Part 22, Transition into the Age of Kosmon

So many important events happened during the cycle of 650 BCE that it took 4 parts, Parts 18-21, just to cover how 400 years of darkness resulted in unemployed Lords breaking away from the true God of Earth, Eskra, and forming a Confederacy of the Holy Ghost (aka Triune/Trinity). Next, there was the work of the prophets, Sakaya (Buddha), Ka’yu (Confucius), and Joshu. Then, the 3 Triune heads of the Confederacy became false Budha, false Brahma, and false Kriste, which contributed to the religions of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity. And lastly, how false Kriste’s top warrior angel, Gabriel/Thoth, broke away from him, became a 4th false God, God-Gabriel, and founded what is Islam today.

This final part covers the last 400 years of Eskra’s cycle and the first few decades of the next cycle. However, this time period was not only a transition into a new cycle, but also into a new age. Eskra’s cycle, which occurred from 650 BCE to 1848 CE, was the last cycle of what Oahspe calls the “Age of Seffas”; the next cycle, which started in 1848, is the first cycle of the “Age of Kosmon.”

Earth’s next cycle was in a new Age: Regarding the transition from the Age of Seffas to the Age of Kosmon, the overlay, Seasons, Ages, & Cycles of Earth, provides a reminder that as Earth orbits a central point every 4.7 million years, that orbit is divided into 8 sections called “Sums”, which are further divided into 4 sections called “Seasons”, which are divided into 2 sections called “Ages”, which are divided into 24 sections called “Arcs” (aka cycles) that are each about 3,000 years in length. In 1848, Earth left the last Arc/cycle of the previous Age and entered the first Arc/cycle of the next Age.

Depictions of Brahma, Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed1

On all corporeal worlds, Jehovih hath provided these two seasons for every race He created; a season for the development of the corporeal senses, and a season for the development of the spiritual senses.
To find a mean in between these is to find kosmon…

Age of Seffas vs. Kosmon: The “Age of Seffas” was when the laws of the land and religions were established and enforced; Oahspe’s 75,000 years of history covers the events of this age. The “Age of Kosmon”, on the other hand, refers to a state in which corporeal and spiritual knowledge are developed simultaneously and are in balance, without either one being over-emphasized.

The Age of Kosmon is not about calling “sinners to repentance” or “gathering up the lost sheep of Israel”; instead it is about “attaining a state of universal fellowship among all nations.” Oahspe metaphorically refers to this time as a time of building the “Father’s kingdom on earth”, but what that really means is replacing divisional constructs such as religion with “the system of universal peace, love, harmony and kosmon, adapted to all nations and peoples in the world.”

Mankind will discover proof in the Age of Kosmon that there is a “government of heaven upon the earth.” Buried cities, deciphered history, artifacts, and ancient texts will “be as a key to unlock the doctrines and languages of times and seasons long past.”

Distant and diverse groups of people from all corners of the world will discover they have been taught the same things about the Great Flood, the 7 Deadly Sins, and the Lost Tribes. Mankind will eventually learn about the commonalities between the commandments of Zarathustrian Law, Egoquim law, Jewish Law, the universal Degrees/Rites of Emethachavah (Rites of Anubis), and the 288 signs, emblems, and symbols that are the “sacred language of mortals in all the divisions of the earth.”

…it shall come to pass that the Faithists of the children of Moses shall find the Faithists of the children of Chine and the Faithists of the children of Capilya. And all these people shall cry out in that day: No God, no Lord, no Savior!

After “all these things of heaven and earth (are) made plain to man in kosmon”, “every man shall pray for himself, in his own way.” Jehovih’s “light shall fall upon the thousands and thousands” with all their “many varieties and talents.”

Focus shifted to establishing Gautama (America)

In the 400 years leading up to the transition into the Age of Kosmon, between the years of 1050-1450 CE, the true God of Earth, Eskra, stopped “striving to redeem the four heavenly kingdoms of the four false Gods” and instead, directed his energies toward regaining a “broader earth-anchorage”, which meant inspiring mortals of the East to migrate to the “western continent” known as Guatama (America).

Eskra raised up mortals for the transition to kosmon: Eskra sent “masters of generations” angels (loo’is) down to Earth to control the marriages of certain mortals, which “shaped mortal births”, so that by the time Columbus journeyed to the Americans in 1492, “tens of thousands of mortal heirs” were “born into the world suited to the work I (Eskra) have on hand” for the “coming together of nations and peoples in the Age of Kosmon.”

When Eskra’s numerators “received the harvest and the records of my loo’is”, they determined beforehand what type of work that “each and every one of his mortal laborers was adapted to” so that during the same 300-year time period in which America was becoming an independent nation (1470-1770s), these mortals carried out the following objectives:

The overlay, colonies for orphans, describes Eskra’s additional plan for “educational colonies of infants”, which describes the ways in which to “raise up a new people in the world, greater than hath ever been” with the renewed abilities of seership, adeptism, and the ability to prophecy future events on Earth.

The overlay, Angel registers, describes how the mortals who used their “new revelations” for the “exaltation of mankind” had their spheres of light extended as opposed to those that focused on personal gain.

tore down old edifices to “replace divisional constructs such as religion”
“Scholars and infidels” exposed corruptions and contradictions in the “Jewish bible, Hindoo bibles, and the doctrines of Brahma, Budha, Ka’yu, the Kriste’yans, and the Mohammedans”
cleared away old ideas to attain a “state of universal fellowship among nations”
“Merchants and traders” facilitated trade with different peoples, regardless of religion, and “cleared away the prejudice of nations and people against one another.”
prepared a new foundation by proving “that no man nor God is worthy to be worshipped because of miracles”
“Miracle-workers” were raised up in every quarter and angels performed miracles through them to “break down the worship of miracle-workers” by proving that “common men and women can do the miracles for which Gods and Saviors have been worshipped.”

America reserved for the Age of Kosmon: As a reminder, the division of America was never intended to have Gods, Lords, Saviors, nor kings or queens; instead, Part 10 covered how America was reserved for the location of “the great awakening light to the souls of men” in the Age of Kosmon. Compared to the divisions of the East, America was a land of relative peace until a false God, I’tura, caused war and destruction there beginning in 5800 BCE until 4000 BCE, which was when the prophet Eawahtah was born. Eawahtah taught the same teachings as Zarathustra (9000 BCE) and these teachings were known as Egoquim law (rather than Zarathustrian law). Adherents of Egoquim law established 40 independent, but united, nations called the Opahegoquim (Algonquin), which was intended to provide a model for the Age of Kosmon. Eawahtah also made the prophecy for America known to man:

Many races will come and go on these lands. But the red man shall possess it… Then shall come another evil God (false Christ), to flay and destroy My sons and daughters, to cover all the lands with pure blood…

From far over the water I will bring their kindred (Jews), who worship none born of a woman; a wise speaking people… I will come in the Mohawk and the Mohegan; My hand shall reach around the earth in that day.

Hearken to the voice of the millions of Chine’ya (China) and Vind’yu (India), and the remnants of the Algonquins!
Their bibles are a power to this day.

For when I come in kosmon, My people shall have many states, like unto thine, and their combination shall be called Union, signifying One.
Build thou a model for them, O Eawahtah.

Native Americans’ role in kosmon: The prophecy for America also said that in the beginning of the Age of Kosmon, mortals will lack spiritual aspirations; however, “a question will arise amongst mortals .. as to whether mortals are ruled by the angels of heaven .. inspiration shall descend from heaven, through the spirits of the I’huan race”; and then the “histories of My kingdoms” will be revealed through “His Chiefs, the mortals and spirits of the I’huan.”

The I’huan are today’s Native Americans (aka American Indians): As a reminder, after the Great Flood of 24,000 years ago (the sinking on Pan), ships of surviving I’hin, the spiritual race, were sent out to the 5 divisions of Earth to restart civilization. Not long after, in Guatama (America), a period of darkness “blinded the ways of the I’hins” and they pro-created with druks resulting in the “ong’wee, or Indian”. These Native Americans were called I’huan, which signified “protectors over My chosen, the I’hin.” The I’hin taught the “new red-born” “in all things” and “they became an honor on the earth”; “mighty nations” were intentionally made “out of the seed of the I’huans.”

Now for Oahspe’s description of the events that occurred during this transitional time; it became time for “the nations of the earth” to “course around the whole” globe “in ships, crossing the seas and oceans, to all places (Jehovih) created.” The true God, Eskra, inspired mortals to “build light-houses for man’s ships that travel on the oceans” and make “every country known to the Eastern peoples.” Oahspe states that the plan for Guatuma (America) was that when “the western continent is inhabited across from east to west” and all the Earth is “circumscribed with men of wisdom and learning”, angels “shall descend to the earth, and make themselves known to mortals” so that “the older order shall decline, to be put away forever; and the new order shall take its place, to triumph over all the earth.”

Eventually, “those that have built in one place shall no longer say: This is our country”; nations and continents will no longer be “locked up unto themselves” with their oceans, seas, ports, and rivers remaining “exclusive to one people.” Yet at first, when different nations begin traveling from one country to another, mankind will not immediately “throw open their places, and say to one another: Welcome, my brother!”; instead, “they will judge with men’s eyes, and with men’s understanding” and say, “Thou heathen; thou outside barbarian!”, which is exactly what happened when Europeans settled America.

Table 1 outlines the events covered by Oahspe that occurred between 1450-1896 CE, which is considered the last 400 years of the Age of Seffas and the first 5 decades of the Age of Kosmon.

1400s– Columbus discovered America for the people of the East
– Europeans began migrating to America
1500s– Protestant Reformation in Europe
– Europe’s Renaissance and Age of Enlightenment inspired freedom of religion and free/rational/scientific thought
– Christian inquisitions in America; war and massacre of Native Americans
1600s– East India Trading Company in South Asia (India) & China
– Pilgrims traveled to America on the Mayflower
– Migration and persecution of Quakers
1700s– Founding fathers
– Thomas Paine’s writings inspired democracy
– War of Independence in America
– Exploitation and persecution of Native Americans
1800s– Sects of Christianity emerged in America (Mormon, Presbyterian, Methodist, etc.)
– Civil War and abolition of slavery
– Olympic Games was first international event; America was the first and only non-European participant
Table 1: Outline of events that occurred during the transition from the Age of Seffas to the Age of Kosmon

Events of the 1400s, 450 years before Kosmon

Columbus discovered the Americas (for the people of the East)
Oahspe explains that several centuries earlier, the true God, Eskra, had sent a Lord named Melkazad down to Earth, along with 10,000 angels “in his command” to “inspire migration to Guatama.” First, “Melkazed, with his hosts, came and ascertained the grade and choice of mortals” for the purpose of raising up “Columbo (Columbus), a mortal from Genoa, together with crews, sufficient in number.” Next, they inspired these mortals “to go with ships to the westward, across the ocean, in search of the lay and plan of the world.”

Regarding Columbus’ discovery of America, Oahspe simply states that “it came to pass, that Columbo, thus inspired of God (Eskra), through his holy angels, did discover the western continent, not knowing, he was under inspiration.”

Columbus’ 1492 voyage to the Caribbean8

Mainstream history: In 1492, after the king and queen of Spain funded the Italian, Christopher Columbus, to find a shorter, western route to carry out trade in the Far East, Columbus ended up in the Bahamas. He thought it was the East Indies, so he named the island’s existing population “Indians”5. He made 3 additional journeys to Cuba (which he thought was Japan), Trinidad, and mainland South America; all the while he thought he was in the East Indies6.
Although Columbus never visited North America, his travels launched centuries of European exploration and colonization of the American continents as well as centuries of exploitation of indigenous peoples7.

Ethereans traveled to Earth to form Eskra’s “Holy Eleven”
Around the same time that Columbus discovered the Americas for the people of the East (1492 CE), 10 million etherean volunteers from the next region/cycle of space were sent ‘back‘ to Earth, 400 years ‘ahead‘ of time, to help Eskra prepare for the Age of Kosmon. Eskra divided the 10 million ethereans, also referred to as “Jehovih’s Orian Chiefs from the emancipated heavens”, into 11 divisions called the “Holy Eleven”; 4 divisions for the mortals of Earth and 7 divisions to work within Earth’s heavens.

The Holy Eleven were sent to Eskra to (1) “labor with (Eskra) in providing for the approach of the kosmon era” and (2) “Come and think for mortals; inspire them with holier thoughts; make them comprehend the light of Jehovih.” They were not meant to be used “for sudden triumph by violent means”; in fact, Oahspe does not mention them again until the 1700s when they were used to end the dominion of the 4 false Gods.

Expand for how 10 million ethereans came 'back' to Earth...

In terms of astronomy, the Earth and the solar system traveled “along the road of Vorkum” and was 400 years away from the next 3,000-year cycle located in the regions of space/time known as “Huamat” and “Balis”. The Orian Chief of these regions, Es, called on the leaders of 7 different kingdoms to make the necessary arrangements to send 10 million etherean volunteers ‘back’ to Earth to help with the transition to the Age of Kosmon.

Planets of the Solar System spiral through space in the shape of a “Great Serpent”

Litabakathrava volunteered to transport the volunteers: An Orian Chief by the name of Litabakathrava happened to be piloting a 10,000-year cruise to “different worlds” for 50 million “traveling visitors” on a ship that could “carry a thousand millions”, so he volunteered to transport the 10 million etherean volunteers to Earth along the way.

A Chief named Che Sin sent an arrow-ship of 10,000 messengers “back along the roadway the Earth had already traveled for thousands of years” to proclaim that another corporeal world was “near the time of kosmon.”

Two Goddesses known as Atavia and Hi’ata were the first ethereans to volunteer. They were on Earth 24,000 years earlier when the “side of the earth was crushed” as it traveled through the “Arc of Noe” (referring to the sinking of Pan and the Great Flood). They said, “O, it is a glorious world. I will be one, a volunteer, to go thither, for the four hundreds years.” After they volunteered, “the names enrolled like sparks of fire flashing in the firmament.”

Come, O ye Gods and Goddesses; come with me down to the red star; the earth is near the arc of kosmon, era of kosmon. Come and think for mortals; inspire them with holier thoughts; make them comprehend the light of Jehovih.

Ethereans reflected on the state of Earth’s mortals and angels: As 10 million volunteers assembled, they reflected on the state of the “rising red star, the little traveling earth.” Although they considered it a “glorious world”, some wondered how the “earth, in all the time of her being, had only sent a few hundred thousand million angels into the etherean heavens” (which means that only a few hundred thousand million human souls had graduated Earth and were harvested/ascended beyond Earth’s atmospheric heavens). When they “surmised the lowness of her grades”, some concluded that Earth’s mortals were still groping in darkness because they could not “read the unseen heavens” and had therefore never been nor heard of the “fruitful gardens of etherea.” Nevertheless, the plan was that in 400 years, “the Father’s kingdom is to be founded on the red star”; “Mortals on earth are to be illumined and, like Gods, made to comprehend the glorious plans of the heavens of the Almighty.”

Ethereans measured the grade and standing of Earth’s inhabitants: After the ethereans aboard Litabakathrava’s ship departed and traveled for 5 days and 5 nights, the ship stopped at Chinvat, “the bridge of the boundary of the earth’s vortex”, to “survey the earth and her unruly heavens, where the four false Gods proclaimed themselves monarchs of the universe!” In one day, they “measured the grade and standing of the earth’s mortals and angels” and then descended to Eskra’s heavenly kingdom known as Paradise. After “due ceremonies”, Eskra declared 3 days of recreation to celebrate (1) the arrival of the ethereans, (2) the end of hundreds of years of a’ji (darkness), and (3) the success of Columbus.

Litabakathrava warned about the 4 dark corners: Litabakathrava encourages Eskra that in the coming Age of Kosmon, “Jehovih shall triumph on earth… Men and angels shall be free, and none shall make them afraid”; however, “O God, be not puffed up with the hope of sudden success.” Litabakathrava had seen many corporeal worlds arrive at the kosmon era and it is “like a new birth, brought forth in pain, and with much labor.”

Litabakathrava added that with several generations of mortals still to be born before kosmon begins, in that time, the “four dark corners of the lodge will bound upon thee, to destroy the work of thy hand and of Jehovih’s.”

They will incite mortals and angels to all manner of evil for sake of thwarting Jehovih’s Person and proceedings… they will even yet assume that they themselves are Jehovih, the veritable Creator…

The Four dark corners: The “Fete”, which is one of the 288 signs, emblems, and symbols given to mankind, also represents the 4 dark corners. There is light in the center representing “man seeing clearly, but the four dark corners of the world (ignorance, lust, selfishness, and anger) beset him on all sides.”

Jehovih spoke through Litabakathrava: After Litabakathrava stopped speaking and sat down, a “great shining light gathered above his head and the Voice spoke out of the light to reiterate that although in the early days, “man remained on certain continents and places”, now man shall go abroad into all countries; the Earth is supposed to provide sustenance and support for all of mankind, one part of Earth is not supposed to be for just for one man, one nation, or one people.

The Voice continued that eventually, one nation will no longer judge another and consider its people heathens or pagans; instead, all the various tribes, races, colors, and sizes of people across all nations will treat one another as brothers and sisters. All will profit by one another’s wisdom and “bring forth a new race with all the glories selected from the whole.”

Lastly, the Voice said that although in the early days man was bound by the doctrines and ancient books from this God, that God, this Savior, or that Savior, now, (1) mankind will receive inspiration directly from the unseen Gods and heavens “for his own good, and for his own wisdom.” (2) “Gods shall minister unto all nations and peoples” to “bring them together in peace and harmony”, “persuade them to put away war and the glory of destruction, to make nations and peoples acceptable to one another.” After the “Voice of the Light” ceased, it was time for Litabakathrava’s ship to depart.

Four false Gods were threatened by the etherean ship
When the etherean ship descended to Eskra’s kingdom, the light could be seen from all 4 false Gods’ kingdoms “like a world on fire.” False Budha (Kabalactes), Brahma (Ennochissa), Kriste (Looeamong), and God-Gabriel (Thoth) each sent heavily adorned fire-ships, carrying about a million of their hosts, all “crowned and adorned with jewels and diadems.” The ships were sent to “learn the will and pleasure of this adventurous God” and put on a grand display that might deter the visiting God from “undertaking some foolish scheme” such as taking their slaves or implementing a strategy to “re-establish Jehovih, whom they had chased from the earth and heaven.”

God-Gabriel sent weapons of war and warrior hosts on his ship to send a message that he “professed not peace, like the Triunes (the other 3 false Gods), and practiced war.” He confidently touted that it was he who made Looeamong into the false Kriste and he also cast out the false Gods of Argos’yan (Greece) and Rome, including Baal and Ashtaroth. His message was, “let the foreign Gods return to worlds where they were native born.”

False Gods’ ships arrived too late
The fire-boats of the 4 false Gods made it to Eskra’s kingdom “just as the ship of Litabakathrava had risen upward, and was on its way starting forth.” Angry that “their boasted audacity was thwarted” and “incensed and jealous” at the sight of one another, 3 out of the 4 ships took off immediately for they had been secretly hoping and “pray(ing) some adventurous God might come and break up” their former boss’ kingdoms. They took advantage of the opportunity to sail their well-equipped ships away to establish their own kingdoms, which left only the ship of Looeamong (false Kriste) back in Eskra’s kingdom. Looeamong’s ship-captain found out from a loose-lipped host that Eskra “hath taken Columbo, across the ocean, and showed him a new country, where only the Great Spirit, Jehovih, is worshipped.”

Looeamong (false Kriste) sent Kriste’yans to America
When Looeamong learned from his ship-captain about Ekra’s plan “for redeeming the world” in America, Looeamong (1) immediately “sent a war-ship with seven million warring angels to stir up a mutiny against mortals in countries whence Columbo sailed”; (2) inspired the rulers of Spain to turn on Columbus and they put him in prison, which severed Columbus’ line of light to the throne of Eskra; and (3) quickly inspired additional mortal ships “of their own kind (Kriste’yans) to cross the ocean to the countries Columbo discovered.” It was not long before Looeamong landed and stationed 1,000 million of his “angel warriors, sworn laborers to the false Kriste, to establish him in these great lands” of the Americas.

For the 3 ships that broke away to establish their own kingdoms, by the time their respective masters, Kabalactes (false Buddha of India), Ennochissa (false Brahma of China), and Thoth (Gabriel of the Middle East) realized they had seceded, the rebel Lords had each amassed “hundreds of millions of slaves” in their new kingdoms. Nevertheless, as soon as the 3 false Gods “heard of the proceedings of their traitorous subjects, they, separately, declared war against the pretenders.” Over the next 300 years, likely from 1480-1780 CE, these 3 false Gods warred internally within each of their own kingdoms as well as against one another. The expandable section below explains how these wars resulted in Buddhists moving into China, Brahmins moving into India, and Muslims moving into both China and India.

Expand for 300 years of war between false Budha, Brahma, and God-Gabriel...

It was no surprise that the rebel Lords failed to return to their kingdoms and chose to sail away and establish their own kingdoms instead; they had been promised promotions to higher dominions for over a thousand years. From “this small beginning, great wars engrossed these three false Gods’ kingdoms on every side.”

Eskra protected China’s Confucians from the 300-year war: At the same time the true God, Eskra, worked to “found the country of Guatama free from the grasp of Looemaong”, he also “provided a sufficient protecting host of angels” “to the Ka’yuans (Confucians) of Chine’ya, the worshipers of Jehovih.”

Buddhism and Brahminism to spread throughout China, India, and Persia: During these wars, many of Kabalactes’ Budhists of India moved into China and many of Ennochissa’s Brahmins of China moved into India (and were slaughtered by Budhists already in India). These wars also caused some Budhists and Brahmins to move to Persia.

Islam moved into both China and India: False God-Gabriel (Thoth), however, outmatched both of the above false Gods when he was able to use “the name and doctrines of Mohammed” to increase adoption of early Islam in both China and India.
Note: False Kriste (Looeamong) ends up outdoing all 3 of these false Gods when he inspires the East India Company to take his doctrines into both India and China, covered below.

Confucians prospering in China during these times is corroborated by mainstream history, which says that the 1400-1500s CE was a period of growth for Confucianism, art, navigation, and agriculture under the Ming Dynasty. China began exporting tea, silk, and porcelain to India, Africa, and Europe9.

Buddhism moving into China is also corroborated by mainstream history, which says that Buddhism is considered China’s oldest “foreign” religion and was eventually recognized as the largest organized “religion” in China10.

Regarding Brahmanism in India, Brahminism is historically considered to be the predecessor to Hinduism. The overlay, Hinduism/Brahminism, explains Hinduism’s unclear origins and how a resurgence of “New Brahminism” in the 1600s had a lasting impact on Indian society12.

Lastly, regarding Islam moving into India and China, mainstream history confirms that Islam made it into these regions as a result of East-West trade along the maritime Silk Roads of Eastern Asia13.

Events of the 1500-1600s, 350 years before Kosmon

Eskra withdrew protecting hosts in Europe and America: After Looeamong learned of Eskra’s success with Columbus discovering the Americas, he was highly motivated to compete with Eskra, the true God and worshiper of Jehovih, in continuing his aggressive efforts to establish Christianity in Europe, but now also in America. Oahspe adds that Eskra was foretold to “Suffer (allow) Looeamong to carry out the inquisitions, to put to death whosoever he will”; in fact, Eskra was told, “In all countries where the false Kriste has been afflicting mortals”, “withdraw thy protecting angel hosts” “leaving those countries and those heavens to take their course.” Ultimately, “in time to come, it would be used as testimony unto Jehovih and against the false Kriste.”

Protestant Reformation (Europe)

Eskra’s withdrawal of his protecting angel hosts in Europe “opened the door for the split in Looeamong’s doctrines which was to ultimate the entire overthrow of the Trinity, and of the Holy Ghost, and of Looeamong also, under his false name”, which began the Protestant Reformation. Withdrawal of protecting hosts enabled “angels of vengeance”, “spirits of those he (Looeamong) slayeth in Roma and Venice and Napla and all other cities and countries”, to obsess mortals to battle one another.” As a result, “war began again on earth, and in Looeamong’s heavens, about himself and his doctrines.”

Looeamong made things even worse for himself when his angel emissaries in Rome inspired the Roman Catholic popes, “in the name of Kriste and the Holy Ghost”, to “scourge, imprison and put to death for heresy” anyone who even thought about speaking against Looeamong’s doctrines.” In response, “mortals, inspired by vengeance-loving spirits, rose up against Looeamong’s popes and cardinals, and protested against the abnegation of man’s right to think for himself; and the people called themselves, protestants, that they themselves were worshipers of the true Kriste.” Although these mortals were protesting a false God, they “were also under the inspiration of evil angels”, so “they fell to work burning and flaying their opponents”, which even more so obsessed the cities with “angels of darkness and evil.”

Renaissance and Age of Enlightenment (Europe)

Gutenberg’s printing press20

Previous to the Protestant Reformation, Eskra foresaw when it was the right time to inspire western nations of Europe “to great learning and to science and to philosophy and to western migration” and “sent angels to teach man once more the telescope and the art of printing; and to inspire man to question the spiritual powers of kings.”
Mainstream History corroborates that the commercial use of Gutenberg’s printing press, beginning in 145418, provided the means for rapid and widespread dissemination of revolutionary ideas that challenged the political and religious status quo19.

Inquisitions, war, and massacre (America)

After Eskra “saw that Looeamong’s warrior angels had come upon the earth regions, discovered by Columbo”, he withdrew his protective hosts “for a season” in the “central lands of Guatama.” As expected, Looeamong’s angel warriors obsessed mortals, they became warriors and destroyers; they lived as “pilferers, debauchees, warriors, murderers and idolators of the false Kriste.” They did not prosper in peace, learning, science, or inventions; instead, they destroyed “the people of Aliattes, the Yodopans” and the “I’tuans.”

Writer’s note: This synopsis normally includes a concise snapshot of any mainstream historical events that correlate to events within Oahspe; however, in the case of the 5 centuries of genocide of Indigenous Americans, also known as the American Holocaust, a snapshot would not do it justice. When Europeans established the United States, they almost totally eliminated one of the several major human races. Their total destruction of the true, original civilizations of the Americas reduced a population of around 50 million or more indigenous down to 600,000 in 1800 and 250,000 by 189021. The establishing of the eastern United States, followed by westward expansion, involved innumerable full-scale wars, massacres, conflicts of all sizes, forced relocation, forced assimilation, and many treaties that were unequal, binding only to Native Americans, and most often signed under military pressure, deception, and coercion22.

The Pilgrims and the Quakers (America)

This next section covers how the true God, Eskra, in his efforts to offset and counter-balance the degradation occurring in America after he withdrew his protective hosts, he (1) inspired Separatists to migrate to America (the Pilgrims on the Mayflower) and (2) inspired Quakers to migrate to America. Then, after Looeamong learned of the success of the Pilgrims, he (3) attempted to stop the country of America from “falling into the hands of Jehovih” by obsessing certain mortals to persecute the Quakers.

(1) Eskra inspired the Separatists (Pilgrims) to migrate to America
Leading up to 1620, mainstream history explains that after the king of England abandoned the Roman Catholic Church in favor of the Church of England, there were 2 main groups of dissenters: Puritans who felt like the new Church needed reforms (purification) and Separatists who felt that the new Church was beyond reform and the only way to return to worshipping like the early Christians was to separate23.

Oahspe adds that Eskra “sent his angel hosts amongst the factions of western Uropa, and inspired mortals to rise up, and depart out of that country for conscience sake.” The Separatists “that were inspired of God crossed the ocean, and landed in Guatama, and they named the place of their landing Plymouth Rock, saying: For God’s sake and for liberty, help us, O Thou, our Creator”; but they did not say, “For Kriste’s sake, nor for sake of the Holy Ghost.”

Mainstream history refers to these Separatists as Pilgrims that traveled to America on the Mayflower arriving in the fall of 1620. They began building their town in an abandoned Wampanoag village in December 1620; they met their first Wampanoag member in January 1621 and by March, they made a treaty of mutual protection with the Pokanoket Wampanoag leader, Ousamequin (aka Massasoit). By fall of 1621, they celebrated their first harvest with a 3-day celebration, which included about 90 members of the Wampanoag24.

English colonists in Plymouth, Mass. in the fall of 162125

(2) Eskra inspired Quakers to migrate to America
Eskra also inspired, “for sake of Jehovih, certain other people in north-western Uropa, who were Faithists at heart, but not practisers of the rites and ceremonies, who called themselves Quakers” to migrate to America and help to “shape the destiny of the inhabitants to peace and virtue and wisdom.”

…it shall be proved, in time to come, that they whom I shall take across the ocean, shall inherit Guatama; and they shall prosper in peace and virtue and wisdom and learning and invention. And man, in after time, shall witness the difference betwixt the people of Looeamong’s possessions as compared with mine own…

(3) Looeamong (false Kriste) was threatened and took it out on the Quakers
Oahspe explains that when the Mayflower brought the Pilgrims to America, “Looeamong’s angel warriors had accompanied them across the ocean” because they were “too low grade to cross the ocean without the presence of mortals.” When the Mayflower returned to Europe, these same warrior angels boarded again so they could “report to Looeamong’s generals what had been done by mortals, in Guatama.” Looemaong, threatened by the success of the Pilgrims, instructed the generals to “Send thou a sufficient inspiring host to obsess all mortals who have thus possessed Guatama, lest the country fall into Jehovih’s hands. Spare them not; possess all, or ruin all, in the name of Kriste and the Holy Ghost.”

Persecution began of any and all non-Christian newcomers, including Quakers: When “Looeamong’s obsessing angels”, for “Kriste’s sake”, fell “upon the colonies of settlers in Guatama”, they obsessed mortals to “flay and to burn and to exterminate the Quakers” who were “covenanted to Jehovih, to never engage in war, nor to quarrel, nor to contend with any man for opinion’s sake.” In fact, “the angels of Looeamong inspired mortals to lay in wait for any such other Faithists as might migrate to Guatama”, which translated to all non-Christians and/or anyone else that worshiped in what early Americans perceived to be an unacceptable way.

Cotton Mather: Oahspe adds that Looeamong’s angels were able to “raise up” Cotton Mather specifically to obsess him into putting “himself on record as a worshiper of Kriste” and devoting all of “his time and labor to the establishing of this false God.” As an example of Mather’s “wicked deeds”, Oahspe includes Mather’s letter to John Higginson aboard the ship, Welcome, whereby Mather tries to convince Higginson that the General Court gave secret orders to make captives of and sell as slaves the “heretics and malignants called Quakers”, headed by William “Penn and his ungodly crew.” Mather added that in doing so, Higginson would “do ye Lord great service by punishing the wicked”; he would glorify rather than mock their Lord “with ye heathen worshippers” on the “soil of this new country”; and at the same time, the profits would “make gain for his ministers and his people.”

Mainstream history: It is hard to understand how early Americans, who came to America for freedom of religion, could turn around and persecute a group of people such as the Quakers; yet the overlay, Puritans in America, explains how the differences between the 2 types of Church of England dissenters, the Puritans and the Separatists, made such a thing possible.

Suffer (allow) these hardships to my people to be recorded, for in kosmon, they shall be testimony of the power of heaven on mortals.

East India Company (Europe)

Looeamong took advantage of all 3 false Gods with the East India Company
As mentioned above, after 3 out of the 4 false Gods’ highest officers broke away with their ships to establish their own kingdoms, false Budha, false Brahma, and false God-Gabriel, had been at war for 300 years, likely between 1480-1780 CE. While each of these 3 false Gods inspired their worshipers to move in and take over one another’s regions, in 1600, the 4th false God, Looeamong (Kriste), came in and outdid them all. He inspired mortals in Western Europe, the British, to form the “East India Company” and move into China and India, “where there is great wealth and most luxurious enjoyment”, with their “missionaries and bible and swords and cannons and war-ships”, and “possess the place, and overcome the heathen of a rich country.”

East India Company became colonial rulers in India: Looeamong’s angel hosts told the British mortals in India to “Tell these heathen, ye are worshipers of the Lamb of Peace; that ye have come in love for righteousness’ sake … and they will receive you.” Once the people of India welcomed the British, the British were inspired to “fall upon them, and destroy them by the million, men, women and children … ye shall fall upon their aqueducts, which irrigate the lands, and ye shall destroy them also … millions of these heathen shall starve every year, because of the famines that will surely come upon them.” Indeed, “in the name of Kriste and the Holy Ghost”, 7 million men, women, and children of India died early on followed by another 30 million later as a result of starvation.

Mainstream History does not hide the fact that the East India Trade Company was formed to “exploit” trade in the East, in Southeast Asia, and in India28. Their success was so great in India, the British became the “de factor colonial rulers” of large parts of India and India was not independent again until 194729.

British official riding within an Indian procession30

East India Company inundated China with Opium: Looeamong’s mortal emissaries told the British in China to “Go thither, and enforce upon them the opium trade. And it shall come to pass, they will become a drunken and worthless people, and ye shall fall upon them, and overcome them, and possess their country, wherein they are stored great riches.” The people of China already consumed opium orally for tension and pain since the 1500s, but after the East India Company began illegally exporting opium from India into China, they also introduced the Chinese to opium smoking, which resulted in addiction31. It was not long before “the idolators of the false Kriste raised the cry: Behold, the drunken heathen! The indulgers of opium!”

Eskra protected the Ka’yuans: Fortunately, as mentioned earlier, in the beginning of the 300-year war between the false Gods, the true God, Eskra, “provided a sufficient protecting host of angels” “to the Ka’yuans (Confucians) of Chine’ya, the worshipers of Jehovih.” As a result, “the Ka’yuans of Chine’ya were a mighty power, and they baffled Looeamong’s emissaries in all further encroachments.”

Looeamong took possessions on Earth, but not in the heavens: In spite of Looeamong’s success in taking over the ‘earthly possessions’ of both false Budha (Kabalactes) of India and false Brahma (Ennochissa) of China, he did not have the same level of success in the ‘heavens’ above these 2 nations. In fact, “after all his destructions”, “Looeamong really gained but few souls, in heaven.”

Events of the 1700s, 150 years before Kosmon

The Founding Fathers
Oahspe describes how in the 300 years that followed Columbus’ discovery of the Americas, likely between 1500-1700 CE, Eskra’s loo’is “had been providing the generations of men” (inspiring marriages) to raise up 1,200 men that would help “establish an emancipated government for mortals” “directly under the inspiration of second resurrection” angels.

Oahspe adds that these men were all “raised to grades” above 60 and some as high as 80. Eskra designated “Paine, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Caroll, Hancock, and Washington”, all above the grade of 80, as “Chief of these men.” They were assigned to be the leaders of the mortal hosts, “under the guidance of Jehovih’s Lord, Yotahiza”, in the upcoming establishment of a government for America, “free from the dominion of Gods and Saviors.”

Mainstream History calls the group of founding fathers the “revolutionary leaders” that united the Thirteen Colonies, oversaw the War of Independence from Great Britain, and established the “United States of America” via the “Declaration of Independence” in 1776, the “Articles of Confederation” in 1781 (considered the first constitution), and the “Unites States Constitution” in 1789. Although Oahspe mentions only 7 names, many other men as well as 2 women are also considered founders32.

Adams, Franklin, Hamilton, Jay, Jefferson, Madison, and Washington33

Thomas Paine inspired democracy
One of the founding fathers, Thomas Paine, under the influence of Eskra’s Lord, Yotahiza, “proclaimed new doctrines” that were “against Looeamong and the sacred books, on which the inquisitions were carried out.” Paine’s doctrines were proclaimed publicly; printed and circulated among early Americans; and eventually, they “fell into the hands of such men and women as had previously prepared by God to receive them.” These men and women were in the position to repudiate the “Divine right (Divan laws) of kings to govern without the consent of the governed.”

Mainstream History corroborates that Thomas Paine’s earlier writings, which included “Common Sense” in 1776 and “The American Crisis” from 1776-1783, inspired colonists to call for independence from Great Britain34. His most known religious writing was entitled “Age of Reason” in which he completed while he was in prison in 1794. His religious writings were aligned with Faithism, but mainstream history referred to his beliefs as “Deism35.” After Paine returned to America in 1802, he died in 1809 and only 6 people attended his funeral because he had been ostracized as a result of his criticism of both Christianity and some of America’s early leaders36.

Expand for Oahspe's "new doctrines" of Thomas Paine (paraphrased)...
The Creator is the author of all things, on the earth and on all other worlds, seen and unseen.
The soul of man is immortal and everlasting and shall ultimately attain to peace and joy in the heavens.
Man shall inherit in heaven light, darkness, joy, or unhappiness according to his good or evil deeds, words, thoughts, and actions while on Earth.
“That all the world is my country, and the same right alike to all men.”
“To do good, with all of one’s wisdom and strength, is the highest religion.”
“That man hath a natural right, above all kings, priests and sacred writings, to serve his Creator in his own way.”
This is an age of reason in which all men should be inspired to read, think, and judge with their own judgment, not through any priests, church, or Savior.
“That the doctrine of a Savior is unjust; that no honest man should accept another’s dying for him.”
The so-called sacred books are not the writings of the Creator; they have been manufactured by corruptible authors; and have been used by unprincipled priests to promote wars, inquisitions, tyranny, and destruction.
Man should rise up and embrace the Creator by the practice of good works, promotion of brotherly love toward all men; and by charity and independence elicit the protection of the Almighty.

American War of Independence

Looeamong inspired the start of the “American War of Independence”
After the true God, Eskra, brought forth the founding fathers and Lord Yotahiza inspired Thomas Paine’s writings, Looeamong, the false Kriste, “perceived the design of God” and immediately sent 2,000 angel warriors down to Earth to “overthrow Paine’s doctrines, and to precipitate the colonies into war against the home government in western Uropa (Europe).” According to Oahspe, this is how America’s War of Independence started in 177537.

Former victims of Looeamong volunteered to help establish America
Prior to the start of the war, a host of 7,000 angels, all former victims of the false Kriste’s inquisitions, came before Eskra’s throne and expressed their discontent about how in their “struggles to find the truth,” they had been unfairly used by Looeamong, the false Kriste (they were martyred). They knew better than to glut themselves “in vengeance against the false Kriste”; instead, they volunteered “to do thee good service against the tyrant and remorseless Looeamong” by helping to “establish Guatama free from the dominion of Gods and Saviors.”

After Looeamong started America’s War of Independence, Eskra sent this 7,000-member “army of inquisition” to “Yotahiza’s heavenly station” to “work in justice, truth and wisdom” along-side “the colonists of Guatama.” Yotahiza appointed them as “generals and captains” over the “protecting hosts to the seven leaders (founding fathers) of the Guatama revolt.”

Angels inspired the Continental Army to have strength and endurance: Oahspe adds that Yotahiza made use of an additional group of 2,784 angels, that “had also been martyred” during their lives on Earth; he appointed them as “non-commissioned officer angels.” Both groups of volunteers provided Yotahiza with almost 10,000 military leaders who oversaw anywhere from 6-12 million “inspiring hosts” that day and night, for the entire 7-year war, “quartered in the camps of the mortal soldiers of the republic” “inspiring them to fortitude and manipulating them to give them health and strength and endurance.”

Angels physically protected and spiritually inspired the Continental Army: Oahspe adds that many “mortal leaders and privates in the war” were “protected and saved from harm by the angels.” Oahspe specifically mentions that the “earthly commander, Washington, was under the guardianship of the commander of the angels of hosts”, which provided an “angel detail” to him, day and night, totaling 1,000 angels. Any time “he was shot at, and in many ways sought for to be destroyed, these angels saved him, even catching in their hands the bullets that were fired at him.”

Beyond physical protection, while the angel hosts inspired the mortals of the Continental Army “to liberty as to earthly things” (freedom on Earth), Eskra also had them “take advantage of this opportunity to sow the seed of higher spiritual light amongst them”; “forever inspire the mortals with how “There is but one Great Spirit, Jehovih.”

Battle of Monmouth, Emanuel Leutze, 185740

Mainstream history: There is a famous account known as “George Washington’s Vision” whereby Washington, during one of the bleakest periods of the war, went to the woods to pray and an angel, using visions and words, told him the prophecy for America, which foretold the Civil War and World War I38:

Son of the Republic .. Three dangers will come over the Republic; the second is the most to be dreaded; when this one is passed, the whole world cannot conquer her. Let every child of the Republic learn to serve his God, his country, and the Union.”

Washington has been credited by historians as saving the American Revolution at least twice; first when his army and the entire “patriot cause” was on the brink of defeat at the end of 1776 and again in 1781, right before he led his army to a victory, which turned out to be the decisive battle of the war.

Another famous story about Washington, which is indicative of divine assistance, was in July 1755. After he had 2 horses shot out from under him, it was discovered that he had 4 bullet holes in his coat, yet his body was untouched39.

Looeamong started the war, but Eskra finished it
All the while, the angels of Looeamong fought on the other side trying to pull away the “guardian angels” and make the mortal leaders of the Continental army vulnerable, but they were lower in grade, less potent, and less enthusiastic compared to the formerly martyred angels of Yotahiza. Regarding the end of the war, which ended in 178341, Oahspe simply states that “it came to pass that the republic was established.”

Oahspe considers the signing of the Constitution the “Holy Compact Day”: According to American history, the 1781 Articles of Confederation is considered the first Constitution42 and in order to address problems that emerged, 8 years later in 1789, it was superseded by the Constitution, which strengthened the central government by granting it specific powers43. Oahspe states that “Jehovih sanctified the date of the ratification and the signing and sealing of His compact (American Constitution), as the Day of the Holy Seal” (aka Holy Compact Day).

Mainstream history: Although the United States does recognize September 17, 1789 as “Constitution Day”, the day is not considered a national holiday. The U.S. Department of Education, however, does require all federally-funded schools to hold an educational program every year on or before September 1744.

Angels inspired freedom of religion and freedom of speech: Oahspe’s chapter notes adds that during the Constitutional Convention, “Angelic Hosts” did their best to inspire all of the delegates, each with their own agendas, to establish a republic free of “divine right” whereby religion could not be enforced by law and the “right to speak, write or publish as one wills” (freedom of speech).

Constitutional Convention, Howard Chandler Christy, 194045

Slavery made it into the Constitution: Oahspe adds that the angelic hosts’ inspiration could not dissuade the delegates from adding one fatal flaw: the “three-fifths clause” and the “fugitive slave clause”, which was the delegates’ way of “tacitly enshrining slavery in the constitution.”

Angelic hosts knew the clauses would result in grave injustices that would rack up “spiritual debt” that would have to be repaid in full by the new Republic sooner or later. As a result, in less than a century, which is “a mere heartbeat in the Realm of Spirit” war did follow to address the self-imposed spiritual debt (the Civil War, which abolished slavery).

Volunteer angels admitted to the second resurrection level of Earth’s heavens
After the end of the War of Independence, Oahspe describes how all of the angels that were involved, which included the formerly martyred “army of the inquisition”, were “absolved from the bondage of earth and first resurrection” as a result of their contribution toward “freeing this land (America) unto itself.” The overlay, second resurrection, describes how as a result of the angels working together in companies rather than single-handedly to “found the republic of mortals”, they earned admittance into the second-resurrection level of Earth’s heavens where they would enjoy instruction and companionship. They were also foretold about their next opportunity for service; they would return to Earth “before another hundred years, to free the people form the doctrines and creeds of the ancients.”

Looeamong kills 3 million Algonquin

Although “Looeamong had been beaten by the wisdom of God, in possessing the colonies of Guatama,” he “still hoped to regain the country to himself.” To “carry out his designs,” he sent 2,000 million angel warriors to “accomplish the destruction of the Algonquin tribes.” The mortals, “the idolators of Looeamong did fall upon the Algonquins” and caused 3 million men, women and children to be put to death.

Map of Native American locations, circa 170046

Writer’s note about mainstream history: In trying to identify the historical events that correlate with Looeamong inspiring mortals to kill 3 million Algonquin, the overwhelming number of attacks, wars, massacres, forced relocations, coerced treaties, etc., made it difficult to pinpoint specific event(s). Nevertheless, the following overlay covers some of the documented crimes against Native Americans that occurred following US independence in 1775: Crimes against Native Americas after 1775.

Four false Gods were overcome by their own subjects

“Holy Eleven” ethereans deployed to cast out 4 false Gods
An earlier section in this post covered how around the same time that Columbus was inspired to discover America for the East, which occurred in 1492, 10 million ethereans from the next region/cycle of space were sent ‘back’ to Earth, 400 years ‘ahead‘ of time, to help Eskra prepare for the Age of Kosmon. It was time now, in the late 1700s, for these ethereans, the “Holy Eleven”, to help Eskra cast out the 4 false Gods.

Ethereans cut off the earth supplies of the 4 false Gods: The “four beasts of the earth”, for the last 500 years, “proclaimed themselves the Saviors of mortals and angels” and as a result, the spirits of “Their mortal followers” had become like “vagabonds on the earth and in the heavens thereof.” After years of Eskra “trying to persuade them”, the 4 false Gods would not hear nor receive “the light of the upper kingdoms”, so Eskra decided to “make them look up.” He sent 12,000 million of the ethereans, “the accumulated power of the All Light”, to “Cut off the earth supplies” to the “four kingdoms of the four false Gods”; “they shall cry out for sustenance, but they shall not find it.

Just like mortals alive on Earth need food to survive, spirits in the lower heavens also need sustenance. The 4 false Gods never encouraged the spirits of the “countless millions of mortals” that worshiped them to work on growth in wisdom and strength of their own souls (self-resurrection), which would have enabled them to ascend higher in Earth’s heavens; instead, these spirits took their false God at his word and “had lived and died and became (their) slaves for hundreds of years” and solely depended on their false Gods to take care of them.

“The Hell”, Luca Signorelli, 1499-150247

The false Gods’ subjects learned the truth and turned on them: As expected, when the ethereans cut off earth supplies (atmospheric sustenance), the drujas (wandering spirits) of all the nations, “turned to their respective God, the false Brahma, the false Budha, and Gabriel of Kalla, and the false Kriste, crying out: Behold, our supplies are cut off!” They questioned that if their God was truly the Almighty, how could another God come in between and cut off their supplies? They demanded that if their God was indeed a Savior, they wanted to be saved; else they would know that he is a false God and they would put him in hell. Millions of them made banners and recited, “Bread or blood! We come not to bring peace in heaven; we come to bring a sword! We come to set angel against angel!”

When the 4 false Gods heard the “wailings of the sixty thousand millions”, “they feared, and trembled,” especially false Kriste who had “proclaimed on the earth that: Whosoever believeth in me, shall be saved; but whosoever believeth not in me, shall be in danger of hell-fire!” The 4 false Gods, “fearing the fires of hell, went about, crying out: I am not the true Brahma! I am not the true Budha! I am not the true God! I am not the true Kriste!” in the hopes of saving themselves.

Nevertheless, due to the “infuriated madness of sixty thousand millions of deceived angels” as a result of finding out the truth about their God being false, they “broke loose from slavery” and “turned on them.” Their former subjects “fell upon their heavenly cities, palaces and thrones and robbed them”, “beat them, suffocated them with foul smells, covered them up with suffocating gases, walled them in with sulfurous files.” They cast the “officers and priests and monks and high officers” and “millions of high-ruling angels of the false Gods” into hells as well.

Former subjects of the false Gods were saved (delivered): Eskra had previously prepared to deliver the newly “homeless angels, who had been worshipers of the four false Gods.” Beforehand, he assembled “ten millions high in grades” “from the realms of Aroqu and Harivya, well disciplined for the purpose” and they now traveled “past the endurance of drujas” “in a ship of fire” displaying banners that said, “There is but one Great Spirit, Jehovih.” They were told by Eskra, “Come unto Me! My kingdoms are ample unto all the living. Be ye strong in resurrection, for I am come to deliver.” With that, 13,000 million of them were sent to a place called Luana on a plateau called Hivestos where they were put “in colonies, with places for education and labor” so they could work on their resurrection “by developing the talents Jehovih created unto all men” and becoming “fit companions to Jehovih’s exalted angels.”

Events of the 1800s, the beginning of the Age of Kosmon

The “hells” within Earth’s lower heavens were cleared away
Although the 4 false Gods were recently cast into hells in the 1700s, lucky for them, they were delivered from those hells in the 1800s because with “the era of kosmon was at hand”, it became time to “clear away the hells of the lower heavens” to provide for “opening the gates of heavens for the angels to appear unto mortals.”

In only 34 days, 24 hells, totaling 70,000 million angels, “were delivered, broken up and gone”; 4 of these hells were considered “great hells”; 6 were “smaller hells”; and the remaining 14 were “still smaller hells.” The overlay, 5 angelic groups chosen, describes how 5 different groups of angels were chosen, for specific reasons, to help (1) “deliver the hells of these heavens”, (2) bring “the chief false Gods” before Eskra’s throne, and (3) carry the rest of the angels to the plateaux prepared for them where they would reside in “new heavenly places, divisions and sub-divisions, with generals, captains, overseers and other such officers, necessary to prevent them running into knots and hells again.” 

Former false Gods learned the terms of their bondage: Regarding “the chief false Gods”, these former false Gods were brought before Eskra’s throne, “into the arena of circle where the light should fall upon them” (the Voice of Jehovih) “for the time of judgment of the false Gods.” There were 86 former false Gods; 70 of them were “sent to hospitals, because they were in chaos”, but for the other 14, which included Ashtaroth, Baal, Dagon, Ennochissa, Kabalactes, Gabriel, and Looemaong, they remained before Eskra’s throne. Because they used their “names to lead mortals and angels away from the Creator” and falsely claimed that their heavens were the highest heavens, they were now bound to every soul they had dominion over and the “term of bondage unto them shall be in proportion to the magnitude of their dominions.”

“Whosoever taketh from My people for his own glory or dominion, shall render unto Me the just value.” These former false Gods would not “rise to My emancipated heavens” (ascend beyond Earth’s lower heavens) until (1) even the lowest of their former subjects are raised up in wisdom and virtue and good works and (2) until their “name is no longer worshipful on earth or in heaven.”

When the Voice of Jehovih ceased, the false Gods and Goddesses responded, “Thou art just, O Jehovih.” They covenanted unto Jehovih to serve Him forever and acknowledged that they would not “aspire to rise to higher heavens till they have raised up all whom they have led astray.”

The Holy Councils were formed in crescent, so that the throne of God laid betwixt the horns thereof, in order to promote the Voice.

The overlay, Earthly rulers' terms of bondage, describes the process for determining the “just value” owed by former false Gods and “earthly rulers”, whether “be they kings, or queens, or emperors, or presidents, or governors, or legislators, or judges, or popes, or priests, or preachers, or whosoever presumeth to rule over, or to lead, or to exact servitude from others.”

Officers of false Gods established sects

Although in the 1800s the hells of Earth’s lower heavens were cleared away and the major false Gods began their redemption work, there still remained “little heavens” run by rebel officers, which Oahspe calls “petty Gods” or “drujan Gods.” In the 300-400 years leading up to the mid 1800s, many of the officers of the 4 false Gods “had seceded from them, and had set up small heavenly kingdoms of their own.” For the most part, these “little heavens” were “situated on the earth”; “usually these small Gods inhabited the churches where mortals came to worship.” The “preachers” within these churches “fell under the inspiration” of these wandering “petty Gods” and “their gangs of wandering spirits.”

Looeamong’s heavenly kingdoms were split into hundreds of remnants: Oahspe adds that “it came to pass, as had been prophesied of old: Lo, Kriste, here! Lo, Kriste, there!” and as a result, “Looeamong’s heavenly kingdoms” were “split into hundreds of remnants.” The drujan Gods each “rejected Jehovih, but took the name of some one of the four false Gods, and protested that he himself, was the real and true God and Savior.” Then, mortal followers of these drujan Gods did the same thing and that is how humanity ended up with the Presbyterian, the Methodist, the Mormon, the Roman Catholic, etc. They all “professed the true Kriste” and “denounced the others as false”; yet, “none of them practiced righteousness and good works, but were warriors and money-getters, for self sake.”

Sects developed around the false Gods of the East as well; Oahspe adds that the same thing happened in the East to “the heavenly kingdoms of the other false Gods, Brahma, the false, and Budha, the false, so that there were on the earth”, in China, India, Arabia, and Europe, “thousands of petty Gods’ heavenly kingdoms of darkness and misery.”

Christian spirits were tricked into entering the heavenly kingdoms of petty Gods: These “petty Gods had small kingdoms of their own; as a presbyterian heaven; a methodist heaven; a baptist heaven, and so on.” When a mortal died, “his spirit fell into his heaven, where he had lived, becoming a servant to these drujas.” If the spirit of the newly dead cried out, “I want to go to Jesus, I want to go to Kriste, he was shown the drujan God, and told: That is he! The which he would believe to be true” because what is believed on Earth is believed in heaven.

America’s sects of Christianity were especially hostile to one another: Oahspe adds that the drujan Gods’ inspirations over mortals in America were carried to such an extreme that the “mortals of one sect were made hostile, one sect against another.” For example, there was (1) hostility between the catholics and the non-catholics (protestants), (2) hostility between the different types of protestants (presbyterian, methodist, baptist, and so on), and (3) hostility between “all of these and the Jews.” However, by the time that Eskra “overcame, and cast out the four heads of the beast” (the 4 false Gods), “the acrimony existing between the different sects began, suddenly, to die out, and they spake friendly to one another.”

Mormonism: Oahspe specifically mentions a drujan God named Piad who established a sect of Christianity and named it “Mormon.” Piad “located his kingdom on earth with his mortal followers, and he became master over the spirits of his mortal followers in the same way, calling himself, the True Kriste.” Piad taught “that all good Mormons would ultimately attain to rule over some planet and her heavens”, yet “he never permitted the angels of his kingdoms to go out of his reach.” He also taught that the more children a man had, “the greater would be his heavenly kingdom, in time to come” (which is likely why some mormons practiced polygamy until it was outlawed in 1890). Oahspe adds that all of “this was Piad’s scheme, to make his own heavenly kingdom large and powerful.”
Mainstream history: The overlay, translation of The Book of Mormon, provides a brief description of the historical account of an angel named Moroni, which may have been Piad, revealing to Joseph Smith Jr., the founder of Mormonism, that he would translate “The Book of Mormon.”

Book of history & God’s dealings with Americans between 600 BCE-400 CE48

Shaker Heaven: Oahspe specifically mentions another drujan God, named Lowgannus, who established a “Shaker Heaven”, pretended “he was the true Kriste”, and as a result, “his place became a heavenly bondage unto himself.”

Swedenborg heaven: The last drujan God Oahspe specifically mentions is named Sayawan and he called himself “The Lord.” He raised up a mortal to work through, named Swedenborg, and took him “in spirit, subjectively, into many of the lowest heavens and hells” to show him what hell was like for those “that serve not The Lord!” Sayawan added, “this place of darkness is the Brahmin heaven; that place of darkness is the Budhist heaven! But this place of light is my heaven, I, The Lord.” Sayawan established a “Swedenborg heaven” on Earth, which he claimed was “The All Highest Heaven”, and that only the mortals that “looked upon him as the true Kriste” would go there after death.

Mainstream history corroborates that the prolific Swedish inventor and scientist, Emanuel Swedenborg, eventually “entered into a spiritual phase” and claimed he received a revelation that Jesus Christ had appointed him to write “The Heavenly Doctrine” to reform Christianity. He founded “The New Church”, also known as Swedenborgianism50.

The Dawn of Kosmon, 1848

In the “Dawn of Kosmon”, which refers to the first several hundreds years of light that occurs at the beginning of every new cycle, there were 4 conditions prophesied/planned to happen in the new land of America: (1) habitation of North America all the way to the western border (California), (2) heightened spiritual communion, (3) abolition of slavery, and (4) “new discoveries and inventions and books of learning.” It is worth noting that in the past, there were times of either heightened spiritual communion or science, invention, and discovery, but not both at the same time. Yet, as mentioned, in the new age, the Age of Kosmon, it is a time when spiritual and corporeal knowledge are developed simultaneously and are in balance, with neither one being over-emphasized.

(1) Western expansion to the western borders of North America

For this first condition, Oahspe quotes, “Let this, therefore, be the beginning of the kosmon era. My people have settled the whole earth around, from east to west; the lands on the western borders of Guatama have become inhabited.”

According to mainstream history, the first wagon train of settlers left Missouri for California in 184151. In June of 1846, settlers in Northern California’s Sonoma region hoisted the “Bear Flag”; by July, the same flag was raised in Monterey to proclaim an independent California republic52. By February 2, 1848, Mexico signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ceded all of present-day California to the United States53.

(2) Heightened spiritual communion

For this second condition, Oahspe quotes, “Jehovih, through His God, pulled aside the veil of heaven” so that His angels “shall converse with the living” as a way to prove “the immortality of the soul of man” “without books and without arguments.” This is why Eskra and his hosts put so much effort into cleaning up and clearing out Earth’s lower heavens; they dealt with the 4 false Gods and their former subjects in the 1700s and they broke up 24 hells in the 1800s. These things were done in preparation for the opening of “the gates of heaven unto mortals” so that Jehovih’s angels can “meet them, and talk with them, face to face.”

Etherean angels prepared to commune with mortals who were “born for the work”
Oahspe describes a group of ships carrying “etherean archangels” and the “etherean embassadress, Che’sivi’anathaotes” “descending from the higher heavens” like “a sea of fire!” The ships came like “an open ring, to embrace the whole earth” and eventually encircled “all the heavens of Paradise” (the name of Eskra’s kingdom) “in love of the Almighty.”

Oahspe describes Eskra calling on “the legions” of angels who had been in charge of raising up mortals “born for the work of Jehovih’s kingdom”, which refers to clairaudient and clairvoyant (psychic) offspring that resulted from loo’s-inspired marriages.

Open the gates of heaven! Let the angels of heaven speak with mortals … Let the angels come forth in power!

Margaretta, Catherine, Leah Fox56

Fox sisters of Hydesville, New York: Oahspe makes mention of one of the first, or possibly the first, mortals to commune with spirit during this time: “And in Hidesville, in Guatama, on the earth, the angels opened the door in Jehovih’s name, to be not closed again forever, forever!” Oahspe’s chapter notes clarify that this statement was in reference to Margeretta and Catherine Fox, daughters of a Quaker, who in 1848 moved into a house in Hydesville, New York, that was “reputed to be haunted”54. The Fox sisters began communicating with a spirit via “rappings”, learned that the spirit was a man who had been murdered 5 years prior, and got the whole county excited55.

Within the same year, the Fox family moved to Rochester, New York, which happened to be a hotbed for reform and religious activity, and the “spirit rappings” followed them57. News about their abilities spread and by the fall of 1849, with the help of a Quaker couple named Amy and Isaac Post, they held a public seance with over 400 people in attendance58. This time period was a heyday for seances and the 2 youngest sisters, under the management of their eldest sister, Leah, were highly successful mediums for the next 40 years; even within the highest social circles, which included physicists and other types of scientists, psychologists, politicians, even royalty59.

Physicists, psychologists, scientists at seances61

Spiritualism was born: The Fox sisters are credited with contributing to a “mass religious movement” called Spiritualism60; even Oahspe describes this time as, “God giveth a new religion.” Spiritualism did not emphasize doctrines, dogmas, or creeds; in fact, it was intended to remedy how church leaders, who had no “capacity to see and hear the spirits of the dead”, so “no personal knowledge of heaven”, were teaching their congregates that “after death, the soul shall go far away, and to an exalted heaven.” Spiritualism, then, enabled “the angels of your own blood and kin” to prove that the leaders of the churches “preach what ye can not prove” and that the real truth is that “whosoever is bound on earth, is bound in heaven.”

Oahspe adds that the unseen world has “drawn aside the veil of death” so that “the dead are with you”, “sons and daughters, your fathers and mothers”, “the dead and the living, stand face to face.” To the leaders of the churches, the spirits “testify unto you by the thousands… that ye led them astray .. that your doctrines, as ye practice them, are a blasphemy against the Almighty.”

My hosts from heaven shall cause chairs to speak; and inanimate things to walk and dance. The dead shall re-appear to the living, and talk with them face to face, and eat and drink, and prove themselves to the children of earth, and make My kingdoms (the upper heavens) known.

March 31, 1848 was sanctified as “Holy Veil Day” according to Oahspe: “Jehovih, through His God, pulled aside the veil of heaven, saying: Let My angels forth; together shall converse the living and the dead”, “the day when the angels of heaven were made known to mortals.”

Remember this day, and keep it holy, to the end of the world. for, without books and without arguments, behold, I have proven unto you the immortality of the soul of man!

Mainstream history: Like Holy Compact Day, Holy Veil Day is also not considered a national holiday; in fact, “Holy Veil Day” is not considered a holiday at all. March 31 is, however, considered National Prom Day, Crayon Day, Tater Day, and during certain years, it is Easter62.

(3) Abolition of slavery in America

Runaway slave reward poster63

Eskra set out to liberate slaves: It was mentioned earlier that in spite of angelic hosts’ attempts during the Constitutional Convention to dissuade the inclusion of the “three-fifths clause” and the “fugitive slave clause”, the 2 clauses made it into the Constitution. By the beginning of the Age of Kosmon (1848), there were 4 million “people of bondage” in the new Republic (US). The true God of Earth, Eskra, determined that the slaves “must be liberated” and in doing so, the spiritual debt incurred by this “grave injustice” would be repaid in full.

Eskra selected former slave owner angels to lead the effort to end slavery: For angelic assistance, Eskra consulted his “chief mathematician in the Holy Council” to determine that the former rulers Xerxes of Persia and Leonidas of Greece had the greatest number of slaves during their Earth lives, so they were ideal angelic leaders to “descend to the earth, to these barbarians, and liberate their slaves.” Each of these leaders brought with them to Earth an angel host of “a thousand million.”

Mortals started the Civil War: Eskra withdrew the ashars (guardian angels) who had been holding guard over mortals in the US so that “for a season, they shall dwell in drujan darkness”; “straightaway a war ensued betwixt the owners of the slaves and the neighboring states.”

According to mainstream history, the Southern Confederate states started the war in 1861 with intent to assert their authority over the federal government and abolish federal laws that threatened their “southern institutions”65, which included states’ rights (to own slaves), their right to personal property (which included slaves), their right to pursue opportunities to achieve and sustain economic independence (based on slavery), and their right to westward expansion (with their slaves).

Angels inspired mortals’ consideration of righteousness: The “Gods and angels, high in the grades” witnessed “the play of mortal death” so they could “determine how best to win to liberty and to Jehovih, the inhabitants of this great land”, which meant that while the angels inspired the winning of the war, they also set out to “make mortals see the triumph of righteousness.” The angels witnessed 2 “million men in arms, pushing on in war on ever side, coursing the rich soil in mortal blood”, yet “neither side had defined its principles, or taken stand for righteousness sake”; they just laid “in death tens of thousands, and tens of thousands” in “fearful destruction.”

Angels failed to inspire the Southern Confederate states : To remedy, Eskra sent the angels of the former Persian and Greek rulers, Xerxes and Leonidas, down to mortals in America so that “by inspiration and by dreams and by visions, they could tell them that whoso professes the earth, battles in vain and whoso professes righteousness in Jehovih’s name, shall win”, but the mortals would not hear. Oahspe adds that “even the chief general, on liberty’s side, closed his soul against Jehovih” and “enforced slavery with his mighty army.” Although it seemed as if “Only death can reach these people, or make them behold my hand,” the angels did not give up; instead, they were sent “over all the north regions” to “inspire them, to call out for liberty.”

Mainstream history: Both sides of the Civil War fought in the name of freedom from the beginning, just not freedom for slaves. The Southern Confederate states fought for southern independence and many southerns viewed slavery as a “foundation of liberty66.” The Northern Union fought to “preserve the United States”, the “beacon of liberty and freedom to the human race”; the “last, best hope of earth.” Eventually, however, the Northern Union concluded that the only way forward in “securing the Union as the embodiment of liberty” was by the destruction of slavery67. And the only way to do that was to invade the South, defeat the Confederate armies, and occupy the Southern territory68.

Angels successfully inspired the Northern Union to consider slavery: Angelic hosts overspread the north “to inspire mortals to a more heavenly stand, to make them see justice and liberty.” After 100 days, “many mortals were too gross in the earth to comprehend.” Finally, Xerxes withdrew ashars (guardian angels) from New York, leaving “the city in the hand of drujas.” The city “plunged in hell, and the people were as a mad people, wild and fearful”; yet, still, the angels were told to “go once more, and inspire mortals to rise to the light of My will.”

The angels continued to overrun the land “inspiring mortals day and night to demand freedom of slaves” until finally, the visiting etherean Embassadress advised the hosts to “Number ye the mortals, north and south, as to their majority voice for freedom.” After “the Gods numbered the mortals and graded them, they discovered that the majority had turned to freedom’s side”, which meant it was time for the next phase. Jehovih, through the Holy Council, notified the Embassadress that it was time to “Take thine own inspiring host, and go down to the earth, to Washington, to Lincoln, the president, and hold this matter up to him, that he may understand Me. For he is not bound in doctrines. For which reason My angels made him president, and for this purpose which I have in hand.”

New York City “plunged in hell” refers to “draft riots” that occurred during the Civil War in 1863. Although mainstream history admits that the riots were as much about race and class as they were the draft, these riots were the largest civil insurrection in America to date.

1860s work depicting divination of Lincoln & Washington69

Angels finalized Lincoln’s decision to abolish slavery: Jehovih, through the Holy Council, prophesied that “it shall come to pass that Lincoln will hear thee, and he shall resolve in his own mind freedom for the slaves”; however, “he will seek for some external sign, fearing he may have mistaken the angels that minister unto him.” The angels went to Lincoln “in a vision, like a dream” and told him they had come “in Jehovih’s name for freedom’s sake” and that “millions of his angels look down from heaven, and would come to thy armies, if thou wouldst but proclaim freedom to the slaves.” Lincoln was troubled by the dream, so the angels came again the next night with the same message and added that, “The great majority of the country is ripe for this matter. Thou fearest that this is but a foolish dream… we will give thee proof tomorrow.”

The “seeress, Nettie Mainard, through whom spirits spake in her entrancement” happened to live nearby in Washington. The angels spoke through her to a man named Kase: “Go thou, and fetch the president into presence of this woman.” Kase did as requested and when Nettie the seeress was in front of Lincoln, “the angel of Jehovih entranced her” and told him, “We said, we would give thee proof to-morrow. Behold, we repeat unto thee, Jehovih is in this matter. Unless, thou proclaimest the freedom of the slaves thou shalt not succeed. Do thou this, and the enemy’s armies shall melt away like snow in the sun.”

Abraham Lincoln: Mainstream history says that years after the Civil War, Colonel Simon P. Case came forward and testified that during his visits to Washington as a government contractor, he orchestrated at least 2 meetings between Lincoln and psychics/mediums, with one of those being with Nettie Colburn70.
Oahspe’s chapter notes adds that both Lincoln and his wife, Mary Todd, were “prophetic”, meaning they could hear and/or see the unseen. Lincoln wrote a letter in 1864 claiming that it was not he who controlled the events of the war; rather it was a higher power71. History also confirms that Lincoln and his wife, later in life, were drawn to Spiritualism.

Legend of Lincoln's ghost face
Law of One claims Lincoln was a walk-in

Lincoln issued a wartime measure, the Emancipation Proclamation: Lincoln “sent straight away, and proclaimed freedom to the whole four million slaves”, which refers to Lincoln’s issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 186375. The overlay, Lincoln's spiritual perspective, provides additional historical information that seemingly corroborates Oahspe’s claim that Lincoln’s decision regarding slavery was indeed divinely inspired.

January 1, 1863 sanctified as “Fallen Sword’s Day”: Oahspe adds that the day whereby “general slavery was dealt the final blow” was sanctified as “the Fallen Sword’s Day”, the “day of proclamation of freedom.”

Mainstream history: It appears that only the NAACP honors January 1, the day the Emancipation Declaration was signed, as “Jubilee Day”81.

The North won the war: Oahspe’s account of the end of the Civil War is from the perspective of the spirit realm. The former Persian king, Xerxes, told the former Greek leader, Leonidas, “Thou, great conquerer, thou shalt conquer me again”, which referred to their mortal battle back in 480 BCE when Leonidas’ small Spartan army defeated Xerxes’ large Persian army, at the hands of the false Gods. With that, Leonidas used his “thousand million angels” to inspire the mortal armies of the north to victory by giving them “strength and courage as they have not before manifested.” At the same time, Xerxes’ hosts inspired the mortal armies of the south “to believe they were conquered, and so make them flee before thy soldiers.” As a result, “the northern armies ran forth over the enemy’s country as if war were but play; and the southern armies vanished, disarming themselves, and returning to their homes”; “The slaves were free!”

I come in kosmon not to free only the corporeal man, but the spiritual man. I raised My hand against a God being founded in their constitution; neither will I have them to fight battles for Me. The past is past; angels and mortals shall be free!

(4) Mortals inspired toward inventions, discovery, and learning

Second Industrial Revolution: Now for the fourth and final condition prophesied/planned to occur during the “Dawn of Kosmon”, which is the first several hundred years of light at the beginning of a new cycle. Oahspe states that “in the thirty-second year of the kosmon era”, which would have been 1880, “the nations shall be quickened with new light; for kosmon cometh out of the midst. And my etherean hosts shall press upon the understanding of men, and they shall fill all the nations and kingdoms with new discoveries and inventions and books of learning.” Interestedly, John Ballou Newbrough published Oahspe some time in 1881 after 50 weeks of automatic writing.

Mainstream history refers to the 1880s as the height of the Second Industrial Revolution (1870-1914), which fueled what is referred to as the “Gilded Age” (1870-1900)82. While Oahspe says that in 1880, “the nations shall be quickened with new light”, Thomas Edison literally invented the lightbulb and made it commercially viable within the first few months of 188083 and was lighting up parts of New York City by 188284. Other inventions included the telephone, phonograph, and the Kodak Camera plus the building of National Roads, the Panama Canal, Erie Canal85.

Kosmon, the time to develop the mind and the spirit: Oahspe adds that it was also said of this last condition that “men shall be conceited of themselves above all the ages past, and shall deny Me and quarrel with My name, and cast Me out”; however, for the first time ever, because it was the Age of Kosmon, the time of heightened scientific discovery was accompanied by a time of heightened spiritual communion, which would help to counter-balance the conceit. Jehovih’s “hosts of heaven shall cause babes and fools to confound the wise, by signs and miracles” that will “encompass the whole earth around” and “set at naught the philosophies of men and the idolatries of the ancients.”

Former Persian and Greek rulers, Xerces and Leonidas, inspire the Olympic Games: After Xerxes’ and Leonidas’ involvement with the Civil War, Leonidas said, “It will be revealed before long that we have been here with our angel hosts”, which referred to the fact that Greek and Persian angels had helped mortals of America in the Civil War. To provide “testimony of this”, Leonidas suggested they “allot a number of our angels to remain a season with mortals” and “inspire them to athletic sports peculiar to the Argos’yans and Parsi’e’ans” (Greeks and Persians). Xerxes agreed and they asked for 600,000 angel volunteers in which they received, officered, and distributed “in such way that their inspiration should develop mortals in health, strength and endurance, by means of athletic games.” This is how “it came to pass that the angels of heaven established athletic games amongst this people, far and near” to which Jehovih said, “Even in this shall man behold the Cause of causes which liveth behind all things done on the earth.”

The last event of the Dawn of Kosmon was a third resurrection (aka harvest). Eskra, the God of Earth for the previous cycle, was finally “relieved of his arduous toils over the earth and her heavens.” The overlay, third resurrection (harvest), describes how 11 fire-ships carrying more than 40,000 million angels, “who had witnessed the birth of the kosmon era, for the angels and mortals of this world”, rose up and departed to the higher heavens.

Mainstream history: There were ancient Games in Olympia from about 776 BCE – 393 CE, but then no games for 1,500 years. In 1894, a French aristocrat, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, lead the effort to bring back a modern version of the Games. The first Olympic Games occurred in 1896 in Athens, Greece and had the largest international participation of any sporting event to that date86. Fourteen nations participated and although the Civil War ended in 1865, the United States was the only non-European country to participate. Of the 241 male athletes, 65% were Greek. Greece won the most medals overall with 47, but the United States won the most gold medals with 1187.

The Kosmon Era, a caste-less amalgamation of chosen people

Oahspe reflects on how Jehovih, through His angels, worked individually with the Israelites of the Middle East, the Chinese of China, and the Vind’yans (Indians of India), but now in the Kosmon Era, Jehovih, “come not to an exclusive people, but to the combination of all peoples commingled together as one people.”

The Israelites were told to “Keep yourselves as a separate people!”, but later, their work “was to travel westward, and establish Me, the All One”. The Israelites did come “westward, and fulfilled My commandments. Wherefore I have blessed them.”
The inhabitants of China were told, “Let the follower of Chine (Chinese prophet of 1400 BCE) keep themselves as an exclusive people”, and their work “was to establish Me, the All One, and to demonstrate the most numerous people in all the world united as one people, peacefully.” The Chinese “have accomplished their work. And I blessed them.”
Within Vind’yu (India) was “established a mighty people with a multiplicity of Gods and languages” and their work was “to preserve My revelations of some of the divisions in My heavens above; and to prove, in after-time, things that I had revealed to the ancients. They have accomplished their work also, and I have blessed them.”
Reflections of region-specific objectives in preparation for the Kosmon Era

“There shall be no cast amongst My people.” Jehovih’s “chosen shall be of the amalgamated races, who choose Me. And these shall become the best, most perfect of all peoples on the earth. And they shall not consider race or color, but health and nobleness as to the mortal part; and as to spirit, peace, love, wisdom and good works, and one Great Spirit only.”

Holy Kosmon Day: Oahspe adds and a fourth and final sanctified day called “Holy Kosmon Day”, but this day was “commanded to be secret with the Faithists for a certain period of time”, which by 1881, had “not expired to this day.” It was encouraged that on this day, ideally “large congregations on earth may be met by My organic heavens, in re-union, mortals and angels, for happiness of both, and for the glory of My works.”

In the Age of Kosmon, man will be born “skeptical to the ancient doctrines, Gods, Lords, and Saviors” for they will know and feel that a new era is at hand. Just like the Creator spoke “unto the ancients .. things that were good for them, even so will I speak to My chosen in the kosmon era that which is good for them also.” Mankind “shall have the testimony of all speculation and philosophies before him, together with the fruits thereof” so that he may “judge that which is good by the evidence of past practices.” The expandable section below provides a side-by-side comparison of the way things were compared to how they will be.

Expand for side-by-side comparison of spirituality in the Age of Seffas vs. Kosmon...
In the past, during the Age of Seffas…Now, as of 1848, in the Age of Kosmon
No more commanding Gods, Saviors, Lords, or archangels with certain commandments, prayers, and rules for how to be saved from sin. Jehovih will come to man’s understanding; man shall interpret Jehovih’s words as He speaks to his own soul.
No more dependence on the dictation of priests, preachers, sacred books.“All these things of heaven and earth shall be made plain to man in kosmon” so that man may comprehend “with his own judgment, and not according to what any other man saith My revelations are.”
No more revelations from prophets or Gods about “Thou shalt do this”, “thou shalt not believe that”, etc.“With his own eyes he shall behold the justice of his Creator.” Mankind will have free will to determine what to believe, what not believe, what to do, and what not do.
No more required adherence to the ancient doctrines nor rites and ceremonies of established Gods and Saviors.Mankind shall apply with judgment the ways in which Jehovih “ministered unto the races of man” in ancient times. If one strives for Jehovih in doing good unto others, they are Jehovih’s chosen even if they “accept not My name.”
No more confessions of sins nor prayers to Saviors, priests, or rab’bahs for oneself or one’s neighbor to be helped or saved.“Every man shall pray for himself, in his own way, and confess his sins unto Me for forgiveness” requiring “no leader, nor any one to think for another; nor to abandon one’s own judgement contrary to wisdom and truth.”
Rather than ask priest to pray for neighbor, “go in person, and help him with his own hands.”
No more “inquisitors” watching what others do, or say, or intimate with judgment. See the good and positive in others and speak to others with respect. No 2 men see the same thing alike, allow all men to have full liberty to think on all subjects in their own way.
No more loo’is raising up certain mortals to reveal His commandments unto others.Jehovih’s “light shall fall upon the thousands and thousands” with all their “many varieties of talents.”
Loo’is will be appointed “unto millions of mortals” and their offspring will be “the best of men, and wise and charitable and most considerate of the opinions of others”; born knowing “a new era is at hand” and “born skeptical to the ancient doctrines, Gods, Lords, and Saviors.”
No longer will a man involuntarily serve another nor be afraid when the priest speaks.Man will hold his head up fearlessly before men and practice living lovingly.
The “preacher and priest shall be of little avail” because the standard will be about “good works, and not of words.”
Jehovih will no longer “be unto individuals only” or “send unto nations separately.” Jehovih shall send unto the whole world.
Whichever nations embrace Jehovih, He will embrace. Nations with ports and lands open to all will be protected, prosper, become numerous, and have learning, inventions, and discoveries.
Earth’s heavens shall be opened and the angels will descend to the earth to make themselves known to mortals.
No longer will Jehovih’s non-resistant nations be seen as “weak”; they have neither kings, nor armies, nor rigid laws!”Jehovih’s prophets will say to the kings with mighty armies that they are the weakest “and those that have no armies are the strongest. And their prophecies shall not fail.”
As above, so below: whatever applies in Earth’s heavens also applies down on Earth and vice versa. These rules apply to both individual and nations as a whole:
— Whomever kings, queens, rich men, and leaders sought to lead down on Earth, they will be bound to in heaven until they undo their tyranny; they will not attain resurrection “until the lowest of their subjects have risen before them.”
— Whosoever opens his soul in love and harmony to others on Earth shall find love and harmony in heaven.

  17. n/a
  28. fiveFactsEastIndiaSrc:
  29. indiaIndependenceSrc:,midnight%20on%20August%2015%2C%201947.
  30. east India source:
  31. opiumTradeSrc:
  48. The Book of Mormon image:
  64. Leonidas:
  82. EnlightenmentSource:,free%20thought%20and%20religious%20freedom.