mortal (aka prophet) down on Earth to put their new doctrines in writing (part 14). False Osiris selected a mortal named Thoth for the region of Arabia. Later, around 2800 BCE, false Osiris wanted to build up the new country of Egupt, so he he began working with a king named Hojax, told him he was the re-incarnate of his first mortal servant, Thoth, and changed his name to “Thoth” and “God-Thoth” (part 15). They did many things together such as building the Great Pyramid and the Column of Stars.
By this time, however, Looeamong must have concluded that Constantine, his troops, and other mortals in the regions of Cyprus, Thebes, Damascus, Crete, Rome, Italy, etc., would recognize and respect Gabriel rather than Thoth. Biblical scriptures confirm that the angel Gabriel was an important figure; he told the prophet Daniel about the future coming of the “Anointed One” (the Messiah or Christ)34; he told John the Baptist’s mother about his birth; and he told both Mary and Joseph about their upcoming virgin birth of the “Son of God”35.

Looeamong brought an end to the pagan Gods: After the end of the 3,000-year-long “earthly dominion of Baal”, “who had ruled over mortals for evil”, Oahspe described Looeamong’s achievement as “a good service”. After thousands of years of “earthly Gods” capturing “spirits of the recent dead” and making “slaves of them for the glory of their hadan kingdoms”, Looeamong brought on the “final termination of the earthly Gods that ruled over mortals through oracles and pagan practices.” Now, the Earth and lower heavens had “nothing to suffer from any Gods, except the Triunes” (false Budha, false Brahma, and false Kriste).
“Council of Nice” formed to compile a one-and-only doctrine for a single religion: After Looeamong used Constantine to eliminate all other false Gods, Looeamong inspired Constantine, through Gabriel (Thoth), to call together 1,786 “learned men” from Arabia, Greece, Persia, and Europe to form the “Council of Nice” (aka Council of Nicea) to “select from all the religious doctrines in the world, that which is wisest and best, that it might be established by kings, emperors and governors by the sword and spear, so there should never more be but one religion.” Looeamong intended for the resulting “Book of Books” to be the “doctrine of my people, which I will recommend unto all nations, that there shall be no more war for religion’s sake.”

Oahspe indicates that “Jews” were excluded: “Under the rules and presence” of Constantine, the council members were first divided into groups of speakers (44), scribes, and translators; then the remaining members were divided into groups of 12. Oahspe adds that “many, having the appearance of Jews, were rejected altogether.”
Line of light formed between council and Looeamong: Gabriel and his hosts “watched over the mortal council”, day and night, “over-shadowing their every thought and word”; they formed a circle around the mortal council “a thousand angels deep on every side” that extended upward forming a line of light up to Looeamong’s throne.
The council extracted the “best” from 2,231 books: The council brought with them 2,231 “books and legendary tales of Gods and Saviors and great men, together with a record of the doctrines taught by them” and then executed the following process:
(1) Search the books, retain whatever is good in them, cast away whatever is evil.
(2) Whatever is good in one book, combine with the good of another book.
(3) Whatever is retained in the end will be called “The Book of Books”.
Reminder about Genesis and Exodus: The content for “Genesis” was written about 3,300 years earlier when false Osiris re-wrote the creation stories to co-opt Earth’s normal ascension process and keep high-raised spirits in Earth’s heavens (Part 14). Then, around 2800 BCE, false Osiris inspired an Egyptian king to enter his creation stories into the Egyptian libraries (Part 15).
The content for “Exodus” was written around 1400 BCE when the Pharoah that persecuted the Israelites hired Egyptians, rather than Israelites, to write the “Exodus of the Hebrews” (Part 17).
Egyptian versions of Genesis and Exodus made it into the Council of Nice: For how Egyptian records were later used for both Genesis and Exodus, earlier in this post it was covered how around 325 CE, Looeamong inspired Ezra of Jerusalem to use Egyptian records to compile his 72-book “Holy Library” for the “king’s library of Jerusalem”, which have now been brought into the Council of Nice to be included in the Old Testament bible.
The page, Formation of the Hebrew Scriptures, provides an overview of the formation of the Hebrew Scriptures of the Old Testament.
Mainstream history corroborates that Constantine did indeed organize the “Council of Nicaea” in 325 CE; however, for the first 600 years, the predominately-accepted opinion was that while the church leaders of this council finalized the “Christological issues”, the divine nature of Jesus, wrote the first part of the Nicene Creed37, and deliberated on about 20 other issues, there was no historical evidence they discussed, decided, nor declared which books would be in the Bible38.
That was until 900 CE, however, when an anonymous document emerged, called the “Synodicon Venus”, which provided a one-chapter summary of every major council of the Christian Church up to 887 CE39. This document described the “canonical and apocryphal books” as being determined miraculously40. It said that the church leaders stacked all of the books that were candidates for inclusion in the Bible on a communion table. Then, while they prayed, the books to be excluded slipped through the table and onto the floor. Whichever books were left on the table were included in the Bible41.
It was not until the 1700s philosopher, Voltaire, “satirized” about the anonymous document’s version of the formation of the Bible in his philosophical dictionary that the “myth” became a popularized “conspiracy” (a more recent example is Dan Brown’s 2005 novel, “the Da Vinci Code”42).
Well-worded, memorable scriptures were chosen: After 4 years and 7 months of Constantine’s council deliberating over the 2,231 books and legendary tales, under the inspiration (and manipulation) of Looeamong and Gabriel, the council “selected and combined much that was good and great” and “worded so as to be well-remembered by mortals.” Yet, “no God had been selected by the council.”

Council needed a name for God: The council “balloted in order to determine the matter.” Their first ballot “gave prominence” to 37 Gods; they considered 22 additional Gods and Goddesses, but they received fewer votes.
Constantine turned the decision over to the angels: After 1 year and 5 months, the council had narrowed the list of potential names of Gods down to 5: Jove and Kriste from the original ballot, plus 3 new names, Mars, Crite, and Siva. After another 7 weeks without progress, Constantine turned it over to “the angels”. He said that because (1) their labor was “for all the nations of the earth, and for all time” and (2) they had already narrowed the Gods down to 5 that were “good and acceptable before the world”, he knew the “angels of heaven” were with them on the matter, so they would wait for the angels to show them the signs for the God they should choose.
And immediately, there and then, Looeamong and his angels gave a sign in fire, of a cross smeared with blood, and it rested on a bull’s horn, even as a cloud of fire on a cloud of fire!
Upon seeing the sign, the council unanimously agreed that “Kriste was declared ‘God and Lord of all nations of the earth’.”
Council set out to select a name for God’s mortal representative: After the council chose the name Kriste for the “God and Lord of all nations of the earth”, their next question was, “what mortal representative should be chosen?” Their first ballot included 15 names; they considered 46 other names, but they received fewer votes.

A council of men cannot determine prophets: After 12 months, Oahspe says that the true God or Earth, Eskra, questioned why the Council of Nice (Council of Nicea) balloted for 12 months as to what man heard the voice of Jehovih – as if Jehovih would ever send His matters to a council of men…
Council chose “Iesu”, a common characteristic of a prophet, in place of a name: Constantine must have heard Eskra’s question because afterward, he told the council that since “The Gods will not let us choose any man.” He then asked, “since we cannot make preference as to a man”, yet “all the law-givers chosen by the Gods, have been iesu”, should we say, “The man, Iesu?” (Constantine referred to prophets as law-givers). With that, Oahspe adds, “the name, Iesu, was adopted, and the sacred books were written accordingly.”
For how the term, Iesu, came to mean a prophet, the section, origin of Iesu and Jesus, provides a full overview of how Iesu started out as Yeshuah, which means “without evil”, but initially had nothing to do with a person or a prophet. Yeshuah happened to be the name of the second heavenly kingdom in Earth’s lower heavens around 70000 BCE, but early man could not pronounce Yeshuah and instead, said Iesu, so the 2 terms became interchangeable. Then, in 11000 BCE, the “God of the I’huans”, I’hua’Mazda, referred to the first mortal prophet, Zarathustra, as a “Yeshuah (Iesu)” because he was born with “without gender”, so
Why is child born without gender considered “without evil”?
A child born that “hath no sex” was considered “without evil”, or better yet, without the potential to commit evil, because “without the possibility of sexual passion”, a man is able to life a life of celibacy, which is most conducive to focusing on spiritual endeavors without the distraction of earthly, physical emotions such as sexual desire. Five out of the 11 prophets within Oahspe were natural-born iesu.
. From that point on, Iesu not only referred to someone born without gender, but more importantly, it was used to describe anyone born able to “hear the voice of the Great Spirit” or who attained the ability during adulthood, through diet and fasting, to attain the “state of mind to be with the All Light.”
Eskra’s closing thoughts on the work of the council: After the Council’s work was completed, the true God, Eskra, added that the Council of Nice “sinned not” in regard to the doctrines they set forth as being from Iesu because the doctrines were indeed “for Jehovih”. Regarding how “the names of Kriste and the Holy Ghost” were made worshipful, on the other hand, “that matter was with Looeamong”;
God said: My testimonies were previously with Abraham and Brahma and Moses, and I spake not of Kriste nor of the Holy Ghost, I spake of God and of the I Am.
313 CE | Roman Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity, which then became the dominant faith in all Roman territories. The Holy Land (Israel & Palestine), Egypt, and North Africa became strong, vibrant Christian communities. |
325 CE | First Church of Nativity was established in Bethlehem. Council of Nicea met (discussed above) |
331 CE | Constantine moved the seat of the Roman Empire to Constantinople (Turkey today); which gave more power over the Holy Land to the Eastern Church; from then on, there were strained relations between the Pope’s Western Church out of Rome and the Eastern Church. |
Next, Part 21: Cycle of 650 BCE (PART 4), God-Gabriel & the Mohammedans, 4 false Gods divide up the heavens
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- https://loandbeholdbible.com/2019/09/02/st-gabriel-the-archangel-daniel-920-27/
- https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-stories/birth-of-jesus.html
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- black and white banner flag image: https://www.learnreligions.com/constantine-the-great-emperor-of-rome-4122790
- image of angel in the sky over Constantine: https://library.missouri.edu/news/special-collections/the-battle-of-milvian-bridge-and-the-history-of-the-book#:~:text=On%20October%2028%20in%20312,the%20bridge%20quickly%20became%20overcrowded.
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- https://timothypauljones.medium.com/did-emperor-constantine-choose-the-books-of-the-bible-at-the-council-of-nicaea-3d277a043d3e#:~:text=If%20this%20council%20had%20made,the%20Bible%20was%20brought%20together.
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