Law of One – Orion Group

This section provides additional information about the how another channeled work, the “Law of One”, states that the voice of the burning bush that spoke to Moses was actually the Orion Group.

The channeling of both Oahspe (1881) and the Law of One (1981) were approved by a group called the “Confederation of Planets in the Service to the Infinite Creator,” “Confederation” for short, and it is comprised of many positively-oriented civilizations that work together1. Law of One, channeled from 1981-1984, so 100 years after Oahspe, says that during Moses’ time, an entity from a different group of civilizations, outside of the Confederation, called the Orion Group, came to Earth.

Ancient Egyptian Deities: Bastet, Anubis, Thoth, Sabek3

The Orion Group is in opposition to the Confederation because while the Confederation is positively oriented (service-to-others), the Orion Group is negatively oriented (service-to-self at the expense of others). Law of One adds that during the time of Moses, Earth became an “intensive battleground between positively oriented forces of the confederation origin and negatively oriented forces”2.

The Law of One explains that service-to-self civilizations, such as the Orion Group, pursue other planets by “conquest and enslavement”, which sounds worse than it is, although it is not good. By conquest, it means that such groups intervene with other planets without waiting to be called. By enslavement, such groups achieve this by “finding and establishing an elite and causing others to serve the elite through various devices such as the laws…4

The Orion Group locates people on Earth that are also service-to-self at the expense of others, or have the potential to be, and works through them to “enslave the un-elite”, which refers to the people that are service-to-others5

Why would Oahspe not mention the Orion Group?

The Law of One adds that ever since the Orion Group came back to Earth at the time of Moses, they have been “constantly working upon the harvest just as the confederation” because the more negatively-oriented, service-to-self souls they bring “to harvest”, the greater their ability to “do work in consciousness” and their entire group of civilizations gain in strength6.

The Law of One adds that the Orion Group first came to Earth about 45,000 years ago, but made no headway. They did not return again until 300 years before Moses, so around 1700 BCE, when they became involved with the final demise of the Egyptian Empire, not long after the pyramids were built7.

Then, 300 years later, at the time of Moses, so around 1400 BCE, the Orion Group returned a third and final time because according to the Law of One, they have been influencing Earth ever since, which may be why Oahspe does not mention them by name.

The transmission of Oahspe to humanity was a Confederation-approved project and the Confederation abides by cosmic law; therefore, the name of the Orion Group may have been left out of Oahspe in accordance with the Law of Free Will (aka Law of Confusion) whereby sources cannot speak of the future because they may affect it. Oahspe was channeled with the intention of using the physical history of our religions “to veil and partially unveil aspects of the Law of One”8, so in this case, Oahspe’s source group may have kept the Orion Group’s involvement with humanity “veiled”.

Lastly, one last example of careful handling of the mention of the Orion Group can be found in Law of One’s answer to the following question: “Can you tell me about what percentage is Orion-influenced in both the Old and the New Testaments?” The source behind the Law of One preferred to leave it to the “discretion of those who seek the Law of One”, “by careful reading and inward digestion of the contents” because if the Law of One provided a percentage, such statements would be construed by some as judgmental. And Law of One did not speak to humanity “in order to judge”25.

“The voice said: I am the God of Abraham, and of Isaac and Jacob.”

The Law of One explains that the Orion Group, with whom “conquers” planets (not literally) by fostering elitism and enslavement of the un-elite, targeted Moses and the Faithists of Egypt (Israelites) to exploit “those whose impression from olden times… was that they were special and different.9

Bloodline/lineage narrative built around “chosen people”: the Orion Group likely saw the potential to build a bloodline/lineage narrative around a sub-set of the “chosen people”. As a reminder, in Oahspe, the “chosen people” refer to those with whom chose Jehovih, not the other way around. The first group of “chosen people” were the spiritual I’hin race, which were created by the union between the “visiting angels” and the Asu’ans (Adam) around 74000 BCE. After the Great Flood of 22000 BCE, the “chosen people” referred to the 138 ships of I’hin that survived the flood and were then sent out to the 5 main divisions of Earth to re-start civilization. Over time, the descendants of the I’hin became part of the “chosen people”; known as Faithists, those that have faith in Jehovih the Creator. Therefore, the Orion Group likely targeted a group of people that had a long history of living apart from the tribes of the world’s people, but not in an elitist way; until the Orion Group became involved…

Narrative specified a sub-set of “chosen people”: However, when the voice of the burning bush, allegedly the Orion Group, identified itself to Moses as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the voice targeted just a sub-set of the “chosen people”; the Faithists of Egypt. Furthermore, the voice may have referred to a sub-set of a sub-set because Abraham was also a descendant of the “lost tribes” of Persia (15000 BCE), covered in Part 7’s Lost Tribes section. Although the “lost tribes” are considered a very important event in both Oahspe and Judaism, both sources define them quite differently, covered in the overlay, Lost Tribes of Oahspe vs. Judaism, and neither Oahspe nor the Law of One specify whether or not the voice of the burning bush intentionally targeted the descendants of Oahspe’s “lost tribes”.

Bloodlines even more so emphasized in the biblical scriptures’ definition of the “chosen people” with whom inherit God’s covenant. The overlay, Biblical covenants of the 'chosen people', provides an overview of the biblical scriptures’ bloodline definition for the “chosen people” that began with Adam and Eve, then Noah, then Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and now Moses (only later to be allegedly replaced with the Davidic Covenant of Judaism, the New Covenant of Christianity, and the final revelation of Islam). The over-arching story the Abrahamic religions seemingly portray is that after humanity “forfeited God’s blessing through sin and rebellion”, “God’s response was to choose Abraham’s family as the vehicle through which he would restore his blessing to the world13

“12 Tribes of Israel”, an example of bloodline emphasis11

“The Voice said: …deliver you out of the land of Egupt, and into an inheritance which shall be your own.”

Ancient kingdoms of Israel14

Inheritance in Oahpse: When the voice told Moses that He would help him lead the Israelites “into an inheritance which shall be your own”, inheritance is defined differently in Oahspe compared to the biblical scriptures. Inheritance in Oahspe does not mean to take possession of. For example, when Oahspe described how Abraham, 2,500 years prior to Moses, led the Faithists of Arabia away from bondage of the kings’ people and into lands where they could re-establish their rab’bah-led communities, they were told by the angels of Jehovih that the lands were “thy inheritance”; however, possession of land was against Faithists’ commandments, so “thy inheritance” meant they would inhabit lands seen as “neglected and waste in the eyes of the kings’ people”. Furthermore, if the kings’ people later wanted the land for themselves, the Faithists would give it up without resistance because “that which is Jehovih’s cannot be inherited by purchase or battle.” Faithists would then be led to the next region of “waste lands” where they would again, make the land “bloom like gardens” and “yield ample harvest” to further exemplify “the glory of thy works.”

Inheritance in the Bible: The biblical scriptures, on the other hand, say that the voice of the burning bush told Moses that He would help Moses lead the Israelites, a sub-set of the “chosen people”, out of Egypt and to the “promised land” to take possession of the lands of the “Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jesuits15” (some translations refer to the regions of Palestina, Edom, Moab, and Kana’yan (Canaan) rather than to groups of people).

Moses was told to tell the Israelites, “The I AM sent me

Yahweh, God of Gods17

In both Oahspe’s and the biblical scriptures’ account of Moses’ conversation with the voice of the burning bush, the voice, allegedly the Orion Group, told Moses to tell the Israelites that “The I AM sent me“. Outside of Oahspe, the biblical scriptures, Exodus 3, describe an additional mention of the “I AM” when the voice tells Moses, “I AM” is “my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation16.” Neither Oahspe nor the biblical scriptures provide any additional information about the use of “I AM” and as a result, God’s use of “I AM” has been debated for over 2 millennia.

Within Judaism, there appears to be a consensus that “I AM” is the English translation of the Hebrew name “Yahweh“, so when the voice of the burning bush told Moses to tell the Israelites the “I AM sent me”, it was God introducing Himself to Moses using “God’s personal name”; so personal in fact, that it should not be said to preserve its sanctity18. Christian sources later added that “I AM” was a divine title that Jesus often took upon himself to identity Himself with the voice of the burning bush19.

The Orion Group likely wanted Moses to believe they were “Yahweh”: The Law of One, which says that the voice of the burning bush was the Orion Group, provides additional information about the name “Yahweh” that indicates that the Orion Group likely told Moses to tell the Israelites “The I AM sent me” because the Israelites were already familiar with an entity named Yahweh (“I Am”). The Law of One explains that the entities that humans named “Yahweh” were from a group belonging to the Confederation, the same Confederation responsible for the channeling of Oahspe and the Law of One.

Law of One provides 2 examples of Yahweh’s work with humanity up to the time of Moses. First, when the “visiting angels” came to Earth about 75,000 years ago and pro-created with the Asu’ans (aka Adam and Eve), which created the first race of man, the spiritual I’hin race, humans on Earth at the time named the “visiting angels” Yahweh20, meaning “He comes21“. Therefore, when the Orion Group told Moses to tell the Israelites that he was conversing with “I Am” (Yahweh), the Orion Group likely wanted the Israelites to think Moses was conversing with the same God that created mankind.

For the second example, the overlay, Orion Group & Yahweh's earlier work in Egypt, describes how about 300 years before the birth of Moses (~1700 BCE), while the Orion Group successfully began to “plant the seed of negativity” within both the Israelites and the Egyptians, the Yahweh group returned to Earth, this time to Egypt, to once again create a hybrid race, the Anak, to try to offset the work of the Orion group; however, it was a “decided failure” and therefore allowed the Orion group to make “serious inroads” in the manipulation of humans and laid the foundation for “the concept of holy war”.

How did this happen to a true prophet? For how Moses, a true prophet, was allegedly manipulated by the Orion Group, Law of One explains that although Moses “was one of extreme positivity”, “due to his people’s pressure to do specific physical things”, it “left Moses open for the type of information and philosophy of the self-service nature.24

The Orion Group allegedly convinced the Faithists of Egypt (Israelites) that Moses was conversing with the Lord God over all of the Earth, that they were His chosen people, He would help them escape slavery in Egypt, He would dwell with them and provide for them during their journey in the desert, and that He would help them take possession of the same lands that were promised to their forefather Abraham; all the while, the Orion Group sowed extreme dissension between the Israelites and the Egyptians and eventually between the Israelites and almost every other society of people in the Middle East.

Ancient Egyptian image23

  1. Confederation of Planets:
  2. Intensive battleground:
  4. Establishing an elite:
  6. Work on harvest:
  8. What Law of One says about Oahspe:
  10. “Ten Lost Tribes of Israel”:
  14. Ancient kingdoms of Israel image:
  17. Yahweh Image:
  18. God’s personal name:
  19. God’s personal name:,voice%20from%20the%20burning%20bush.
  20. Yahweh came to Earth 75,000 years ago:
  21. “he comes” source:
  23. Ancient Egypt image:
  24. Law of One Moses: